Sexual dreams usually express hidden desires; the way we would like to express sexually, or problems in this area. Although sex is symbolised in many dreams, where it appears directly it shows that the dreamer is able to more easily accept their sexual urges and hurts. What is then important is to attempt an understanding of what setting or drama the sexual element occur in. Our psychological and sexual nature, like our physical, never stand still in development unless a pain or problem freeze them at a particular level of maturity. Therefore, our sexual dreams, even if our sex life is satisfactory, show us what growth, what new challenge, is being met.
Whenever a healthy man dreams, he experiences an erection, no matter what the subject of the dream. Women also experience such stimulus while dreaming.
While dreaming you can safely allow any form of sexual pleasure you desire. Don’t let the useful morals of waking life intrude into your dreams. If your sexual dreams are frustrating, or do not lead to deep pleasure, drop the fears and limiting attitudes that are blocking the full flow of your excitement and pleasure.
Your longing for sexual partners that isn’t openly expressed, will attempt to become real in your dreams. It doesn’t mean that you are dissatisfied with your present partner if you have sex with other people in your dreams. All of us have such secret longings, and it is healthy for them to be allowed as we sleep. What it usually suggests is that you are exploring other experiences or dimensions of sex that you can then bring into your waking relationship.
Sometimes sexual pleasure is depicted in dreams as a tidal wave, or a snake, or something you may be resisting. This is because full sexual bliss floods the whole body, releasing tensions, bringing peace and a healing action physically and psychologically. To achieve this, learn to let go of rigid self control and be ready to feel your emotions.
Enjoying sexual pleasure with an animal, such as being kissed or licked by a cat, is the way dreams describe your own sexual urges at their most uncomplicated and basic level. It doesn’t mean you are weird. In such dreams you are dropping the complicated social rules that usually direct how you express yourself.
The energy behind the sexual drive is enormously important. It can flow in many different ways. It not only expresses as genital sex, but also in caring for others. If it is blocked illness can result. Your dreams show in detail just how you are dealing with this most important area of your life, and what is standing in the way of satisfaction and health. Do not accept the ready made formulas of popular sexual norms. Your dreams will show your own intimate and unique needs. Remember your dreams and be enriched by them.
Having sex with friends sister or brother is a normal way of exploring what it would be like to have sex with them. But it doesn’t mean you should act on it. In dreams you are free of all the difficulties attached to having sex physically, so it is harmless in dreams, but can cause many difficulties physically and socially.
Example: Laughing and happy, the flow of pleasure to E, leading to a kiss. The deep internal pleasure of kissing gradually widened until it led to genital feeling. I realised so many things as this lovely gentle growth of feeling and flowing occurred. I realised that I and most teenagers have too much technical sex instruction, so it is portrayed as an erect penis entering the vagina. But I was seeing it wasn’t like that at all. First of all came the gradual relationship with E. As that deepened it led to touching, being happy together and kissing. The kiss, oral pleasure, was our first area of loving with our mother. From that original centre of pleasure, it grows into anal and genital pleasure. This was what was happening. Then gently the body began to move. But there was still no erection. The movement was the forerunner of the inner pleasurable urge to thrust and penetrate. So there was a slow and internal growth through escalating feelings, and not an outwardly ordained set of movements that led to “sex”!
I had a sexual dream about someone I use to have feelings for and haven’t really thought of or came to mind in awhile.
And right now I am in a relationship with someone else. Later that day after that dream, I run into the person I sexually dreamed about.
I feel like the dream is saying something, but I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is ?
Veronica – I think it means several things. Each person we spend time with, fall in love with, make love to or grow up with, or even animals, we develop an incredible and often invisible bond. For instance many women and men write and ask why they keep dreaming of partners, parents of even old friends they have moved on from.
You keep dreaming about your dead ex from years ago or old friends because while you lived with them you experienced millions of memories, situations, conflict and learning experiences. So you carry them with you as memories, lessons learnt, love or anger still trying to find a way of being absorbed.
Also this invisible link is almost a living connection that stays with us in our unconscious and so it influences what we do and who we meet. So it was probably why you met your ex again – maybe because there is still a lot of passion there.
This guy im talking to had a sex dream with me the night we met he said it was passionate I didn’t get into detail the night after he tells me he really likes me and he said to me im on his mind. But idk I feel like he does like me but there’s a girl trying to get between us. We are just talking but still idk what could his dream. PS he said he wants to take it slow like waiting for him and me to have sex help I don’t want to waste my time.
