This can mean you are overcome by events, by other people dominating you, or by your own internal unwanted emotions.
Rape in dreams is very different from rape in real life, as we create our own dream, so why introduce rape? Perhaps in the example below Mrs B. discovers her own power in the situation as she realises the weakness of the male.
Example: ‘I tried to turn but my legs were like lead. The man caught me and I fought. He tried to rape me but couldn’t do it. As I talked to him I began to feel sorry for him and not frightened. I realised that inside he was a nice person. In the end I found I liked him so much I began to kiss him myself.’ Mrs J.B.
Example: ‘A man is trying to make love and at the last moment I repel him as I know it will cause a pregnancy. When I was about ten I was raped and for many years had a fear of men.’ Anon.
This is the other side of rape. Rape in this dream may be memories, the effects of that are still visible in the life of this dreamer, causing her pain in warm sexuality.
Example: ‘The Devil attacked a woman. He was invisible. The woman turned black as he raped her. She didn’t die. At this point I woke and went to the toilet. On returning to bed I continued the dream, particularly wondering what I was in conflict with in the image of the Devil. I found it disturbing and frightening to be confronted by such a powerful opponent. Partly because of the rape, I realised it was repressed sexuality. I then approached the ‘black’ woman with tenderness and this transformed the Devil into available sexual or emotional energy. I tried this again and again. Each time it worked, and I could observe the Devil was my sexual warmth and love that had become negative through restraint.’ Neil V.
In this male dream, it is the conflict with his sexuality that causes the ‘devilish’ rape. When he can find tenderness the negative aspect disappears. Rape also depicts the real evil of another person disregarding our personal needs and feelings, abusing not only the body, but particularly the ‘person’. Being raped by someone known: Feeling anxious about sex with them; fighting off desire for them.
This can mean you are overcome by events, by other people dominating you, or by your own internal unwanted emotions.
Rape in dreams is very different from rape in real life, as we create our own dream, so why introduce rape? Perhaps in the example below Mrs B. discovers her own power in the situation as she realises the weakness of the male.
Example: ‘I tried to turn but my legs were like lead. The man caught me and I fought. He tried to rape me but couldn’t do it. As I talked to him I began to feel sorry for him and not frightened. I realised that inside he was a nice person. In the end I found I liked him so much I began to kiss him myself.’ Mrs J.B.
Example: ‘A man is trying to make love and at the last moment I repel him as I know it will cause a pregnancy. When I was about ten I was raped and for many years had a fear of men.’ Anon.
This is the other side of rape. Rape in this dream may be memories, the effects of that are still visible in the life of this dreamer, causing her pain in warm sexuality.
Example: ‘The Devil attacked a woman. He was invisible. The woman turned black as he raped her. She didn’t die. At this point I woke and went to the toilet. On returning to bed I continued the dream, particularly wondering what I was in conflict with in the image of the Devil. I found it disturbing and frightening to be confronted by such a powerful opponent. Partly because of the rape, I realised it was repressed sexuality. I then approached the ‘black’ woman with tenderness and this transformed the Devil into available sexual or emotional energy. I tried this again and again. Each time it worked, and I could observe the Devil was my sexual warmth and love that had become negative through restraint.’ Neil V.
In this male dream, it is the conflict with his sexuality that causes the ‘devilish’ rape. When he can find tenderness the negative aspect disappears. Rape also depicts the real evil of another person disregarding our personal needs and feelings, abusing not only the body, but particularly the ‘person’. Being raped by someone known: Feeling anxious about sex with them; fighting off desire for them.
Occasionally some rape dreams are traced back to sexual assault by the father when young, or another member of the family. Here is a quote from the book Dreams and Sex by Dr. Gayle Delaney.
The terror Deborah felt in this dream was so great that it led to her recall of incest with her father thirty years earlier. When she told her sister about the dream and the memories, her sister refused to talk to her. But later her sister confirmed that she had experienced similar nightmares and memories. Both had worried that they might be falsely accusing their father of incest, but after a few months of therapy, they decided to confront their parents and found solid confirmation of the abuse. I have written about it because there are so many adults who have been abused as children and do not yet know either what to do about it or that they have plenty of company among others who were abused and are still ashamed.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Was I raped in the dream?
If so did I fight successfully or unsuccessfully?
Was it a frightening experience?
How did you deal with it?
