Often the dependent emotions and conflicts one feels ‘caught in’ connected with mother or family; any emotions you don’t want to ‘handle’, such as those surrounding a spouse leaving; wanting to ensnare, or feeling trapped by someone. Sometimes symbolises a mother’s power, as in the way we are caught in the web of her desires and emotions. So inability to become independent of the mother.
But it can also be feeling caught and wrapped up to be eaten later sort of feeling, so being ‘handled’ by someone; or having all the time to watch for subtle signals in order to survive. See big spider dream
The spider can also be used as a symbol of sexual orgasm, but only if we are terrified, disgusted or guilty about such feelings.
The spider can also depict any emotions you don’t want to ‘handle’, such as those surrounding a spouse leaving; wanting to ensnare, or feeling trapped by someone; the basic survival instincts in us such as a spider might have – can I eat, or will I be eaten in this meeting/relationship? This level of our sensory and feeling perception is important. Like a spider it keeps one of your feet/fingers on the web or influences that connect you with other people and the world. Like the spider, if you are wise, you thereby know something of what is coming your way – do you advance or run? See: Web.
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The following waking fantasy by a man undergoing depth therapy shows an aspect of the spider. |
I realise there is something I am looking for, and I don’t find it in my wife, or at least I don’t sense it in her. It is a frightening thing and partly exciting. This leads me on to fantasising a struggle with a young woman. It is about wanting to have sex, but seems to be some sort of power struggle. The image was of a smart very confident and aggressive young woman. She was attractive and attracted, but her approach was one of attack, so to have a relationship I needed to fight her. What I appear to be meeting is that I have the sex drive, but what I am facing is a monster. In fact I have the image of a huge spider that comes out from hiding and drags me helpless into its lair, its many eyes shining. I’m afraid. It’s not that my sex drive abates, but within this fantasy you have to time it just right. One must wait for the ‘beast’ to become passive then dash in and plunge into the wonderful hairy cavity. Otherwise the ‘beast’ will rip you apart. It is exactly like the horror films one sees of the monster that drags men or women back to its lair. It is actually all about my fear of women based on past pain. I want sex, but to get it I have to confront memories of being torn apart emotionally by a woman.
Here is fascinating dream about spiders, and its exploration:
I found your email on the internet for dream interpretation. If this is not correct, I am sorry to be bothering you.
I have had the same dream as I fall asleep for several years. I have it nearly every night just once, sometimes, rarely, twice as I fall asleep.
I dream that I find a dried piece of skin or scab somewhere on my body, usually my foot or my hand, tho it has varied over the years. I begin to pick at the skin/scab and scratch it until it comes off. When it comes off it unleashes a flood of seed spiders that engulf me. Another variation is I find some odd black hairs growing out of my body and when I examine them more closely they are regular sized spiders crawling out of me and they begin to engulf me.
Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Again, if this is not correct, I am very sorry for the disruption of your time. Best C
Here is a interpretation:
Dear C – What I see with your dream of spiders is that there is a possibility of an underlying fear, so that when you begin to sink just below waking, just under the surface of your mind, this feelings of being overwhelmed arises. If it were a big thing that emerged it would be easier to deal with. But thousands of little things are difficult to handle because you kill some but there are so many left to get at you. A big thing you could hit with a cricket bat or kill it in some way, but the small things are more difficult. They are a sort of ultimate enemy. You need to find an image that enables you to deal with those feelings. An image that might be helpful is that of jumping into a very hot shower, one you can just about cope with. The water is pouring down and is going to burn up the little bugs. Another image might be that you walk quickly through flames that you are big enough to pass through with perhaps only your hairs being burnt, but the little spiders are going to get burnt up.
Were you at some time frightened of sickness? A sickness that could engulf you and you would be powerless against? If not that, then perhaps an image of something, or an idea of something that has stayed with you just under the surface of your mind. Tony
Dear Tony: Thank you….THANK YOU for getting back to me with the dream information. I am fairly well educated about things but could not come up with anything for myself. I think I may have been too close to it.
You mentioned several things that seem to “hit the nail on the head” and I will explore those. The most important thing you mentioned was that of being “powerless against” illness. I do have a life long disease that is manageable but could be fatal. I think this is where I am going to start as that is what seemed to really set off bells.
I really do thank you for this. It has not been interfered with my sleep and the dream only occurs as I fall asleep….once asleep, I am fine.
