Often a messenger or a far seeing creature. Because it flies high it has an overview of what it surveys. It can therefore signify the spirit or the flight of the soul.
But it is also a hunter and can attack, so can be seen as in opposition to the victim predator theme.
See: Eagle.
In some dreams it is shown as a eye that sees all, and also the trained intuition that sees more than the physical eyes.
I realised he was like a wild bird, a hawk flying high across Peaks. His mind soared across concepts in which many people remained their whole life. His vision encompassed a wideness I had never previously met. So, for me he was a teacher, a master revealing dimensions of life I had not guessed at.
Here is another man’s vision of what the hawk means.
In one moment it brought together all that I had experienced in the past and previous times of vision. It encompassed enormous amounts of information in simple words. The words now, without the vision seem empty. But as it was happening I could see the vast sweeps of time and how the individual human life is woven into the whole pattern of events, and how the present life is in every way an extension of that weaving. This opened a view that I had never seen before, as an expression, in ordinary or extraordinary human events, of these vast sweeps of history, of how huge dramas are involved in the most simple of human events. I saw that when our vision expands, when, like a great hawk our awareness soars above this moment, and takes in the huge horizons that stretch away from this time, this place, this period of our life, we gain a vision of tremendous context, tremendous background for all that surrounds us and we experience. In fact this ‘context’ was so enormous I could, even with this wide view, not grasp it all.
But a hawk is also a hunter and can attack, so can be seen as in opposition to the victim predator theme. So can be grasping and attacking. See: Eagle.
Useful questions and hints:
What was the hawk doing – attacker, seer, wise or hunter?
Did you feel anything in the dream?
Was the hawk a source of wonder or of fear?
See Martial Art of the Mind – Secrets of Power Dreaming – Associations Working With – Inner World
I had a very upsetting dream this past night about a hawk. I was standing on rt 611(north bound) & I saw my father was on the opposite side of the road(south bound). He was a spirit because he died & when he told me he had to go & that he loved me I was absolutely crushed. To his left I saw God standing with him, he was very tall & broad in stature. On his right shoulder a giant hawk sat & it was very calm. I was upset I wouldn’t see my father & I didn’t understand how he had died, as his spirit was the first to tell me this. The hawk in the dream was a red tailed hawk & it was the size of a turkey vulture.
This dream is causing me worry. I dreamt of a weak hawk that had been hurt and i was nursing it back to health it was completely wild and had no problem biting at me or anything but i loved it and i was outside with it when i notoced all its feathers were gone, it could no longer fly.. And when i tried to help it, wolves surrounded us they were vicious in nature. There were four i think all just circling us about to hunt us, i managed to get us back inside but i couldnt close the door entirely to keep them out – i woke up before they completely overtook me.
I had a strange dream last evening. I had gotten in my car, started it & began to drive. Out from underneath the hood of my car came 2 hawks and they hesitated for a minute and just flew off. It occurred 2 more times and each time it was 2 hawks. I was at awe. What could that possibly mean??
Dear Doreen – The way I see your dream is that this is about you becoming aware of the wonder of our Life Process; that is why you experienced being at awe.
Our life process is intelligent in a way beyond rational thought. It is always taking in more information – masses of it daily – and computing best ways of surviving, or growing, or unfolding innate potential, of becoming free from restrictions and limitations.
So I see your dream also as a way to explore how to interact with the wonderful processes of mind and body – with Life.
The association I have with the hawks coming out from underneath the hood of your car – where the engine is – is that they can function like a “search engine”; like messengers.
But please also explore your own associations with your dream symbols using
There are many ways to learn to interact with your Life Process and receive Its messages like
Anna 🙂
I dreamt of 16 hawks flying over my childhood home. I counted how many hawks in my dream because I was waiting for a message from them and felt that the number would be significant. I followed the hawks as they soared thru the sky I was searching for my answer. Then the hawks seemed to multiply and come together in the shape of an arrow. The arrow shape pointed to my grandmothers home which is next door to my parents. The song I could hear in my head was a catholic hymn about god. Looking to get some insight as to what this might mean?
Hello Tony…I too had a dream involving a beautiful Hawk. This is not the first time but similar to one I’ve had previously. (I have had one land on top of my head before in past dreams).The dream took place in nature as I was sitting upon a rock admiring my surroundings. I heard the sound of wings flying through the air and without having to see what kind of bird it was, I knew it was a Hawk that had landed upon my head. I could feel every aspect of my Hawk brother. The weight of the bird, the sharp talons, as well as the love and kinship it possessed. I sat totally still not wanting to scare this beautiful family member. I could see his talons in front of my nose as he stretched his toes and re-positioned them upon my head and shoulders. Then, I believe for a moment, the Hawk was no longer there, and replaced by a Native man in full regalia. He told me his name but I do not fully recall it. It was very long and began with the “Wa-Ha” something, something. It was a very long name and of indigenous dialect. I felt as if the Hawk and Native man were one and the same. Shapeshifter or simply symbolic, I can not say. The dream ended soon after he spoke his name and said something to the effect, “this is how we do it with all the men” or “with the man”…I would like your input on what this dream state encounter may be trying to communicate….Peace & Many Blessings
Hello brother Tony…I too had a dream involving a beautiful Hawk. This is not the first time but similar to one I’ve had previously. (I have had one land on top of my head before in past dreams).The dream took place in nature as I was sitting upon a rock admiring my surroundings. I heard the sound of wings flying through the air and without having to see what kind of bird it was, I knew it was a Hawk that had landed upon my head. I could feel every aspect of my Hawk brother. The weight of the bird, the sharp talons, as well as the love and kinship it possessed. I sat totally still not wanting to scare this beautiful family member. I could see his talons in front of my nose as he stretched his toes and re-positioned them upon my head and shoulders. Then, I believe for a moment, the Hawk was no longer there, and replaced by a Native man in full regalia. He told me his name but I do not fully recall it. It was very long and began with the “Wa-Ha” something, something. It was a very long name and of indigenous dialect. I felt as if the Hawk and Native man were one and the same. Shapeshifter or simply symbolic, I can not say. The dream ended soon after he spoke his name and said something to the effect, “this is how we do it with all the men” or “with the man”…I would like your input on what this dream state encounter may be trying to communicate….Peace & Many Blessings
In my dream I saw a white hawk siting in the snow next to a fir.
