Snakes in dreams often represent the energy keeping us alive at a basic level. But we can express this energy in many ways such as kindness, love, anger, killing things, creativity and so on. See Levels of the Brain and Dreams – Snake Dreams
Example: Dreamt that a snake – a huge python – had raised me. I had the sense that it had cradled me in its coils when I was a baby, and that it had taught me without words how to survive. This was a sort of jungle/life wisdom.
It is usually depicting the fight or flight instinct. It is also an image connected with the force, purpose or energy behind that power of growth and unfolding. It is the force of life, the latent energy or potential within us, particularly the primal urge to survive. It leads us both to growth and death, along with the passionate emotions and urges that drive us so powerfully. The ancient civilisation of the South Americas, saw the snake as a messenger of the gods. And it can be if we relate to it well, because it represents the force of Life in us – surely worth listening to!
The snake can bite you, and its venom may flow throughout your being and kill you. Most of us are very frightened of this. The reason being that the venom will certainly cause death- it does this by the power of growth, which will be the death of your old self as you outgrow it. It replaces the old personal interests and fears with a self that is part of the one great life. So the fear of the snake is not because its venom is deadly, but because it transforms. It turns you into a being who is part of the whole. It robs one of the artificial walls placed between self and the collective pool of life consciousness.
Moses saw the energy of this inner snake in the form of the burning bush. During the exodus the Israelite’s lost faith and were smitten by fiery serpents, so God told Moses, “Make thee a serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that everyone that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it on a pole, and it came to pass, that if a fiery serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived” An apt description of the healing qualities of the awakened snake energy. Some of the Israelite’s even began to worship this symbol, and the practice of worshipping the brazen serpent on the pole as a god was either passed on, or was revived later. Bronze and stone serpent artifacts have been found in excavations in Canaan, Gezer and other parts of Israel!
That energy, like electricity in a house, can be heat, power, sound or vision, and lies behind all our functions. So in some dreams the snake represents our sexuality; in others the rising of that energy up our body to express as digestion – the intestinal snake – or as the creative or poisonous energy of our emotions and thoughts, even disease. In the throat it becomes the destructive or constructive speech and language – expressed or repressed feelings and speech. In the head it becomes thinking, perception and higher cognition.
The ancient civilisation of the South Americas, saw the snake as a messenger of the gods. And it can be if we relate to it well, because it represents the force of Life in us – is surely worth listening to!
The snake can represent many different things, but usually the energy that expresses as our life processes. If we think of a person’s life from conception to death, we see a flowing moving event, similar in many ways to the speeded-up films of a seed growing into a plant, flowering and dying. The snake depicts the force, purpose or energy behind that movement. It is the force of life, the latent energy or potential within us – that leads us both to growth and death, along with the passionate emotions and urges that drive us so powerfully
In the destructive aspect the snake represents the poisonous thoughts and emotions that can destroy you; the awful things we do to ourselves, to Life in us. We tend to depict this facet of the snake as biting or attacking us, even though we have ourselves given rise to such poisonous emotions as hate and guilt. Because our thinking and emotions are an expression of our life energy, you are capable of directing the creative force of life toward self destruction. As an example of this, a dreamer exploring her snake dream saw that it represented her flight or fight instincts. This linked with her aggressive and protective feelings in connection with the way men had acted with her. The problem was that the snake was in a poisonous, strangling and killing mode. This, she realised, showed how she had withheld, strangled, her anger about what had happened, and that anger was turned inward, poisoning or strangling her flow of full life.
The opposite is also true. The power of life and death can be directed creatively. Then the snake is seen in its healing role in dreams, and in ancient times was shown in the form of the staff with two snakes coiling up it – caduceus – still used today as a symbol of the medical profession. See: Energy Sex and Dreams
Example: Dreamt I was on the side of a very steep hill. So steep I could only just hold on. It was very rounded and grassy. I was near the top clinging to the grass. There seemed to be many snakes, lizards about. Occasionally one would leap at me and bounce of my coat. I took care to keep my hands covered. There was a woman, who seemed to be something like a secretary, who was advising me. I was then in a wood. There seemed to be a lot of apprehension and fear. Some robbers had stolen my pony. The fear went when I realised that there was no need to walk through a swampy area of the wood. Only the robbers, or rough types knew the way through. I turned to the right out of the wood.
