Depends how the trance is expressed in the dream. It may represent neglect or loss of awareness of your outer affairs. It can also indicate becoming aware of deeper levels of your mind, expressing facets of your abilities you do not otherwise touch, or a shift in what you are experiencing or what is influencing you. See: Altered states of consciousness – Hallucinations.
While dreaming we usually accept what we experience as real. A hallucination is an experience of a ‘dream’ occurring while we have our eyes open, which is actually a trance state. The voices heard, people seen, smells smelt, although appearing to be outside of us, are no more exterior than the things and images of our dreams. In fact, with this information one can understand that much classed as psychic phenomena, trance experiences and religious experience is an encounter with the dream process. That does not, of course, deny its importance.
In lucid dreaming we can sometimes see what was happening in our body, to recognise signs of illness and heal them. This would be a wonderful addition to our natural healing process. This is not a fantasy, it happens with a few people, and understanding the process can help us conscious work with it. Similarly, people have learned to work with the dream process to ‘dream’ traumatic episodes of their birth, babyhood or childhood. In doing so they uncover the powerful reactions that were experienced, or decisions made which have subsequently influenced their lives negatively. They also manage to meet the person or baby they were at that period of their life, and help it integrate more fully with the present situation. See Lucid Dreaming – Waking Lucid Dreaming – Bodiless