Duality; relationship, indecision or making a decision; balance; male and female; two sides to an argument – or a way of comparing; opposition; the opposites such as light and darkness, harmony or conflict; parents and reproductive possibility. Astrologically this is Taurus the Bull, the builder or farmer governing the throat. So basically it represents division, decision, choice, femininity, formative power, receptiveness, motherhood, breadth. See: Numbers.
Numbers can have a personal or symbolic significance. For instance, we may have had two children, so the number two in a dream could be connected with your feelings or fears about them – but two can also relate to an age when something important or tragic occurred, or even a house number. So a number may refer to a particular year of one’s life; the months or years that have passed since an important event; your family group – or have a general significance such as indicated in language – i.e. three’s a crowd; seventh heaven; nine days wonder, etc.
In particular two can denote duality, a relationship, indecision or making a decision. If you consider how two appears in nature it is often about balance between two sides or something, or two qualities, such a male and female, or scales. Your body, with two eyes, ears, arms, legs, two hemispheres to the brain etc, is a good example of this balancing. It can also suggest things like two sides to an argument – or a way of comparing, opposition, the opposites such as light and darkness, harmony or conflict; parents and reproductive possibility.
Chased by or fighting with two people: Two against one feeling, as may have happened with child and parents; feeling odds are against you.
Idioms: Put two and two together; two’s company; two timer; in two minds; no two ways about it; two abreast; two fisted attack; two heads are better than one; fall between two stools; kill two birds with one stone; two bits; two cent’s worth; two sides to every story; lesser of two evils; two left feet; two for one; takes two to tango.