In exploring his dream this is what he received – The dream shows you bringing your love to the crown. The dream was the way of sorting out your problems over sinking or rising. You can reach the highest either way. Sinking is the way of letting go. This was represented by the swamp. The way of bringing love to the crown is the way of rising. The hill represents your present situation. The clinging means you try too hard. There is no need to bring so much effort. The snakes represents your lower powers trying to break into consciousness. These must be directed to the crown. These are the forces which help you break through. They stimulate you to rise. The woman is love giving you advice. Love will direct your efforts. The part where you walk through the wood means you look for life through delving within. The swamp is swamping my consciousness. Your consciousness must live, not drown, in the deep waters of life. This can be achieved only by bringing unification to those urges seen as the brigands. These and the snakes are much the same. Your soul must live without division. When the soul brings union within itself, so it achieved union in the whole. This way is a way of love.
It doesn’t matter that your dream snake bites you – after all it is an aspect of you, and the only poison you will meet is the poisonous emotions you have been injecting into yourself – and they need to be felt to clear them out. See Our Reptilian Brain
The snake can shed its skin, and so symbolises self transcendence, rebirth.
The alchemists put a gold crown on its head, symbolising expanded or spiritual consciousness arising from the same energy as sexuality. Often a diadem, gem, or light is at its brow symbolising the possibility of expanded consciousness, or awareness of the eternal nature, and life in eternity. Christ is sometimes depicted as a crucified serpent, suggesting the mystery of Life nailed to physical awareness of the senses. See: Reptile.
Example: I just woke up from a bad dream. I saw that I was in a car without a driver and I was sitting on a snake which I could not see but only slightly feel under me. I was afraid that the snake might bite me because of the bumps during the car drive. And then it does bite me. It was painless but I felt blood oozing out of my tummy. Then suddenly I saw a stranger in the driver’s seat who was a lady whom I don’t know. And I am just praying her to drive me to the hospital and she refuses to drive. I was spooked big time and I am on the internet now. Came across your website. I hope I can find an answer. Please help me.
The snake is your dream snake and should not be confuse with an actual snake. It is your basic energy, like electricity in your house, and as such can be expressed in any number of ways. This links with the car, another form of energy, expressed as a way of getting where you want. But the snake energy you are sitting on, not knowing how to direct it, yet you can feel it wriggling at the base of your trunk. You are scared of what this energy will express as if you allow it, but sitting on it is not good, because your thoughts and feelings, your imagination are the way we direct this energy. And what did you do, you felt fear it would bite you, and that is where you directed it. Fortunately you were not scared enough to direct it to inject you with the poison of your own fear. But it did cause an energy leak that you realised you needed help with.
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The Hebrew word for the serpent in the Garden of Eden is Nahash. And to be understood we have to understand that Hebrew is a sign language, one that each letter of the alphabet had a particular meaning. And there is no indication in the ancient Hebrew that this was a snake. It has been translated as snake because the original meaning was lost. It can be seen as a divine force that expressed in seven levels or ways – so much like the ancient symbol as it was understood by older cultures. For full explanation see Hebrew Translation. |
Example: A dream told me by a woman I met in Mexico. She said that she dreamt a large snake was crawling up the bed and then bit her on her left breast. She said she then tried to suck out the poison.In the destructive aspect the snake represents the poisonous thoughts and emotions that can destroy us. We tend to depict this snake biting or attacking us, even though we have ourselves given rise to such poisonous emotions as hate and guilt. Because our life energy flows into thinking and emotions, we are in this way directing the creative force of life. Directing it negatively has the power to bring illness and death, for we are dealing with the power of life and death itself.