I thank you so much and I am sure that my partner thanks you as well……
Thank you…thank you….thank you…. With gratitude, C
So having seen spiders in a dream occasionally indicate an illness, if you are in any doubts it is wise to have a health check.
Covered on spiders: If they are large it might mean you feel someone will smother. Or that you have no way of escaping from someone or something.
I had a dream about a spider attacking me. The spider was very agile, quick, and could leap/fly. As I tried to fight it, the spider would come at me in ways that I found difficult to avoid. I felt no match. As we fought, and it bounced off of me because of my inability to avoid it, I felt my body ache and saw hairs flying from its body due to our impacts. I felt that this was something I might not survive. I didn’t know how to defeat it.
Dear BC – In your dream you are exploring how to deal with “the spider”, probably a symbol of difficult emotions.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/fear-frightened/
You learn that fighting your emotions is not working and to become aware of that is part of your growth process.
You wrote “I felt that this was something I might not survive” and this is probably a good thing.
In dreams our death is often a symbol of the need to die to our old self – the old way we approached Life – and open up to a new approach.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-rebirth-or-resurrection/
Instead of fighting your emotions you could use self-observation.
Observing your own ebb and flow of thoughts and feelings, your own habits and responses to things, is one of the most powerful of tools to use in transforming your life. This also leads to a fuller connection with your intuitive connection with your core.
If one uses observation you may at time realise that you are cycling through feelings or moods. So it can imply that one is experiencing a cycle which you may be trapped in. The way to get out of this cycle is to step back from it using observation; this is like stepping back and not be lost in the emotions or moods.
Another helpful approach to explore other ways of dealing with and/or releasing “the spider” is Power Dreaming.
While awake and relaxed imagine yourself back in the dream and continue it as fantasy or a daydream and move it toward satisfaction. Alter the dream in any way; experiment with it; play with it, until you find a way to fully feel at ease with it. In doing this you must not ignore the feelings of resistance and spontaneous emotion and fantasy that may occur.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
Need help with a dream I just had!
I dreamt that my lawyer had a spider on her and she was trying to lick it up or eat it. Then she had swelling around her jawline on her face and needed immediate medical attention. I woke up trying to yell for help.
I am wondering what this means? I have lately felt that my lawyer is not actually on my side and might be feeding the opposing lawyer information that could help them.
Dear Sandy – Your dream could reflect your doubts and fears about your lawyer’s ethical conduct or your dream could express that your intuition might be correct about your lawyer feeding the opposing lawyer information that could help them.
So the dream could be a warning, but check out the anxiety/doubt aspect first.
It is not an easy position you are in and I hope you have someone you can share this with; someone who can help you sort this out and give you helpful feedback.
See also http://www.lawsociety.ab.ca/lawyer_regulation/complaints.aspx
I wish you the best of luck!
Anna 🙂
I am so glad I found your webpage!
On several occasions after peacefully falling asleep I wake up yelling in fear, moving my arms in an attempt to avoid and push away a gigantic spider that is coming towards me pretty fast from the ceiling of the bedroom. I can still remember seeing the bedroom in realtime because by that point I had my eyes open as my husband tried to calm me down. The spider was always going straight to my chest or face. Once I saw it approach my husband very fast and I smacked my husband in an attempt to protect him. Two nights ago I had a similar experience with a gigantic cricket sitting on my chest.
What can this all mean? Thank you for your time.
Best, C
Dear Cindy – Every image and person in your dreams is an expression of your own life process. As such it is alive and intelligent and is something sent to help you. A dream is like a projection from a movie projector, except that you are the projector.
Everything you see as outside you is coming from you, your emotions, your fears, your beliefs,
Anything moving toward you in a dream usually signifies that you are becoming more aware of it, feeling it more intensely. In your dream you are trying to avoid confronting it by pushing the spider away. This is not usually a good policy, as you can never get away from yourself.
The spider wants to land on your chest because it needs to be felt, it needs to be dealt with or it lands on your face, because it asks you to face “it”.
These spider dreams recurred because you have not sufficiently “answered the inner call yet”.
Digesting or integrating experiences and feelings is part of the process of life and it will certainly help you to feel more whole and at ease with yourself.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/integration-meeting-oneself/
Because your dream creator is aware of this, it then creates a dream for you in which a gigantic cricket is sitting on your chest. A giant insect magnifies your feelings so you are more likely to respond to it, which you did because you searched the internet for help with your dream.
