Pregnant in my Dream
A young woman send this dream, and there are so may like it.
I had a dream that I was 3 months pregnant. I don’t know who the father is but I have a feeling I know who. What does this mean? Will I get pregnant soon?
Many women get pregnant in dreams without any man involved. And in fact you are pregnant now – not in a physical way but within you – for you carry a new life, a new you that can be born if you treasure it. The new life is a part of you that wishes to become active in your life, a part of that that hasn’t had the opportunity to be expressed before.
Of course it is shown as a baby because anything new in us that is seeking life is vulnerable and needs to be cared for and nurtured.
Will you get pregnant soon? Well that depends on whether you want to or have the opportunity to. But the dream does suggest that you are ready for being a mother and that your dream is perhaps a practice run.
Example:I dreamt I was heavily pregnant and naked, lying on the floor of a dark room with one light directed on me. My ex-boyfriend was next to me, naked, stroking my hair, telling me everything was going to be alright. In the dream I felt physically sick but inwardly perfectly calm and at peace. But I am confused as I am only 15 and there’s no chance I’m pregnant.
Within the virtual reality of her dream, Sandra is experimenting with her ability to attract a man using her physical appeal. Having tried this out in her dream Sandra may or may not use this in her everyday life. The dream Joanne describes is common among young women. It involves either being pregnant, or actually giving birth. In both cases it is a way of gaining confidence and meeting anxieties about the possibility of pregnancy. It allows the dreamer to gain experience in an area that would be difficult, painful or dangerous to experiment with in waking life. In this and many other ways, your dreams allow you to explore without the risks you would meet in waking life. See: magical dream machine.
I dreamt I was pregnant and it was kinda crazy anyways here it goes
So I was pregnant with a man I don’t know just know he was Lebanese which the man I’m with is not and we almost have a 1 year old but anyways Everything seemed good I could even remember feeling how caring this guy was towards me and the baby then we were on a greyhound bus heading somewhere and him and I got in a little argument about I don’t I don’t even know I head to the back of the bus to just get away I’m sitting with ppl he keeps staring at me from the front then he heads back this bus all of sudden has a belching type thing in the back we go out there were arguing then I’m like just leave me and the baby alone he’s like oh ya and takes a swing at my belly from the on he kept following me finding me the ppl on the bus were still with me and ya crazy see
Hi tony I had a dream that I was exactly 6 months pregnant didn’t know until I went to the doctor and with her examining me she discovered that I was pregnant with a little boy I keep having these dreams and the man that I am with is also in the dream what does this mean please help
Chanel 🙂
In general dreams recur because there are ways the dreamer habitually responds to their internal or external world. Because their attitude or response is unchanging, the dream that reflects it remains the same.
Please read
I see it that the dream is reminding you of something beautiful emerging inside you, either as a result of your relationship with your inner male, with your outer male or with both.
Apparently it is important – therefore the recurrence of the dream – that you do not miss it.
Please read
Anna 🙂
Hi Toni,
I had a dream that I and a new romantic friend I have recently met were laying on our tummies together. We were both holding pregnancy test sticks and both indicated positive plus symbols. We are both 40, divorced and have our own great kids, neither of us want anymore. i dream a lot and have followed your work for some years and was wondering what you may make of this dream. 🙂
Dear Tony,
I had a dream in which i was standing infringement of a mirror with one hand on my stomach. I was talking to an unknown person and I said “do I look pregnant to you?” They had started to respond but I was awoken. I’m with a partner and I do want a child but so far no luck. Any ideas on what this could mean?
I had a dream that me and my boyfriend was going to my prom, which he didnt want me going by myself, I was pregnant. I wasn’t sure how long I was but my stomach was pretty big. Alot of crazy things were happening in that dream, but the fact of me being pregnant was the best feeling ever. And the great part about my dream was that everybody knew that I was pregnant.
Jamie ;.)
I reckon you are about to graduate from high school?
Even if this is not the case, the symbols of this dream are still applicable.
You are about to leave a phase or stage of your life behind, the prom, which is short for promenade, but could also be short for promise in your dream.
The promise of a new life – you are pregnant – and altough a lot of crazy things were happening, which you did not describe, it did not change your feelings about your pregnancy.
Good for you 🙂 knowing what you are doing it for – the baby – will help you while going through this transformation “from prom to birth”.
I wonder since you wrote “And the great part about my dream was that everybody knew that I was pregnant”. if you have grown into being more expressive about yourself?
More self giving to others perhaps?
Anna 🙂
I saw I’m pregnant. My tummy was little big. I was getting excited and thinking tht really I’m pregnant. The feeling was really something for me. I just want to know. What is the meaning of this? Am I really going to be pregnant?
Diki – I hope so because it is a wonderful, even a miraculous thing. But I do not know for certain, but your dream does say that you are ready and able to have a baby.
I’m pregnant but I’m confused about the father but the guy I think is the father keep coming toy dreams I don’t even talk to him at all what’s the reason
Recently I’ve had dreams of death, the world ending, me dying, or me killing somebody. But for the past two nights I’ve dreams I had a baby. The firstl, I was pregnant and my boyfriends auntie in law was trying to hurt my baby, but his whole family were protecting me. And last night, I had a dream some of my guys friends/cousins killed a pregnant woman and took out her baby. They gave the baby to me, and I took her baby out, I have too big of a heart and felt horrible for the act they did, soo I took the baby. She grew fast, I had her speaking Lakota, everyone loved her and thought she was mine. I just told them I found her. But she loved me and I loved her. It was amazing what I felt for her. Iwould like to know what these mean? Or if you could give me some sort of insight.
Dear Tony
I am single and not in a relationship. I dreamt last night I was pregnant and the father of the baby was a guy I didn’t know. He not my race and had a bold head and a bit older. When I told him I was pregnant He wasn’t keen and even doubted that it was his baby. I was convinced in my dream that it was his because I had no one I was dating or any other sexual relationship. I had only slept with this guy once and I knew the date but as a result he refused. I wasn’t hurt but I was ready to take care of my pregnancy and baby.
hi, I’ve been having dreams lately where im pregnant. but im only 16. im a virgin & in my dream i start out at 3 months and end up at 8. in my dreams i never know who the father is & that really scares me. i really dont know what this means?
Hi, I was wondering what my dream ment. I was 4 months pregnant and went for an ulta sound to see the baby. When I saw it on the screen I didn’t see the gender but it had teeth. It scared me. What does this mean? It’s weird.
Thank you
Erica Crisp
I’ve been having dreams over past few months about being pregnant and gradually getting further along each dream I have, but the most recent one I was heavily pregnant and could fell movement and when I woke my hands where on my stomach. Is there meaning behind these dreams?!?
Laura – It is best when posting a dream to me to give some background. For instance have you had a baby ever? Are you single or with a partner? Do you want a baby? Are you a virgin?
These make it so much easier to give really detailed answers.
But in general your dream sounds like you are slowly creating and defining a new expression of you. Every baby, whether dreamt of or real, is an new and wonderful expression of you – or if you have a sexual partner you care for – and expression of both of you.
If you are a woman it is your nature and your potential to have a baby and give birth. You developed in this way because you are a creature of evolution. It is innate in women to dream of being creative and giving birth in their dreams. So I believe that such a baby is a very real part of you – though an inner and not always an outer part. In other words a dream baby is a new birth of part of you that is emerging and needs to be cared for. Just as you teenage self emerged and needed understanding, so does this new you that is being born. So you are gradually drawing out your amazing creative potential as a woman. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
Sorry I have never given birth but have been pregnant before when still in my teens but miscarried. I am single and would like a baby but if I was in different cercamstances then I’m currently in. Does this change anything regarding why I’m having these dreams?!?
I hade a Dream that i was prergnant but i felt pain in my stomach.It was good feeling but a Little pain too.!What does it mean that im married and im trying to have Children since Three months?
Hi Tony
Firstly, I have 3 kids already and do not want to have any more… I dreamed last night that I was highly pregnant and I was anxious to give birth, in the dream it was like I knew I was due any minute but I was looking for some kind of tonic or medication to take that would assist me to give birth quicker… so I went to a pharmacy and the pharmacist was an indian man who felt that I was sad so he started doing my hair for me to cheer me up… what does this mean????
I dreamed i was in the house where i grew up. I was lying on a Red net in the backyard, swinging slowly. I was pregnant. A green duck was walking in front of me, very shining green. It was sunny, and there was some white light in the air.
I was feeling happy, fullfilled, but was a little anxious because i could have pain during labor. The baby would born soon,at any moment. I got up from the net, and felt pain in my womb, – some kind of contraction. I woke up.