I asked her to explore the dream by imaging herself as the snake, feeling it biting her. The result was that a story unfolded. She had felt, rightly or wrongly, that her husband had been unfaithful, and she had felt bitter and revengeful. But instead of expressing those feelings they had turned inwards and poisoned her, leaving her depressed. So the snake was an image of her poison biting her and poisoning her life. So do not be afraid of a snake biting you. It is not dangerous. The dangerous part is avoiding the bite, because the poison stays in you unmet.
The opposite is also true. The power of life and death can be directed creatively. Then the snake is seen in its healing role in dreams, and in ancient times was shown in the form of the staff with two snakes coiling up it – caduceus – still used today as a symbol of the medical profession.
Example: ‘A small snake about a foot long had dropped down my shirt neck. I could feel it on the left side of my neck. Fearing it was poisonous and might bite me I moved very slowly. At one point I put my head on the ground, hoping the snake would wish to crawl away. It did not. Then I was near an elephant I loved, and hoped it would remove the snake. It did not. Even as I slept I felt the snake was an expression of the attitude of not sharing myself with anybody except family.’ David T.
For months prior to the above dream David had experienced a great deal of neck pain. After discussing the dream with his wife, and realising much of his thinking and feeling was in-turned, the pain disappeared. So the snake was both ‘poisoner’ and ‘healer’ representing the power of David’s negative and introverted emotions and thoughts on his body. This may be why snakes are used as a symbol of the medical profession.
Example: ‘I was in a huge cathedral, the mother church. I wanted to go to the toilet/gents. As I held my penis to urinate it became a snake and reached down to the urinal to drink. It was thirsty. I struggled with it, pulling it away from the unclean liquid. Still holding it I walked to a basin and gave it pure water to drink.’ Bill A.
Here the connection between snake and sexuality is obvious. But the snake is not just Bill’s penis. It is the direction his sexual urges take him that he is struggling with. Out of his sense of love and connection with Life – the cathedral – he wants to lift his drive toward something that will not leave him with a sense of uncleanness. In this sense a snake might be something one wrestled with, depicting the wrestle one has with inner drives and hungers, especially sexuality or anger. The Mother Church was a form of initiation into a much wider view of spiritual beliefs. It came about because his sexual drive was directed more upwards rather than out of his genitals.
Example: “Tony taught me a process in which a dream could be interpreted and understood by assuming that everything, people and objects alike, in a dream represented aspects of the Self. Sitting cross-legged on the squishy, old-fashioned sofa in the living room of my sadhu’s cave opposite Tony, I’d close my eyes and mentally return to a dream I had the previous night.
So if I dreamt about a tree, I would ‘become’ the tree, assume its personality and respond from its viewpoint. He’d ask ‘So what kind of tree are you? Are you big or small, old or young? What do you look like? Where are you growing? Why are you in Tiziana’s dream?’ This sounded like a silly exercise at first, but I was soon enough convinced of its validity.
Other dreams taught me about my psychological and emotional processes, such as in one dream, in which I was in a dark forest with a female friend. We hid behind a felled tree. From our path towards the left, we saw a big black snake approaching. It was absolutely enormous and had no head. We were exhilarated and scared. Next, a badger walked past. Then, to our wonder, a gang of wolves came by. In my consequent interpretation I saw that the headless snake stood for `my sexuality and my often ‘headless’, raw desires. The badger signified my illusions that needed to be ‘killed’ and transformed by the pack of wolves, who represented my growth and evolution. Although painful, my intuition – symbolized by the female friend – knew that I had to go through the fear and ‘be killed’ in order to grow.
Overall, together with the practice of LifeStream the dream work helped me to retrieve and untangle many clues and memories that were buried deep in my unconscious.” See Life’s Little Secrets
The Africans believed the dream of a snake round the leg signified slavery, while the dream of a dragon round the body is a symbol of bondage in Artemidorus.
A crowned or light encircled snake: When our blind impulses our instinctive or unconscious urges and functions are in some measure integrated with our conscious will and insight, this is seen as the crowned snake or even winged snake. It shows real self awareness and maturity.
