Murder Murderer Murdered
Each of us are implicated in killing – by denying, repressing, controlling – some part of our own nature. These denied areas of your own sensitivity or potential can fortunately be resurrected through self awareness of your deed. If you flee from a murderer, it depicts a fear that is threatening your confidence or something you feel threatened by.
Murderous rage in dreamer: It is observable that repressed sexuality or traumatised childhood love leads to feelings of murderous rage which may not be expressed socially, but do appear in dreams; may also express childhood anger linked with emotional bond with mother being damaged. In this case the dreamer will be the murderer – even if in the dream the murderer appears to be someone else. The murder will then be the killing of any love or emotional connection or bond between child and parent. The child often thus murders its own feelings of love for the parent in order to survive apparent or real desertion – as for instance a child being put in foster care. The bonds are so instinctive and strong; to survive parting the child may have to hack away any emotional links.
Freud says, “Has different ‘moral standards’. In dreams we rape, pillage, murder and adventurously act in ways we would resist with horror in waking life.”
Example: I still denied that I wanted to mutilate or destroy my sister. Impossible. I had no such evil in me. When at length I did admit the evil in me, it was with outrage: of what therapeutic use could it be to discover that I had wanted to destroy, murder, my sister – at a time when I could scarcely think? Freud has this interesting comment to make: ‘A child is absolutely egotistical: he feels his wants acutely, and strives remorselessly to satisfy them, especially against his competitors, other children, and first of all against his brothers and sisters. And yet we do not on that account call a child ‘wicked’ – we call him ‘naughty’.
Example: It was something like a semi detached and sited on a slope. I was outdoors and I think felt or knew that we had just taken over this house. But I felt uneasy as if something from the past was linked with it.
Then I was at the back of the house, on the part sloping down from the back wall of the house. I noticed things covering what turned out to be a big hole dug against the back wall, deep into the soil. This was where I felt most ill at ease about the place. The hole had been covered with bits of board and other odd pieces of junk. I lifted these at the left of the hole and looked in. Sticking out from the side of the hole, about three feet down was the dead body of a young man. I could see the back of his skull had been smashed in. But although he had obviously been under the soil for some time, and had now been uncovered, the body was still in good condition, being slightly dried out or mummified.
I felt really guilty and connected with the body, as if I had been part of his murder, and was wondering frantically what I could do to hide or get rid of the body. Part of the problem was that pulling it out risked being seen with it.
In ‘being’ the body in the dream the man said, “But it wasn’t until I got into the role of the dead body that any depth of feelings emerged. Almost as soon as I was in the role of the dead body I began to think about and feel things connected with the way I had killed my sexuality as a teenager. Gradually these feelings deepened and I was describing my feeling hatred in regard to sexuality and how the masses were pulled along by their genitals into some sort of conformity and performance. I felt anger and loathing for what I felt at the time were the cattle human beings were. At the time I despised and hated them. I also felt repugnance at the way people talked about sex or appeared to enjoy it. It has to be understood that in that period in history in the UK, most of sex was depicted in terms of smut, dirt, animal desire, hidden pornography, or loveless fucking. I wept deeply, at times hardly able to breathe, with the pain of seeing what I had done to myself. I said sorry over and over. I saw that I need not have killed my love and sexuality, but could have expressed it in a tender and loving way.
Killing: Repressing or stopping some aspect of oneself – as when we kill our love for someone.
Where the dreamer imagines the death of a beloved relative: Freud believed this was because rivalry and hatred between brothers and sisters was deep rooted though unconscious and, in adult life, concealed by apparent warm affection. One reason for this, he suggested, was that for the child the idea of death meant no more than being ‘gone’: to wish another dead, in early childhood, is simply a way of wishing him removed from the scene. There are however other reasons. In moving toward independence we may find it difficult to establish our own decision making and feeling responses because our parents are so deeply engraved into our ways of behaving. In order to make a break from this we often kill them off in our dreams in one way or another. See: the section of father under archetypes, especially the part of killing father or burying father.
Example: I know what this is about — waiting for that impulse. I’ve created two golden ceremonial knives. I’ve got to cut my way out of the membrane. . It’s my flesh, as I strike out I feel it stabbing, it’s like someone is hacking their way in (hacking movements). I’ve done it, I’ve got it – crying gasping. I killed him – then I severed the arteries. I killed them. I cut the life blood. Then locked myself away never got up again – collapse’s – I got knocked down. I killed them. . (Guilt). The anger came from deep in the soul. I killed them so I could survive. M. went mad; alcoholic brag artist, my dad. That’s my guilty secret, I’m a murderer, killed them from within like a cancer. Undermined them all the time. They’ll be sorry – most of them are, but I’m wonderful, because I am a murderer. I killed to survive. Law of the jungle. All this shit about suffer the little children unto me. . Paradox I died to survive the matador. Comes’ into the ring crippled. Buddhist Mafia – protection money.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Is the body about in the dream?