As Jiminy Cricket suggests, insects can represent our conscience and guilt which reminds us of feelings we might sooner forget – perhaps insects represent these areas because they live their life in our house and garden largely unseen – so depict thoughts and feelings occurring on the edge of consciousness.
So the next step could be to “Be the spider” or “Talk as the spider” to explore what this symbol – fear – is about.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Also Power Dreaming will be a helpful approach to explore other possibilities than you have used so far.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
and please also read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/nightmares/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
Please help. I keep having dreams about large black spiders jumping and latching onto my face with they’re long legs. One I was running away on the beach, but I have had a couple where that just happens and nothing else, I am jolted awake every time they manage latch on. Another I dreamt that there were rubbery tarantula-like spiders all around me trying to jump on my face… I would run away or try to tear them in half but their rubbery legs just stretched. Do all these dreams connect? And if so what is it signifying xx
Dear Gee – The way I see it is that all these dreams are connected and you are exploring how to deal with “your spiders”.
So first you explored if you could run away from them and you become aware that that is not helpful because the spider dreams keep recurring.
Running away is about avoiding something; trying to get away from something, so not meeting problems in a way that will resolve them. This can indicate anxiety about what you are running from.
I see the spider jumping on your face as a way of expressing that you “have to face them” in order to be able to deal with them in a helpful way.
Then you explore a different approach; to tear them in half which did not work either.
Because of their legs being elastic I believe it serves a purpose to explore if these spiders have something to do with what spiders can symbolise as well; “Often the dependent emotions and conflicts one feels ‘caught in’ connected with mother or family”.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/elastic/
I suggest you use Power Dreaming to explore while awake how you can approach this dream/situation.
So while awake and relaxed imagine yourself back in the dream and continue it as fantasy or a daydream and move it toward satisfaction. Alter the dream in any way; experiment with it; play with it, until you find a way to fully feel at ease with it. In doing this you must not ignore the feelings of resistance and spontaneous emotion and fantasy that may occur. Satisfaction comes only when you have found a way of integrating these into your conscious imagining.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
i dream of a normal spider in my office. i wanted to kill it so i chase it. but in the end alot of student pass by i keep chase and chase but i can’t kill it. in the end the spider stopped beside a boy and i asked the boy to kill it. he stepped it and the spider die. what does it means?
I had a dream last night.
” I am sleeping in my room with my wife and kids. In mid night when i got up I saw a RED Thin but long SPIDER crawling towards me and I saw it and I woke up and took my black chapel and killed it, I showed it to my wife and slept again”.
This is the dream, until here it is fine.
The morning( in reality), I woke up listening to a bad news that a distant relative has passed away last night. I think approximately at the same time I got dream.
I am unable to interpret the dream and the reality. Can you please help me in this regard.
Thank you
I had this dream where I was cleaning up some old stuff and bumped into a cage when I opened it I fpund spiders.I closed it and found another box of spiders.Just when I was about to walk to my boyfriend I found one spider crawling at me.I felt scared and tried to wipe it off me.but thenn there appeared other spiders when I tried to kill it I just saw some dirt in the area where I killed it.I tried to squeeze one..then others just start popping so I wipe it off til there was only one which beat me.I was scared the whole time.what does it mean?
Dear Sam – Your dream starts with “cleaning up some old stuff”. So what do you associate with that?
Is it about questioning your beliefs? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/beliefs/
Changing your habits? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/habits/
Facing your fears? http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#FaceFear
When you start cleaning up you can “bump into things” you have stored inside you, such as memories or emotions.
A closed box often represents the womb/uterus and its connection with childbearing; or if not that, something you have experienced that you have closed away in you or in the past.
Your dream also shows that the fear is somehow related to your relationship with your boyfriend, and so also with your inner father.
Many people do not realise that they have an inner father equally as powerful as an external father. You have taken in millions of bit of memory, lessons learnt, life experiences along with all the feelings or problems met by loving and living with your father, and they are what makes you the person you are. This is true even if your father was never there for you – you still have all the memories of him not being there for you filed under ‘Father’. The memories and experience we gather unconsciously change us and are not lost. It is part of you and is symbolised in dreams as a person or event and it can appear in dreams because you are still deeply influenced by what you hold within you.
See also http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Integrate
An approach to deal with your “inner spiders” is to use Power Dreaming.
