Snail Slug
If touched a snail withdraws quickly into its shell, and sometimes represents great sensitivity that makes us withdraw from life. So it can suggest such a vulnerability , or that you are hiding in a protective shell of feelings. withdrawal from reality, or from social or sensual contacts; or a ‘defence mechanism’.
The term ‘snails pace’ may also be used in dreams because of our associations as we watch it move. So it may suggests your slow moving progress.
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In France, Portugal and Spain, snails are used as food. |
Vulnerability – its shell depicting defence against being hurt. For some people the snail would indicate feelings of repulsion. Probably repulsion regarding ‘squirmy’ feelings regarding your body or sexuality.
The snail is sometimes seen in dreams connected with babies. This is because in the womb they are so vulnerable and without a protective ‘shell’. Also maybe because of the feelings of squishyness associated with birth.
Example: I dreamed that the baby I was carrying had come out of me (minus the blood) but in the shape of a slug (snail) and it was alive and moving. All of a sudden it started changing into a very small thin snake like form. It was so wild. And when I went to inspect it closer it wrapped itself around my neck to strangle me. Then I woke up in another dream right after in my bed and realized I had fallen asleep with my necklace wrapped around my neck. I was dreaming within another dream.
You interpretations about the snail and snake are right on because my husband and I are going through a miscarriage and I dont think I have come to terms with it yet. I just feel numb and detached. Thank you for your thoughts/means, now I can really work on these issues.
Good day, I dreamt of where am picking so many snails, infact the snails I picked full more than two big bags, and the snails where big in sizes as if the have over grown. Please what is the meaning.
Hi – It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/ which has so much information in.
Nothing can replace your own ability to understand your dream. With a little effort you can do this by practising what is described in – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson or http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/
Steve – Without knowing why you collected to big bags of oversized snails, and what you intended to do with them I find it hard to comment on the dream.
In France, Portugal and Spain they eat such large snails. Find out your feelins about them by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Hi I dreamed that a small baby snail was walking on my cheack ,,Please please please can you tell me what it means
Hi – I am going to halt from answering your posts – the reason is that in so many of your post I give the same information to. This is because most people do not understand the difference between dreaming and waking life. Also I need to take time to update the site – dreamhawk.
So, most of what I put in answers is my attempt at explain what dreams are really about. It would help you to understand your dreams, if you would read – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Summing
I dream seeing 2 small tortoises inside a snail shell , they were looking happy and they were playing inside it , they were trying to get out of it and suddenly they crawled back and didn’t come out.I was just watching the with admiration
What does it mean to dream about a slug that moves really fast? Like reallly fast.
Hi Tony
Thank you for your interpretation. I dreamt last night that I was lying on my stomach under my bedspread. My son was trying to wake me to tell me that four snails were on the bedspread moving up my back. I was too drowsy to rouse myself and remove the snails, which I was and always am repulsed by – I hate their slime. I wondered about the baby connection you mentioned because just over a year ago I had a miscarriage. It was an unexpected pregnancy but I was so excited when I discovered I was expecting my third child and heartbroken when I lost it. I always hope for another pregnancy although I know it is not what my husband hopes for. This weekend I am donating all the things I bought for my baby to my niece who is due to give birth in July.
I dreamt that I was sleeping and woke up to look down and find snails were all over my body (on my clothing), and I brushed them off. Then I got out of bed only to discover I had been laying on really tiny ones as well. They weren’t harmed at all from my laying on them, and it was difficult getting them off the bed, some of them stuck to the sheet so I had to pick some off individually. I cannot fathom what this dream means.
I dreamt that I was arguing with someone and suddenly lots of snails(very tiny shaped) stuck to my body and I was trying to take them away one by one. And some of them were growing in size. It was so disgusting dream.
I recently had a dream that i was with a friend of mine who cursed me with slugs in my room forever, I would “go to sleep” and i would wake up with slugs covering my room.
What does this mean?
Dear Hannah – When you actually believe something, it is taken as real by the part of your mind that controls all your body processes and your decisions making. So if you believed you were seriously ill you would not only feel bad, but you would order your activities around your believed sickness. An example of this is when on entering a room of our house we see a strange man; then our heart beats faster, and we get ready to run or fight. But when we see it is just an arrangement of a hanging coat the emergency feelings disappear.
