Your connections with family and ancestors; growth or fruitfulness of parts of self; the transcendent in your life. The vine is what you have created in your life through the use of your potential, your ‘talents’. It links with your most valuable assets, more important than money or belongings – namely your creative and timeless possibility.
There is a life I’ve seen,
Beyond the limits of fear,
Outside the prison of conditioning,
And through the walls of pain.
I have breathed that life.
The blood of it has
Run through me warm and rich.
The fruits of its vine
Are in my limbs
Sinuous and strong.
In their own words I heard them saying to me something like ‘The worst was they did not kill us, but they cut our vine at the roots. They burnt our land and they killed our children. If you want your sons to live, teach them not to hold their head up, but to keep their eyes on the ground.’
And this tender mighty vine, that could be torn apart by a babe, yet is indestructible, takes the water that could rot it, and makes of it streams of delight within its being. For the emotions that were rotten within us become fountains of pleasure. So is the burning sunlight that threatened to kill, taken in and made as life. For the as yet-unknown is for many like unto a threat of death, and to enter into it is destruction. To this vine come the wise men, who are our own wonders, the treasures and riches of our own past life and lives, now unlocked to us, and built into our new growth. For in the earth, water and air of our being, lie all the treasures of our past, our wisdom learnt through pain and years; our talents dug long labouring from within.
Then the light of my stars will shine forth. I will stand upon a hill, and men will be bronzed by the light of the sun. The vine of my soul will rise up in the light and bear fruit and the truth of my being will enhance the truth in other beings. But now, in the light of this light there is a call. You are neither darkness nor light, it says. Neither stars nor earth, form nor formless, but the essence of all. Therefore, why deny the dark or worship the light? Why cling to the world or drop into the void? Why fight the devil and worship God, for all these are contradictions. If there is God who is ruler of all, there can be no devil. Your fight with the devil is but an affirmation of his reality and of God’s non-existence.
Occasionally the vine or creeper represents the spine and the flow of life up the body. If there are flowers on it, then it shows the opening of potentials. So cutting back a creeper or vine can suggest controlling or stopping urges and emotions that have been growing, perhaps even overwhelming you, such as happens sometimes in love.
In some dreams a vine or creeper links the earth with heaven or the sky. This suggests the rising spinal energy that lights up areas of the brain that are usually dormant, thus arousing altered states of consciousness.
Occasionally the vine or creeper represents the spine and the flow of life up the body. If there are flowers on it, then it shows the opening of potentials. So cutting back a creeper or vine can suggest controlling or stopping urges and emotions that have been growing, perhaps even overwhelming you, such as happens sometimes in love.
In some dreams a vine or creeper links the earth with heaven or the sky. This suggests the rising spinal energy that lights up areas of the brain that are usually dormant, thus arousing altered states of consciousness.
Idioms: Clinging vine. See: creeper; tree.