Welcome to DreamHawk.com, one of the longest running dream interpretation sites in existence. Millions of people have accessed its database of dream symbols, interpretations and reference material.
The site began in the mid-eighties on CompuServe, and later was called Waves. It has over 6000 individual pages of information.
About the Author
Tony Crisp is an internationally renowned expert on dreams and their interpretation. His bestselling Dream Dictionary: An A to Z Guide to Understanding Your Unconscious Mind has become a classic of the genre. Based on material from thousands of dreams gathered during three decades of research, the Dream Dictionary has been translated into seven languages worldwide. See Tony’s Books
Tony has worked at the vanguard of the personal development and self-help movement for more than fifty years, co-founding in the 1970s one of the first human growth centres in the UK. In addition to teaching and leading groups in self-development and yoga, Tony has worked variously as a photographer, journalist, writer and broadcaster both in the UK and abroad. He was LBC’s resident dream therapist for seven years.
Tony was also the earliest writer on dreams who attempted a dream dictionary not based on the more rigid dream theories derived from Freudian or Jungian ideas. His book Do You Dream, published in 1971, was one of the first of his many other books about dreams and the inner life, and included a dream dictionary.
He has five children and currently lives alone in a cottage in Wales. For a more detailed look at Tony’s life see Biographical Information.
But more important than that is that I am an ‘End User’. That is I present myself not as an authority on dreams but as an end user who has used dreams to survive, to find the unborn part of me, and that it has taken me most of my life. As an end user I dealt in the dreams I was using. In this way I earned a living and hopefully showed other people how to ‘use’ dreams as well. I had an intense feeling with this, as if it was vitally important, and that presenting myself in this way would alter the whole direction of my life.
Site Features
The site enables you to search the Dream Dictionary for any entry and quickly find it, via the Search box at the top right of the page. Such a search will also bring up related entries, and give the user access to a vast database of knowledge.
Many of the entries also link to articles in the Encyclopedia of Dreams, Life and Human Mystery, offering further reading on a vast range of related topics.
A huge collection of features can be found on Features-Found-on-Site
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It has always been Tony’s policy never to charge for any service given, wishing to pass on the help and love that flows from ordinary people supporting each other, so this site and the hours spent producing it are a non-commercial venture. But obviously we need your support in maintaining the site, and ask for that in the following ways:
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I can also add that i am a hawk too – by name (Hawkins). God bless you for your deep work. I am an intuitive dream-reader and I have learnt much from you and your dedication to this area, keep well and enjoy your life ! Thank you Tony for everything you share
Dear Francesca – Thank you so much for expressing your deep appreciation for Tony’s Life Work.
Tony is now dedicating his time to bring the Dream Dictionary up to date and to write new articles for the website, so it is still growing.
I wish you all the best with your work.
Anna 🙂
Tony, I hear that you once tried to take the latihan out of Subud and establish it as an independent exercise, unburdened by the teachings and expectations of the Subud cult. I am interested to know more about that, as several of us, having established the above website in 2007, now realise that Subud is too stuck with the teaching of its founder to want to change and offer the latihan to anyone who doesn’t give tacit agreement to its point of view.
Sahlan – Not quite right. In the spring of 1972 I was getting back into bed after going to the toilet, and I heard a voice clearly say to me, “You have asked how God touches the human soul – now watch closely.”
Three days later I began to shake and when I allowed it I was led by an unknown power to relive my traumatic tonsil operation. From there in I was led again and again to experience things that were healing and also felt holy. Please see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/ and http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/meetings-with-the-christ/ which explains the evolution of my findings.
It was 17 years after that I joined Subud because I had moved a lot and lost my home group, so seeing that Subud had a similar practice I wanted to continue. It was similar but it was like entering into a river with a different source, and so it coloured my own experience of LifeStream as I called it. I was astonished that everyone I spoke to felt that Pak Subuh was the only person that the power had flowed through – yet it was obvious to me that it was thousands of years old – think of Pentecostal practice where they surrendered and were moved – another river but similar. Also Mesmer found it by accident. I wrote about it at length in Mind and Movement, and explained that it was a natural but wonderful phenomena that is still overlooked.
