Anger – Dealing With
Acting it out any anger you feel can often lead to a real release and then you can see where it all started. You may need to do it without feelings and automatically at first, but if you keep on it will slowly become real. You will probably need to do this a number of times over a period of time to feel the results.
It is important to let any feelings be expresses and not to feel guilty about any negative feelings to people. In releasing them in this way you are not hurting anyone, but you are clearing out your unexpressed darkness.
So you need to be able to allow your body to express. Aggressive feelings are one of the main expressions of our energy, along with sex, ambition and survival. Generally speaking, it is not wise to hold them back, or express them on parents. Wherever possible it helps to seek a more satisfying and constructive expression for them – beating a pillow with a rolled up newspaper or tennis racquet for instance, while allowing your feelings to vent. Many aggressive or hostile feelings arise from childhood experiences, and are, at their origin, directed toward one or both of our parents. But unfortunately in adult life they tend to fire toward someone we have an emotional link with, such as our partner or even one’s child.
The method is to start mechanically hitting the imagined person. It doesn’t matter if at first you cannot feel the feelings; keep on and see if you can hook the anger and express it. It often takes several sessions to really empty it all out.
I you really feel like killing person, get a knife and an old pillow and do the deed on the pillow. But hopefully the beatings will do it.
Scared of Feeling Angry
If you are frightened of your anger, you will have work indirectly. To do this you will need to recognise that anger is only considered wrong or dangerous when it is directly expressed to someone. But of course anger can be expressed indirectly, which is perhaps like having a powerful shot gun and only using it to shoot at photographs of the ones you are angry with.
That is only an analogy, but first you must have a time when you will not be disturbed and imagine giving the person or people you are angry with hell – tear them apart. If that is difficult you may have a lot of inner barriers about being angry, so you will need to do the exercise several times until it is easy. Realise also that not expressing your anger in this safe way is NOT safe. As you said, “I’m ruining relationships with people by pushing them away. I think I test them and then they leave me.”
Anger is not simply in the mind and emotions, it is deeply in and influencing your body. Once in a class where we were using methods of release I found that a young woman had tensions in her back like bars of iron. When we started to relax the muscles the woman began to thrash around on the floor, beating the floor in obvious anger. A few minutes later she sat up and said, “So that’s why I haven’t been able to talk to my sister for ages, I was so angry at her.” See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Levels
So you need to be able to allow your body to express. Aggressive feelings are one of the main expressions of our energy, along with sex, ambition and survival. Generally speaking, it is not wise to hold them back, or express them on parents. Wherever possible it helps to seek a more satisfying and constructive expression for them – beating a pillow with a rolled up newspaper or tennis racquet for instance, while allowing your feelings to vent. Many aggressive or hostile feelings arise from childhood experiences, and are, at their origin, directed toward one or both of our parents. But unfortunately in adult life they tend to fire toward someone we have an emotional link with, such as our partner or even one’s child.
Another Way
Another way of dealing with anger and great emotions is to be the dream person who is angry, or being yourself being angry is one of the safest ways of allowing and healing the causes of anger. Angerxe “Anger” is a natural feeling, and when we repress it, as we are usually taught to do in our society, it becomes pressurised and sick or dangerous. Being the dream person is described in Being the Person or Thing
You can release it safely by standing in the role of the angry or emotional person, and sometimes it can help to act out anger by hitting cushions or an armchair with a rolled up newspaper, tennis racquet or baseball bat. Acting it out can often lead to a real release and then you can see where it all started. You may need to do it without feelings and automatically at first, but if you keep on it will slowly become real. You will probably need to do this a number of times over a period of time to feel the results.