Love; romance; intuitions arising from the unconscious are usual associations, as well as one’s inner world of fantasy, imagination, the psychic or one’s inner soul life; menstrual cycle and the female mysteries. Because of its connection with the tides – the deep inner movements caused by the subtle side of our nature, the tides of feeling, even madness; the pull and attraction of mysterious dark desires; a woman’s strange, sensual, overpowering attraction.
I think the significance of the changing pattern of dreaming during the menstrual cycle has not been appreciated by either women or men. Just as the moon goes through phases when it appears to be full and bright but gradually diminishes to a narrow crescent shape only to return again to its state of illuminated wholeness, so too does a woman manifest a waxing and waning of various personality traits during her lunar-cycle dreams. Quoted from an unnamed file.
A completely different insight into the meaning of the moon in human experiences. It is a visionary view by a great investigator, Dr. Anna Kingsford in her book Clothed With The Sun:
“Every man is a planet, having sun, moon, and stars. The genius of a man is his satellite. Man is a planet. God–the God of the man–is his sun, and the moon of this planet is Isis, its initiator, or genius. The genius is made to minister to the man, and to give him light. But the light he gives is from God, and not of himself. He is not a planet but a moon, and his function is to light up the dark places of his planet. During this condition the “Moon” enlightens our hidden chamber with her torch and shows us ourselves in our interior recess. Who or what, then, is this moon? It is part of ourselves and revolves with us.” I tend to see it as our intuition. See Hare
New or old moon: Female sexuality; change; intuition.
Moons changes: Life, death, rebirth; the tides in our affairs.
Full moon: Power of the inner drives.
Flying to the moon: Trying to escape reality or responsibility; attempting to break free of limitations.
Moonlight: Romantic view of the world; not seeing things too clearly; looking within self.
New or old moon: Female sexuality; change; intuition.
Moons changes: Life, death, rebirth; the tides in our affairs.
Full moon: Power of the inner drives.
Flying to the moon: Trying to escape reality or responsibility; attempting to break free of limitations.
Moonlight: Romantic view of the world; not seeing things too clearly; looking within self.
The light of the moon: Many dream mention the light of the moon, and I think it refers to the ability to be capable of noticing subtle feelings and intuitions.
Two moons: Decisions or indecision about something, possible relationship; conflicting sides of yourself; choices or changes occurring.
Explosion of moon: Possibly depicts the breakup of hopes or fantasies which do not connect with external reality. For instance, we might dream of having a romance with our favourite film star, and with some people the fantasy takes on a feeling of possibly becoming reality. But it also depicts a cosmic event – changes occurring because of your relationship with astronomical forces.
Example: Okay, so it was a blue moon, such as tonight, and in the dream I was on Lake Michigan, or some big lake like that. Then I walked into the reflection of the moon and it was scary, because when I fell into the moon I fell deep into the water and under the sand into Hell. Once I was in Hell all the people that were supposed to be in eternal suffering were in like… a trance, or something like that and they weren’t moving, or anything. They seemed to be Statues. I walked down deeper and saw Lucifer sobbing. He was mumbling something and when he saw me he clung to me and kept saying, ” The moon. It is my death, my beautiful, beautiful death. How I love it so, but it weakens me. It is my greatest love, but worst nightmare. ” He wouldn’t say anything else and I just held him and before I woke up he said, “You will be the one to take my last breath… the one to out live me. “
This shows how the dreamt of moon influences the dreamer in a way to go beyond his normal awareness.
Example: What remains so striking about it is that it was so complete and followed linear time (that aboriginal ‘one-thing-after-another’ time) so precisely. The moon and its arc and the perfect symmetry of the rainbow segments revolving as the night/ceremony passed. And the theme of me being around a bunch of native men is one that repeats with some regularity…always some exploring/initiation type thing. And it does occur to me that this dream probably happened just at the last days of my virginity….so maybe it is as simple as that.
Example: I lay on a mattress and look up to the sky. I see a full moon and a cherub baby asleep on a cloud, or like the decals on my dresser that my mother put there when I was little. It looks like a child’s book illustration, all cutesy. Suddenly I know that my mother is dead. I sob and sob my grief. I feel sorry I never really tried to get to know her. I am inconsolable. My crying wakes Ellie and Paulina who come to me and hug me. Ellie hugs me from behind. I feel her strong arms around my chest. I am at first sorry I woke them and then glad of their support. (I wake up hearing my grieving wails and thankfully realize it was a dream. It was so real.) Barb.