Do I feel involved and if so in what way?
Can I identify with the murder or the body?
See Being the Person or Thing – Secrets of Power Dreaming – Emotions and Mood in Dreams
I just had a dream last night of killing my brother. We dont have anything against each other we’ve always got along. Recently there has been situations we deal with as a family from mistakes being done from him getting into things causeing him to be in jail every now and then. We as family do fear about it. And i really dont know why i would dream I killed him but he was still there where i would look in my drean. Explain to me why could have i dreamt that and why he was still around?
I had a horribly disturbing dream that I was a blood Thirsty murderer. I dreamt that I had an overpoweringly strong urge to murder people at a party I was at. I didn’t see myself actually murder anyone and I don’t know the people that were killed. There was just a ton of blood and these little sticks that represent each person murdered. By the end of the party in my dream everyone knew I had done something horrible, and I was afraid that I would have to go to the funny farm.
I had a dream that someone killed 3 guys and tied them up then put them under the floor of my job In my dream I knew who did it and my friends did also, when the police investigated I had a chance to tell who committed the crime I kept crying and I was uncomfortable at my job because the vision of the murder kept haunting me everywhere I went so when I was ready to confess I told my friends that I wanted to tell and they told me not to say anything so I didn’t, my conscience was eating me up…. I’ve never had a dream like this before
I had a dream I got out of army camp and on few yards away my friends were waiting for me in car to run away when I reached to that point they showed me a bike standing behind car and one of them said that’s yours we started getting away sooner police started raging us. It was a dangerous police rage like I’ve seen in movies. Later on i saw i parked my bike beneath a building i went upstairs and found an apartmsent unlocked i got in and locked the door. From window I saw police were coming up they broke the door and killed me in encounter.
I had this dream where I was in a beauty school and this girl was after the general but then chased my group, I was running ahead of the group with two other girls next to me when suddenly one gets shot down by one of the guys running behind us then I start flying as he tries to shoot me after making eye contact with me
Another scene, the girl that wanted to kill the general was after my classmate instead, also shooting at us and I try to help her, so I somehow reasoned with the attacker who was just about to shoot her in the head
Erika – This is quite a difficult dream to work on, because it is filled with people and you give no real associations with them. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working and also see, because you will understand the difficulty – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/characters-or-people-in-dreams/
For instance – what or who is the general, and what connection do you have with him or her?
In general you are aware of your appearance – the beauty school – and have some serious doubts or fears attached to it. Flying to escape attack is a sign that instead of admitting you9r fears and dealing with them you tend to distract your attention in some way.
But in the end you try to meet your fears by reasoning with the attacker/fear of death. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
Last night I dreamt that my ex boyfriend (who I haven’t seen in 12 years) killed his wife. Well, hung her, to be precise. And he was somewhere in the dream until I found that he’s been arrested and got a life sentence in prison…
In my dream I remember thinking “that’s because he forced himself to get married to her, he was never happy with her”.
Then at the same time, I’ve heard that my current boyfriend has also killed someone and he was going to prison. In the dream, I was thinking “now that’s a proof that he was no good for me anyway”.
Now, I can’t make any sense of it. The current boyfriend and I had an argument the other day, but I really don’t understand why I dreamt of my ex hanging his wife.
Very disturbing dream
I just woke up from a total nightmare. ” i got in the car with my parents and found a large bucket my dad told me he had murdered a man from work who he had got in a fight with i lifted the lid from the bucket and there was a body in there mans headless body i could tell. My dad took me home and told me to take care of my sibling.he and my mom were going to head up to the mountains to barry the body and everything would be okay.so they did. The next day we went to this place where a lady saw my mom and asked her what kind of car did my dad drive to work , and also told us about a man who was missing. My mom sort of ignored her. The next day was a monday . My dad ook me to school when i was going to get off i told him something . I said dad im scared . I dont want you to go to jail. I love you . I dont want anything bad to happen to you .and i gave him a hug tearing with my head on his chest. I got off and saw him drive off. ” the wierd thing is i woke up to the sound of his car mortor because i heard him turning n his car to go to work .
Celeste – I think first you need to understand something of how dreams work, so see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
Also what do you associate with your Dad. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/characters-or-people-in-dreams/
It may be you feelings about your dad are that he is the strong person in the family and it will be awful if he goes to prison. But murder in a dream means that you have killed out a part of you – and that your Dad did it is an awful situation. It gives you a taste of what it would be like to be without or independent of your Dad.
To see your Dad drive off again suggests you becoming independent of your parent. A big and often difficult step for you to take – but you can do it.
