
The power of the unconscious self, or instinctive self.


-Nombuso 2018-03-09 13:37:01

Kusho ukuthuni ukuphupha umngani wakho ekhulelwe?

    -Tony Crisp 2018-03-11 13:23:07

    Nombuso – It might mean that you got your partner pregnant, but when you think about someone it is never that actual person you directly know – it is only your thoughts and feelings about them. So in dreams it is not your partner but your memories of her you are dreaming about.

    So your dream is saying that because of the feelings you have about your woman, you are about to give birth to a new part of you. Just as when you were a child you gave birth to the teenager, so now you will give birth a new more advanced you.

    I-Nombuso – Kungase kusho ukuthi uthathe umlingani wakho okhulelwe, kodwa uma ucabanga ngomuntu akukaze kube ngumuntu wangempela owaziyo ngqo – yimicabango yakho nemizwa yakho kuphela. Ngakho ngamaphupho akuyona umlingani wakho kodwa izinkumbulo zakho oziphuphayo ngazo.

    Ngakho iphupho lakho lisho ukuthi ngenxa yemizwa onayo mayelana nowesifazane wakho, usuzobeletha ingxenye entsha yakho. Njengalapho usengumntwana owabeletha ingane, ngakho-ke manje uzobeletha okuthuthukisiwe okusha.

-ss 2017-06-01 7:11:39

kusho ukuthini ukuphupha tractor amabili namageja akhona uwalungisa

    -Tony Crisp 2017-06-02 7:50:44

    SS – ngidinga ulwazi okuningi mayelana nokuthi yini dream lokuba siliqonde.
    Bhala phansi noma yini ocabanga ukuthi iye yadala iphupho noma ngokuxhumana ngenye indlela.
    Bhala phansi wonke iphupho; ungashiyi izingxenye ngoba ababheke ukuthi ayibalulekile.
    Beka iyiphi imininingwane une ngabantu noma izilwane iphupho lakho – kufanele kube uhlamvu wabo njengoba zivela iphupho.
    Sicela usazise ubudala bakho nobulili.
    Chaza yimuphi zimo okukhulunywa noma wabonisa ephusheni.

-Zwelie 2016-11-15 6:55:28

I dreamt about me buzzy on my yard digging around only to find some very big sweet potatoes, and there soil was so good an reach but my main problem is I was with my ex, who does not stay here any more she was taking my sweet potatios as if she stays here with me. please help me see what happening.

-Zwelie 2016-11-15 6:49:58

Ngidinga usizo. kusho kuthini ukuphupha ulima kuphuma obhatata omkhulu kahkulu umhlaba uvunde kakhuku, kodwa khonalapho kwabonakala I ex yami imiphambi kwami ithatha lombhatata, angiphathekanga kahle. ngicelala usizo.

-sphamandla 2015-12-15 3:35:50

I dreamt about my pregnant daughter rushed by two cars to hospital.what is the meaning?

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