Possibly relates to your childhood, or quiet homely feelings. It might point to you being rural or unsophisticated in a business or commercial sense or indicate past values. Such dreams often hide an immense and important information as example below.
Village of your birth, childhood or home: The experiences, values and attitudes which prevailed at that period. See: City and town.
Example: “I was, I think, trying to clear up in the house and village of my childhood. ‘Clear up’ what, I am not sure. There was a sense that something had come to an end and the house must be prepared for a new phase. To this purpose, I was gingerly setting about taking down the curtains that hung in the bow window of the front room. The curtains, I was aware, had been left there by my mother. She was gone now. Perhaps she was dead, or perhaps – I seem to remember seeing this out of the corner of my dreaming eye – she had recently been rejuvenated to a state of girlhood in a kind of reincarnation. The curtains seemed to be made of bubble wrap. They were perforated horizontally with ‘dotted lines’ at two levels – midway and just below the curtain-rail. I was tearing down the right-hand curtain along the lower of the two dotted lines, at the mid-point. I was unsure, however, that I was doing the right thing.
“My sister was standing a little way to my left, looking on.
“‘Will we have to put this back up?’ I asked her.
“There was something confused about the question. I wanted to know whether I should be tearing at the mid-point or the higher point, but it was not really clear that only tearing half of the curtains down was an effective compromise if they needed to be put back up again.
“‘No,’ she replied, ‘the whole lot can come down.’”
An interpretation of the dream: “What a story your dream tells! You start by clearing up the house of your childhood. In the language of dreams that says you are trying to clear up the mess created by your childhood experiences or traumas.
Something had come to an end, indicating a new phase of your life is about to begin but remember that swing overs have a period where nothing appears to happen because the ending of one phase and the beginning of another takes time. As your dream emphasised, “preparation for a new phase.”
You start by gingerly taking down curtains that seemed to be made of bubble wrap. Bubble wrap is used to protect things, which probably relates to protection of you – something left by your mother. Gingerly taking down shows that you were uncertain about taking down the protection that probably indicates you were experiencing anxiety about being exposed to what is outside; a situation suggesting that your mother was a very anxious person and passed it on to you.
But you said, “She was gone now. Perhaps she was dead, or perhaps – I seem to remember seeing this out of the corner of my dreaming eye – she had recently been rejuvenated to a state of girlhood in a kind of reincarnation.”
This is saying that you have rejuvenated your view of your mother to that of a young girl – not the mother figure that as a child you were totally dependent on. Then your sister comes into it, a completely different figure than the dreamt of mother. I feel she is an older sister who cared for you in a different way to your mother.
“‘Will we have to put this back up?’ I asked her. “I was not really clear that only tearing half of the curtains down was an effective compromise if they needed to be put back up again.”
But the more positive and caring side says, “’No,’ she replied, ‘the whole lot can come down.”
I see this as telling you that all the protective material you have been living behind is now being torn down, obviously by enormous changes within you.”
See: Town.