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Welcome to DreamHawk.com, one of the longest running dream interpretation sites in existence.
Millions of people have accessed its database of dream symbols, interpretations and reference material.

The site began in the mid-eighties on CompuServe, and later was called Waves. It has over 6000 individual pages of information.

About the Author

Tony Crisp is an internationally renowned expert on dreams and their interpretation. His bestselling Dream Dictionary: An A to Z Guide to Understanding Your Unconscious Mind has become a classic of the genre. Based on material from thousands of dreams gathered during three decades of research, the Dream Dictionary has been translated into seven languages worldwide. See Tony’s Books

Tony has worked at the vanguard of the personal development and self-help movement for more than fifty years, co-founding in the 1970s one of the first human growth centres in the UK. In addition to teaching and leading groups in self-development and yoga, Tony has worked variously as a photographer, journalist, writer and broadcaster both in the UK and abroad. He was LBC’s resident dream therapist for seven years.

Tony was also the earliest writer on dreams who attempted a dream dictionary not based on the more rigid dream theories derived from Freudian or Jungian ideas. His book Do You Dream, published in 1971, was one of the first of his many other books about dreams and the inner life, and included a dream dictionary.

He has five children and currently lives alone in a cottage in Wales. For a more detailed look at Tony’s life see Biographical Information.

But more important than that is that I am an ‘End User’. That is I present myself not as an authority on dreams but as an end user who has used dreams to survive, to find the unborn part of me, and that it has taken me most of my life. As an end user I dealt in the dreams I was using. In this way I earned a living and hopefully showed other people how to ‘use’ dreams as well. I had an intense feeling with this, as if it was vitally important, and that presenting myself in this way would alter the whole direction of my life.

Site Features

The site enables you to search the Dream Dictionary for any entry and quickly find it, via the Search box at the top right of the page. Such a search will also bring up related entries, and give the user access to a vast database of knowledge.

Many of the entries also link to articles in the Encyclopedia of Dreams, Life and Human Mystery, offering further reading on a vast range of related topics.

A huge collection of features can be found on Features-Found-on-Site

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It has always been Tony’s policy never to charge for any service given, wishing to pass on the help and love that flows from ordinary people supporting each other, so this site and the hours spent producing it are a non-commercial venture. But obviously we need your support in maintaining the site, and ask for that in the following ways:

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He has five children and currently lives alone in a cottage in Wales. For a more detailed look at Tony’s life see Biographical Information.


-Lauri 2011-10-21 1:57:31

I am new to this site and so far I’ve enjoyed it.
I am wondering if you could help me with a dream I had last night…
It was about meeting up with an ex-boyfriend (who I have not seen in over 15 years) and his wife. It was just a friendly meeting, but there were snakes (vipers) involved. The first one I encountered was when my ex said to me, “go out to the porch. There’s something out there I want you to see.” When I did, a female family member of his was holding a rather large snake. At first I didn’t think much of it until I seen the shape of its head and realized it was a viper. Then I became scared. Out of the blue, one of my dogs and stranger dog killed the viper by biting its head. Afterwards when I went to leave my ex’s house, I started to encounter more vipers; curled up in corners, slithering around rocks and water, under bridges….you name it. At one point, I dropped my car keys down under a bridge and they fell in between rocks and I couldn’t find them. I called for my ex to help and he became a little annoyed with me that I needed his help. We ended up finding my keys, but after that, I have no further memories about the dream.
I will say that that, in reality, that same day I had found my ex on Facebook and I was looking at his family photos, so I suspect that may be why I dreamt of him and his wife (who I never met). But I’m not sure where the snakes fit into this dream. Can you help?

    -Tony Crisp 2011-11-17 10:52:08

    Lauri – Some years ago I had two experiences that I feel might explain your dream. One was while in Australia after meeting and talking with my wife to her brother in-laws brother; a little while after I felt as if something had poisoned my mind in some way. Because I can delve into my unconscious I investigated the cause and found that the man had subtle suggested things to put me down, and the reason was he wanted my wife. Went we saw him again he immediately started saying things in an attempt to make me appear stupid.

    Another time I felt I was literally going mad and ever though I never drink alcohol I wanted to get drunk. But instead I drove out onto the moors and once more dived into myself. I went through – figuratively – every room of myself, and it all looked healthy. So then I asked what was causing the fuss and immediately was shown that my mother in law, who was staying with us had been saying things behind my back, suggesting that my wife get rid of me and then she and my wife could run the place.

