Hug Hugging
A direct expression of warmth and the beginning of intimacy, or acting it out for social reasons.
It is also an expression of enormous recognition of the other person, a meeting that can take many forms – sexual, a feeling of being family and connected, a sense of knowing the person in a deep way, a sharing of past pain and struggle, a cry to be held and given security.
Example: He came over to me and peeked in. I was a little embarrassed because my butt was showing. I got up and he wanted to hug me. That was O.K. He suggested we go to his hotel room to make love. I said, “No, I don’t want to,” because I wanted him to care for me, or be caring and then the sex would be good. He looks like, “Uh, oh. She wants to get married.” and I said, “No, it doesn’t mean we’ll be together forever, just that when we’re together, I want to feel close, cared for.”
Example: ‘I had very little pubic hair and thought it must be because I had just had a shower, but, no, on looking again I had very little hair. I was hugging Mary, a friend, my arms around her back and one hand holding her vagina. It was then I noticed she was the shape of a man there. I drew away for a second at the discovery then felt OK as it meant I was hugging a male/female person. We were very warm together. Two days before this dream my husband had said his mother called a vagina a MARY.’ Lucy R.
Example: We need to remember there is a strong connection between sex, creativity, and spirituality. All of these stem from the same centre-the difference lies in the direction of our will. Often a strong sex desire stems from an inner urge to merge with God, to become more spiritual, or to reach for a higher state of consciousness, but we fail to recognise this as the source.
Example: Our baby was there in the basement. I went to see to him, to see if he were okay, and as I did so he looked at me and we both recognised that we had known each other in a past life, and we hugged each other with much love, and it was as if he were a man with a very large face, and I clung to him with love.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What did the hug mean to you?
Did I feel anything, emotion, while hugged?
What did I communicate, or was communicated in the hug?
See Emotions and Mood in Dreams – Settings in Dreams – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
Hi, in my dream, I was opening my home’s door and I saw a friend in front of the door. He is a special friend but he doesnt know much about my feelings and I am not sure about his feelings either. Anyway, I hug him with a deep love and affection. he hugs me back with the same feelings. I was looking nice at that time, I mean,my hair was a mess and I was wearing pyjamas. But he seemed he didnt care. I asked him are you leaving? He says yes, I am leaving the country to go my home country and I ask why, he says I need to see my mom. and he says hug me then we hug each other again. Iwas a very effective dream, I thought about this dream all the day long. Thank you…
Can this meaning of a dream be explained, pls?
I broke with my bf several times but we got together again in the past. Now we are apart for longer, he left cause couldnt face the pain of reminded wounds I repeatedly, not voluntarily ,exposed on him. I still love him dearly despite all ….. The dream: I saw myself on the bottom of a shallow water/lake probably/ hugging him from behind.being covered by mud lying on my back.After I saw myself on him, he was hugging me from behind but I was concerned and telling him that sprinkle of mud can cover his body. We were all naked but the dream was completely without a sexual undertone…thank you. K
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Zuzanna – I had the same problem with girl friend, except it was me experiencing the pain of old wounds. But unlike your boyfriend I sorted out the problem by using LifeStream which cleared out the cause in couple of days. But it is an option few dare to take. But just in case, heres a link – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
The mud you are in represent the unconscious problems you both face because you are both covered in mud. The shallow lake shows that you both managed to begin getting to the inner world – the under the surface world where our problem are stored. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/