Here again the moon in her dream brings to the surface deep feelings. Also, it highlights that a lot of grief is caused by not expressing feelings and love while you had the chance.
Example: I began to realise, or be shown, in my inner world, what had happened. My past practice to grow had unbalanced my Sun and Moon. My moon that had predominated. This was the Life Energy I had released in a past session, the vegetative God of the moon. That is, one aspect of the one Life expressing through evolution – expressing from deep within matter and the body. This is like the energy locked in a seed which grows it until it reaches up above earth. I could see why Reich called his method vegetotherapy – because the energy released was that bound up in the vegetative system of our body, in our emotions, muscles, sexual organs and glands. And although I had released this to a fair degree, I had hardly touched my Life of the Sun god or released it. This was the descending power of Light.
What had been a conflict now resolved itself. I had been polarised in the negative side of the Life energy. The cold, inward, in drawn, lethargic, inactive aspect. I must now open to my positive, outgoing, hot, digestive, fiery Life. This I did, and the Sun was on top of my head, and the Moon at the base of my spine. For a while they were separate, but then I knew them as one Life expressing into two ways, and my Sun and Moon merged. Now I could surrender to the one united Life.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Does this moon have any specific meaning for me?
Does this represent ‘taking on’ powerful feminine energies associated with the moon?
Am I feeling sentimental or longing for someone?
Is there an overall dark feeling that might have something to do with the irrational or unknown?
Is this about ‘cycles’ of some kind, either in nature or women’s menstrual cycle?
See Using Your Intuition – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – astrology
Hi, 2 days in a row I dreamt about the phases of the moon, tge second day I was on a tree garbing the moon? It was so ridiculous I know but what does it mean?
Rose – An interesting dream you sent us and I hope I can give you some thoughts to reflect on.
I reckon when you say that you dreamt about the phases of the moon, that it is about (almost?) all the phases. In the context of your dream I see it as a symbol of great change in the sense of expanding your awareness; of meeting the Unknown. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/meeting-the-unknown/
From these ever-changing and transitory experiences, something more permanent is built. In the case of our physical self we build a (celestial) body that has a certain level of constancy during change. With our personality or soul, we similarly build a sense of self from experiences we gained through our shifting physical senses. Again there is a level of constancy during continual change. The moon has no light of itself – neither has the soul. Both receive Light from the Unknown God and reflect It.
See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/life-within-change-and-constancy/
The tree that reaches to the moon is a symbol of the archetype of the Self. An archetype is a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.
The mass of experience and potential which lies behind our waking awareness is like an inner factor that, apart from expressing precise information in the form of remembered facts and events, can act as a huge reference base if we listen, through intuition, feeling states, dreams or visions.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-the-self/
I see garbing as “putting on an outward appearance, a guise” which is called “a persona” in Jungian terms.
For the growing the development of a viable social persona is a vital part of adapting to, and preparing for, adult life in the external social world. “A strong ego relates to the outside world through a flexible persona; identification with a specific persona (doctor, scholar, artist, etc.) inhibits psychological development. Thus for Jung “the danger is that [people] become identical with their personas—the professor with his textbook, the tenor with his voice. The result could be “the shallow, brittle, conformist kind of personality which is ‘all persona’, with its excessive concern for ‘what people think’—an unreflecting state of mind ‘in which people are utterly unconscious of any distinction between themselves and the world in which they live.
With this in mind I see your dream expressing the need to clothe your celestial body “in a persona” to be able to function properly in this Universe, while at the same time not identifying with the persona, for that way “the moon will lose its reflecting state of mind”.
Anna 🙂
My dream it keeps on changing with each minute… and one of tha dream is … that me and ma family and ma neighbours are walking and goin tgrough tha street thats wen ma bro who is 5yrs old runs and crosses the road … I am is shock I go to bring him back to where we are … I bring him back and its not wven night its in the evening as in the light is still there some what 4ish… anyways there is a full moon in tha sky and I look up and the moon explodes into light… and there is a pause …. I look up worried … thats all I woke up afta that …
I had a dream when I was about 3 or 4 yrs old…I dreamt of traveling in a car with both my parent’s and my order sister. While we were traveling I saw the moon changing from full -to half- to crescent and seemed to follow us…..I remember asking my mother about it and said that it had to of been a dream because the moon never does that….its a dream that I never forget. ..im 055yrs old now and remember the dream very well.
