Horse Horses
There is not so much difference between the horse and the dog. They are both domesticated animals, and so represent urges and drives in ourselves we have learned to harness or direct. The big difference is that the horse can carry us and serve us in our labours much more powerfully than a dog.
For myself I feel the horse is the most beautiful and loved herbivore.
The dream horse also depicts or expresses our pleasurable energy and exuberance, the sort of enthusiasm or feelings of well-being that can ‘carry’ one through the day easily; dynamic sexual drive; the physical energy and life processes that ‘carry’ us around. As such it may also link with the life processe. Horses like other animals are quick to respond to love and danger. So they can be panicked and you can feel the effect of this part of you. See Mammal Brain
The energy that carry – or pull – us through growth and ageing, as happens when we dream of a horse drawn carriage or cart. Therefore in old age the unbidden processes which move us toward death may be depicted as the horse in a threatening or helpful role. The horse depicts human instincts that have been harnessed or socialised for generations, but have perhaps been let slide into non-use or crushed. It is also survival drive, sexuality, love, all yearning toward service, toward metamorphosis, all that has powerful energy to move us.
A horse or a man on a horse can sometimes signify a messenger or a message.
In his book Dreams and Dreaming, Norman MacKenzie says the horse ‘… is dynamic power and a means of locomotion; it carries one away like a surge or instinct. It is subject to panics like all instinctive creatures which lack higher consciousness. Also it has to do with sorcery and magic spells, especially the black, night horse, which heralds death.’ In a woman’s dream the horse can sometimes represent her relationship with a man and the power and strength she gets from that, as in the following dream.
Example: As I talked to the pale golden horse it felt more and more as if I was talking to a male companion who was in union with me. As I talked about my mother, she was standing before me in full anger and blaming me for bringing out the witch in her. H.
Example: A rather shadowy man in a building opposite to where I used to live as a teenager was introducing me to a new job. I seemed to understand that I was to do a milk-round. He led a small horse from out of the building. It was to draw a cart. When the horse saw me it ran to me and become very excited and loving, rubbing against me and licking me with a very long tongue. I was both pleased and slightly threatened. Threatened because it was so intense. At one point though we rubbed against each other with a degree of sexual pleasure.
I believe many young girls feel totally as if they are fully connected and loved as the photo illustrates.
But our dream horse can be a wonderful guide and mirror for us.
Example: I love horses too and they are great teachers, for they mirror what goes on inside us. I used to ride horses for many years and when I was not convinced about what I asked the horse to do, it would not consider me as its leader and was more likely to refuse to do what I had asked. Their sensing is perfectly developed. Anna, A few weeks ago I saw a documentation about Buck Brannaman. He says –
“Your horse is a mirror to your soul, and sometimes you may not like what you see. Sometimes, you will.” So says Buck Brannaman, a true American cowboy and sage on horseback who travels the country for nine grueling months a year helping horses with people problems.
Black or dark horse: Unaccepted passions; threat of death. The unknown parts of your tremendous energy arising out of unconscious processes. The dream horse represents the very long history we have had with horses, through peace and terrible wars there are very long associations we have with them. It shares all that with us and so can be realisations emerging from our long past. Or it can represent threatening changes. Riding a black horse can represent the amazing energy used to bring awareness of things that had been unconscious into consciousness.
Blinkered horse: Not allowing oneself to see what is happening around you; anxiety about life, or an attempt to control ones natural anxiety or panics.
Controlling the horse or fear of it: Trying to control, or fear of, feelings of love and sexuality, of our own natural drives and emotions that are powerful enough either to give us motivation in our activities, or drag us along unwillingly.
Dead horse: Serious loss of energy or motivation which could lead to illness or depression; an old and dying set of habits and motivations or way of life.
Falling off horse: Relating badly to ones urges and needs. This could result in tension, breakdown or illness.
Grooming a horse: Taking care of ones basic needs such as food, shelter, sex.
Horse and carriage: The natural processes of life that move us through youth to old age; forces that can move us, either from within or as natural events, but which, if we are relating well to the horse, we can guide in some measure. It can also indicate the inner power which brings thoughts to awareness, things you might be blocking to think about. The horses represent the power which draws the mind.
Horse dragging the dreamer along: Impetuosity of feelings; feelings dragged along by natural urges.
Horse loving you or expressing sexual feelings: The flow of positive and natural sexuality and warmth from within.
Horse race: The events of everyday life, and your relationship with people; everyday competition and where you rate yourself in it; what happens in the race shows how you are relating to opportunity, or how you feel about your accomplishments and being part of the ‘human race’.
Horse running freely: Allowing ones emotions or sexuality free reign; love of life.