    When I got home my wife was out and came back, so I asked her whether her mother had said something, and my wife admitted that in fact her mother wanted me out and wanted to run the place.

    So I see you dream as sign that someone from your ex’s side has put poisonous thoughts about you into circulation. Fortunately your dog and a stranger – usually your inner guide – caught it and destroyed it before it got its poison into you. Those are the snakes.

    Knowing where the poison came from really helps to keep you clear. And you have a good inner dog as a great companion.


-Juli 2011-10-02 22:12:53

Hi Tony,
In my recent dream I was dancing with a blind man and so I closed my eyes and felt the motion of the dance. It was fun, skippy, and lively, and we covered a lot of ground. We were moving from one side of the room (a fairly large community centre hall) to the other and though dark behind my eyes the movement looked and felt like it was in a figure of eight. I was enjoying myself. In the next part of the dream I was telling a woman about the tone of her voice by showing her the harsh tone she uses and then showing her the difference it makes when using a more caring tone. I was in the role of teacher.
Can you tell me what this dream means especially the beginning part? Thank you Tony.

    -Tony Crisp 2011-11-02 11:08:09

    Juli – This is a dream worth remembering. Its message is a great inspiration and teaching.

    Dancing with the blind man is that you put your trust in Life, and then you do not have to see where you are going, and yet you area guided from within. The figure of eight is another wonderful image. It depicts the dance of life which circles back to where it started and crosses over – it is being born and dying over and over for eternity.

    The woman you were teaching: it is always worth while with such dreams to ask yourself how this applies to you. Is there something you need to learn about the tine of your voice?


-Ayana Engelbrecht 2011-09-26 14:02:44

Hi Tony,

We’re online again and miss communication with you. Also, we have you strongly on our hearts and have a need to learn that you are well.


-jen 2011-09-16 15:17:25

When I was a child, about 9 years old or so, a presence would sit at the foot of my bed each night. It would breathe heavily, and it was heavy and round. I could feel it’s shape/form with the edge of my foot. I never opened my eyes, because I was too afraid of what I might see. But it sensed my fear, and would breathe more and more loudly, as sweat and fear drenched my body. It felt like my mother’s body, since she was rounded the same way. But it was not. I would summon the courage and run to her room and find her lying in the bed. It was almost like the presence was trying to trick me. The energy of whatever it was, was very evil. It re-visited me several times throughout my childhood in that particular house. Have you heard of similar cases?

    -Tony Crisp 2011-10-20 10:46:36

    Jen – Yes I have heard or such cases. If you get a chance read Mia Dolan’s book The Gift. It has descriptions of many such things that she experienced.

    But it sounds like it may have been a person who died and was so fixated on physical life they could not let go of it. Obviously you were sensitive enough to feel its presence.

    Some such cases are to do with trying to communicate something; like the ghost who ripped a necklace off of a woman who had just moved into the house. A well known medium was asked to help and she reported that it was a man who felt he had been cheated out of ownership of the house. When he was asked for proof he told them there was a recess above one of the door in the basement, and the proof could be found there.

    When they investigated they found the deeds to the house showing how the present owner’s father had cheated the real owner. This was put right and the ghost no longer troubled anyone.


-lathen trigg 2011-08-13 11:22:46

I had a concious dream of pregnant woman having two bodied fish perfect form the fish apeard on her
shoulder or chest it moved freely tais down hea d up or foward shaped like v

    -Tony Crisp 2011-09-01 12:17:03

    Felicia – Almost all the people we dream about are us – you!

    So it is you that you felt the death of and cried. It may sound strange to you but most of us die several time in this life. But it doesn’t refer to physical death of our body but to something that hurt us emotionally or something that led to us repressing a big part of us. And to feel that is quite painful – sometimes more so that losing someone we know.

    If you remember the feelings of your dream and allow it with the idea it might be a part of you that dies and see what arises.


-alyssa 2011-03-29 16:59:09

Hi, I’ve had reoccurring dreams of cars. I had one last night. In the dream, I could not shift the car into park or reverse. I tried to use the brakes, though the brakes did not work. In the back seat, I saw two people I did not know. They were a woman and a young boy. I saw them before I crashed into this large pile of snow. I crashed into the pile of snow from the back of the car.