So while awake and relaxed imagine yourself back in the dream and continue it as fantasy or a daydream and move it toward satisfaction. Alter the dream in any way; experiment with it; play with it, until you find a way to fully feel at ease with it. In doing this you must not ignore the feelings of resistance and spontaneous emotion and fantasy that may occur. Satisfaction comes only when you have found a way of integrating these into your conscious imagining.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
I dreamt I was in a forest but I seemed much younger. It was a beautiful area, a birch forest like in the Tug Hill Platue area. I was riding a bike through a trail, one I remember I had growning up (I’m 52 now). Then, this big black spider the size of a bus, like in Lord of The Rings, came out from it’s Layer in a cave that was inset blow this trail I was on to the right dwon in this gully. Of course it was terrifying and it gave chase. I peddled away from it back down the hill, down the trail with it in hot persuit. Then there was a steep concave area that was smooth to my left and I jumped it with my bike and coasted down it like a bullet very fast and I escaped. I felt it was persuring me but didn’t look back to see if it was there. The I woke up. Interesting I had changed to a healthy diet and being more active last December but allowed myself to sample some rich food for my birthday which included chocolate martini’s. I had the dream that night. It’s really stuck with me as I felt like I was really there. I think this may have been a message to not return to eating unhealthy things and bad habbits such as inactivity on a regular basis. But, I don’t really know. If you have any ideas about what it might mean I would appriciate it.
Dear PaulT – To be in a forest in your dream is a symbol of being in touch with your natural feelings; the self you are underneath what you express through your needs for social and physical survival; the magical world of the unconscious, full as it is of strange forces, primeval creatures and miraculous people.
If you are in or exploring the forest it shows you becoming aware of the level of yourself that is usually drowned out by your daily life or civilized activities. You will be more aware of meeting your internal animals. This is the country of dreams and the unconscious. In the forest you are in touch with the forces and wisdom of Life.
Birch trees are regarded as pioneer species, rapidly colonising open ground especially in secondary successional sequences following a disturbance or fire.
This makes that the birch tree is symbolic of beginnings, renewal and starting over.
A cave can represent contact with the past, with the inner life. Experiencing the past levels of consciousness, where treasures or fears may be found. Or we may find a spring, the source of our feelings or life.
Because the cave is “down in this gully” I feel it will be helpful to explore what happened with “the flow of Life”.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/spring-of-water/
Generally the cave links with the possibility of experiencing earlier states such as those that were common to you in childhood, or even prenatal life.
And so the way I see this dream is that whatever feelings of fear this spider might have caused/cause you in your (past) life, it can also be perceived as the path towards death and rebirth, if you choose to see it that way.
Please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-rebirth-or-resurrection/
Anna 🙂
Don’t know if this was a spider. However, I had a dream of some insect, it was black with stringy skinny black legs and it latched on to me. On my face and it felt as though its stringy legs were lengthening and clutching to my face, tickling and terrifying. Didn’t know what to make of it.
I am 9 weeks pregnant with my second child. I had a dream of a jumping White spider. I had my husband kill it in this dream, but then found it later in our bed giving off this smoke like spray. My toddler also sleeps in the bed with us so I feel the urge to protect her. In the same dream days later his cousins come from out of town and itell them about this spider. As I tell them about it I see another one and it jumps on my left thumb and bites me and I feel this intense pain, but it looks as if it’s laying eggs. And again I see this smoke like spray
I had a nightmare a few nights ago that I was going about my day when suddenly tiny spiders started crawling out of the corners of my eyes. Just a few at first that I smooshed as they came out but then they came faster as if there was a huge nest of them inside my brain and I could not crush them all. What does it mean if spiders are coming out of your eyes like that?
Arc – In many dreams the eyes represent our understanding, or how we ‘see’ the world, our view of things or other people. This is very personal. Also, they depict intelligence, our ability to give attention, and where we focus that attention, along with our boundaries of awareness.
You wrote “when suddenly tiny spiders started crawling out of the corners of my eyes.” I trust you are familiar with that expression “out of the corner of your eye”; you see it but not clearly because it happens to the side of you. In the context of your dream I think it means that you are not aware of your thoughts; of your thinking mind.
Our ideas, thoughts and beliefs are the main builders, and it is a world we then live in. We build an inner world that few people realise they have, and that inner world constantly controls how they relate to and deal with the outer world, the people, animals and events we meet.