Horse unwilling to move or carry: Your inner natural reaction is against the action or direction you are trying to go. Sometimes this is a warning that you should not go in that direction.
Horseshoe: Good luck, receptivity if prongs upwards; bad luck or lack of receptiveness if prongs downwards.
Large horse: Enormous energy.
New born horse: Emerging energy or new motivations.
Old or worn out horse: State of your feelings, perhaps worn out from overwork; may refer to a member of the family.
Riderless horse: Sometimes represents the death of someone, as in the following example.
Example: “I dreamed that I was awakened by the sound of a horse’s hooves in the street. I saw a white horse, with no rider, stopping at midnight in front of our house. I knew it came for my younger sister. I went to the door and opened it to call her, when suddenly I saw her coming down the stairs, all dressed in white. She did not say a word to me, but walked with stately steps down the stairs, through the hall, and out of the door. She mounted the horse and rode away. I woke up crying.” The woman’s sister died a month later.
Riding or leading horse easily: Good relationship with inner drives and emotions; the harmony between instinctive drives and personality.
Running away from a horse or horsemen: Fear of sexuality, which includes responsibility for parenthood and relationship. Fear of ones own strong desires or urges; avoiding the responsibility of directing ones own feelings and desires.
Sick or dying horse: Loss of health, energy, enthusiasm. Have a physical check.
Speaking horse: Realisation of what you are feeling but have not been aware of; expression of levels of feeling or body processes usually unconscious.
Strange or unknown horseman/woman: Message from the unconscious; a new opportunity or event.
Struggling to control the horse: Fighting with ones urges and natural drives; difficulty in controlling ones emotions or sexuality.
The mare: femininity, receptiveness, fertility or a woman.
The stallion: masculinity, power and virility or a man.
This energy wave rises, but in fulfilling itself in genital sex the wave falls again, self-awareness with it. However, if the energy is released, and yet not allowed to spill out in the full sexual release, the energy keeps on rising – flying in fact – lifting awareness with it, until it becomes a vast awareness of life and death. The white horse can have a similar meaning. For instance a woman turning her love of her children into social caring suggests a way of expression that goes beyond personal drives or the instinctive urges toward personal survival. She ‘flies up’ into a wider social context. See: Cayce, Edgar.
In mythology Pegasus was born from the blood when Perseus cut off Medusa’s head. Pegasus then lived roaming freely until Bellerophon caught him with a golden bridle given him by Athena. Bellerophon went through adventures such as the slaying of chimera with the help of Pegasus. But Bellerophon tried to ride Pegasus to Mount Olympus (Heaven) but Zeus caused Pegasus to throw him off and fall back to Earth.
However Pegasus arrived at Mount Olympus where he served Zeus. The symbolic meaning of this is that when the uncontrolled and undirected processes of thought and intellect are stilled a new level of experience or energy is released. This new way of relating to sexuality or life energy can uplift or expand consciousness to the point where we arrive at cosmic consciousness. But the old human personality cannot manage this and falls away as a new being emerges. Chimera, the destructive and illusory view of life arising from a purely sensory view of life is killed in the process. See: cosmic consciousness.
Thrown from horse: It depends on who is thrown from the horse and why. In general though it suggests that the instinctive or spontaneous life force has cast off an attitude that is restraining it, or not dealing with it well. One dreamer who saw a man thrown from a white horse realised that it showed how, “The forces of restraint, moral, sexual, worldly active that I have been imposing on myself have been thrown off.”
Tied up horse: Inhibition; need for release of feelings and allowing freedom of expression to feelings and creativity.
Training a horse: Developing new habits; directing your energies in a socially acceptable way; learning to direct sexual and emotional energy.
Uneasy on ride: being taken for a ride; feeling ones emotions or natural urges are dominating.
White horse: Changing sexual drive into love and wider awareness; a meeting with expanded awareness of yourself.
Wild horse: Undirected energy; sexuality which might not take care of personal or interpersonal needs.
Working horse: The energy or motivation needed to work; how you feel about yourself, that you are only a work-horse, or perhaps treated as such.
The astrological sign of Sagittarius is depicted by the half human half horse. Sagittarius, the Archer, is a ‘Mutable’ ‘Fire’ sign. In it the free, unrestrained activities of Aries which became ‘fixed’ qualities in Leo, now become balanced and harmonised, and work toward high aims. It is represented in the Zodiac as a Centaur-like being, half human, half animal, turning to shoot an arrow at the ‘Scorpion.’ The Sagittarian is said to have high ideals and philosophy, prophetic insight, and the power that overcomes sin and death. |
In this sign the animal nature is ruled and directed by the human spiritual nature. The symbol of Sagittarius – half beast and half man represents this new emergence. The emergence of the human out of the animal, and the different sense that human beings have of themselves. It suggests a new type of human being in fact. If we look at the Zodiac from there on – Capricorn, we have the half goat half man figure – until we arrive at Aquarius, a fully fledged human figure. The human faculty is to transcend, to make that change. To switch across seasons, physiological changes, to actually attain consciousness. This allows us to look at the seasons, to adjust to them in a completely new way than the animal.
