At the core of each of us is an amazing potential. Throughout history religions have been built around connecting with or recognizing this potential. The reason being that it holds the possibilities of enormous transformation of body and mind. From it can emerge healing of illness and enormous change and enlargement of your mind. The action or release of this core potential into your everyday life is shown in dreams by anything shining or deeply beautiful, and the rainbow is such a symbol.
We also associate the rainbow with calm after a storm, or respite after rain. So it can be a way your unconscious tells you that better times are ahead. This might well apply to your health, signifying that your body is reaching a greater balance. But it could apply to everyday circumstances you face.
Lastly, the rainbow, in the phrase, ‘chasing the rainbow’, suggest we are pursuing something we will never achieve. This only applies in your dream if you are in fact trying to get to the foot of the rainbow.
A sense of better things to come; illusion; an awareness of the beauty and value of life in the midst of difficulties. imagery.
It can mean a symbol of God’s promise, the rainbow which came after flood, which promised humankind would never be wiped away in total destruction again.
The Rainbow Tribe is used to signify people of difference races, beliefs and religions acceptance each other.
The existence of the rainbow depends on the conical photo receptors in your eyes; to animals without cones, the rainbow does not exist. So you don’t just look at a rainbow, you create it. This is pretty amazing, especially considering that all the beautiful colours you see represent less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Example: I looked down and saw fields and villages below. I noticed something very strange, rising from the ground. It was like ripples or bands rising from particular points on the earth; like rainbows, only with many, many three dimensional bands going right down to the ground. I couldn’t really understand it, but wondered whether it was people praying.
Example: it had a peak the same as a spinning top almost pointing to his head. What I felt was wonder as I realized it was a rainbow representing all the colours.
I think it is an experience of your life energy gaining strength. The colours also show how the flow of energy in you lifts your mood – thus the feeling of wonder.
Example: Through admitting my own weakness, failure and ineffectiveness I have grown out of the chaser of rainbow ends and mirages to one who can accept an imperfect world, my own imperfection, and take cups of water from shaking hands. I take my place as a man among mankind – not the saints. “When those Saints go marching in, I am not to be among their number.”
Example: I see the outline of her robe her veil, her folds in her veil and robe and her face. The outlines are all in the colours of the rainbow. She does not speak she is above my bed in mid-air she is there for a few minutes. I close my eyes and open them again she is still there. It is only years later that I find out colours of the rainbow are always mentioned when others have seen visions of our lady.
Example: ‘Then I had a vision that I was walking along a narrow trail through the brush-no tall trees. It was a beautiful day. No wind. Plenty of sunshine. I walked along this trail for about an hour until I heard the sound of tinkling bells in the distance. As I came nearer to the sound, I saw four men sitting around something that was round. Above their heads was something across the sky like a rainbow. One of these men called me his grandchild. He said, “You are supposed to tell the people once in a while when you are in trouble about something you know, something that’s in you.
Before his assassination Henry IV dreamed he saw a rainbow over his head. This was seen as suggesting a violent death.
Idioms: Chasing a rainbow.
Useful Questions and Hints:
What do you feel and think when you see the rainbow?
Was there a storm before the rainbow?
Did anything follow the rainbow?
What you feel and think in your rainbow dream is your personal message from the rainbow. Note it well.
A preceding storm suggests that things have been difficult for you and are now improving.
If something happened in the dream after the rainbow, this might be a clue to what is emerging in your life. What does it suggest to you?
See – Questions – Magical Dream Machine – Because Factor – Look at I
Hi, I was in our spiritual church on Wednesday 30th august and a rainbow was over me for the whole evening, the first time I have experienced this phenomena, it was a lovely feeling, like I was in touch with another dimension and felt blessed. I have read explanations on several sites and these seem to make sense of what is happening in my life at the moment.
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Leonard – This is the first sign of developing wider awareness. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/extending-your-awareness/
It might also be helpful to read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dimensions-of-human-experience/
I don’t know how well this fits but I can’t find anything else on it. I dreamed I was in the ocean, not far from the shore, but the ocean was the color of a rainbow. At first, I was drowning with the waves crashing over me but eventually it cleared and I was on the shore. There was someone there with me though I couldn’t see their face and I felt really happy and relieved as if I was waiting to see this person.
I don’t know how well this fits but I can’t find anything else on it. I dreamed I was in the ocean, not far from the shore, but the ocean was the color of a rainbow. At first, I was drowning with the waves crashing over me but eventually it cleared and I was on the shore. There was someone there with me though I couldn’t see their face and I felt really happy and relieved as if I was waiting to see this person.
Hi Tony, it’s me Antoinette.
I had a dream of a lady whom I acquainted with in my dream. We became best friends instantly, as if we had known each other for a lifetime. Unbeknownst to me, she was royalty, but dropped all concept of her role when we were together. I introduced her to my newly acquired mum who was quite dark, in the hope they could assist one another. My wealthy friend called for help and I responded. She was involved in a physical altercation with a couple of woman. The one I was left to tackle was quite hefty and I knew the o my way to win would be to use her size against her, which I successfully did. When u returned to my friends home, her husband, after hearing how I had helped his wife, welcome me with open arms and beckoned me to look outside. There I was shown a magnificent bird, as large as an eagle with rainbow coloured wings that when in flight almost resembeled a kite. It was beautiful. The surroundings looked like an oasis of life, joy and colour. Then I was shown a moth that, although was shedding quite a lot of what appeared to be crap, they loved and was keeping as a pet? I was told it was this lady’s birthday, which I was quite surprised to lear, however had just been shopping and gave her the gift box of chocolates I had purchased for myself.
Hope you can help me make some sence of this dream.
Thanks Tony