Often represents a veneer, or surface show, that hides the real person underneath. It can also represent the world we create from sensory impressions, and personal attitudes. This is a world that can be ripped away by such things as sudden illness or war. Then it is as if another world is revealed underneath the wallpaper.
Surface appearance of things; the surface layers of your own feelings and awareness, perhaps a cover up. It can also represent the world we create from sensory impressions, and personal attitudes. This is a world that can be dropped away by such things as sudden illness or war. Then it is as if another world is revealed underneath the wall-paper or our everyday feelings and attitudes.
Example: I was disturbed by an unusually vivid dream last night – unable to sleep afterwards for almost two hours. In the dream I went out for the evening to see some friends. Golden beer spilled as one of my friends doubled up and the room sprang open with a Death’s Head shrieking behind him, as if a skin had been peeled back to reveal the bones of life crackling in a gigantic electric chair. It burned my brain. With a great effort I managed to wall up the apparition behind the bright fabric of the evening, leaving only a blurred after-image of the hole, like the torn edge of a strip of wallpaper that has been ripped and glued back into place.
The dreamer had broken through into a wider awareness in which his enormous fear of death was revealed. When we begin to meet the Hugeness that we are, we often react to it in our dreams or in waking with fear or panic, but if met without fear it often rids us of fear of death. So, we dream of being attacked by aliens or frightening creatures; or being swallowed by a whale or something huge, a tsunami, or even possessed by evil entities. If we realise that they are things we have created through our own fear, we will pass on. But otherwise it will continue to haunt us as something that will get you; or you feel uncertain even lost in facing it! But it is only our small self-image, our ego that reacts because it feels powerless, even though in reality the Hugeness is part of our totality. See Wider awareness – Transformation