I had a dream my husband and I walked into his mother’s home, and she was there with her youngest daughter (my husband’s sister who’s 18). We walked in and some guy was there and slashed their throats. And we stood there and just watched. I don’t have a relationship with either of them, and my husband doesn’t talk to them. Wonder what this means.
Last week I had a dream in which I shot my father out of rage and then when I woke up I was close to choking on my tears. And this dream has been bothering me for the whole time. I have no clue where to go from this.
Like my father and I are preaty close and I have no clue get I would dream about this, and in the way I did shoot him, he was on the ground begging me not to but I was way to upset and angry to realize that. I even shot the ground right beside him to get my point across.
Somebody please help me with trying to figure this out.
Hi, I recently have a dream whereby to save a friend who contacted me for help, a guy friend (a classmate) and I went to her location to save her. She somehow escaped and my guy friend and I are forced to kill police officers with rifles and guns to escape, and in the end, we somehow escaped from the many police officers that are trying to catch us with another of my classmates watching the direction to which we escaped.
I have a dream now and then that a horrible, brutal murder took place next door. The houses change and the neighborhood I live in in the dreams isn’t usually the same. I don’t witness the murder, but I become aware of it the next day. I’ve never seen the bodies up close, but sometimes there will be blood and I am always made aware of exactly where it happened. In the dreams, I feel very uncomfortable and the picture I see in the dream is fixated on the spot where it happened. In a couple of dreams, a husband killed his wife; last night it was a brother who killed his brother.
Morgan – We do the most outrageous things in our dreams, because we can get away with it. We usually feel guilty, mixed up in some way, or feel we want time to pass in connection with dream murders. This is because we do not want to admit to having those feelings.
The murders are usually done without really being conscious of killing feelings we have about people, or feeling life would sometimes be easier without them. So we are nit killing the people but often our feelings we have about them. If you want to explore this see – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
I recently had a dream where my little brothers and dogs went missing. Nobody knew where they were or where they had gone. Later on they were found in a black trashbag in the dumpster dead. On the trashbag there was a letter to my dad saying ‘I told you your kids would end up in a dumpster if you didnt do what I said’ it ended with my mom and dad arguing
I woke up very disturbed and wanted to cry. I’ve also had many dreams in the past of my family dying, please if there’s anything you can tell me about my dream that will help
Sophia – Please read this first – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
Dreams simply mirror your inner feelings and fears. So you dead dogs and brothers were probably mirroring your feelings of losing love. Dreaming of your death of parents is about your fear of losing them. Try using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Just woke from a dream in which I think I murdered a younger sibling and their friend. In reality, I have no younger siblings nor am I young enough to still live at home nor was that even a house I’m familiar with. I didn’t even envision the murders, just the feeling of guilt and need to cover it up. Thoughts? There’s so much going on here I can’t process.
Ambre – The sibling and friend are actually representing your younger self that you unwittingly killed at some time. Such murders occur often because of parental, school or even peer pressures to act differently to your own nature. Such murders are not fatal as in our dreams we cannot kill out what is really our innate nature. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
Also see http://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/inner-baby-and-child/
I had a dream of coming home And finding my eldest sons foot with shoe on and head detached from body his father had evidently killed him and was incinerating him In the furnace. Later In dream I was making sushi and his father came over and Confessed and then went to work.
Angela – Because a child can represent what has been created by your relationship, your dream could suggest that you are feeling things are not right between you.
The detached head suggests that you feel your vulnerable and loving feelings have been cut off and been burn up and died.
This is simply my guess at a complicated dream.
I dreamed last night that my entire family was murdered. In the dream, I woke up to loud noises and screaming. I turned to see my sister sitting up, seemingly upset. I thought that the house was on fire (my home has caught on fire twice in the last 3 years). My first thought was to get my sister out of the house. I jumped out of bed, and pulled my sister with me, still not aware of what was happening in the house. We ran to the door of my bedroom and as I opened the door, she slipped around me and ran out. I stepped through the doorway in time to see her fall, and blood start spilling everywhere. I ran down the hallway, and found my baby sister sitting on the floor of the bathroom, crying. I rushed inside and tried to comfort her, although I still didn’t know what was going on. I left the bathroom, telling her I would be back. I ran down the hallway into our living room, and found my father, dead, lying on his stomach in the middle of the room. My brother was sitting on the couch, covered in blood, crying. I could tell he was close to death as well. I watched as figures clothed in black walked through my living room, as if they didn’t even notice me standing there. As I ran to go back to the bathroom to check on my sister, some part of me knew that my mother was dead as well. When I returned to the bathroom, my sister was lying on the floor with all of her bones broken (and she was dead). The dream wouldn’t have meant as much to me, if not for the fact that I felt every emotion so vividly. Even when I woke up, the loss and grief that I felt were so strong that I was terrified the dream had been real.