Hi my husband has dis recurring dream of having sex which also result in him touching n initiating sex in real, however most of the times though he initiates it he just loose interest jst mid way. He says he doesnt even remember initiating it or remember having any sex dream. He talks in his sleep and many a times they are sex talk as well. Any suggestion what could be the reason of him stopping between? Does anykind of Pyschological problem also plays a role in occurence of such dreams? We dont have a good sex life as he complain of low sex drive. Is there anything I should be worried abt
I had a dream last night with this guy that i’m currently talking to. I dreamt that we were at my house and two of my friends were there for a brief second then they dissapeared and i was in my parent’s bed with the guy i saw him naked standing in front of me and then he was on top of me and we were kissing and making out but we never actually had sex. Then all of the sudden we were standing at the front door, he was leaving and aked “does that mean i can meet your mom now” i said yes and we kissed and he left. I was also really happy in the dream and we were both smiling. What does this all mean?
I have this recurrent dream – where each time the place, situation, weather may be different – but the theme is the same. We are in conducive place and time and i am longing for, almost hoping that my husband will initiate intimacy but he keeps avoiding me like plague all through the dream and we NEVER end up getting intimate. Whether i ask for it, whether i hint at it or whether i just silently hope he will, he never initiates nor responds. I wake up feeling rejected each time. What do i make of this dream?
I’m wondering if the dream I had last night may have a hidden message or meaning behind it. I dreamt that my homeboy was having sex with my girlfriend while I was in the room. I can’t remember too much like how we even ended up there together, but I do remember feeling a bit upset on the inside. The only statement I could remember making to them was “Wait u not strapped up” (wearing protection), but I allowed it to continue is all I can remember.. I can’t get the images out of my head and don’t kno whether to talk to her about it or not..
i had a dream early this morning about a light cat ( i do not like cats at all) climbing in my bed. He laid next to me and i didn’t like it and said to get out! Well he came behind me as I slept on my right side and started humping me. I kept saying to get off me, get out. I finally had to push him very hard because it felt weird and i was disgusted. What does this mean? I have never dreamt animals.
I had this strange dream today; it felt so real. I dreamed giving my husband a head while he was sleeping. He was responding positively to what I was doing. “In real life, my husband does not have any interest in sex. He spends his time watching porno.” So I was shocked to dream of this. Any interpretation will be very welcomed. thank you in advance.
Deprived Spouse.
Priscilla – Your dream seems to be a mixture of your need to release and realise your sexual needs, and also an attempt to arouse your husband’s interest in being a full blooded husband.
The thing is it is not your problem – it is your husband’s problem. Or at least now it is a joint problem. I have known other men who watch porno and it sometimes seems like an addiction.
well this is really weird because me and my boyfriend went to bed last night and i was awoken by this dream ” we had sex and we was laying there and i looked down and seen i was laying in a very large puddle of blood, as i moved back a little there was a large chunk of meat laying in the puddle of blood it was smooth and slick almost looked like a kidney.” well when we both woke up this morning getting him ready for work i told him about this dream and he looked at me strange and said he dreamed the same thing. both of us dreamed the same thing in the same night.
April – That happens when you are in tune with your partner.
But the dream itself is strange and sounds like what a miscarriage would look like. It sounds from the dream that something is not right, perhaps you should have a check. I am a little paranoid about this type of dream from past experience.
in my dream i met my girlfriend who lives in another city. I asked her to make out but she refused . Then we were on a bed and did everything. But later my girl was hurting herself and crying. I am really upse
Dreamyboy – If you look at your dream you will see you have two examples of conflict.
I think as you went to sleep you were thinking of having sex with your girlfriend, and then you dream. So in the dream you ask her to ‘make out’ with you. She says not – the first conflict.
But remember you are not in your dreams dealing with your girl friend. Just like if you were thinking of your girlfriend it could not be your actual girlfriend in your thoughts. So the same in your dreams, it is your thoughts,, desires and fears that is represented as your dream girlfriend.
So then you have sex with her – and ‘did everything’. Then you dream she is hurting herself and you are upset – another conflict.
I wonder whether this is because you are not easy about having sex with your girlfriend and somehow transfer this to your dreams. In your dreams you can do and be anything you like – unless your way is blocked by conflicts, fears and guilt. Therefore, as it is your dream,, why are you hurting yourself? See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-magical-dream-machine/
I recently broke up with my fiance after discovering that he’s still married to his supposedly former wife. Anyway, I’ve been having dreams over the past few days about my best friend who ironically just broke up with his girlfriend. In the dreams we are walking by a lake he walks by to clear his head. The water is calm and it’s a cloudy day but it’s not rainy at all. We find a place to sit by the lake and watch the water.
