Sand Sandstorm
Lack of security; passage of time; lack of emotion or nourishment; abrasiveness or irritations. If you are walking or driving on sand it can suggest resistance to, or difficulty in progressing. See: desert.
Sand is often a home or living environment for many creatures like turtles and crocodiles that lay their eggs in warm sand, or crabs and other sea shore creatures. Sandy beaches are also a place that millions of humans make enormous effort to spent time on. Depending on your dream, they could suggest a pleasant or unpleasant environment.
The holy men of the desert see sand as everything that is everywhere, and use it as a blessing when giving it to someone. When in a glass, such a gift of sand, if water is poured on it and drunk, it can be healing.
Sand is of course used as a building material and it might appear in a dream suggesting you are making changes and creating something new. Also used in some spiritual practices for healing purposes, or in Zen as an expression of something the rational mind fails to see.
Quicksand may suggest losing secure footing and sinking into one’s mess of emotions. It can also represent personal situations in one’s business or life that one is not in control of. It can also refer to the fact that your personality, your business or plans are not build upon a solid foundation – the house built upon snad. See Martial Art of the Mind
Sometimes a beach can represent an intangible experience, such as this man describes:
I felt the beach to be a meeting place for water, earth, air and sun – earth, air, fire and water. But the beach is not any one of them. It changes with the seasons and with the action of storms, of erosion and temperature. It isn’t the air, or the sea or the sand. It changes yet stays the same – the beach. Suddenly I felt this in myself, saying, “I am not anything. I change yet am unchanged. I am all things but nothing.” This gave me a very powerful sense of my own eternal spirit underlying all the changes of my body and personality. Robert.
Example: I drove a motorcycle through some impossible urban obstacles, like badly parked cars, and tight walls. Then I was sitting at home and scratched my head, felt pieces of sand stuck in my skull. I started removing them only to find more and more of them on my skull. I throw a lot of them in to a trash bin and the bin filled up all the way to the top. I even found some pieces of debris that I managed to remove.
You have become, or are becoming, aware of all the debris of past experiences and ideas that you are casting away. What a wonderful relief when it is finished.
Sand-bar: Attitudes you use to avoid being swept along by emotions. Or if in boat, then a suggestion of dangers or a chance to make a change, possibly from drifting in life.
Sand dunes: An area that may be near to the sea – a huge area of life and growth – but is itself not given to great growth. So it might indicate a life condition in which you are not changing and growing.
Sand storm: From the dream point of view, you are facing one of natures tremendous energy releases – your own nature in fact. Storms are caused by cosmic events – the action of the sun, the earths cycles influencing the wind. So something important, a force of Life itself is acting on your inner life. You may feel it is something to be avoided, but if you meet it without fighting it, it is your own enormous energy enlarging you. See Tsunami – Wind – whirlwind twister or vortex
Idioms: Built on sand; sands of time are running out; bury one’s head in the sand.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Was there any reference to shifting sands or you could sink in?
Did you feel any emotions in the dream?
Did you feel sand as in irritant or mess?
Does this illustrate time and the wearing away of things?
Do I feel like I am going through a ‘dry spot’ in life, where there isn’t much growth?
See Sea – Time – Life within Change and Constancy – Being the Person or Thing
I’d like to make a request for an additional word; sandstorm, being hit/exposed with a lot of sand.
Christoffer – Thanks, I will work on that soon.
Yes please, sandstorm
Dreamt I was caught in a sandstorm with lots of luggage and it all got swept up in the storm flew in differently directions and I was searching for it while everything was just getting covered in sand. There were other people and lots of luggage not just mine. But people weren’t helping me. And I felt like they were managing to find their luggage and move on while I was still searching for mine.
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Helen – Don’t confuse waking life events – sandstorm – with what the rules of dreams are – for instance, whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear. So all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind.
From the dream point of view, you are facing one of natures tremendous energy releases – your own nature in fact. Storms are caused by cosmic events – the action of the sun, the earth’s cycles influencing the wind. So something important, a force of Life itself is acting on your inner life. You may feel it is something to be avoided, but if you meet it without fighting it, it is your own enormous energy enlarging you. That it is a sand storm says that your life has become stuck in a sterile situation where nothing livng can flourish – a desert.
Luggage can be the habits or attitude, duties, or the emotional environment we have created in our life. It can represent the past we still carry with us; things we can’t let go of in life.
You are obviously still trying to hold on to stuff that the energy in your dream is trying to get rid of. That many people were managing to hold onto their luggage is a statement of what millions do who are not in touch with their own vital life processes. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/