So please tell me more about your work. I had a quick look at your website and you are very active.
I dreamed three dead people a woman and two men their funeral was held in a home like years ago, what does that mean…
Hello Tony
I always check your site for dream interpretation
which I found very Complete and experienced
perspective in many levels.
I had a Dream last night, I saw a coin with a buffalo image, silver color, the coin was in 90 degree facing me, ( coin size was bigger than a quarter) I left the scene but I return to pick up the coin. After that I saw 2 Insects one copper/gold color other one kind of white/gray
I grab them and give it to a person next to me, they were very pacific insects. After that I saw a Dog very friendly around me. The mouth was bigger than normal, color was dark grey/drown, a young dog. Any tips to clarify the visions will be very appreciated.
Hope you are doing great and receiving positive inspiration from this planetary event on Mach 20 2015 Solar Eclipse.
Peace and Light to you and Family
Hi Tony, I just recently had a dream of enlightenment from the Pharaohs . It includes a lot of detail, unlike anything I’ve ever imagined. Is there a way to communicate with you via telephone? Or can you please help me interpret it.
So I used to have this recurring dream that I was being chased by a gang and I don’t know what they want from me and their only motive is to kill me but every time I’m surrounded by them I manage to escape and fight them off and once they manage to get me in their car and were trying to pull my clothes off and had a knife in their hands and I manage to get off the car and the people who were trying to kill me are men I’ve never seen before but they were the same people who came in my dream every time and I always woke up when I was cornered or I’d no way to escape. It had stopped coming but now it has started again and the last time they told me my best friend was behind this and the thing is I’ve no trust issues with her and I trust her completely. I haven’t been able to sleep since it started again and every time I almost feel I’m there because I wake up sweating and with my heart pounding in my chest
Naira – I understand that the gang in your dream told you that your best friend is behind all that they are doing. In our dreams such a message has a totally different meaning than in our waking life.
I see your best friend as part of the Life process which is trying to help you.
A recurring dream is often a form of this help, and it does not give up on assisting you so that you can move beyond what is bothering you.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/recurring-dreams/
A gang trying to kill you I see as influences – in your inner and/or outer world – which are undermining your confidence or your sense of identity.
I trust it will be helpful to explore what you associate with “the gang” for it is this fear that is the cause of your distress.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working
An approach to help you change this dream is “power dreaming” in which you can explore and experience a different outcome.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
Hello, I had a weird dream in the morning…I don’t remember anything else but just this part where I’m standing in a graveyard with s friend and then she points out to two graves and tells she’ll be buried next to her father when she dies and I see that the ground next to that grave is wet. I thought it was weird. N then I saw next to her dad was the grave of a school mate who I hardly know .I felt weird coz her dad and that guy are alive and I’ve not seen my friend’s dad yet. What could my dream mean? Why would I see his grave of all the people I know? Please reply it’s been disturbing my head
Ray – You dream about processes which are part of your inner world, not about other people dying or getting buried.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/burial/
So all these people symbolize parts of your inner world too and it is helpful to become aware what you associate with each one of them.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Reflect
So what do you bury?
Why did you perceive it as weird that the ground next to the grav ewas wet?
See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/clicking-on/
Good Luck!
Anna 🙂
I don’t know it looked like something was just buried there…and the only thing I wanted to know was why’d I see people who’re alive and I hardly talk to as dead.
And it’s like I hardly know them…so it’s not like I want them out of my life that was it but thanks a lot it’s a bit more clearer 😀
Ray – Hardly knowing people in your dream is the same as being unconscious of certain parts of yourself; of certain aspects of your inner world.