In my dream I was traveling in my car in my hometown. It was daytime. I looked to my right I seen the sun and to my left was the moon, it was full and was a reddish orange in color with thick clouds around it. I noticed it was larger than normal so I pulled over to get a better look at it. Then I noticed it was 2 moons one larger than the other. Every since the dream I have been so curious as to what this means…
Natasha – In this feature about moon there is a mention of the possible meaning of two moons in your dream:
“Two moons: Decisions or indecision about something, possible relationship; conflicting sides of yourself; choices or changes occurring”.
Thick clouds can be a symbol of not being aware of something, which does fit your dream, because you were not aware (yet) that there were two moons.
You were able to become aware of the two moons, because you decided to “move closer and to get a better LOOK” at what was behind the clouds.
Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/levels-of-awareness-in-waking-and-dreaming/
Your dream expresses that if you move closer and dare to have a better look, you ARE able to become aware of what was hidden in clouds before.
So why not try to continue to explore what these two moons symbolise?
Perhaps it is also worthwhile exploring the meaning of “Sun opposite Moon” (in your birth chart?)
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/planet-planets/#Sun
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
Hi Tony! Can you help: a couple months ago I dreamt of two full moons above my house & one flies away from the other with wings in shape of clouds. Again, last night I dreamt of the moon sharing it’s different phases with me. Showing me from the sky it’s personality. Curious?!!
I dreamt I was with an ex who I still adore. I was looking in the mirror & saw a cresant moon in my blue eyes. Peeking through one side of my pupils. What does this mean? 😉
Sara – I haven’t some across this type of moon dream before. But I wonder whether it was a new moon or an old – waxing or waning. A new moon has the inner curve pointed left – the old moon has the inner curve pointed to the right.
But it suggests something is happening deep in you – a big change – that will gradually show itself. It is either and ending or beginning of something, maybe to do with relationships.
I had a very odd dream last night and I’m trying to figure out it meaning… it was myself my best friend and my two children, and in the sky there was a full moon that kept on turning like a blood red, the odd thing is then there were 3 did different moons all doing the same thing. What does this mean?
Jenn 🙂
The dream shows the very deep connection between the four of you, which does put a certain responsibility on you to take care of your inner life.
I reckon since you had the dream, that you are “the first moon”.
Please read
and especially the comments at the end of the last link, which will help you better understand what this is about.
Anna 🙂
I dreamt I was living in the attic of a unknown house (although In my dream I did feel although this was my home). I was stood by the window speaking with my ex partner but in the dream we were together. All of a sudden this total solar eclipse occured right in front of our eyes and so close to us aswell, such a huge sun covered by a huge blue transparent moon… The room went pitch black and I watched as the moon left the sun and everything went light again. My partner left down some stairs uninterested in what amazing thing just happened. I then stood in this room on my own and seconds later realised I was pregnant, I turned transparent and could see a tiny baby nestled in my womb.. Everything was warm. Could you tell me what this means? I later found out that there is a total solar eclipse visable from where I live in the UK on the 20th of march this year xxx
I had a dream I was in a family gathering but it was weird because I was washing clothes at the same time, and was waiting for my significant other to finish drying my clothes. He was busy talking to family and friends. I stood up and was approaching him and we walked to back house to talk about (don’t remember) but as he walked over I confronted two females wanting his attention to which I was upset and was trying to fight them (weird) he told them to back off because I would hurt them, and as I was throwing a punch… my fist was reaching out to flowers and I pulled the pedals right off (weird) anyway as he walked away from the conversation I told him I wouldn’t look for him ever again.., and watched him leave… as I walked the other direction I bypassed a man to which he stopped and greeted. He then called other of his friends to the family gathering and his friends started shooting with guns, I was frightened and upset and fold them there was children present, a.d they stopped…. and then everyone was looking at the night sky and for what seemed a bad storm… was the MOON dropping heavy water as rain…. but if the water only coming from the moon… everyone panicked and in my mind I thought it was over.. I started telling everyone it was the end and to start praying. The water caused floods to the point no one could drive out, it was chaos. I called my brother because he had left early back home and he was frightened and told him to pray too as we both shared our sobbing. and then I woke up…. trying to Google this dream. WOW was I frightened but now that I think about it it’s not the first time I dream with flooding and the world ending….