Example: ‘As I talked to the pale golden horse it felt more and more as if I were talking to a male companion who was in union with me.’ Alison B.
Alison’s horse is obviously portraying her feelings for a man, but also that motivating and active power in herself. The dream shows how easy and integrated she is with this.
Example: I was driving along Tottenham Court Road with my wife and my youngest son. As we neared Euston Road I saw the magnificent sight of hundreds of horses coming full gallop toward me. I knew it was a great horse race – something like the Grand National. There was every sort of horse – many riderless, all surging in a mass so thick there seemed no space between them. Then we were walking in the Covent Garden area, and it was still a market. I was crying openly at the wonder of what I had seen. Edward.
Edward’s tears are because his dream brought him a glimpse of something much bigger than his own small life. He touched the amazing flow of the energy behind the human race in its infinity of forms. Perhaps just lightly he experienced cosmic consciousness, the state of awareness that transcends ones own limitations of body and mind. But the dream also has elements of the competitive drive we feel as humans, and the struggle to know where we stand in relationship with others and the mass of other people we exist within.
Idioms: Back the wrong horse; from the horse’s mouth; don’t look a gift horse in the mouth; horse sense; you can lead a horse to water; wild horses; workhorse; horsing about; getting on your high horse; eat like a horse; back the wrong horse; beating a dead horse. See: spiritual life in dreams .
Useful Questions and Hints:
What is your relationship with the horse and what does this say about how you relate to your own motivating and energising drives?
Where is the horse taking you, or where are you directing the horse – this gives you clues to your direction in life?
Is the horse decidedly male or female – if so is there a connection with how you are relating to someone or yourself?
See Talking to Inner Self – Summing Up – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Martial Art of the Mind
I dreamt I was sitting and crying from desolation. I looked up and a strong, beautiful horse walked slowly to me and put it’s head over my shoulder. I held on to it’s neck and continued crying. I felt it was there to comfort me.
Dear Sara –I feel that your dream is about reaching a turning point.
Unfortunately some – if not many – of us reach our turning point only after we have hit rock bottom; when we are feeling desolated we are willing to allow for a new approach.
I see the new approach is about allowing a part of you that can comfort you, that does not judge you for the situation you are in, for the errors you might have made etc.
So please continue to develop this relationship with your inner horse which relationship is also likely to help you grow toward self-acceptance and self-love.
You can also delve into your inner horse to discover this by imagining yourself as a horse. Playing a role is immensely important. By role play you can explore more of who or what the horse in your dream is. Identify with the horse and discover its secrets. Whether at moments peaceful, comforting or aggressive, wise or energetic, these are all parts of your potential. In our dreams we are all experts at acting in roles, but often we fail to really understand what enormous and varied potential we have because we believe all the characters and animals are not us. Remember that you are much bigger and with more resources than you believe.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/creating-a-new-you/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
I had a dream I was at the beach. I had a rope tied around a dark brown horse neck, who was swimming in the water by himself. This horse belonged to me. Later, I am back at my home, in the backyard, the same horse is in the pool, relaxing and looks like he is sunbathing. I just watch from afar mezmorized and I could feel I adored this horse and was at peace myself to see the horse relaxing and happy. I constantly have dreams about water. I had this
Dear Jamie – I think your dream starts with you leaving your “comfort zone” – the horse on a lead in the sea – and unfortunately you do not reveal how you feel at this part of the dream; only when you are what I see as “back in your comfort zone again” – the horse in the pool – you open up about your feelings.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/habits/
So please explore your feelings in the first part of your dream and experience what happens when you give the horse a longer lead and when you remove the lead; when you let the horse be free.
Your dreams are a unique area of self-expression. They are a safe area to experiment and experience things in any way you wish. Often we introvert, or take into our dream life, rules and fears that have no place there. For example, while dreaming, you may fall into the sea and be terrified you will drown. But that is impossible because you are only experiencing images of your feelings and thoughts. All you can do is to feel fear. You can easily breathe under water in a dream, or fly, or die and be re-born. So remove such limitations from your inner life by visualising such changes into your dreams when awake. Imagine yourself being what you can in your dreams.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
It’s good to step out of your comfort zone and give yourself a chance to meet the “More than you are”; it is also good to be able to go back in, as the last part of your dream shows.
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
I was sitting on my deck watching a mother bird jump around protecting her nest. I was trying to get her to come close to me. I was thrilled when she approached me to land on my hand. Then she turned into a brown lab puppy with big clumsy feet galloping around the deck. She seemed out of control just flopping around. Then the dog turned into a beautiful white horse that came right up to me and and hugged her and she put her nose against my skin. She was so soft and I felt so much love from her. What does this mean?
I had a dream that I had just started at my new job, I had made a new friend and we took our lunch break together. We decided to get a bus up to a town I have not seen before but instinctively knew (I think!?) that it was my town. We decided to catch a bus back to work but somehow had missed that as one, despite the fact it was about 1 or 2pm. So a coach/train driver gave us permission to ride on the front(?!) exterior of the train. The girl I was with had the same energy as an ex friend of mine and shared all the traits.. Selfish. I went to the front exterior of the train and waited and waited for her. She was making me late for work and I was becoming anxious. Whilst I was waiting I looked around and realised I was up high, looking down on the lower half of my “town”. As this was happening a huge storm started, and that’s when I noticed the horse. She was light brown, her back legs were tied together with a pink scarf and she had been blown onto her back due to the winds. As she was fighting to get up her back legs were bending inwards and outwards due to her being tied. She was blown in several different directions all the while not giving up. Eventually she managed to get upright, I was amazed as I was certain she would have atleast sprained her legs. The first thing she did was try to find shelter. For some reason she tried to hide under a car? I guess it was sheer blind panic. As she tried to hide the car seemed to crumple away from her. And then I woke up. Since I’ve woken I can not stop thinking about her. Why didn’t I help her?!!
Dear Joelle – What is the ‘new job’ you are really involved in? Is it perhaps the job of working on your inner life to feel more whole?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/whole-2/
First it is important to understand that every image and person in your dreams is an expression of your own life process. As such it is alive and intelligent and is something sent to help you. A dream is like a projection from a movie projector, except that you are the projector.
Everything you see as outside you is coming from you, your emotions, your fears, your beliefs, your joys and explorations and are all you, clothed in the dream images and drama.
The way I see your dream is that it is about your shadow.
The Shadow is any part of ourselves that we reject, and so do not allow sufficient expression in our life. We may so dislike aspects of our nature – like being selfish – we fail to recognise them altogether and instead see them in other people and criticise them.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-the-shadow/
The criticising aspects are graphically illustrated; “Whilst I was waiting I looked around and realised I was up high (on your iron horse?) looking down on the lower half of my “town”.
What you are waiting for is to integrate your selfishness so you can feel more whole.
See http://dreamhawk.com/news/integration-meeting-yourself/
Then the dream shows that without integration you restrict certain areas of yourself probably by what you perceive as love and which could also be the “disease to please”.
The way I see it is that this “disease to please” merely makes that you cannot stand up for yourself; you are easily blown away and it leads to feeling afraid and losing your inner drive; so it is a vicious circle and that is why you did not have the means to help the horse yet.
There is a way to step out of this circle: Self-Observation!
Through simple self-observation one gradually arrives at a form of insight which leads to a transcending of oneself as you stood prior to the insights. One may even arrive at a massive altered state of awareness – an insight into the impermanence of your present personality, and the experience of liberation arising from it.
Observing your own ebb and flow of thoughts and feelings, your own habits and responses to things, is one of the most powerful of tools to use in transforming your life. This also leads to a fuller connection with your intuitive connection with your core.
If one uses observation you may at time realise that you are cycling through feelings or moods. So it can imply that one is experiencing a cycle which you may be trapped in. The way to get out of this cycle is to step back from it using observation, this is like stepping back and not be lost in the emotions or moods.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
I was in mountain ranges, near the vast green open fields probably on mountain top. Next I remember I saw a white n brown horse, it was a harnessed horse. It had a hairy forehead n mane. No clarity on its gender. I was waiting for something, idk what it was before i was to ride it. I rode it. I felt quite comfortable with it. It was walking along the mountain edge. I wasnt scared, but another rider on a black n white horse warned me that i might fall or my horse might slip. I had full confidence that such a thing wont happen n explained to that person that horses have better instinct than me. However that person says still horse might slip unintentionally. Fortunately nothing happened. The horse led me somewhere. I got down. On the way back up, the horse was walking ahead of me. It never ran away leaving me. I saw a lot of people at a stop, and I had to walk my way through them. I was nicely surprised and joked that my horse has made me walk through this crowd which is inconvinient. After the clearing, i rode on my horse again in open green field. Throughout the dream my horse led me, I didnt feel dragged. I was comfortably led by it. I sort of trusted it.
Explain to me Plz sir.
Hello, Ive had a very strange couple of dreams, my first is so vivid, I am swimming in a basement pool with a small bright silver fish who is playing chase with me, I am throwing the fish and it is swimming back to me, I become aware that my family is standing on the edge of the pool watching and it is in fact a christening, when an earthquake strikes the pool cracks and shudders, a lady is dragged away by the water along with other guests. I am struggling with the fish to stay in the pool and not to be dragged away. Then I wake up!
My second vivid dream is me discovering my husband is having an affair with a close friend, I then ask to speak with him outside when a wild saddled pony (dark brown) races past us, I’m frightened and jump behind a wall where I watch the pony suddenly collapse and have a seizure. It is then dies or is put to sleep I can’t distinguish which?…
Please help me understand theses dreams 🙂
Dear Beth – An important dream! The way I see it is that being in a pool in the basement links with what your present personality has been built upon, your past or family and cultural influences.
So I see it as “the pool of the ancestors” in the broadest sense possible – and so not only your genealogy – which inner wisdom is a part of you too.
Ancestors can also link with deeply buried tendencies we have unconsciously inherited from the long past. Sometimes they point to the karma we are dealing with – the difficulties or traits that arise in our life, that we cannot honestly see have been developed or collected in this lifetime.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/ancestors/
The process you enter while playing with the fish I see as the process of individuation;
In a nutshell the word refers to the processes involved in becoming a self-aware and independent human being.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/
This becoming self-aware is reflected by you being on your own in the pool while your family is watching you; which suggest becoming aware of how they have shaped your inner world with their point of views.
The christening is a symbol of a re-connection of your conscious self with the deeper life-giving unconscious elements within you which serves as a cleansing away of old (familiar) attitudes, beliefs,concepts and ways of life, to allow a new growth from within.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/beliefs/
Sometimes this inner change is symbolised by an earthquake and in your dream it merely reflects your effort to not lose your balance – and you do manage to stay balanced! – in times of change and growth that makes you feel uncertain of your ‘ground’; the (family) foundation you have built your inner world on.
“A lady is dragged away by the water along with other guests” reflects the letting go of some of the attitudes, beliefs, concepts that were part of your inner world.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-adventure-of-the-dream-world/
A helpful feature to explore your dreams is http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
Today i had a really powerful dream. I was at a tibetan monastary and was going there to learn. My master arrived and took me to another room. A big room with heigh ceiling. There where some monks in there resting. I asked why was the room so big. He anwsered that it was made for human beings. We arrived to this huge room like a warehouse, well lit but filled with papers old paintings, pieces of wood, scraps. He gave me a piece of carton. I opened and it was a stencil of a horse head real size. He said to me. “Thats Napoleon, teech him how to fly” I instatly tought about putting some wings in it, that was my task. I ended up falling in the middle of the debris and woke up. Any ideas of what does this mean? Cheers.
LG – A really powerful dream indeed. You start with entry into a Tibetan monastery, so I take it you have background in Tibetan Buddhism and the Masters of it. You are going there to learn, and part of learning in Tibet is testing – you recall that the present Dalai Lama was tested when he was just a child, and Theos Bernard when he entered Tibet was also tested in the same way and accepted as an incarnation of Padmasambhava a great figure in Buddhist history.
But Tibetan Masters are a strange mixture of strict Buddhist doctrine and the Bo religion, which had a national prophet who went into a trance and prophesised.
So the Master led you into a big room with high ceilings made for human beings. This suggests that the inner Master that you have has initiated you into a wider awareness than usual where other aspects of your experiences are evident as monks.
Remember you are dreaming, and everything experienced is aspects of yourself and potential. Here is a remarkable description of what dreaming is written by Wendy Doniger O’Flaherty:
When someone falls asleep, he takes the stuff of the entire world, and he himself takes it apart, and he himself builds it up, and by his own bright light he dreams. … There are no chariots there, no harnessings, no roads; but he emits chariots, harnessings, and roads. There are no joys, happinesses, or delights there; but he emits joys, happiness, and delights. There are no ponds, lotus pools, and flowing streams, but he emits ponds, lotus pools, and flowing streams. For he is the Maker.
If you can accept you are the maker of your dream which comes from the Self, then in the big room is an extension of your normal awareness – but even so it has boundaries, walls and monks – which are probably manifestation of your infinite potential, but you have not yet made the infinite within you.