Unfortunately, as Jung points out in Man and His Symbols, people in modern society, whether black, yellow, brown or white, have lost their sense of nature and the cosmos as being anything other than processes without consciousness or living feeling. Jung says, ‘No river contains a spirit, no tree is the life principle of a man, no snake the embodiment of wisdom…No voice now speaks to man from stones, plants, and animals, nor does he speak to them believing they can hear.’
Black King Cobra: The king title shows the important role the snake will have in the life of the dreamer. That it is black indicates that it is only just becoming a part of their conscious life.
In coils of snake: Feeling bound in the blind impulses or habitual drives and feeling responses. Instincts and habits can be redirected, as illustrated by Hercules labours.
Sitting on snake: Mastery of the instinctive nature and transformation and the making conscious of the wisdom and power resident in the unconscious.
Snake biting you: Unconscious worries about our health, frustrated sexual impulse, our emotions turned against ourselves as when internalised aggression poisons us causing very real illness, so may be shown as the biting snake. It may also suggest an influence in ones life – the venom – that takes away ones identity and perhaps opens one to a life beyond self, the spirit.
Example: I realised as I explored my dream of being bitten by the snake I had thought about this a lot already and that losing ones identity meant in this case not being tied to ones family so rigidly, no longer relating to people as if from a single fixed gender, also there is the possibility of getting insight into the person you are meeting more fully, because the artificial barriers of gender, family ties, nationality and creed have been dropped. These barriers prevent us from actually knowing each other very fully in everyday life, and are operative in most of us without our realising it.
As I think about this I wonder whether this is part of the way we create identity. It appears to be made from many sources. For instance the family physical – DNA – inheritance plays a very great part, as does the information of behaviour repertoire handed to us when young. The cultural patterning given with language shapes our mind, and the chemical importance is also being seen lately. All of these produce the person we call I. Yet the ‘I’ is capable of being radically shifted, simply by taking a drug or medicine. This often reshapes the way we see ourselves, so an evolution in the process of identity building has occurred. Identity in the end is not a set of beliefs or behaviours. The I is not limited to these. See Programmed
So as I faced this part of the session I wondered what I would be saying goodbye to if I allowed myself to be bitten by the serpent and its poison transform me. I felt that although I would lose my old connection with my family I would bring them a lot more than in the past because my being would itself be much larger and connected. I saw this as if I were living in a courtyard, and that courtyard was my family life, my work life, and was made up of my sympathetic connections with my children and the powerful bonds that led me to favour them over others. If these bonds dissolved they would no longer be favoured above others out of the same powerful ties. The ties would dissolve, but of course they would still be people I had a lot of connections with because of friendship and common goals, etc. So I would relate to them out of something other than family feelings. We would be drawn together or pushed apart out of the same influences that attracted or repulsed in general.
I felt then that I did want to be bitten by the snake. I trusted the larger life. I want my life to have connections with it and my actions to flow out of these wider connections.
At one point it was like being shown something. On my computer I have a small program to do my accounts on. I take a lot of time putting information into this program to keep my accounts straight. It was as if the wider life said to me, “You don’t need to all the time look after your own affairs in this individual way. There is a wider life in which the ‘accounts’ program is built-in. Every action you do, every interaction is recorded automatically, and so you no longer need a personal piece of software”.
Snake biting others: Biting remarks; a poisonous tongue; emotional energy turned against oneself or someone else.
Snake coiling up tree, pole, cross: The blind instinctive forces of life emerging into conscious experience – in other words the essence of human experience with its involvement in pain, pleasure, time and eternity; the process of personal growth or evolution; healing because personal growth often moves us beyond old attitudes or situations that led to inner tension or even sickness.
Snake coiled around you crushing you: The way you are caught up and constricted in your own or other peoples emotions. Being crushed by emotions, fears; struggling with powerful emotions and urges.
Snake Colours – Green: Our internal life process directed – perhaps through satisfied feelings, love and creativity – into a healing process or one that leads to our personal growth and positive change. White: Eternal aspect of our life process, or becoming conscious of it. Blue: Religious feelings or coldness in relations.
