Left Behind
If you are the one who is left behind, it suggests either that you feel rejected, or have a sense of not being the same as other people, or perhaps that you want to go your own way. If you leave someone or something behind, it might mean you are ready for change of some kind. That is, ready to let go of something or someone that may have been important at some time. In some cases this suggests changes in a relationship, if the person left behind is your partner. If what you left behind was your handbag – purse, see Bag.
Oneself left behind: Feelings of rejection or inadequacy; sense of waking up to what you have not done or experienced in life, as Patience does in her dream below.
Leaving something or someone behind: Leaving the past behind; break-up of relationship.
Example: ‘In my dream I woke up and had the feeling that a lot of time had passed. I felt I had lost all this time. A group of friends I was with had gone ahead, left me behind, and I wondered if I would ever catch up.’ Patience. C. Example: I had a dream where I was excluded from a party and left behind to care for everyone’s dogs. I locked them in the garage along with a baby that was dropped off. I found out the baby was my ex-husbands (my husband in the dream) and no one would tell me who the mother was. Anyway I put the baby in a box and left it there. It was not crying, it was quite happy actually.
So your dream husband was all the things you absorbed in the relationship and after the divorce. Therefore the father of the child is the good things you got from the relationship. And the reason no one would tell you who the mother was is because you are the mother of your own dream child. So something good has arisen now out of the past. Maybe you have digested something about the relationship that now opens up a new part of you – the baby. Perhaps you parked the baby in the garage because you did not realise its importance in your life – for it is important.
Idioms: Fall behind; put it all behind me. See also: bag.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Have I ever felt left behind or missed the bus or plane?
Who have I left behind in my life?
What was the situation of being left in the dream?
Did I leave anything important?
See Habits – Because Factor – Avoid Being Victims – Active Passive
I keep having the same dream about a sweet, innocent little black/brown dog left behind. I wake up fearful that he hadn’t been fed or looked after. He looks like a Dashund. I’ve never had one before or have ever wanted one. I’ve raised Rottweilers
Dreamt I missed the plane after I was deliberately delayed by an airport assistant who was asking for a tip.tried running for the plane and it didn’t work.
Please see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/i-am-no-longer-interpreting-dreams/
this always happn ith me n now ths is the realityu of my life .