This could refer to the ability or desire to hibernate, to pull back from outward activity. Also the squirrel is industrious in the summer collecting/saving food for the winter. So it can depict the habit or need to save. It is also a very nimble creature, and so could refer to the ability to move around in life with great ease. But in the USA some squirrels have rabies and so can be a source of disease, so might suggest, if the squirrel bites you, that something has got into you that is detrimental.
Useful questions are:
Am I wanting to draw back from worldly activity for a season?
Is my dream squirrel displaying ability to move through difficult surroundings, and does that relate to me at the moment?
Does the dream suggest I should be thrifty for a coming period of less income and opportunity?
I had a dream that a baby squirrel and mother was in the road as if the mother was trying to help it out the road but couldn’t though it didn’t seem hurt. I stopped my car to get out an help but another squirrel that of had rabid came from the grass to attack me. I got the impression they didn’t want me to help or thought I would hurt it. I didn’t run but I didn’t help either and that was the end of the dream.
I have a fear of squirrels,,its always alot of them running around when i walk the track, if a group of people are walking near me it doesn’t bother me but if its just me i always fear,they will jump on me and that thought alone scares me, last night i dreamed i was at my cousins house and squirrels were in there back yard, it was maybe 6 or 7 of them and they were only coming by my,running jumping and stopping right by me, i let my cousins know i was scared of them and they took me into the house where the squirrels followed me in doing the same things never touching me but getting very close, i started to cry,i was terrified! I wanted to run but i was to scared, i am trying to figure out what does this dream mean, i haven’t been to the track in a long time i haven’t even thought about squirrels does anyone know?
Dear Seekim – Did a squirrel ever jump on you in your waking life? http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/not-enough-information/
What I see in your dream – but please explore it yourself as well http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/ – is that your dream creator helps you to become aware of something.
It is like going through a form of cognitive therapy, which aims to help a person to become aware of thought distortions which are causing psychological distress (fear), and of behavioural patterns which are reinforcing it, and to correct them.
Throughout this process of learning, exploring and testing, the client acquires coping strategies as well as improved skills of awareness, introspection and evaluation.
Your dream shows you that your thought “they will jump on me” is incorrect and that it causes fear. Not once in your dream did a squirrel jump on you.
So perhaps you can also ask yourself if you are rather right (they WILL jump on me and so I am afraid) or if you are rather happy (they will NOT jump on me and so I am not afraid)?
Power Dreaming might also help you explore your thoughts and fears a step further;
Learning to cope and find a strategy that works for you to learn to deal with this particular fear thought, will help you deal with other fear thoughts as well; http://dreamhawk.com/news/avoiding-being-my-own-victim/
Let me know if you have any questions.
Anna 🙂
I had a dream where I was at a national park and a big squirrel with shiny fur and a short tail it jumped on my neck but attack my neck, it just was walking around my neck. I asked my husband and the tour guide to help but they didn’t.Then the tour guide told me to let it be and it will go.Then continued walking the tourist and my husband and some other people with us on the tour. Then a black and orange bird did the same thing and the tour guide said it was almost done. Then we continued walking and I saw a huge scary animal that I though was going to attack me but didn’t.
Hello Tony,
I had a dream in which I had transformed into a squirrel with my sister after she told me to think about certain pieces of writing which make me angry.After that I saw our family hens(we don’t hv any animals at home)trying to attack us esp my hands but den I was safe & still a squirrel & remember thinking in d transformation dat I hd forgotten to ask her how to return to d human form.
I had a dream that a squirrel came through my window. I was trying to help the squirrel get out of my room but it bit my leg. What could this dream possibly mean.
Dear Hannah – Your dream is too short to get a good understanding and also you do not reveal how you responded in your dream toward the squirrel biting you. Did you stop from trying to remove it from your room for instance? Or did you proceed with what you had in mind anyway?
See also http://dreamhawk.com/news/avoiding-being-my-own-victim/
The biting could refer to an inner conflict about “what is best”; to allow the squirrel to stay or remove it from your room; your inner world.
So try “Being the Squirrel” to explore which “thought, feeling, habit, ability etc.” entered your mind and use Power Dreaming to explore if you want to keep it or let go off it again.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
I had a dream that I was in a room with about four people who two of them seemed to be family. A women walks in and gives me a squirrel in my arms, it lays there for a minute then it bites me on my finger. I throw it out my arms and run around the room.
