This shows you discovering your potential, mining new ideas or energy from within you. These potentials are probably to do with innate processes from the long past, or aspects of yourself you have never dealt with before, or personal resources needing work to make usable. Potentials you are bringing to consciousness from your unconscious resources. See: Mine.
Precious ore: In dreams this usually represents the great wisdom or insights you have gathered from digging into yourself, searching for who and what you are. They are precious because you cannot help but by changed by finding them.
Example: I was a youth, with a friend my own age, and walking up the hill opposite Amersham hospital. The boy was showing me the stones imbedded in the ground, and saying some were full of minerals. I dug out a piece of what looked like iron ore, or lodestone. I noticed thousands of small stones embedded in the earth like a mosaic. I had never noticed these before, despite having walked that hill in dreams many times. I believe the boy threw a piece into the sky, making it fall like a meteorite.
Example: I have come across a tunnel dug into a rocky cliff. A track sloped down from a hill or a mountain past the tunnel entrance, which was on my left. I saw a few men emerging from the tunnel. Small broken ore/rock covered the exit to the cave forming a level surface to walk on. I knew the men had found the treasure in the tunnel. I saw bits of gold, like chunks of rock, on the ground near the exit. I knew also that there was still a great treasure in the tunnel. Another person went in to get some of the treasure. However, I knew that to have a treasure you had to answer a question put to you by something like a Guardian of the tunnel – maybe a sphinx.
In exploring the dream I found that the cave is an absence of something. It is the result of work done of clearing out, of chipping away at what was there inside me. This led to revealing what we consider to be treasure. The treasure was there but it had not been revealed, it was part and parcel of the rock. What I find interesting about the dream is that there are pieces of gold lying about outside the cave. So one could gather a lot of treasure simply from what is already available. There would be no need to enter the cave. But there is the promise of enormous treasure inside. It isn’t so much the wealth, but there is the impression that the treasure is not simply lumps of gold, but un-nameable things that one would find extremely valuable. There is also the sense I have while working on the dream that the cave that has been dug, that has been mined, connects with natural caves that go deep into the earth within the mountain. I have a sense that these link with the far past, with the origins of life on earth, and our own beginnings.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Does the ore promise value or is it valueless?
Did I find gold or gems in the ore?
Was it me who found it or was it already there?
See Being the Person or Thing – Diving into the Depths of Mind – Features on Site