This was the origins of marriage before Christianity brought in priesthood and church weddings. It was the promising of marriage between a man and a woman. To quote from the ancient ritual: Handfasting is the eternal joining of two people in love. It is a sacred ceremony of commitment presided over by a High Priestess. Best performed at a time of sunrise or sunset where the sun and moon are present in the joining of two lovers. See images of handfasting
But prior to this statement handfasting was done without any priest or priestess.
If you dream of handfasting it shows a real commitment – but as the church ceremony says, “Who God has joined together let no man break asunder.” There is no mention of any priest of priestess – it was the flow of love between them that creates the bond; and presumably if there is no love there can be no bond.
The great bond is when the spiritual marriage takes place within you – this is the marriage between your conscious self and the spirit.