See Active Passive – Magical Dream Machine – LifeStream – Secrets of Power Dreaming
Last night my boyfriend and I had sex for this first time in a couple weeks, and it was perfect! But then later that night, I had a nightmare! I was at a party by myself and this very tall black man kept making sexual advances towards me, and I kept replying no, and please leave me alone. I walked to the bathroom to remove myself from the situation. I was looking at my reflection in the mirror, saw the door being to open. It was that man! He shoved me against the wall and forced himself upon me, I tried to fight back, but I am a smaller sized girl. I hit him in the head, and he returned a blow to my head, the next thing I know I wake feeling confused and dazed, to this black man raping me, then I wake in a heavy breathing pattern and sweating!
VS – Obviously the sex with your boyfriend awoke your passions. But considering that dreams are a mirror of what we feel, fear, long for or are trying to find a solution to, it is difficult to say exactly what your dream is about. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
We are a strange mixture of things, most of which are unconscious, and as you are really the creator of your dream only you know what caused it – it could be so many things. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/autonomous-complex/
I dreamed about my boyfriend’s brother was married to me and we’re living together. In my dream i run away because he’s forcing me to make out with him
What does it means ?
I dreamed about being married to my boyfriend’s brother (unwontedly) and his forcing me.
What does it mean?
I was rape when I was 20,i keep having nightmares about what happened to me 4 years ago..I wake up in the middle of the night in tears and without breath.i have a boyfriend who loves me unconditionally,every other night he wakes me up because of my screams and crying..why do I keep dreaming about what happened to me? Am I ever gonna be ok? I want it to stop!! I can’t deal with these dreams,I lived it.i don’t need to be reminded of what happened to me!!
Angel – I lived through being psychologically castrated by my mother, but it took me ages to be fully aware of what it did to me. You are only a tiny bit aware of yourself. We think because are have self awareness and a name that is all of us. You cannot know what a huge being you are and what effects your rape has had on parts of you that you are totally unconscious of.
You are not aware of what beats your heart or digest your food, you cannot remember most of your babyhood. You may think that is all natural and like an unconscious machine – the scientific view. But your experience says it is not. Please read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
You obviously have a lot of fear you haven’t yet become conscious of. Maybe you can deal with some of it using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ – but it takes work to make a difference. The other way is the medical way, which is not really a cure – antidepressants.
I have a close friend who sometimes dream of me… He said that he dreamt about raping me. I was very annoyed by what he told me. What do you think is the meaning of it and why was it happening?
Anony – The dream is not involving you in any way – but it shows what sort of person he is when it comes to loving someone. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
I had a dream that my friend locked me in a room then a black guy comes out and f***s me ,..what does that mean
Abby – It sounds like the black guy is your own natural sexual feelings that you needed to let loose at some time. Good job we can dream.
This post was a couple of years ago but do you still have similar dreams?
My dream was last night. I often have dreams of rape for some reason. I wasn’t molested as a child or anything so I don’t understand why I have them SO often.
“This older homeless man walked to my grandparents during some holiday and I was outside. He asked if we had anything to eat and I said I can grab you a plate.. I noticed he was carrying lipgloss, which I thought was odd. I went inside and he followed but got upset and walked out. So I followed him telling him to wait a minute and I’d bring it outside and grabbed me. He pushed me on the ground and I clawed and kick while he hit. I screamed for my brother who came out and started to pulling the guy off and hitting him. I grabbed the knife I always carry in my purse and tried to stab him but only the tip went in.. No matter how hard a stabbed only the tip. And then the police came and it seemed so real and vivid .. That I didn’t think it was a dream until I jumped up. My boyfriend said I hit him and was restless. But the dream wasn’t out of order or flip flopping like they normally do. These dreams always seem so real and vivid.