    -Tony Crisp 2011-04-06 10:23:31

    Alyssa – Your brakes not working and not being able to shift into park or reverse suggests that you have lost control of your drive to get somewhere or do something. Cars in our dreams can illustrate the ambitions, attitudes and care, or lack of it that drive us in our life. The manner we make our way through life of course involves us in countless relationships of various sorts.

    So I would ask yourself in what way are you driving yourself? And how does it link with being out of control?

    The woman and the young boy I can only have a guess at. They sound like a mother and son, and you obviously feel a responsibility for them.


-Tony Crisp 2011-03-01 11:13:22

Beloved – It is very good to get a communication like yours – and thanks for the recognition.

Yes, I really believe it gets easier and easier. But I have to qualify that.

I believe the same path is very easy for some and incredible hard for others. The hard bits are the misinformation and fears we have been raised to take as truths. The easy bits are the acceptance of a way of life that has opportunities to change. The more people who are open to believing that within them is a wonderful source of healing and wisdom the easier it will be for all.

I do not know how it is that I was lucky enough not to be afraid of evil, the dark, pain and strange images. I believe working with dreams helped a lot to see that what many people were terrified of was simply images and their emotions. I was also lucky that I allowed my self to feel anything and could howl, could laugh, could be lifted up to the highest and go right down into the pits of death.

So may people are terrified of themselves, of life – so they miss the opportunity to face what is – in the end – themselves. That is a large part of what I am trying to do here. I want to say, “Life is not trying to get you. Nobody is out to punish you. All that is happening is you are reaping the seeds you sowed. And if you can admit that and take responsibility, you will go through changes so fast.

I needed to know what it was like to be vulnerable, to lose those I loved, and to face the consequences of killing love. Hard lessons to learn, and I am still learning them. Because I killed love in a past existence, I suffered not knowing what love was and a constant struggle with my sexual feelings. I married without love and tried to bring my children up in that environment. Then one day I wanted to kill my eldest son – then only baby – and had to tear myself away. I realised that something was terrible wrong with me and went in search of a way to grow and heal. I found, after years of searching, what I have called LifeStream. Apparently a hidden way. And an explosion of change, growth and insights arose, rather like being plugged into an encyclopedia, came to me.

In that I saw that we are now in a period which I have called The Quickening, in which people can find it all so much easier. But even so, I do not know of any way that is a magic wand thing. I cannot see how anyone go through real change without knowing who they are in their depths.

By the way, thank you for the mention of Birth as we Know It. I got their permission to put some of their features on this site, and have one now. See http://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/conscious-parenting/


-Tony Crisp 2011-02-28 9:36:08

Brice – In my old and clunky website that I designed myself I had pages and pages of links, many of them exchanges. But now in this new site, the designers tell me I cannot do that.

So sorry Brice – but I wish you well on your venture.


-malcolm 2011-02-20 17:11:59

my wife dreamt of buying a beauty salon and spa.
what does this mean

    -Tony Crisp 2011-02-25 12:40:49

    Malcolm – Without knowing a bit more about the dream it is difficult to be sure. But it probably means your wife has dreams of doing something with her life and be creative. But without knowing what your wife is like, it takes a lot of courage and perseverance to make dreams come true; but if she has it in her, why not?


-Emilie 2011-02-16 4:36:52

Hi! I was wondering if you could interpret this dream I had…
I was in my school gym with everyone else (including all the teachers) when these gigantic bugs/insects were roaming the school halls. When one of them managed to break in, everyone ran back into the school and split into different directions. At first, I was running with a whole bunch of people then they began to disappear (fade away) until only two of my friends and myself were left still running. Eventually, we ran up the school stairs that led to the second floor of my home.
I saw this scary shadow approaching from my parents’ room and hid with my friends. One of my friends wouldn’t stop screaming and the monster eventually got her. (I think it grabbed onto her neck) The monster began to sizzle and dry up until it was empty and transluscent like a coccoon. My friend’s skin sizzled and melted off– she had become the monster now. She attacked my other friend and the same thing happened. My other friend was now the monster and the other was just a dead coccoon on the floor.
I was terrified– even in the dream. So I kept silent until it eventually gave up on looking for me and walked off back into my parents’ room. I woke up as soon as sunlight (in my dream) came in through the windows.