If you doubt that you have infinite potential – Lyle Watson, a scientist and biologist, in researching human potential for one of his books, was asked by a boy’s father in Italy to observe his four-year old son. In Watson’s presence the father rolled his son an ordinary tennis ball. A little while later the boy rolled it back. The ball was turned inside out without any cuts or damage to its surface. Watson then signed his name on another tennis ball and the boy repeated the change. Later Watson cut open the ball in front of witnesses, revealing his signature on the inside of the ball.
What that four year old did questioned all our science and opinions. Unfortunately the boy was later sent to school and the ‘education’ he received killed his potential. You are seeking by entering a Buddhist/Bo monastery to awaken that potential, probably by shedding some of the ‘learning’ most of us have been exposed to.
So the next step was your arrival in a huge room like a warehouse, well lit but filled with papers old paintings, pieces of wood, scraps. My guess is that this represents your huge memory filled with scraps, old imaginations – paintings – papers – your intellectual learning; but again a huge place showing your potential.
The Master gave you a carton that you opened – this indicates finding something that you had not been aware of till it is opened. Opening often represents opening to a new realisation or a new facet of your mind. You found a stencil of a horses head – the key advantage of a stencil is that it can be reused to repeatedly and rapidly produce the same letters or design.
The Master said, “That’s Napoleon, teach him how to fly.” This is one of those ambiguous statements Master’s often make that you have to figure out for yourself – a test.
I believe it is about something, a stencil that is rather like habit, producing the same result over and over, into a living thing like Pegasus that can fly. In folklore and religion we find frequent mention of the winged horse. This symbolises the sexual or instinctive drives that have not been repressed, but allowed, in conjunction with consciousness and reason, to develop the higher possibilities latent in them.
I think it suggests that all the papers, pieces of wood, paintings and scraps need to become living parts of you. The stencil must be transformed into a living energy that can lift you beyond the walls of confinement.
The end of the dream where you ended up falling in the middle of the debris and woke up can be seen as a failure, but also it shows how the non living way has collapsed. It is a form of death of the old and so allows a new beginning.
To do this I can only offer suggestions – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/ – – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/integration-meeting-oneself/ – – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/mountain-path/
Thanks alot Tony, really insightful!
I dreamy before I woke up of a warm brown female horse that was missing it’s right rear leg..was not going to be put down..didn’t seem in pain..people wanted to mate it with a male..very strange..first time I’ve ever dreamt of horses
Dear Karen – Your potential – or your energy – can express as physical movement. You can experience it as sexual drive and its pleasure and pain, as emotions, as sight, hearing, sensation, smell and taste.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
I feel that your dream shows a realistic view of what “it” looks like when you/we express our potential; for most of the time it is far from perfect and whatever we express will include aspects of ourselves that have not developed its full potential (yet).
And still – while facing your limitations – you are comfortable with your natural urges/energies and you can express them in a warm, loving way.
I think it is a beautiful dream!
Anna 🙂
I had a very disturbing dream last night as need help interpreting. I was in a city square watching a woman talk on the phone walking a very small dog and as she walked the leash got longer and longer. someone cut the leash. then my sister galloped through the city on the back of brown horse. an unknown man was riding the horse too. My sister was swinging the little dog on the leash in the air around and round. the lady who owned the dog began to fight my sister. they were flying in the air above the horse. I watched mortified screaming for my sister to give the dog back to the woman. then the woman kicked my sister and she fell backwards and hit her head seemingly breaking her neck. I woke up feeling terrible. please help.
I really want to know what this mean. I dreamed that the earth opened up, the sun died and the giant snakes and dragons came out of the opening. All I could see was the silhouette of the monsters and then I woke up in fear because it felt real. Everytime I closed my eyes after that, I kept seeing a white horse on fire. It wasn’t hurt or anything, he was facing the full moon and was floating up (no wings). It’s bugging me, please help!
Dear Belle – If you can understand that we always get back to our core self in sleep, and that dreams are a half way house between our core self and our personal self, we can see that dreams are a communication between the two. Also, seeing that our core self is fundamental to our existence, it suggests that while we sleep we experience death; the loss of personal awareness, which is like the death of the sun.
With the loss of self-awareness your mind was able to open up to “the Huge that you are”.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Reaction
Because the part of our mind we name ‘the unconscious’ is so ancient and huge, we sometimes depict contact with it as a dragon or monster. In myths the hero is often shown doing battle with a dragon, serpent or some other monster, to get a treasure. This is probably because the dragon depicts the massive and irrational forces of the unconscious, the life urges and untamed fears and sexuality that one must face and deal with in order to gain the treasure of potential locked in sexual, mental and emotional energy.