Antoinette 🙂
The woman is a helpful presence in your life, who wants to help you to become aware of something.
Please read
It could be helpful to ask yourself the questions which are written at the end of these pages in the dream dictionary.
The answers will arise when you are ready for it.
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
i was walking by some farmland, meanwhile a saw a squirrel bit far away from me. i opened my arms and with hands called her towards me, my brother and one of my cousin were laughing that look why would she come to you, but she did..then we walked and walked and she was in my hands and i was patting her and she was happy in my hands
i have two issues my life to which the dream might refer
1 i have some really life changing papers in near future (in feb)
2 i am in love with someone and i haven’t told him about it..plus i am ignoring him but i do miss him 🙂
waiting for your quick reply sir 🙂
A few nights ago I had a dream that I was running away from two squirrels that was tearing apart a mouse and eating it. What would this mean?
7 days back a squirrel got into our house , with great difficulty we got it out
Now I am having a dream that the squirrel is stuck to my right arm and not letting go
In yesterday dream , it even bit me
Can u pl help
Hi Tony, it would be a honor to have you interpret my dream, last night i saw 3 squirrels (very healthy ones, they looked a bit fat) like they were sitting under a big giant conifer and it looked like they were holding the tree, just like the elephants hold the planet in some ancient art, then i saw a big family of squirrels were running in joy with a bunch of babies towards me. that was it. Thank you in advance.
Olesea – Well it is a strange dream, and all I can make of it is that a tree is the home of the squirrels. And the tree represents your family tree – suggesting that you have a lot of feelings that connect you with your family.
The three squirrels are the keepers of the tree. What that means is that dreams are a product if Life in us. Life has a form or intelligence, and also has many function that we are only aware of in our dreams, and three squirrels are symbols of the living processes that support your unconscious connections with your forebears.
Ancient people had a lot more consciousness with their living links with their ancestors. And what the family of squirrels are bringing you with joy is awareness of new life in your family.
Hi ,
I dream I was a squirrel. Under a tree with many animals in the tree was a leopard very well camouflage I show him tho the other animals by pulling his tail. He start chasing me.i start climbing a tree then he with a rope (!) took down the trunk of the tree witch by the way was massive. He never got me I just went up and up in that big tree .
I had a dream waking with a squirrel in my face
plastered against my head and licking my nose.
I need help with this one.
Ok so i dreamed of it being night time and i snuck out n smoked (even though i havent in a while.) My children come outside say ewww smoke and i hurried and said go inside. So when i go inside i head to the bedroom where my 3 kids are located and see a shadow zooming under the dresser i eas trying to get it out the house by opening the door but fell on top of bes and the squirrel jumped on my back and just kept creeping up to neck. I was scared that it may have rabies so i was staying still. Then i abruptly woke up cuz i felt the weight of thw squirrel on my back.( help me please my dreams always have a meaning and come true)
I dreamt of the day after a rain, countryside, trying to get to a group of people waiting for me and im walking aling a muddy road, i see elevated above me a squirrel, frozen in mid-air. Its like a flying squirrel flattened in the sky. Very large. I dint know what to do then i see a semi truck, above ground, also frozen in mid-air. I turn around and think I should take a picturee of this then the squirrel de-freezes and falls to the ground and is normal. scared, I rush to the group and they are not alarmed. I think its frightening but try to calm down.
Hi, i have dreamed of a baby squirrel walking pass me in a park with dry yellow leaves on the ground. Then the mother squirrel jumped on my right arm and I felt like it bite me or it was gonna bite me, I was scared so I shake my arm and it jumped off. I literally shake my arm and woke myself up from the dream. I have just ended a relationship and I am having difficulties to get a decent job. Nothing is going well for me lately and I am always depressed.
Is the dream telling me that I need to learn to let things go and I may get sick?
Thanks! I really like your web site! I always have crazy dreams and this really helps a lot!
Adah – First of all you are walking over yellow leaves, showing it is Fall. Fall, or Autumn, is a time when things die down. So your dream is telling you there are seasons in life, your life, and now things will be breaking down and becoming quiet. Bit it is only for a season and then Spring will bring new life into you and your relationships and work.
The mother squirrel is, I believe telling you to ‘shake it off’ – your depression. The squirrel too hibernates during the cold spell. It is not saying that you will get sick. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYYXq1Ox4sk