Snake in connection with any hole: Sexual relatedness.
Snake in the grass: Sense or intuition of talk behind your back; danger; sneakiness.
Example: I dreamt I was outdoors walking through open ground, maybe at times gardens. I was with others – not sure who, and we frequently came across large snakes which we reacted to as if they were venomous. Then I came across a lot of them and they swarmed onto me. I froze, terrified that if I made a move I would be fatally bitten. But they just swarmed over my body and got under my clothes without harming me. Gradually I relaxed and slowly began to move about with the snakes still on me. They started to feel like a built in defense system which would attack anyone who was aggressive to me. At one point several large and aggressive dogs walked past me. They turned as if thinking about attacking, then appeared to sense the snakes and ran off cowed. As time passed the snakes felt like part of my body.
Snake with tail in its mouth: Sense of the circle of life – birth, growth, reproduction, ageing, death, rebirth; the eternal.
Useful questions and hints:
What is happening with my dream snake, and what is the significance to me personally?
What does this indicate about the way I am direction my life energy?
Is this depicting my life energy expressing some positive potential or healing
I had a dream that i was in some group/society…
I don’t know what it does but i think i was a new member or some sort.
I don’t remember the name of the group but one of the letter represent me, which also represent a snake.
I remember i had to let the snake bit me..on the leg as a commitment or ritual or something.
It should hurt only a little and awhile but the average size white snake kept biting on it and eventually it crawled into my leg.
I could see everyone around me panicked and their faces turn white..
What does it mean?
Dez – Dreams are a mirror of what you are feeling inside of you, and all of the images of your dream are representations of part of you. Please http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#reptilebrain
The society or group you are in is saying this is something new that you are now meeting, and you are not alone in it. Many others are also involved. It involves an initiation – see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/initiation/
This means a new level of experience is opening for you, but it will probably be slow for you to realise it. The snake is the initiation in this dream. The panic shown by the people around you is fear that you are feeling as you face death. The snake biting you is to lead you to death. It has been faced by you before many times. You died as the baby to enter into childhood; dead as a child to enter into adolescence. Now the old you will die as to enter into the new person you are becoming.
The snake entering into you is a sign that a new power is now yours – it is the power of your unconscious potential, and will gradually emerge. To keep on the way of the initiate stay open to life in the way that opened you to initiation. In other words your destiny.
Hi, i dreamt of catching not just one but more than 3 or 4 snakes nd locking them up in a bottle, but the worst part is it never end. .there are lots of them which just suddenly show up from everywhere. . (my dream set up is in our old house which is now our store) They are colorful snakes nd they are not the type that would hurt people. . Nd wat funny is that there are also unidentified animals/species that comes out from our second floor down to the first floor nd out the door or from a hole on our bathroom out to the main door. . These are lizards, wild turtle nd scary creepy looking animals. . I’m doing everything to make them come out of the house or lock the snakes in a bottle but in my dream i still have this fear with them. .
Hope you could help me.
I dreamed I was walking through a garden, thick and overgrown but beautiful, hidden in the shade of old trees. I walked around the perimeter and met countless black garden snakes, none of which bothered me in the least. Then I met a family of green snakes. They looked like desert snakes, dry and textured like the dusty boulders that adorn the Southwest, but greener than limes. They bit and killed a small white and black cat, one I put there to distract them. I put them in a bucket and picked the cat up. She was still alive, skin still warm and heart still beating. In the process of trying to save her, I was bitten. My mother called the hospital after I begged her, and she said I needed to drink wine. The venom was making my brain swell, the left side particularly, but wine would cure it.
I had a dream of pink friendly snake which cam home to eat and it came with a white rabbot which was hurt around its neck. The rabbit and snake were friends
I dreamed of small snakes sticking everywhere in my lower body. I was in the bathroom and found some little snakes and trying to kill them. After a while there are still some who are sticking on my body but I had a hard time pulling them away from body. It’s weird ‘coz they were sticking instead of coiling..what my dream means please?