The snake represents the energy that expresses as our life processes. If we think of a person’s life from conception to death, we see a flowing moving event, similar in many ways to the speeded-up films of a seed growing into a plant, flowering and dying. The snake depicts the force, purpose or energy behind that movement. It is the force of life, the latent energy or potential within us – that leads us both to growth and death, along with the passionate emotions and urges that drive us so powerfully.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
Closing your eyes and seeing images is your dream process breaking through and what you see are images symbolising your expanding awareness and inner growth; your potential.
I feel it will help you to read this story about a little girl who still feels at ease with the wonders of her inner world: http://dreamhawk.com/stories/the-great-rising/
Anna 🙂
…having this dream brought forth the memory and exact feeling of another dream I had many years ago, a dream where I am chased by a dog, jump up on a table in trying to escape but the dog keeps barking viciously and I end up swinging an axe trying to kill the dog…but I hit my own leg instead.
Any idea what I should take from this dream? Really feel like it is trying to tell me something quite important.
Thank you,
Dear Maja – To gain an understanding of your dream animals, it is helpful to imagine that you are the keeper of a prehistoric type of human being. As such you would need to be aware what the correct diet is for this big creature; what type of dwelling it needs; what are its sexual and emotional needs; what frightens it or causes it stress; what amount of exercise keeps it healthy, what its stages of growth are and how it can best develop through those stages; and what satisfies it in relationships with others of its kind? Your animal dreams are showing you exactly those issues. They are giving you insight into how to care for the instinctive, the spontaneous and natural in you.
Therefore define if you can what your dream animal is struggling with or against in its efforts to survive. Look for connections with your everyday life. In doing so remember that the dream is putting into graphic form, perhaps like a mime, something that needs to be lifted into everyday words and perceptions.
If you are chased or running from an animal you are almost certainly feeling or exhibiting anxiety. If you take time to consider what an anxiety is, it is part of your own natural responses. Every animal feels anxious or afraid; it is its instinct to survive.
So the dream dog or animal is an image that clothes your feelings of anxiety. This may be difficult to grasp because the dream is an explanation of what you are facing in yourself or life. It is chasing you because it is part of you and you are running away from your own feelings.
To make this plain, the animal IS your feelings of anxiety. You see yourself running away from the animal because you are scared of your own feelings. Most of us don’t like feeling scared, so we run away from such feelings.
What can you do about this? Well you can imagine making friends with the animal, getting it some food, and direct its aggression or energy to be on your side. Or you can face your anxiety instead of running away from it. This, if you can do it, can radically change you.
You do become aware in the dream that the dog is a part of you, for if you try to hit it with the axe you hit yourself in your leg.
Although you may depend upon someone like partner or parent for support, or on work or position for self value, ultimately the legs represent your own emotional or conceptual support system. So in your dream about leg or legs you may be considering what state your own confidence, your own self value is in.
To explore what the dog is trying to communicate with you, you can use “Being the dog” or “Talking as the dog”.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
Last night I dreamt that I was watching one of those horse race competitions where the horse jumps over obstacles. The scene quickly turned into a bloodbath as each of the several horses and their jockeys ended up lying hurt and bloody in the mud; either having run into each other or been taken down by one of the obstacles. I can’t actually recall whether I was the only one going in to console the hurt jockeys or not, but I was definitely the only one paying any sort of attention to the fallen horses. I had eye contact with the horses as I was standing by their sides, a contact that seemed to exude my sadness over the state of things and a deep-rooted connection with these fallen horses. The dream then ends with me and one other person running around on the muddy field after the ‘massacre,’ picking up the jockeys smart phones that they have lost during their fall. I managed to find the most phones, 6 in total.
Dear Maja – The race you refer to is called a steeplechase race. The name is derived from early races in which orientation of the course was by reference to a church steeple, jumping fences and ditches and generally traversing the many intervening obstacles in the countryside.
The obstacles suggests you are facing some difficulty that you feel is blocking what you want to do, or your freedom of action. The barrier can be external or internal, so you need to consider what it is in your life that is leading to this feeling of obstruction.
The reference to the churche steeple could indicate your religious feelings or beliefs, including the moral code you live by, or your feelings, negative or positive, about organised religion. So the church can represent the attitudes and morals you hide behind in living your life. In other words you may hold back your own longings and needs by using ideas of right or wrong, and imposed rules and concepts such as sin.
You are able to connect with the horses that are hurt and while it opens you up emotionally you become aware of the pain these inner obstacles cause you.
Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/animals-as-dream-figures/
Then you take the first steps to be able to re-connect with your ability to direct your energy and instincts; your drive to succeed at what you are attempting to overcome; “picking up the jockeys smart phones that they have lost during their fall. I managed to find the most phones, 6 in total.”
The symbol of six is the double triangle, or circle divided in six. It represents symmetry, unity of spirit and body, the visible and invisible. It is the harmonious relationship between man and God, spirit and body, the eternal and the transitory.