And so I feel it is not so much that you want them OUT of your INNER life – not your outer life – it is merely that you did not allow them INTO your inner life or world yet 😉
So for instance if one friend in your dream is a symbol of some part of your inner potential, then it will be helpful to you to bring that back to life.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Anna 🙂
I just woke up from a dream that a Hawk had chosen me and stayed with me. I named him and he would come every time I called for him. I shared my meals with him and he was my companion. He hurt his wing ans I nursed him back to health. He also was affectionate toward me and protective as I was to him. It was amazing… The dream was so vivid and real I woke up and could not stop thinking of it. I am 1/3 Cherokee but my parents did not teach me the culture so I am wondering what this means.
Barbara – A beautiful dream indeed.
I think it will be helpful to you to understand that even if your parents did not teach you the culture, it is part of you.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-conjuring-trick/ and especially the comments on that page.
I am glad you were able to make friends with “your hawk part” and heal the parts that were wounded, for it IS a wonderful part of who/what you are.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/hawk/
Anna 🙂
Dear Tony
I would appreciate your thoughts re my dream …I was holding a large potatoe which felt and looked a bit scarey it had a shoot growing from it I took the shoot off and as soon as I did this the potatoes had 2 bright white eyes which opened shining a very bright white light and in the middle of the potatoe was a large white circle in the tummy area shining and beaming a very bright beaming light …The potatoes was no longer feeling scarey.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind wishes
Hi Tony ,
This dream has really shaken me up . Any help would be amazing . I am in tiny boat , with my 11 yearold daughter , it’s so tiny I hv to stand . The water is amazing . It’s bright white , but clear through to the ocean floor . So bright , it lights up the sky , and it’s so dark that the billions of stars are reflecting off the water ,.im slightly terrified Bc it’s so vast . The shore is white too . We hv no oar and the ocean has lots of animals in it . I can move my sorta wiggling around n were going to words shore . There are crazy animals in this ocean . Not angry or bothering . They live here . There are bulls walking the bottom of the ocean , and huge orca whales ..and oddly elephants ..I hv to get in and out of these boat to help it to shore ..water is not scary . Then I push her past an elephant , and a large metal looking bull, in the ocean and it gets possibly angry ,.she keeps going , I’m stuck in the ocean w this elephant , I turn my head out of fear . And on shore is my girl and another elephant ..apparently named Sherman ..I know he sees me , then he gets happy and remembers me . Comes running out in the ocean , I’m worried what to do .he then just picks me up in his trunk and carries me to shore . He lives there in a square cage thing w an open door ..he’s insanely happy to see me !!! He’s jumping n giggling n I’m feeding him papaya he’s keeps asking what this food is !! It’s so good!! And I’m giggling n worried he might bite me , but he doesn’t ..I see my girl on shore and walk over ..
Hi, I just read your articles and it’s very informative and was a wonderful and insightful read. I am always seeking the meaning of my dreams and I have very vivid ones that usually have such a strong message. I’ve dreamt of frogs and elephants, however last night I dreamt of apes, who were wild in the jungle. For some reason I rescued or took a young male chimpanzee and it’s mother as well a male gorilla looking ape. I took them to my house and were very concerned about their health. I made fruit salads and told them they can go to the garden for fresh air or if they wanted to eat some bugs. I kept them beside the dinner table during food. But my parents were not fond of it and couldn’t entirely understand why I am doing this. The first night they slept downstairs in a big cage. The next day They were picking fleas off each and grooming each other which made me worry as to how I can treat the fleas but then mother of the chimpanzee came up to me and started checking my hair. Then soon I had them sleeping in my room… The male gorilla found it hardest to warm up to me and I was always suspecting that it could harm me. But I treated him the same and tried not to let fear of that over take the care that I had for the three. I’ve always liked apes but never really think anything or much about them. I can’t seem to understand what this is….
Searching for Native American dream references and found your website. Tony Crisp – author of the only dream book I deemed worthy of carrying around -until its binding gave way and I had to put a rubber band around it. I would have bought a new copy but I had spent years handwriting in the dictionary “American” words in places where “British” would not be understood.
Read your autobiographical account and was stricken with your auspicious birth experience. From some research I have done over the years, I noted that people who have “Death Experiences” or “Near Death Experiences” (at any time of life [or pre-life in your case]) have come back with a definite purpose and mission to help mankind – whether it be on a grand or small scale.