Shyal – For thousands of years the snake was seen as a sign of our own potential. Egypt a snake was shown coming out of the forehead of great men and women, and in Indian the snake as shown as residing at the base of the spine with seven heads – meaning that it had seven great potential that could be released into the life of the person. See
These idea of snakes were not meant to be taken literally, but referred to the inner life, the dream life of humans. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
But nowadays people tend to believe that when they dream of snakes they are a huge danger to avoid or get rid of. But the snakes on your lower body shows that you have released some of the potential but are still apprehensive about really accepting them. My suggestion is that you sit and imagine that all the small snakes are eaten until you have one large snake. Then you imagine it coiled at the base of your spine, and then imagine it slowly rising up the spine – slowly with feelings – until it reaches the head. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ and http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/edgar-cayce-and-the-cosmic-mind-superminds/
I had a dream last night that there was a huge snake in my house. White with black markings. Im not scared of snakes in my waking life, but what scared me about this was its size. I tried to get the snake out of my house and the more I tried the smaller the snake got, until I eventually got it out of the back door (still alive!)
Ive got some ‘stuff’ going on in my life at the moment. What does this dream mean?? Anyone??….
I Had A Dream That I Got Bitten On The Left Side Of My Neck By A Snake… I Wasn’t Scared But I Felt An Electric Shock Type Feeling Running Through My Whole Body As If I Had Stuck My Finger In A Socket… I Was Calm And In My Mind I Knew That A Kiss From True Love Would Heal Me And Stop That Feeling… Then The Guy I Love In Real Life Showed Up And Had A Caring Look In His Eyes And He Was Trying To Help But I Couldn’t Tell Him What To Do Even Though I Knew And Was Certain The Kiss Would Stop It Because I Couldn’t Speak… Neither Him Or I Seemed To Be In A Panic…He Told Me It Was Ok And It Eased The Feeling A Little (Maybe Because It Touched Me Emotionally) Then He Kissed My Hands At First And I Shook My Head No… Then He Kissed Where The Snake Bit Me On My Neck And Finally He Went To Kiss My Lips But I Can’t Remeber If He Did It Or Not… It Was Way More To The Dream But I Can Only Remember Bits And Pieces But This Was The Most I Could Remember Can You Please Help Me Understand Because I Feel Like Its A Deeper Meaning… I Would Greatly Appreciate It.
And If It Helps The Snake Wasn’t Aggressive It’s Like It Did It To Teach Me Someting…
Hello Tony,
I often dreamt of snakes, big ones. Sometimes I managed to kill ,smashed its heads with ax or whatever, or cut them to half. But in my recent dreams I was bitten by a snake and no matter how much I tried to kill it , it seems like its very impossible, it escape , and everything around me was in slow motion….
Mary Rose – Everything in a dream is an expression of a living part of you, so it is foolish to kill anything. You were scared of it because you mix up outer snakes with the inner world and snakes of your dreams. See – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#reptilebrain
Of course you have harmful things inside you such as fear, which the snake often is an expression of, and of course it bites you because fear can introduce poisons into your bloodstream.
The thing is to remind yourself that nothing can hurt you in your dream – only your own fears of the images and scared feeling are meeting you in your own inner world. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Hurt and http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
had a dream last night about what i saw as a penis coming out of a hole in my right inner thigh midway to knee. my youngest daughter, 22yo, was driving a car (not hers) and my feet were on dashboard. in the dream i cried. my thoughts (uncertain if dream thoughts or waking) were that it had something to do with my health.
however, i tend to focus on being healthy, or worry about poor health. generally speaking i am very healthy.
oh, in the dream was a chinese medicine doctor that i know, but haven’t seen in many years. he appeared as very tan.
might you have ideas?
terry ann
Aloha Terry Ann – It seems the dream is a mixture of the worry about your health and a positive move toward wholeness.
We all have an inner world which is different to the outer world most people take to be real. But the inner world is the world of our own creative life forces that formed and keeps your body working. Because we are very mixed up about who we are we have strange mixed up dreams. You see we are all male and female in our inner world, although we believe we are one gender, and that out body is us. A crazy thought really, but even in our dreams any damage to our body is felt to be damage to US.