Wandering off in your thoughts without much awareness does not provide you with the opportunity to change your mind about WHAT you are thinking and so feeling.
A different approach would be to use self-observation as a means; to learn to discipline your thoughts and “catch them”.
Observing your own ebb and flow of thoughts and feelings, your own habits and responses to things, is one of the most powerful of tools to use in transforming your life. This also leads to a fuller connection with your intuitive connection with your core.
Much of our behaviour is largely or wholly unconscious. Becoming aware of something can by itself produce a change. If you are not aware of what you think and so of how you act or respond, there is less likelihood of satisfying change.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/ and http://dreamhawk.com/news/avoiding-being-my-own-victim/
Anna 🙂
I had a dream that many spiders were killing a black kitten. The kitten and the spiders were in a glass box. It was horrible!! The kitten was in total agony and the spiders were so aggressive. In the dream, this glass box with the kitten and the spiders was on my mother-in-laws kitchen countertop. I can get the images out of my head. What in the world could this dream mean?
Dear Courtney – It would be of help if you would explore your relationship with your mother-in-law in your waking life.
For instance do certain situations with her remind you (unconsciously) of your relationship with your own mother when you were a young child?
I ask because the dream suggests that a very vulnerable part of you – the black kitten – feels trapped within certain emotions and conflicts and these “are killing her”.
It is like your inner child responds to certain situations which remind her of “past hurts” and when this autonomous complex gets “triggered” you could use it in a purposeful way for transformation and inner growth.
When you are aware of your inner child “taking over” – like for instance all of a sudden you feel in agony and powerless – you can step back and instead of identifying with this inner child – which identification does make you believe/feel you are powerless – you can identify with the observer in you.
When you choose for the observer role, you also choose to approach these (inner) situations with more awareness. And so instead of this inner child “managing” the situation, you can parent your inner child and choose for the adult in you to deal in a more effective way with whatever is confronting you. It is a process which does take some time and some practice.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/
Can you relate to any of what I see in your dream?
Anna 🙂
Need your interpretation!! Please help!
This morning, I had a dream about two white spiders…. By the way, during this experience, it felt like I was sitting next to someone I couldn’t see when it all was happening. But as we were “talking” (I say that because there was no audio and it felt like I was in mid-sentence when all of a sudden a small white spider crawled over my thumb from the back side of my hand. I tried to kind of brush it off because i’m naturally arachnophobic in real lfie lol, and I remember searching for it to kill it but I couldn’t find it. And THEN as SOON as I looked up from searching for the small white spider I could no longer find, in front of me less than 2 feet away was a HUGE white spider (about a foot in diameter) just sitting in a large web it already spun about a foot and a half in diameter and seemed to be just staring at me or waiting on me. The spider had no eyes that I could see and didn’t appear to be your normal spider. It’s body was thick, not hairy, had legs that ended kind of pointy and I want to say it had more than 8 legs, but my natural fear of those creatures kind of prohibited me from analyzing it as much as I could. I remember not moving because that’s what I would do in real life if I ever saw a spider that large and unique in front of me and because I didn’t know the spider’s intent if I attempted to move away from it. I was uneasy but to some degree felt like it’s symbolism was important because I never dream about spiders unless I just saw one and was creeped out. But I didn’t see one yesterday so I know that’s not the case this time. And I have never dreamed of white spiders before in my life (which is why I woke up and decided to find somewhere to write it to someone to help me figure out what it means LOL).
I would like to think that the person I was “talking to” was God which is why I couldn’t see the person and why the spiders were White. I would also like to think that me trying to brush the small spider off from fear and then immediately seeing the HUGE white spider that paralyzed my movements because of my being in awe of it and my natural “I don’t know where to go or what to do right now because any sudden movements could set the spider off”, was also God KNOWING ME. Because brushing it off could be me trying to blow him off and the large spider was like him saying “NO. LOL. You CAN’T and you should not fear me, i’m not going to hurt you”. I say that because I wasn’t bitten by either spider. They just seemed to be there chillin casually (casually crawling on my hand, and casually sitting there in the middle of the web). LOL. I was the one who was the most naturally uncomfortable even though I was trying to make sense of it all at the same time because I could see how it was such a unique circumstance for me.
I don’t want to interpret it wrong, but I am asking you, to see if you tell me something different from the many conclusions I have drawn on my own.