A curse is like that, something taken in and believed that can create great harm. It might also symbolise the inheritance of past actions, past lives, or hereditary traits or taints.
But dreaming about receiving a curse is also often about deeply felt hurts or the desire to undermine or even destroy someone’s well-being. Meditation or prayer are ways to heal such feelings or hurts.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/black-magic-evil-and-dreams/
You do not express how you felt in your dream Hannah.
If we take away the images and events occurring in a dream and simply look to see what feelings or emotions are evident, the dream is often more understandable than if we try to interpret the symbols. Feelings in dreams are nearly always undistorted. We therefore do not need to interpret them, simply to recognise them and see if we can recognise where they occur in waking life.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/emotions-and-mood-in-dreams/
Going to sleep in your dream means that you are ignorant of what is happening in your inner world and the conditions and circumstances around you in your waking life.
Without awareness you might choose the wrong friend and/or be a bad friend to yourself.
Much of our behaviour is largely or wholly unconscious. Becoming aware of something can by itself produce a change. If you are not aware of how you act or respond, there is less likelihood of satisfying change.
Such observation can begin anywhere and should be continued until it becomes a habit. Once you learn it in connection with one thing the skill can be used in any other direction in your life or in your own behaviour.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
I dreamt that I was in a lovely garden with my family. Suddenly, I had an excruciating pain in my big toe. I looked down, and there was a big snail stuck to it! I was kicking my foot and trying to pry it off, but I couldn’t. It was so painful, it actually woke me up from the dream! It was very vivid- the pain even seemed to linger in my toe after I woke up. Any ideas what that could be trying to tell me?
I dreamt where me and my younger sister were picking too many snails at the back of our house, the snails were too many, what does that means?
Adonis 🙂
Your IP number showed that you live in Nigeria, where farming snails is a way to make money.
And so I wonder if these snails in your house are a symbol for your being a rather sensitive person, which you can choose to perceive as a burden, or as a form of inner richness?
Perhaps this book can help you with this decision?
I find the book The Highly Sensitive Person might answer your question.
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
Funnily enough my dream was similar to cassies (twas last night ) dreaming of 2 slugs racing and bumping into each other like they were bumper cars?? they was not hurt though
I had a dream that 5 really fast snails were in my house. They weren’t chasing me or anything and they were not hiding in their shells. Someone killed all of them for me because I don’t really like them in real life. What does that mean?
I dreamed that the baby I was carrying had come out of me (minus the blood) but in the shape of a slug (snail) and it was alive and moving. All of a sudden it started changing into a very small thin snake like form. It was so wild. And when I whent to inspect it closer it wrapped itself around my neck to strangle me. Then I woke up in another dream right after in my bed and realized I had fallen asleep with my necklace wrapped aroung me neck. I was dreaming within another dream.
You interpretations about the snail and snake are right on because my husband and I are going through a miscarriage and I dont think I have come to terms with it yet. I just feel numb and detached. Thank you for your thoughts/means, now I can really work on these issues.
Ebannie – Thank you for telling me about your dream and experience. It is very helpful to me to have such feedback.
I send you good wishes. My wife and I had one miscarriage. We felt at the time that it was because the baby hadn’t formed well and that my wife’s health wasn’t good. So that made it easier to cope with.
I would like to quote your dream as an example. I hope that is okay. If not please tell. I will not use your name.
Sure you could use it. these interpretations are so powerful! I was reading about the different symbols in my dreams and I couldn’t believe how accurate they are. I am looking foward to seeing your interpretation.
I dreamt snails of all sizes were climbing all over me and my granddaughters were trying to pull them off as fast as they could but had to fight really hard to get one of the soul of my foot. it stuck so fast it bruised my foot as is was pulled off. Feeling pretty low about myself about myself at the moment so pretty well spot on.
I dreamt that a snail was crawling along my hand and licking it.
Hi Len -When I looked up the entry for Snail I realised it was quite small, so I have enlarged it.
Sounds like you like to handle snails, and know the feeling?!!!