Imprisoned Handcuffs
You can be imprisoned by an idea, or a fear, or even a moral code. See if you can discover what it is you are doing to hold yourself back.
In attempting to develop a relationship, we may be trapped by feelings of dependence upon what our parents want, or wanted, us to do or be. If you fear failure, you may not be meeting the challenge of the new, so be imprisoned by the fear. Such feelings as being an outsider, unwanted, resentful, can also imprison us in particular situations.
We are often imprisoned by a state of mind, by a fear, or by ignorance. In attempting to develop a relationship, we may be trapped by feelings of dependence upon what our parents want us to do. If we fear failure, we will not meet the challenge of the new, so be imprisoned by the fear. Such feelings as being an outsider, unwanted, resentful, can also imprison us in particular situations.
But fear of death is a number one form of imprisonment, and feelings that your body is you is just as high on the list. See imprisoned by my body. Also cage or cell; escape; trapped.
Handcuffs: These are usually seen in crime films or sex scenes, so may in some way depict either your desire to be made ineffective physically or feeling it is happening to you against your will, see if you can find the feeling of being made ineffective in daily life. If you are handcuffed with hands in front of your body, you are still in a position to be very dangerous if you care to – a quick bang on the throat can down anyone. If your hands are cuffed behind you – it doesn’t matter in dreams because it is your own feelings that create the dream image of being made a captive. So, start feeling like you are in charge of your emotions and nothing can keep you handcuffed. See Secrets of Power Dreaming
Useful Questions and Hints:
In what way do you feel restricted or frustrated?
Have you ever found a way out of those feelings?
What does your dream tell you about imprisonment?
See Prison – Avoid Being Victims – Life’s Little Secrets – Edgar Cayce