Anything that transports you, like a truck, a train or a car, is an image of your ability to get somewhere in life, to motivate yourself and other people. Who you are with in these forms of transport show what attitude you have to those who share your endeavours. And breakdowns are just that – the fears and feelings that interrupt your journey. See: Lorry.
Hi, I had a dream a big lorry was parked up half on the pavement and half on the road and I got in to move it and there was yoghurt or like strawberry fools in it and I felt it was something to do with April fools, I’m waiting for a decision from the council to see if I’ve been excepted for a new one bedroom house which is available in April does this dream mean I’m not gettin it that its a April fools trick from god
Hi, I had a dream a big lorry was parked up half on the pavement and half on the road and I got in to move it and there was yoghurt or like strawberry fools in it and I felt it was something to do with April fools, I’m waiting for a decision from the council to see if I’ve been excepted for a new one bedroom house which is available in April does this dream mean I’m not gettin it that its a April fools trick from god
In my dream i was on top of the truck with a gentleman and i was telling the driver to speed up a little
I had a dream that it was a clear night in a a park where there are meant trees I saw a truck parked in the middle of the park I was passing by it then I noticed a black bear climbing behind it and it got on top of the truck I saw many people and they were all staring at it when I looked back I thought it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen it was staring up at the sky at first I got nervous but I saw it it gave me happiness and I was in aw by how beautiful this image was what do you suppose this could mean mr crisp?
David – It is, as you say, a very beautiful dream.
The image reminds me of a photograph in Jane Goodall’s wonderful book In the Shadow of Man. The photo was of a young female chimpanzee looking at her first born child. It showed her holding her newborn face to face, and the look of wonder on her face told the whole story – how could something so mysterious and beautiful have come out of me?
I see the bear looking at the stars telling a similar story – “How could I have arisen from that immensity? I feel in awe”. As I am fond of repeating, we are simply a face on a long line of beautiful animals.
In my dream, my boyfriend broke up with me. I was devastated. Then we were suddenly in a computer lab and I went up to him and took my promise ring off an said, “I guess you’ll want this back,” and gave it to him, hoping it would make him think and take me back. Then he got mad and all of a sudden we were in a truck and he took his ring off and threw it. I woke up crying and now I’m afraid to sleep.
Meg – One of our greatest fears or feelings is that of being unloved. So it is likely that your dream is simply an attempt to make you aware of your feelings of being unloved or of not deserving love.
The other great fear, one I have met so often is that if we are then saying something negative to the one we really want affection from, their reaction would be one of anger and distance from you.
Obviously break-ups do happen – they happen all the time – and we ought to learn from this and have a strategy to deal with it instead of feeling like you are worthless and in great pain. Considering that a large percentage of marriages end in separation, we ought to learn from it and prepare. Please read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/growing-up-to-love/.