So your dream was trying to show you that you are more that simply a female body, because inwardly you are much more than that. We are at the same time a limited person only aware of their body and its surroundings, and also an immense and unfocused awareness that we lose ourselves in when we sleep. We are at the same time a particular gender through our body, and a total being male and female in our inner world. See – http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
I think you put your penis in the wrong position because it worried you to realise what you are.
Aloha Terry Ann – It seems the dream is a mixture of the worry about your health and a positive move toward wholeness.
We all have an inner world which is different to the outer world most people take to be real. But the inner world is the world of our own creative life forces that formed and keeps your body working. Because we are very mixed up about who we are we have strange mixed up dreams. You see we are all male and female in our inner world, although we believe we are one gender, and that out body is us. A crazy thought really, but even in our dreams any damage to our body is felt to be damage to US.
So your dream was trying to show you that you are more that simply a female body, because inwardly you are much more than that. We are at the same time a limited person only aware of their body and its surroundings, and also an immense and unfocussed awareness that we lose ourselves in when we sleep. We are at the same time a particular gender through our body, and a total being male and female in our inner world. See – http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
I think you put your penis in the wrong position because it worried you to realise what you are.
I had a very vivid dream about being taught how to tame poisonous snakes…in the dream I was being taught by a teacher of some sort. I was supposed to do this In order to move on to somewhere it was unclear…I had to learn how to kind of hypnotize these snakes and once I had I could leave…in the dream I did do it.. I wasn’t really scared more excited in a happy way…what can that mean? It was very powerful
Dear Tony,
I just had a dream in which i am in jungle following a woman to some little waterfall where we started showering, all around there was snakes not really big one just a few of them going around not being hostile at all.
At some point in the dream i see a girl showering as well and can notice close to her feet the head of snake (that kind of snake you find in desert crotals) but i realiser that it is not even a snake and has 4 legs and wings and just fly away not being hostile to anybody. That is the moment i wake up.
Thanks for your help.
Good Morning! 🙂
I just woke up from the oddest dream. I hope you can help.
I was in what seemed to be my childhood home with my parents- mother & step-father. The home, in my dream, was infested with mice and snakes. Baby mice- brown, everywhere. Snakes of all sizes- dark snakes with linear/lengthwise stripes on the back that resembled a line of alligator/croc eyes. Red snakes with with linear/lengthwise solid black stripes. They were everywhere. No one was alarmed but me, I freaked out. I yelled telling them that it was not normal, surprised at their calmness. Then went to my room, I assume to grab belongings to leave. There was a large red/black snake @ the entry to my room. I again freaked, my step-father came & removed it by hand with no fear.
The snakes did not appear to be dangerous, but were everywhere ranging from 5-6 inches to approx 2.5 feet.
Please help me. I don’t dream often & if I do, I can’t remember them. This dream was very vivid.
Thank you kindly.
On a house boat, there were many people on boat and on shore, I went to the door and could see 2 small boys on the deck and a man. Then a hugh snake appeared from the water. It came on the deck, one little boy was terrified, the other boy and man were trying to get it off the deck. At one point it incircled the 1 little boy in its coils and went under water. But it ended up letting him go. I then grabbed the little boy and went back into the house boat
Hi Tony.
What if in my dream the snake didn’t really attack me, but I happen to just notice it crawling and I caught it and I killed it, getting something from it’s head that I believed was some sort of medicine for my wound in the head…
Thanks 🙂
Catherine – From your dream I get the impression that you have been hurt/wounded by what someone has done or said. It is something that has stayed with you.
Killing the snake is a way that you can get and answer to what you seek. If you will imagine yourself back in your dream and drink the thing from its head, then you will get and answer to what you seek – you will know what to do. See – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#reptilebrain
I just had a dream where I drank a black liquid out of a bowl and felt nauseous. Then as I went to speak I had a very long, black, thin snake tongue. I remember people calling me either “ohaara” or “ohaana” i cant seem to find any reference to this in any dream related sites or in mythology.