Candi – You are meeting enormous personal changes. These are normal like the enormous physical changes you went through as you left childhood and moved toward womanhood. But because we tend to think our personality is ‘us’ we get scared of forces in us that push us toward change.
Pulling of petals of flowers suggests that you are fighting your own flowering to become a full woman. Then the end of the world is another way of telling you that the world – the you – that you felt was so stable is about to end and another world – you – will come about. Please read http://dreamhawk.com/news/every-7-years-you-change/ and http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/simple-truths/
In my dream I was outside of my house we had just gotten home, as always I look up at the sky, but only to see the moon facing east and then another moon circling in the sky around me but going a fast speed and me trying to catch up with it, and it so happens another moon appearing accept in my dream it wasn’t meant to be a moon, and within the dream there was so much confusion.
I had a dream in which I saw day sky with yellow tint and multiple number of moons and suns forming a special constellation on some very special day. Details I don’t remember about the day. . The sky was a bit cloudy and hence the light was not bright but looked more like evening sky light but the moons and suns could be seen dimly yet perfectly. There were some rings or special knots around few moons. I was with my whole family in the yard to see this special constellation. After which we all sat in a car and were driving to my spiritual guru to visit him. As we were passing a small village, the driver and I noticed a huge black snake. The driver said we need to be very careful as if it starts following us it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it. So he stopped and snaked passed. But as we drove ahead it saw us and started following us to a long distance and it was as fast and quick as a car running at the speed more than 100. We detoured several times to avoid and get rid of him. But it would catch up with us. So at last when we went over a bridge this snake entered the river to follow us and we completely took another road before it could see us and finally got rid of it. Kindly reply.
My dream was I was taking a trip to the moon and It was a peaceful ride but what scared me was the feeling of unknown things I was experiencing I seen it all cold rocks that just floated by and the feeling of some type of pull that controlled us to position us in the place where we were station to go and as we I mean my wife, she comfort me when I got scared and didn’t want to look because I could see into eternity all the stars I could witness and every galaxy I behold and I wanted to see them but it was to much for my mind so I had to turn away. When we reached our place she said I don’t take many people hear and smiled but really I was still just in awe I was in doors in a comfortable setting it kind of reminds my of front room but I was checking to see how things was held down lol but in the middle of the couch there was a miniature star gazer like in a hologram digital form and I could see them and I said I wish we had some type of scanner it could save NASA a lot of money then woke up. The best dream I ever had by far…
Philip – We all have such a scanner. It is called our dreams and intuition, but most people are so busy with other things they miss such wonders as you saw.
See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/using-your-intuition-1/
I dreamt about staring at the sky and seeing a full moon. And then moments later i was seeing two. And then findng myself on an airplane, i was feeling afraid something might happen while it was taking off. I kept praying and then i found myself no longer on the plane. And then i was told the plane i was on, crashed. At this point while i was being told, i was looking up and i was seeing this time, i didnt count but it must have been more than 20.
I had a dream that i was driving in my car and i looked up at the sky& the moon started to turn red and after that there were 4 red full moons.and then it went back to one red moon and after that the moon turned really bright like the sun and i was just staring at it.
I had a dream that started out with me and my friend. We looked to be getting involved with ‘bad people’ but neither of us seemed to mind. Then I was home and we were still texting each other.
The first I knew of the moon exploding was my mom telling me to look out the window. It wasn’t exactly exploding it was more like breaking.
It started in the bottom left corner of the moon, just cracking, and then the whole moon looked like glass about to break. Then it started falling toward Earth in chunks, and the biggesr headong towards my house. It never landed and I don’t know what happened to it.
My father complained that it was the scientists. My mother complained that it would affect the birds. My brother complained that it would affect the sea and my sister was complaining that it would affect her travels. What could this wierd dream mean?
Nuhaa – Your dream seems to be telling you that you are taking in so many views of what life is about, and many of them are not good for you.
The moon breaking is about your inner world breaking apart and it can lead to mental confusion. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
The thing is that what we think and believe creates who we are and that creates our future. Then the different opinions of your family say again about all the different views of what is real. The big piece of the moon didn’t damage you because of another truth you are learning, or should learn, that nothing inwardly can hurt you unless you believe in it. Please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing