Native American

Natural wisdom; self acceptance and wisdom based on this awareness of ones links with the world and the intuition or wisdom of the irrational or unconscious. It can represent realisation of tribal wisdom and the link with intuitive initiations into stages of growth and entrance into the house of the ancestors. For some people it links with feelings of being dispossessed.

If you live in America, you may have all the above associations of being touch in with nature, but some people dream of being attacked and threatened. And this is probably an expression of meeting the alien in you, or a fear of strangers. The Indian can also be a guide and a wise person. See See alien – Reaction to the unconscious

Example: Dreamt that a young modern Red Indian was talking to me while walking in London. He said he would show me one of the secret nerve blocks used by the shamans. He pressed quickly the right side of my throat and tapped my forehead. Then he walked backwards away from me a few paces, and he appeared to shrink in size and diminish in age. I immediately thought this must have been the physiological method used in their magic. I seemed to remember having been shown it before by another Red Indian. He didn’t have to walk away, but looked young and small anyway. To end the effect, the Indian tapped the base of my neck in the thyroid area, and tapped my buttocks.


Useful questions are:

What are my feelings about the Indian or being an Indian?

What am I gaining or getting from the Indian?

See The Iroquoian Dream CultNative American BeliefsSecrets of Power DreamingBeing the Person or Thing – Spirit Child


-chiraz 2014-07-10 13:45:25

In my waking life I am faced with a lot of trials right. I am 6000km away from home in another country across the mediteranean sea. I am now at my husbands parents house however my husband is not here. He is in jail. I go to see him once a week and there is a conflict here with his mother and family. They are talking very badly about me and telling lies to him and to others here.

Here is the dream I had a few nights ago. I know there is a meaning behind it, I just can’t figure out what it is.

I had a dream I was in my town back home. I was on the street and across the street there was a parking lot and in the parking lot there was a bed. My twin sister was sitting on the bed. I was holding a baby I think it was hers. I’m not sure.

The baby’s name started with A. Adrianna, Ariana or Ariel. Not sure. I looked down the street and saw a wolf with a black and white tail. There was a baby wolf behind her. Then I looked and saw a mother horse giving birth to a baby horse on the side of the road.

Then across the street I saw what I thought was a black wolf, but it was a bear. I saw the bear coming toward the baby horse, I yelled at my sister to give me a shot gun and she said no.

Then I was in the middle of the street and the bear came up to me and the baby, my first instinct was the bear was going to eat the baby then the bear was gone. I went and talked to my sister and she started telling me about an ex of mine and when I told her to let me talk to him, she said no. I said oh why? Are you in a romantic relationship or something? She said yes. Then…

I was in an alley way there were a lot of people. I saw my nephew he was drunk. I started to talk to him when his phone rang and it was his older brother. I heard him tell him that he was going home. But his brother mentioned something about a restaurant being opened and he changed his mind and was going to go there. He was telling his bro how he wanted to see the wolf.

During their conversation, I was looking down the alley way and I saw like a tail crossing the alley way and there were some trees. I saw the wolf and baby cross then some more animals. Then I saw a skunk. I asked myself in the dream why I was seeing all these animals. What did they mean?

Then I started talking to my nephew and was telling him about the bear. I brought him to the street and showed him where the bear was and told him that I thought he was going to attack me and I started to cry. My nephew hugged me and said everything will ok. Then I woke up.

Can someone please help me out with this dream!?!?!

-carlos 2014-07-08 7:05:29

my wife had dream of shaman dress in white with a fur vest like over his shoulders blow smoke to a big dream catcher and a white horse appeared. any thoughts on what does it mean?

-Mickey 2014-06-21 20:19:15

I was here looking at some art thing or fountain not running and it was so blue like the sea I saw the moon reflecting, then I was at the beach on a rock like 20 feet into the water from shore I saw a elephant walking with it’s head above the water it passes, then my aunt was with me and a shark came. I was on the rock she in the water and she petted the shark as I look right at it in the face teeth and very dark eyes. It was weird. After it left I swam to shore. I can’t say I made it or not.

    -Tony Crisp 2014-06-23 8:21:52

    Mickey – I get the impression from you dream that you are successfully dealing with fears. It seems that an influence from you aunt, maybe the calmness of her has impressed you, and so you could face the shark.

    Swimming shows you that you are becoming more involved in your inner life, and the elephant is a sign that the problems you face you will find strength to deal with them. See

    The moon too shows you beginning to connect with your inner world.


-Maddie 2014-05-22 17:51:11

I had a dream that I heard thunder and saw lightning. Then I heard a voice that told me I was a Heyoka?
Then a woman in a colorful dress led me to a village on a tall mountain. There were many people. She took me to the chief. I sat down and he told me to travel the world and see things. I looked out and saw the sky, clear from any rain clouds. I am confused could someone please explain this to me?

-Lana 2014-05-21 18:43:54

When I was 7 years old , I dreamt that my parents were hung by the neck, and American Indians were holding, hugging me and took me in to their lives.
It still haunts me 65 years later

-sally 2014-05-06 22:29:29

I’ve had a recurring dream since i was about 3 years old I am now 33 years old I am standing on ice and am fearful it will break and i will fall through then suddenly it does and I am surrounded by killer whales but am not afraid anymore . I have only seen wales on tv and I have never been in the ocean. Any insight on my recurring dream? Reply

    -Tony Crisp 2014-05-07 7:04:16

    Sally – I have a feeling about this dream, it is that you were born with a gift that you are only just coming in to. The age of 33 is a time, between 30 and 40, where we are at our highest ability psychologically. To quote from – – “Researchers and inventors seem to make their greatest advances during these years. It is interesting to note that physical science finds evidence of the reason for this in the fact that the association centres of the brain come to their peak efficiency at about thirty-five years of age. This is even more interesting when we see that most of the great religious teachers and philosophers came to some vital experience at thirty-five. Jesus, Buddha, Paul, Dante and Jacob Behmen were all in the region of thirty-five at the point of their greatest insights. It would seem then, that if there is an inspirational influence at work in your life, it would possibly reach its peak during these years in and around thirty-five.

    Your dream shows you ready to break through a frozen part of you that has stopped you falling through or entering what in dream language is the major and creative part of you – the deep water of your inner life.

    When you break through you are at first afraid, because we are afraid of the bigness, the huge expanse of what we really are. But you are getting used to it now and are no longer afraid. Don’t forget that our cultural heritage comes from allegorical stories that have great significance for our psychological and spiritual growth. So the story of Jonah and the whale is about your dream. Remember that in dreams we are in a totally different world. See

    So it is okay to be swallowed by the whale. See

    Face the future if you inner growth with as much courage and strength as you can. Allow the process to open a beautiful flowering in you. See


-Jennifer 2014-04-15 12:48:57

I had a dream last night that my home was being attacked by Native Americans and I was laying on top of a young man trying to protect him. What could this mean?

-Debby 2014-03-29 13:58:09

I wanted to know what the significance was of having a dream ( or so I thought) of having a Native American stand over me putting a symbol on my forehead with their finger…I woke up enough to realize I was actually feeling the pressure on my forehead and it wasn’t a dream…but I fell back to sleep. Any ideas what this means?

    -Tony Crisp 2014-03-30 10:24:38

    Debby – It was a dream, because dreams produce all the physical and emotions – in fact everything and more that we experience in the body. You felt it while you were awakening because at that moment the dream process broke through into waking awareness.

    Years ago I theorised that during the dream, in most people the movements being experienced only partially express through the motor nerves and muscles. I had watched a dog, for instance, make obvious running and barking movements and sounds while it dreamt. But the movements and sounds were faint. Yet in sleepwalking, the spontaneous movements and vocalisation are much more complete. So I wondered what connections existed between dreaming, sleepwalking and Mesmer’s subjects.

    So that was the beginning. The dream process could break through into waking consciousness. But it was clearer and it was healing. A long standing neck tension and feeling of loneliness I suffered for years disappeared. We noticed that as people learn the way of dropping the suppression of their ability to dream consciously, they can begin to tap the functions of dreaming when they wish. For instance, the dream process has a much fuller access to total memory and subliminal impressions than normal waking awareness. So once one has learnt to dream consciously, one can actually ask a question and have a direct response from the process.

    So the Native American putting a symbol on your head was an initiation into a wider awareness. But of course it will only remains a dream unless you access the power. Try using and


-Maize 2014-03-20 20:15:58

When I dream there tend to be a few “places” I go, usually the dream plays out in a recurring location and the last dream I had was in this valley. There’s no daylight, but it’s not night either, the closet thing I can compare it to is a solar eclipse. It’s flat terrain mostly but I can’t see that far into the distance, as if the valley is bordered by trees in all directions. I feel like there are other people in the valley with me, but I can’t see or hear them, just an intuition that other people are there. And it isn’t a sinister or evil feeling, I know whatever or whomever is there isn’t trying to hurt me more ambivalent to me than anything else, it’s just a feeling of recognition of their presence. I’m walking slowly, I try and look at things but I’m never quite sure if they’re really there, as soon as I set my eyes to focus whatever I tried to see blurs and fades into the line of trees. I thought I saw a house or cabin with a light in the window but before I can really see it, it’s gone. Then I see the two animals. One is sitting upright, I couldn’t remember if it was a fox/bobcat/coyote but now I’m pretty sure it was a wolf of some sort, and resting at the feet of the wolf is a hawk but it’s lying flat on the ground. The animals didn’t talk but there was something human about them, something in the face of the wolf maybe…but anyways, the animals didn’t say anything to me but somehow I knew that the two animals were bound together. Furthermore, I knew that the hawk would die, and another would come and fill it’s place at the feet of the wolf, forever. I came closer to the two animals and I could see the dead hawk that had come before lying underneath the current hawk. The wolf was permanent never dying never changing, but the hawk was living out its life until it was replaced by another over and over. And then the dream ended. I’m sure everyone posts their dreams here hoping you’ll analyze them, I was just curious about the wolf and hawk connection if there’s something in folklore or tribal history.