I had a dream that me my boyfriend and his were sitting in a room. I think we were drinking. My boyfriends brother started trying to touch me and I kept telling him to stop. My boyfriend was too intoxicated (i think) to even realize what was going on. At one point his brother got him to leave to get something leaving me and his brother alone. I started crying. It felt like I knew what was coming but there was no way of stopping it. I was thrown on to the bed tied up I’m not sure with what though. I don’t remember the actual rape itself, I just remember trying to fight him off. He left the room, I was untied and their mom came in and comforted me, I remember the feeling of her telling me not to tell my boyfriend but I don’t actually remember her telling me. Next thing I remember my boyfriend came in, I didn’t tell him at first. I don’t know if he was still messed up at the time and slept it off but I remember being curled in a ball crying as he was near but not saying anything. Then finally he asked me what was wrong and I told him his brother raped me twice (I don’t remember it happening twice but it felt like he did like when I said it it felt as if it did happen twice) I could see the tears swell up in his eyes and he held me and then got angry at his brother. Then my boyfriend actually woke up in real life sat straight up in bed, waking me up. I don’t know what this means but when we woke up this morning his brother called him (he had it on speaker phone) his brother was calling me down, said some mean stuff that I know I didn’t deserve. And it hurt my feelings very much.
I had a dream last night that I woke up in a strange room & I was being attacked & about to be raped. I didn’t fight off the attacker but I was trying to scream for help but no sound came out. In my dream my heart was pounding hard & fast but it was weird because I was aware I was dreaming and kept telling myself to wake up! I woke up before I was raped but he had his hands on my neck about to choke me. I woke up with my heart pounding so hard I couldn’t go back to sleep! I hardly got any sleep last night!
I had a horrible disturbing dream that I was with my mother in my old house had a call from my dad n I heard my little brother crying I went upstairs and he was raping my brother.
My father is not an evil man and has not got a bad bone in his body and would never do this.
I tried hitting my dad n woke up
Please help why did I dream this!?
i had a dream last night that i was in a small house with another lady and her child and that a rather skinny, tall man and another man tried to rape me. i was locked in the house and could not get out, i was so scared and when i got out, i stole the car and drove, and drove and drove. then i woke up scared. i searched what it was ment to mean? but i cannot relate to any of the meanings? can someone help?
Anon – Dreams are usually your emotions and fears put into drama. Also dreams are about things that often we are unaware of or do not admit even to ourselves.
So your dream is obviously about being scared in some way and feeling trapped. So what do you feel trapped about in your life? And also there is the question of sex against your will. What is that about? Don’t take my word for it, explore for yourself using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/
The driving is a way that we escape from difficulties. Better to face your emotions – See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
It’s very insightful on reading the meanings and interpretations of Rape in our dreams. But in my particular dream I was being treated by men (her father and others) as if I was the assailant. When it seemed we made love in a consent (heat of the moment) manner. The act of the sex was overwhelming as she passed out, that’s what made it seem like rape. And to mention she urinated upon herself.
Mind the girl was not a fictional dream girl but a girl whom I had feelings in the past for. So is this claims of power stemming from my dreams? – But how so? It seems like being mistaken for my passable actions being misperceived in such a dramatic fashion
I’m thinking the domination of others like the men may be some other alley of differed interpretations
I was raped by an uncle as a little girl, I’m 27 years old and the uncle has since passed. I sometimes dream that I’m having sex with him and most times i initiate the act. When he was still alive I never used to have such dreams, this is beginning to bother me because I wake up feeling so disgusted
Anonymous – In a sense you are not dreaming about your uncle, but are meeting the things left in you by what he did. When we are young we take so much from our contacts. But often we are unaware of it. And I think the dreams about your uncle are about drawing on all you got from him. Most people are often totally unaware of the experience they take in and how it interacts with them when we relate to someone. In other words the memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event. You have taken in millions of bit of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by loving and living with someone and they are what makes you the person you are. Your dreams tend to put all that in the image of the past person when you are dealing with the influences left in you from the relationship.
So also the dream process tries to digest what we have taken in – good and bad – it all has to be digested so we can feel at peace with ourselves. So please read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
I dreamt of being raped 3 times by the different men, it had been while I was asleep in a car when my sister had left it unlocked when getting out and leaving me, I was unaware of everything but someone found the third while still in the car and knew of the others, however nothing was done about it, my ex then appeared later in the dream and wanted to have sex, I refused and he acted as if I’d done something wrong, I then told him what I’d been through and he did not care about that. I was so scarred from the events I did not want to have sex again no matter what my desires, sex made me feel sick
I had a dream the other night about being in a room with a much older man and after being touched inappopriately I ran away to another room. He followed me and seemed to apologise but after I asked him to leave me alone, he proceeded to force himself on me. I woke up before anything worse could happen but would love to know how this could be interpreted as I do not seem to be feeling any of the emotions explained here.