Murder Murderer Murdered
Each of us are implicated in killing – by denying, repressing, controlling – some part of our own nature. These denied areas of your own sensitivity or potential can fortunately be resurrected through self awareness of your deed. If you flee from a murderer, it depicts a fear that is threatening your confidence or something you feel threatened by.
Murderous rage in dreamer: It is observable that repressed sexuality or traumatised childhood love leads to feelings of murderous rage which may not be expressed socially, but do appear in dreams; may also express childhood anger linked with emotional bond with mother being damaged. In this case the dreamer will be the murderer – even if in the dream the murderer appears to be someone else. The murder will then be the killing of any love or emotional connection or bond between child and parent. The child often thus murders its own feelings of love for the parent in order to survive apparent or real desertion – as for instance a child being put in foster care. The bonds are so instinctive and strong; to survive parting the child may have to hack away any emotional links.
Freud says, “Has different ‘moral standards’. In dreams we rape, pillage, murder and adventurously act in ways we would resist with horror in waking life.”
Example: I still denied that I wanted to mutilate or destroy my sister. Impossible. I had no such evil in me. When at length I did admit the evil in me, it was with outrage: of what therapeutic use could it be to discover that I had wanted to destroy, murder, my sister – at a time when I could scarcely think? Freud has this interesting comment to make: ‘A child is absolutely egotistical: he feels his wants acutely, and strives remorselessly to satisfy them, especially against his competitors, other children, and first of all against his brothers and sisters. And yet we do not on that account call a child ‘wicked’ – we call him ‘naughty’.
Example: It was something like a semi detached and sited on a slope. I was outdoors and I think felt or knew that we had just taken over this house. But I felt uneasy as if something from the past was linked with it.
Then I was at the back of the house, on the part sloping down from the back wall of the house. I noticed things covering what turned out to be a big hole dug against the back wall, deep into the soil. This was where I felt most ill at ease about the place. The hole had been covered with bits of board and other odd pieces of junk. I lifted these at the left of the hole and looked in. Sticking out from the side of the hole, about three feet down was the dead body of a young man. I could see the back of his skull had been smashed in. But although he had obviously been under the soil for some time, and had now been uncovered, the body was still in good condition, being slightly dried out or mummified.
I felt really guilty and connected with the body, as if I had been part of his murder, and was wondering frantically what I could do to hide or get rid of the body. Part of the problem was that pulling it out risked being seen with it.
In ‘being’ the body in the dream the man said, “But it wasn’t until I got into the role of the dead body that any depth of feelings emerged. Almost as soon as I was in the role of the dead body I began to think about and feel things connected with the way I had killed my sexuality as a teenager. Gradually these feelings deepened and I was describing my feeling hatred in regard to sexuality and how the masses were pulled along by their genitals into some sort of conformity and performance. I felt anger and loathing for what I felt at the time were the cattle human beings were. At the time I despised and hated them. I also felt repugnance at the way people talked about sex or appeared to enjoy it. It has to be understood that in that period in history in the UK, most of sex was depicted in terms of smut, dirt, animal desire, hidden pornography, or loveless fucking. I wept deeply, at times hardly able to breathe, with the pain of seeing what I had done to myself. I said sorry over and over. I saw that I need not have killed my love and sexuality, but could have expressed it in a tender and loving way.
Killing: Repressing or stopping some aspect of oneself – as when we kill our love for someone.
Where the dreamer imagines the death of a beloved relative: Freud believed this was because rivalry and hatred between brothers and sisters was deep rooted though unconscious and, in adult life, concealed by apparent warm affection. One reason for this, he suggested, was that for the child the idea of death meant no more than being ‘gone’: to wish another dead, in early childhood, is simply a way of wishing him removed from the scene. There are however other reasons. In moving toward independence we may find it difficult to establish our own decision making and feeling responses because our parents are so deeply engraved into our ways of behaving. In order to make a break from this we often kill them off in our dreams in one way or another. See: the section of father under archetypes, especially the part of killing father or burying father.
Example: I know what this is about — waiting for that impulse. I’ve created two golden ceremonial knives. I’ve got to cut my way out of the membrane. . It’s my flesh, as I strike out I feel it stabbing, it’s like someone is hacking their way in (hacking movements). I’ve done it, I’ve got it – crying gasping. I killed him – then I severed the arteries. I killed them. I cut the life blood. Then locked myself away never got up again – collapse’s – I got knocked down. I killed them. . (Guilt). The anger came from deep in the soul. I killed them so I could survive. M. went mad; alcoholic brag artist, my dad. That’s my guilty secret, I’m a murderer, killed them from within like a cancer. Undermined them all the time. They’ll be sorry – most of them are, but I’m wonderful, because I am a murderer. I killed to survive. Law of the jungle. All this shit about suffer the little children unto me. . Paradox I died to survive the matador. Comes’ into the ring crippled. Buddhist Mafia – protection money.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Is the body about in the dream?
Do I feel involved and if so in what way?
Can I identify with the murder or the body?
See Being the Person or Thing – Secrets of Power Dreaming – Emotions and Mood in Dreams
Last night I had an unusual dream. I was at a house I don’t know and was on the phone with my coworker and was telling her there was a murderer in the house. She told me that if there was blood on the floor, there was in fact a murderer in the house. I saw the blood on the floor and pieces of bodies. There were many people in the house with me and one of them was my mom, who passed away about three months ago. In this dream she was alive. There was a sliding glass door and everybody started running outside but I stayed on the other side of the door which closed. The murderer was coming to kill me but somebody on the other side of the door told me something that bothered me; I automatically turned to the murderer and told him to kill this guy instead. I was very demanding when I spoke to the murderer and he agreed to it and went and killed the other guy. The murder was a black, short and chubby guy. After he killed the other guy, I thanked God for letting me scape and kept running with the others, my mom included. He killed a couple more people but my mom and I weren’t killed. I woke up because I needed to go to the bathroom. I do remember the sensation of fear running down my body and the relief I felt when I woke up and realized we weren’t killed.
Irma – Most of us are murderers in one form or another – at least from the point of view of dreams. In dreams we often kill ourselves and do it in various ways. For example our latest boyfriend or girlfriend may have left us and we kill out any love we felt for them. Or else we are angry and repress the anger and so that murderous energy turns inwards and we kill ourselves.
So the murderer in your dream is such a desperate part of you, and has nothing to do with an external murderer. That is why you were able to redirect that energy to another part of you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
The black guy was an unconscious part of you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/autonomous-complex/ He was probably a part of yourself you had not allowed a real expression in your life and so run amok. You can learn to know what part by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
In some way it seems that the murderer and your mother are part of the cause of the dream.
Last night I had the most upsetting dream i think I have ever had my Grandfather who is a great man with a great heart was not in his home me and my boyfriend went to visit we went inside where the fire was lit telly was on but empty I left for a few and when I came back my boyfriend had invited which seemed like a hundred people over I felt so anxious I was screaming for them to leave alongside all these people were forensics and police lookin in his cubards I asked one of the officers to have a cigarette out the back. We began talking and he explained my grandfather was missing person for the past 24 hours anyways when I went back inside I was alone I was so scared lookin for my grandad eventually I found him he was dead brutally murdered stabbed I think so I knew someone was comin back I didn’t see them but they wanted to murder me then my mother grandmother and sisters appeared outside ina car so I call 999 but they were not interested I had to jump out the second floor window but I could feel this man presence I was in a wood at the back of my grandparents garden then my son woke me up I feel so disturbed this morning help!! Reply
I had a dream where I lived in a small town and I was being chased and eventually murdered by a little girl over and over, my pov was of the the people in the town, all of them. Once i was chased through a park, eventually clibing a tree and being humg by my own scarf, the little girl was in the tree as i died looking down at me and laughing as i died. Another i was being chased throgh a building and the lights went out and my throat was slit, and I looked up while the blood ran through my fingers and the little girl stood over me with a little knife and blood splattered on her face laughing. Another i was being chased through a school when I tripped and fell, and the little girl jumped on top of me and beat me in the head, as I watched my own blood splatter her. Every time though, I’m not me, I’m one of the people from the town, a woman the a teenage boy, then a man, then a little girl, I was everyone at the point of their death at the hands if this girl it hapoened over and over. The little girl looked like my step daughter( my real life bratty step daughter). Eventually I had to stop her killing spree and electrocuted her in a swimming pool after being chased by her and hearing her creepy laughter. I was the one arrested for all of the murders. And the police wouldn’t believe me that it was the little girl doing it all.
Angela – Whenever we dream its images are not like real life. Because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear. So all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind. Nearly always when people dream about someone they know they automatically believe the dream is about that person. But when we think of our friend or partner our thoughts are not them – just our thoughts and feelings about them. So everyone in your dreams is you.
So the police were right, you were the murderer. To quote the entry you read, “It is observable that repressed sexuality or traumatised childhood love leads to feelings of murderous rage which may not be expressed socially, but do appear in dreams; may also express childhood anger linked with emotional bond with mother being damaged. In this case the dreamer will be the murderer – even if in the dream the murderer appears to be someone else. The murder will then be the killing of any love or emotional connection or bond between child and parent. The child often thus murders its own feelings of love for the parent in order to survive apparent or real desertion – as for instance a child being put in foster care. The bonds are so instinctive and strong; to survive parting the child may have to hack away any emotional links”.
So I feel from that you had a rough time at some time in your childhood, and so you wanted to kill everyone. I did it myself, but fortunately few of us act out such feelings unless our damage was severe in childhood.
You might be able to change the dream by using – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
There is an internet poster which says, “Dreams do not work unless you do”!
Last night I dreamt of my cousin and her boyfriend being kidnapped. Me and his mom were frantically looking for them, I ran around town asking people like crazy, and eventually ended up looking in the hills by the international border, and ran into some cops. Then all of a sudden they found d their bodies buried in the hill. They were dead. I don’t know what it meant, but it scared me and Idk what to think or what to interpret from this.
Last night I had somewhat of a nightmare for the first time since I was about 8. I dreamed of being in a house with my mom and some other person (not my dad.) I left the house to avoid them arguing. So I go down the street from where, I call one of my closest friends if I could go to his house in meanwhile until they stop arguing. He said no because he was busy playing video games. So I just headed back home when I got there… There was a dead body on the floor. I went inside my moms room saw another guy in the room just sitting in front of the bed I was telling him stuff, cussing him out. Then my mom picks up a saw below her and threatens me. I go running to my room but I never managed to close it. So my sister comes in trying to protect me. I told my mom I would call 911 if she didn’t stop. She just got even more madder so I start calling 911 and when the lady says “hello, what is your emergency.” I just say ” uhm nothing it was a misunderstanding.” And hang up and just start breaking down. I couldn’t see my own mother in jail. That’s when I wake up and just start tearing up a bit.
Brian – Wow, some serious issues here. I will try to make them plain.
It seems from your dream that your childhood family atmosphere was one of tension for you, one you tried to distance yourself from. But you didn’t get much luck in trying.
It strikes you that you couldn’t get your mom in trouble because it is the old childhood difficulty. In my own words, “I wanted to kill her sometimes, but where would I be without my mom?”
Aggressive feelings are one of the main expressions of our energy, along with sex, ambition and survival. Generally speaking, it is not wise to hold them back and express them on parents even though they are in an awful and destructive phase. Wherever possible it helps to seek a more satisfying and constructive expression for them – beating a pillow with a rolled up newspaper for instance, while allowing your feelings to vent. Many aggressive or hostile feelings arise from childhood experiences, and are, at their origin, directed toward one or both of our parents. But unfortunately in adult life they tend to fire toward someone we have an emotional link with, such as our partner or even ones child.
I have been having awful dreams for the past few weeks and it was followed by my cheating on my husband and coming clean about it. The first noticable dream was myself tryin to save my siblings from something and I couldnt, im the oldest. I have had many disturbing dreams since then but the ones that stood out most and I remember is that, and, I stole my moms car and my brother was with me and I couldnt brake. Thats all fine and dandy but I have never driven in my life. At the end of this dream I was fighting strangers then woke up. This last night I had a dream that my grandma was in the hospital and my cousin convinced me to kill her, with a pillow. My grandma means the word to me so I woke up in tears. When Iwent back to sleep I had another dream about someone else tryin to convince me to kill someone else.. I really dont know whats going on in my head. But waking up every morning has become awful
This was my second dream regarding unexpectedly evil cops.
Two young men on motorcycles were going to be stopped by a motorcycle cop, but tricked him and sped off making a left turn at a T-stoe intersection, leaving him at the light, racing each other and having fun with it. As they sped off, onlookers and I teased because we saw that they’d probably cut across a field to escape, and the field had no exit, so they’d have to turn back and the cop would be waiting for them. That’s exactly what happened.
When they were confronted they dismounted their bikes and the officer had drawn his pistol and fired on one of them, the white young man. He tried to run at/past the cop and was wounded by several shots, perhaps killed.
The other young man seemed darker skinned and was terrified and surrendered to the officer, who executed him helplessly. The look of horror was very dramatic, and he began to decompose immediately as onlookers mourned.
Then we learned that the officers directive was to kill the poor for any disobedience, and we onlookers were very afraid.
This is weird I just woke up from a dream I had to Google immediately. I was returning from a family trip, possibly camping, and me and my uncle lost my mum. Her car just disappeared. We got to his she wasn’t there… I went back to look for her and found a few of her things… The spare bag of clothes and some other stuff by the side of the road. I went back to get my uncle and he drove back to the spot where it was, (he literally nearly killed up with his driving too!) there we found more of her stuff neatly lined up on the side of the road including her phone! When I saw the phone I somehow knew she’d been murdered. I started crying we went back to my uncle’s and I was furiously looking for the murderer. Then my uncle’s neighbor walked in and said ‘i did this for the best… It’s for the best’ and I realised he was the murderer and threw myself at him but couldn’t do anything… He was like kryptonite! Or the anger I had for him was paralyzing… Idk but I couldn’t do much. My uncle tried to pin him up but he got away and I just screamed threats at him as he casually hopped down the stairs. As I realised my mum was dead just like that I couldn’t help feeling I’d been left completely on my own since my dad died earlier this year, I have no direct siblings and my uncle abused me when I was little (all matching up to real life). Then I woke up. Can’t stop thinking about it. What the fuck. It felt so real.
Dear Tony,
Last night I had a pretty weird dream. In this dream my best friend was my older sister. My dad killed my other friend and we both saw it. We ran outside and confronted him. He denied it at first, then said it was an “accident” then kind of gave up when he realized we knew. I started to scream mean words at him while my sister stood behind me, quiet. As my dad left he stopped in front of his car. He stared at me with the scariest human face i had ever seen. Not the kind in a horror movie with the black hair and white pale masks but he looked psychotic almost, like he wanted to do that his entire life. But the thing is he stared at me. Only me before driving away. Also, when I woke up, I knew that the night before tonight I had the same dream, I just couldn’t remember before. In that one I think he killed my mother. What does this mean??? Please reply -Ava
Early this morning I had a dream about myself and 2 of my family members being murdered. We were riding in a tractor trailer, my uncle (on my mom’s side) was behind the wheel, I was sitting directly in the middle, my mom was in the passengers seat and there was a teen, that worked for my uncle but only in the dream not in real life, sitting either on my mom’s lap or on part of the seat in front of my mom. We were driving down a local road here in Maryland where the posted speed is only 40mph. This man, dressed in tactical gear sorta, came from atop the truck and took an assault rifle and shot my uncle, then my mom, then me, and then the teen worker. I remember closing my eyes after being shot so I could play dead. I remember what I was saying to myself in my head…that I had to wake up, that I couldn’t be dead, I had to call for help. It was so hard to open my eyes and lift my head to reach my cell and make the call. I made the 911 call just before I woke up. I saw the murderer’s face. I could tell you exactly how he looked, the clothes, the gun, everything that was visible in my dream I can recall like this really had occurred, as if it just happened. Does this have any other kind of meaning besides repressed feelings/thoughts? And please…no negative feedback, thank you!