We had eye contact for a moment, than it flew up into a nest where an other, I think Female hawk and a smaller younger , maybe their offspring, were sitting. Then suddenly the young hawk rouse up to fly away. Through the whole dream I had a peacefu lfeeling.
What could it mean?
Sorry for my English …
I dreamed that I saw a hawk swooping around the yard. It landed on the porch and I saw that it was a very young bird. I slid open the door and invited it into the house. It walked in and I picked it up and petted it and talked to it for a few minutes. I knew that it wasn’t good for the bird to be inside so I opened the door and let it fly back out. The young bird didn’t seem to appear as a predator. What could it mean?
in my dream the hawk just kept wanting to hold on to me. not in a mean or scary way. I was only afraid he would scratch me by accident. but every time we would get him to let go of me he would grab back on to me. He looked sad and seemed like he just wanted me to hold him..
Extreme despair:
Last night’s dream has left me quite upset this morning.
I was nursing an injured hawk back to health in a cage by feeding it mice. My wife and I were away on weekend getaway but I had to get back to take care of the hawk. She was unhappy but the hawk was so important to me. I got back to a place that was my home but I was very discontent there. I fed the hawk and took it outside in the cage as it tore into a mouse. I felt a connection with the hawk. I thought it well enough to be freed so I opened the cage. I looked in the sky and noticed the birds were very disturbed, I then noticed owls flying around this large tree stirring up the smaller birds. At this point, the hawk flew weakly to the tree, up high. Then out of the sky, an eagle swooped down and grabbed the hark by its wing and started flying off with it. I was in major anguish and followed them as the hawk struggled in the eagles talons. The eagle, unable to continue flight landed near a fence where it was going to dispatch the hawk. I made it over to them before the hawk was killed and stepped on the neck of the eagle with the intent to kill it. The hawk was injured badly and the dream faded out. This has ruined my day completely.
J Lee – I feel we all need a lot of education about what dreams are and what part they play in our life. So please read – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
The dream world is a very different world and works in a totally different way than the waking world of the body world. Every aspect of a dream is about our own inner world, and is about how we use, face, or deal with the energy we are and express. For example you express enormous amount of your energy every day – the basic expenditure is movement and keeping your temperature even. Then you can express it as sex, hunger, emotion, fear, anger . joy, speaking, thinking and even dreaming. So if you can, do you see what your dream is saying about how you are dealing with your energy and inner world? See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
It paints a picture of you feeling over anxious about a weak part of you that is actually trying to transform. You were okay when the hawk tore into the mouse and transformed it into a hawk, but you were so protective of a weak part of you that you could face the reality that death of one form is a transformation into another. You have the strength to be an eagle, not a weak hawk that needed protection and kept in a cage.
There is only ONE life form on this earth. We all developed from single celled creature into the wonderful an multiformed creature on earth. We are all so locked in the little world of our personality and its concerns that we cannot see what is in front of us in the form of LIFE. The fact is that Life gives itself to Life every day. And it is in that way that a balanced ecosystem is formed. Death is only a terrible threat to humans. But even to us if we actually meet it face to face it transforms into beauty.
So your eagle, which is actually a part of you, you wanted to kill it, when in fact it would have transformed the weak hawk into an eagle. Your fear and apprehension probably is something set in you from childhood. See http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/animal-children/#Program
Thank you for your reply Tony, sorry I’ve not responded sooner.
Last night, the hawk came back. I was outside with loved ones when I noticed it circling in the sky. I started whistling for it and those around me thought it silly. I extended my arms and it began to descend. I was fearful of its talons but still kept my arm out. It landed on my arm very gently, my eyes focused in the long sharp talons that it kept away from my skin. It was beautiful, the people around me were shocked. It allowed me to preen the feathers around its face with my fingers and seemed to tilt its head for more as if it were enjoying it. Although we couldn’t communicate, we understood each other on a primal level. I sent it on its way and those around me were in disbelief…I then summoned it back and it returned to me.
I always admired hawks but never gave them much thought. It’s odd how this animal has come to symbolize my fears and my pride. I guess certain things are chosen for us.
J Boy – Your fears centre around a wild and untamed part of you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/ it starts of with the reptilian brain, but reptiles and birds are similar – see the scales on birds legs.
You can see it means you now harm. But if you want to find out what it really is try http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
An impressive dream.