*The monster was a half-man half-goat. It walked on two legs like a man and had hand-like claws but still had the goat hooves for feet and hair all over– no bare skin.

**I’m sorry if I added in too many unnecessary details. ):

-Loretta Roberts 2011-01-13 13:16:57

I just posted a comment and wanted to say that my son developed schizophrenia/bi-polar disorder the last year or two of his life, so he was not the person that we knew, but in the dream he looked good and looked like he did before his sickness.

    -Tony Crisp 2011-01-24 13:39:20

    Loretta – This is the difference that is often shown in dreams. Unfortunately our body and life situation tends to distort the real person. So your dream is reminding you of your son as he is when whole. The same thing happens at death, all sickness or distortion falls away and the person is whole and vital.


-Loretta Roberts 2011-01-13 13:08:06

My son committed suicide on 11/24/2010. I have been waiting to have a dream about him. I finally had a dream last night, I was doing laundry and his jeans were in the dirty clothes with some checks in the pocket. I thought why are these pants here and what are these checks doing here?? and he walked in the room, very non-chalauntley (spelling??) that is the way he was, I said what are you doing here? you are dead. He said no I’m not the doctors were wrong, I didn’t die. (In the dream he died in the hospital and the doctors told us he died.) I hugged him and asked him where he had been? He said he was staying with some friends and doing some jobs with them. (He used to do carpentry and tile work w/friends)., I told him that I had to talk to him that I have alot of questions and I need to tell him things, and he said ok, but I have to use the bathroom first, and he walked in the bathroom and I woke up.

-Evon Givans 2010-11-13 4:52:58

Hi I have this recurring dream since I was a child… actually I have night terrors….their is always a man in my room.. always at the end or side of my bed and he is their to get me I think…I always wake up right when he is their. … sometimes he is right in my face when I wake up or sometimes just in the room . I never can tell who it is. I always wake up screaming ..to where my throat is hurting and I feel like i’m going to have a heart attack.. I’m 41 years old now. The only thing that has helped is a dream catcher … honestly… their better but not gone… I’m just tired of the night terrors.. I always wake up screaming. What does this dream mean… THanks

    -Tony Crisp 2010-11-23 13:11:26

    Evon – Obviously there is a very real thing you have lasting fear in connection with. What the terror is cannot easily be seen.

    When one of my sons was only a few years old I was running a book business, and my work space overflowed into the boy’s bedroom. So often when they were asleep I would go into the room without switching the light on and fumble for books to take out. After a while I noticed my youngest son was whimpering when I went into the room. I realised the dark figure in the room was terrifying him. Therefore the next night I went into the bedroom and as soon as he was showing signs of terror I spoke to him telling him it was me, and then switched the light and explained what I was doing. From there on it was fine.

    There was also a famous case of a young woman being ‘haunted’ by a figure in her dreams. Fortunately she was able to go to a therapist and she traced it back to her father entering her room at night. So I feel certain that such awful terrors have their roots in real events in a child’s life.

    Unfortunately your haunting has been going on for a long time, and this must have deepened the fear. Sometimes one is left with the feeling one is possessed and there is nothing can be done.

    I know the fear stands in the way, but if you can I would suggest you challenge the figure to show itself for what it is. But if not that, then get professional help. I can assure you, having been exploring the far reaches of the mind, there is a way through and everything has a reasonable explanation. In fact if you can feel any spark of love for this crazy thing that has hung around you all your life, you will see your dreams change.


    PS In fact I will try to be present in your dreams and meet this darkness.

-Trine 2010-10-15 10:56:21


Please if you could tell me the title of the book by von Franz where you found this quote?

    -Tony Crisp 2010-10-20 11:25:51

    Hi Trine – Yes, it is part of the book by Carl Jung, Man and His Symbols. The part you want is toward the end of the book in a feature by Marie von France titled The Process of Indviduation.


-Lili 2010-07-31 15:16:46

I love the new site. The design is beautiful and it’s very crisp, clean and simple. Plus the added search feature is very convenient.

I’ve been using this site since I was at LEAST in 10th grade, and I’m about to enter my senior year in college now. To be honest, it’s the only dream interpretation site that I ever use because it just has better and more original content. There’s more substance.

    -Tony Crisp 2010-08-01 10:14:23

    Thanks Lilli – I am hoping to increase the depth of the content still further. So any stories you have to tell about using the site would be good to hear.


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