Last night I had a dream about a baby or toddler, who serial murdered families. I came across the child and brought it into my family. It went for a while and my family didn’t die, but when I took the child to the mall with me, we were separated. In short, there was mass bloodshed and when I got out of the mall and into the parking lot, I found a woman holding the baby, and taking it to her mini van. I was going to call out and claim the child but we met eyes and I let her go. I waited several minutes and went to the car. The woman was torn apart and lay across the back seat of her van. I picked up the baby, and it giggled as I took it to my car, and when I woke up I had that cold chill feeling after a nightmare, but I also had a smile on my face….can this be explained at all?
This morning I dreamt that My mother and I had gotten into an argument as my father is approaching the room I’m feeling like he’s coming to my rescue, But instead my father enters the room and reaches down toward a recliner chair and picks up my (deceased) sister by her head and snap her neck and kill her
I been having terrible dreams the past couple of days. One dream my daugther n another child was murdered her biological dad and i found them…next a girl throws a child over the bridge and kills him after the kid wins a fight against her brother…another i just had a baby…the last one my husband and i are at a game and i can truly feel like something is going to happened and then he gets shot from behind in the neck and falls, i froze and then began yelling for help but no one moves they just stand there and then i wake up with my heart racing…in all of my dreams i feel the true pain as though it is real…Whats the meaning of this anyone?
I’ve been having reoccurring dreams I’ve committed murder and then fleeing the scene, running from the authorities, and living in fear. For the past two years these very unpleasant dreams have come and gone, always replaying completely differently but the theme always exactly the same. I wake up and have to convince myself I haven’t killed anyone… or have I?… a couple minutes of confusion and I finally come back to reality and know I have not. Until last night, however, I never saw myself Murdering anyone and actually trying to dispose of the body parts… adding to my paranoia of being caught by my finger prints being involved and the physical evidence being all around me. And my victim was one of my friends. :/ it wasn’t a violent crime. And he and I both chuckled as I easily sliced him into Pizza shaped pieces. Does my viewpoint and actions getting closer to the crime signify something? Is there something I can do to make these dreams stop?
Briar – Of course you have committed murder – nearly all of us have – but fortunately in the outside world. Dreams take place in a very different world, with very different points of reference. They take place in the inner world of your own being, in the midst of all that you are, using images of others to depict aspects of yourself. So it is parts of yourself you have murdered. To understand this you need to read some of the following – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/characters-or-people-in-dreams/ – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing and http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/clicking-on/
Such murders take place as we repress parts of our whole nature, or else as a child we were not allowed to express part of us. If you carry on it gradually diminishes your awareness of your own feelings, passions and insights.
What can you do to stop it? Well the very best thing is to identify what part of you was killed and bring it back to life. You9 can do this by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
You might also find – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ helpful.
Last night I dreamed that I was out with my family. I found proof my boyfriend was cheating. I wanted to confront him but since it was a family day I thought I would wait till we got home. I never finished the dream but the weird part is my daughter did. She dreamed the same scenario but we did confront each other. She went to check on kids and heard a loud thud. When she came to see what happened he had hit me in the head with a sledgehammer. She saw me grab it from him but then my head became swollen I grabbed my stomach and fell to ground. She felt I died it scared her and she woke up. We are not even in the same state. We both had dream the same night. I cant stop thinking about it.
Yolanda – There could be at least two reasons for you dream and your daughters dream. The first is that many, many women dream that their partner is having sex with someone else. A few men have the same dream, and it is usually because the dreamer is so terrified of being left or unloved. It starts from the terrific need of a child. See http://dreamhawk.com/relationship-sex/ages-of-love-2/
The business of your daughters dream could be that you and your daughter are close and share worries and dreams, as in the following dream:
Ann, a woman I recently met, told me that one morning at work a colleague whose name was June, said, “I had a terrible dream last night. It was so vivid. In it my elder sister pushed me against a wall and stabbed me with a pair of scissors.” Later in the day the sister phoned because she was troubled by an awful dream she had experienced. She said that in it she had pushed her younger sister against a wall and stabbed her with scissors.”
It is quite common to have similar dreams in a family.
But the other reason might be that you have an intuitive dream about your partner that is showing you some truth. In which case I would seek help from someone before anything happens. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_women%27s_organizations