O – You did a wonderful job exploring your own dream and your own associations, your own feelings are pointing into the right direction as I see it.
Many people as their awareness reaches beyond what they feel is their normal self feel scared. Such resistances cause us to create awful dreams and fears as a means of avoiding our own inner world and its wonders. We feel that we will be swallowed up and we will die. It is important to say that when we meet the experience of powerlessness through becoming aware of the hugeness of your Life, which we are usually unaware if, it feels like something alien or attacking, and it is a shock.
When we begin to meet the Hugeness that we are, we often react to it in our dreams or in waking with fear or panic. So we dream of being attacked by aliens or frightening creatures; or being swallowed by a whale or something huge, a tsunami, or even possessed by evil entities. If we realise that they are things we have created through our own fear we will pass on.
And you DID pass on dear O.
To glimpse that revelation of the core of self, that is at the same time the core of all existence, is to be pervaded by something you can never grasp and hold. It forever flickers and changes, yet at the same time is changeless. Dante says of this, “As I grew worthier to see, the more I looked, the more unchanging semblance appeared to change with every change in me.”
This involvement is not in the end a mystical experience, it is the recognition, sometimes with awe, sometimes with shock, of an existing reality. It is so much a part of everyday life we fail to see it – as perhaps the fish might not know it lived in water.
The archetypal image of God when investigated in dreams, often reveals itself to be an underlying sense that we have within us of our own core self – and so therefore in some way – life itself, the creative impulse of life. This unconscious realisation that we are the Creator, that the holy essence of life itself is expressing as our own being, is so difficult to accept that it is usually projected outward to form an external God. We approach this external God as if it is something distinct from ourselves. Yet again and again, when people delve deeply into themselves they arrive at the realisation – I AM GOD – I AM THAT I AM.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-the-self/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/god/
Anna 🙂
Hi there!
So I recently had a strange dream, or dreams, about Spiders. They both happened last night. Anyway the first took place in a house or apartment. There was this white spider. Looked like a black widow, but it was white and no mark on it. I wasn’t scared I just wanted it dead. But when I tried to kill it a couple of times. With the tip of my toes (I was wearing shoes). But I couldn’t kill it. Even though my foot was touching the wall. I wound up giving up. But a little while later I came across a different spider. It was bigger and darker, it was almost flat looking. Anyway I tried to kill this one too. But this one ran. Up and across the walls. All over the house. And I did not give up on this one. This one I chased. Slamming my heads after it. After quite some time I jumped up (because it was up high) and slammed my hand on it. I was so happy I finally killed it. I even shouted “yes! I finally got it!” And put my hands together. But then it was bouncing around in my hands (because they were cupped). I shook my hands and wiped my right hand on my pants. When I woke up I was scratching my right palm.
Now when I fell back to sleep I was at a friends house. We chatting. Talking on our phones etc. Then when we left for some reason we left her place out of her bedroom window. She went first and then I did. When I went I noticed a spider web it was lying flat instead of up. There were about 4 small wolf spiders in it. Lying on the other side so it was their belly facing up. And they were flat looked like paper. I still jumped over it. Told my friend and she didn’t react. Then I noticed the biggest spider web right besider her face. And in that web was a VERY big fuzzy golden brown spider. The spider was just inches from her face. So I pulled her away. We walked away and just ahead of us was another just like the last. But this spider started moving weird. And wound up becoming 2 spiders. Then my dream changed.
Now I’m just wondering IF this means anything. I’m kind of scared of spiders in real life and not a single spider brought fear or a creepy feeling. There IS however; a spider in my place that I had tried killing but it’s in a spot that can’t be reached. So my dream might not mean anything lol.
I had a dream couple nights ago that a huge spider was in my throat.. I didnt see the whole spider but just the 2 front legs with a long claws outside my throat moving.. I am under alot of stress.. With major health issues and family.. Financial.. Etc. This is the first dream ive had of spiders.. I cant figure out the meaning an need some help ..thank you
Sherry – You did not reveal what you felt in your dream. Did the spider feel like a lump in your throat? Were you afraid? Did it hurt you?
Are you able to express your thoughts/emotions/feelings?
I ask because the throat is a symbol of self expression; vulnerability; the link between thoughts and feelings. As a symbol of self expression it can be about daring to cry out in pain and/or fear and that will help you to release tension and stress.
Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/eight-step-method-to-manage-intense-emotion/
Anna 🙂