-Stacie Wallach 2014-03-16 16:05:27

I dreamed I walked out from a building and saw 5 or so people looking up at the sky at a clock. It was huge and I saw the hands on the clock speed up. The sky was blue and the clock was made out of the clouds. What does all this mean?

-corey 2014-02-17 13:11:15

Hello my fiance, my highschool sweet heart, had been together for 6 years I’m only 21 and we have been struggling to make ends meat and become stable so she left me so her family would help her out…its been a month now. And. I just had a dreamthat I was with her and her family and they were encouraging us and my fiance and I were holding eachother making up! It.felt so real like it was actually happening Ireally hope that’s a sign we get back together because I truley love her and I’m going to the marines so Ican support her any help?

-Bailey 2014-01-23 21:13:54

I know that the dream I had last night is a warning. If its a positive or negative thing that they are warning me of I have no Ideas. It starts out with me in the woods. Im a native American Cherokee hunting for my tribe. I have two animals already that I have killed. I couldn’t describe them no matter what. My appearance is different. I have longer, darker colored hair. Darker skin tone and my brown eyes seem to be brighter, wiser. Im wearing a long sleeved buffalo skin shirt and pants with boots. Considering the outfit choice its probably winter. I was about to head back to the tribe when a rabbit caught my eye. Its fur the whitest I have ever seen its eyes a bright blue. It looked at me then hopped off. I got my bow and locked a arrow in it. I followed it to what my senses told me was No man’s land. The side I had come from was the good side and the side I was about to enter had great evil. There was a bright orange paint line in the grass separating these sides. I continued to follow the rabbit. It was so foggy I couldn’t see anything but the rabbit. It was sprinkling lightly. I was walking through a meadow type thing with woods on the edge. Even though I couldn’t see the woods I knew it was there. The Rabbit suddenly took off. It transformed into a beautiful white fox. Its eyes the same blue but this time it was staring at me. I suddenly felt surrounded. Like at any moment someone was going to grab me. I turned and took off running. Something or someone chased me. As soon as I crossed the line between my land and No man’s land I collapsed breathing hard. Whatever was chasing me was far enough away for me not to see. For some reason they couldn’t cross the paint line. I assumed at first a magical border but then.. how could I have crossed the border in the first place? Email me your answer or any suggestions or thoughts:

    -Tony Crisp 2014-01-26 14:42:21

    Bailey – the dream, in my opinion, is not a warning but instructions.

    Being a Cherokee hunter in woods shows you in a place of nature, with a body and mind tuned to natural forces and the Great Spirit.

    Following a white rabbit is a classic sign of going on an inner or spiritual journey. Its blue eyes and pure white fur is another sign of its link with the holy – the things that are universal like motherhood.

    Then you crossed over an orange line, yet another sign that signifies refined sexuality leading to spiritual insight. The white fox with blue eyes is also a signifier. Getting close to the fox means you are getting close to the natural and responsive in you and around you – being at one with life in you.

    But being that close often causes fear because you begin to feel you are close to something enormous that you do not understand, so you ran away from what could have been a wonderful initiation. That’s okay, most of us are frightened when confronted by the Great Spirit. See and


-Nicole 2013-12-29 4:17:33

I dreamt of a Native American. The man seemed to communicate with me about himself without speaking.He was high in a tree lying in an old hammock, extremely gaunt, withered and old, he seemed so cold in the elements and wind, had only a tattered blanket to cover himself and no relief for his bones, no comfort. He seemed almost mummified, like he had been barely living in this state for many years. I knew that he was going to die soon. I am so very troubled by this.

-gail 2013-12-04 20:28:46

Please don’t think I’m weird or crazy, but I’ve been ‘hearing’ a type of chant in my mind today that goes like this (phonetically): cha-wah-humph-ah

It’s kind of a song/chant type of thing and sounds Native American in sound. It has come out of nowhere and I decided to research it on the internet..and came upon your site. Again, please don’t think me to be weird. Thanks. Gail

-P Smith 2013-11-17 6:40:11

I’ve had a dream several times and was curious about what it may mean. I walk up to a field and I see a lady with her back turned to me. On her back is three tatoo’s in the center is a doe and to each side are two twin white wolves. As I step closer the wolves start coming out of her back. I could tell they were protecting her but when she turned to look it was me. And no I have no tatoo’s. I also have the feeling the wolves were torn between protection and instinct. Any insite?

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