Also six can be word play for sex, a subtle way to remind us of sexual issues without being obvious.
Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
Perhaps you feel like carrying the dream forward and “call/connect with (one of) the jockies?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/peer-dream-group/#carryforward
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
I dreamed that my brother led a white horse. It like refused to walk and made wild moves. I was in the way and tried moving from its way all time. What can this possibly mean? Someone pls interpret, I’d appreciate! Thnx
Dear Inna – Sometimes a part of us gets a bit in the way of the flow of Life and where “It” wants to take us.
You did not share how you felt in the dream. Were you afraid? Were you exploring where to stay so that you would not be in the way anymore?
Could it be that a belief or a habit was “standing in the way”?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/beliefs/
A white horse can be a symbol of a change in expression from your potential. So instead of expressing this energy as a sexual drive; you can express it into love and wider awareness; a meeting with expanded awareness of yourself.
Your potential is probably limitless, and depends upon the state of body and mind (also beliefs and habits) you use to approach and express it.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/energy-sex-and-dreams/
Your dream suggests that part of you is willing to develop new habits; to learn to direct
your energies in a socially acceptable way; to learn to direct sexual and emotional energy.
And so a helpful tool to support this part is self-observation.
Through simple self-observation one gradually arrives at a form of insight which leads to a transcending of oneself as you stood prior to the insights. One may even arrive at a massive altered state of awareness – an insight into the impermanence of your present personality, and the experience of liberation arising from it.
Observing your own ebb and flow of thoughts and feelings, your own habits and responses to things, is one of the most powerful of tools to use in transforming your life. This also leads to a fuller connection with your intuitive connection with your core.
Much of our behaviour is largely or wholly unconscious. Becoming aware of something can by itself produce a change. If you are not aware of how you act or respond, there is less likelihood of satisfying change.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
I dreamt of two brown horses racing against each other. The first was racing free, the second was man mounted. At the end of the race two man mounted horses were standing in front of the finish line. The free horse cut the finish line just in front of the man mounted horse?
Can you please tell me what it means?
Dear John – I think that your dream could mean that you are “racing against your intuition”, for a man on a horse can signify a messenger or a message.
Since intuition is faster than the speed of light, you meet “It” again – in twofold, the original message and another one – at the finish line.
Such intuition may occur because, as modern physics suggests, the very substratum of our physical existence rests upon sub-atomic particles that in a real sense transcend time and space. When our limited ego touches this timeless self, it leaps beyond the usual barriers of experiencing and knowing.
Our bigger mind speaks to us in much the same way as our ordinary memories come to us. Most of us however, have made something like tapes or recordings in our mind. So when we think, or try to get a new idea, we are often simply replaying something we read or heard or felt in the past. Listening is a way of quietening these tapes so something new can come to us. This is often called intuition, knowing something without someone else telling us or experiencing it through our senses. So when Edgar Cayce examined someone’s body while they were many miles away he was using intuition. See http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/edgar-cayce-and-the-cosmic-mind-superminds/
It will be helpful to explore what the message is about. So try using “Being the horse or the men on the horse” and/or “Talking as the horse or men on the horse”:
Reading these articles may be helpful too:
Anna 🙂
Today I saw a giant uncontrolled white horse in my dream. I was walking towards the cafeteria of my college and a beautiful girl whom I love was ahead of me. Suddenly I saw an undirected gigantic extremely white horse coming from the next street who ran over that girl and then came to me, stopped, looked at me and then ran away in the other direction that I shown to him….
Please tell what this all mean? Tell me all aspects please.
All the world is a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and entrances;
Each man in his time plays many parts.
~ William Shakespeare
Shubham – The direction you are heading in the dream, and the atmosphere or conditions surrounding the direction, suggest your intuitive summary of where you are going in life, and whether it will be profitable or difficult.
I suppose you are heading into the direction of the cafeteria to spend some time with this girl there and since it is the cafeteria of your college I see it as a search for and exploring and learning how to direct your emotional and sexual urges.
In your dream you are first exploring “the two ends of the scale”; the all or nothing approach; either your urges and feelings are somewhat 😉 overwhelming for the girl or you send them away again. So you are experimenting between the extremes within the possibilities of your experience. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#DualBeing
It is good to know that a dream is always a virtual reality that you can experiment in and try out all manner of behaviour; whereas in waking life it may result in awful consequences if we release all our feelings on another.
And so perhaps the next step will be to explore (in your dream?) the middle way, or the razor’s edge; a balancing point between opposites.
Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/relationship-sex/surviving-love-and-relationships/
Anna 🙂