Everything between us is comfortable and there’s a strong feeling of warmth then we kiss slowly and almost reverently. We get caught up in the moment and I straddle him while we take off each other’s clothes. All the time we stroke each other and kiss different parts of each other’s bodies.
We start to make love and it’s slow and tender but also passionate and all the pain felt before seems to disappear. The orgasm (or orgasms) in the dreams are always intense as if we’re joining together and when it’s over we fall asleep tangled up together.
Recently i have been having reoccuring dreams about having hot, passionate sex with my male best friend. I currently am in a relationship with another guy but i do not ever dream about being with him. When i dream about having sex with my best friend it is very vivid, i can remember every detail about it when i wake up. in the dream as well it almost seems like real life. I noticed that there is a lot of red in my dream with him. Normally the sheets are red, my shirt is red and so are his shorts. When we have sex its very passionate. When i wake up i feel confused but at the same time im happy. About eveytime it is pretty much the same dream. But even when i dont dream exactly about him, he always seems to be in my dream and i am happy when i see him in my dream.
Samantha – Dreams are ways in which the feeling urges which unconsciously direct so many of our decisions express themselves, are gratified, or are explored. Therefore the male, who appears almost as frequently in a woman’s dreams as her first love, is the man she is fantasying a romance with. For instance, Christine’s deepest impulse was to be wholly in a relationship with her husband Andrew. Difficulties he experienced in regard to sex frequently led him to withdraw his warmth, leaving Christine uncertain about where their life together was going. While alone visiting her family in Australia, she met David, her own age, an old friend of the family, and separated from his wife. As Christine was depending on friends and relatives instead of hotels, David offered his own place. Christine turned it down, but she dreamt she was secretly meeting David. The meetings were very pleasant, except that Christine constantly had the ‘looking over her shoulder’ feeling.
So, I feel as if this is a relationship you would love to explore if there were not so many hurtful possibilities to it. The problem is, that having had many dream lovers, I see them, after having later explored a relationship with them in waking life, as simply another person, with faults and good features: exactly like you and I.
I had a dream that I had sex at a concert with my brother in law. My husband and a bunch of other people where there. I was very weird and in my dream I enjoyed it but now I feel weird about it. The other thing is my brother in law is dead and has been gone for some time now. I just don’t understand what it all means.
It didn’t really answer my question. I been having homosexual dreams. Does that mean I have a thing for the same sex?
Jen – I cannot find any reference to you question, your name, or your email address here.
But if you have been having homosexual dreams it doesn’t mean anything other than that you are human. With a massive collection of dreams, many of them my own, I see people dreaming about homosexual acts, and yet they do not go on to be homosexual in any other ways than their dreams. But of course there are many who are ooutwaardly homosexual. It is natural to be everything in your dreams. Everything from an angel to a murderer.
well i was searching today on sex subject dreams and didnt answer my dream lol it was rather yuck dream , dog was just rubing itselfe against my coat , owner kinda tried to take him of me , i was conversing with someone while i see this man looking at me and i turned around but dog was still doing bizness, so i got up left the place but man followed me and said that his dog left something on my back of my coat lol . but i do understand that much that dream came only cause in day time i did mention to someone as long person dsnt do funny bizness with animal its no harm to love it.so i did learned over the years that most of dreams c0me from what we seen what we spoke, heard all our sences used in memory , then somehow they composing themselve in the brain those dayly expieriences , sometimes in chaotic way. even somewhere in the bible i read that dreams r coming from what we went through de day .so i dnt pay attention much to them howver they still can amuze me . on few occasions maybe i did observeed that some dreams as symbols can show what gonna happen , one of them was very significant , i dreamed of very paile bodies of naked women , and i ve learn ed soon that this kind of dreams does predict death. and yes soon died my son. also same time his grandma was dreaming of him in white cloths.
Hi Jola – Well it is true that dreams take their images from everyday life, bt they do that so we can have some connection with what they are saying.
But I think your dream and the dog says that the feelilngs you do not own as your own, you natural feelings, are still wanting release. Remember that your body does everything for you, and caries you about, and your body is an animal – a female mammal. So it does have urges we are taught not to allow. But maybe there are things you need to take care of.
So image you are the dog, as it is in your dream, and aks it what it thinks it is doing. What it wants. If you need help with this go to Peer Dream Group and ready the bit about ‘being the symbol’.
Well Yola – I believe that dreams use images like we use words. The words can relate to external experiences, but the important thing is what we want to express. Then we grab some words to see if it can say what we want it to say. So do not believe that dreams are random, only that to get something over to us is difficult, seeing that the dream maker comes from so deep down, long before language and images.
Of course, if you have ready made images then, like the pale bodies, it can use those as ready made ‘words’ our dreams can use.