It seems that we belong to “Soul Groups” that we reincarnate with and every once in a while we meet up with each other while on our Earth Sojourn. Of this you seem familiar. Thank you for following your intuition and path.
Hi Tony, I just woke up from a dream of a tsunami. In the dream, I was standing in a building made of glass, watching the tsunami approach. The water was a brilliant, bright blue-green. There was the thought or feeling, “We’ll be crushed!”. But, amazingly, the structure withstood the force; everyone inside was okay. Then, my thoughts turned to my dog, was he okay? I ran home and found that although the city was in shambles, my dog was fine, and I even took in a stray. Later, on a search for food, I spoke with a stranger (whom I recognized from tv), and he told me about a date he was on his way to meet. I’d appreciate any thoughts you might have on this. Thank you. Be well.
Megan – Tsunamis are caused by massive earth changes, often deep in the sea. In dreams this usually means a great and powerful force of change in occurring in your life. Such changes often take some time to appear, as they are also deep in you.
The brilliant blue/green colour indicates that the change is about your potential that is growing. Growth is one of the greatest and continuous activities in us psychologically and physically. And we are born with massive potential that remains largely latent because of our programming. See http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/animal-children/#Program
The thought or feeling that you would be crushed is again your programming. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
The dog and the stray are about caring for the semi domesticated instincts in you. You have the dog/mammal as part of you brain and so you are a well balance person – many people cannot deal well with their inner animals. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
The man and the date may indicate – I am guessing – and urge to find a decent mate.
Good journeys into your potential.
In my dream i am having dufficulty birthing a baby girl. I am in the middle of the floor crying and hurting, when a co worker says “wait! i see her head! push!” but as i do they say, “or i thought i saw her head, she went back in” i then start pleading with her “come on out of there baby girl” & crying even harder. When the dream ended i had not birthed the child, she was still inside of me & i was still pregnant. Can u tell me the meaning of my dream. By the way i have 3 children all by c-section and i have also had my tubes tied 10yrs. Ago.
April – I think your dream is a mixture if your deep urge to have more children and you experience of having 3 births by c-section.
It is innate in women to dream of being creative and giving birth in their dreams. So I believe that such a baby is a very real part of you – though an inner and not always an outer part. It is because you are a female mammal and females are designed to have babies – it is instinctive and unavoidable to at least dream of creating a child.
If you are a woman it is your nature and your potential to have a baby and give birth. You developed in this way because you are a creature of evolution. If you deny that part of you – the urge to procreate – you deny yourself even if you a have had a hysterectomy. You do not have to become childbearing to have that creativity.
You held back on easily giving birth to your dream baby because of personal emotions and experiences. But dreams are a completely different world with different rules than in the waking world. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
Here is a woman’s dream of giving birth – it is one of many.
Hi hope you could help I tried reading the other dreams that was similar to mine but nothing really. I dreamt that I had a baby boy called Adam. In my dream I could feel the giving birth process and how I felt surprised that it was not painful. I am not sure who named my baby (I am single) but I was confused about the fact of the name Adam
Hello Tony. I met you once briefly at Sheilah Johns house in Devon. I have recently been packing up my Aunts house and writings and have found quite a lot of Sheilah’s writing. You are mentioned frequently in terms of your work together. I had such a powerful dream about death, departed family and dying in a car crash and have always found your site so helpful in focusing my reflection and gaining clarity. So thank you and as Sheilah always said – Love and light.
Glenda – Thank you so much for your words. Sheilah and Mike Tanner and their support and friendship were turning points in my life. They were adventurous explorers in areas of experience that most people shy away from – and it was all new and daring for me too. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-waking-lucid-dream/ and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
Without them I would never have had the support to leap into the unconscious and explore it. So if you have copies of Sheilah’s writing I would love to see or even use some of it.
Love, Light and Power – Tony
(Powerless love is nothing. Power without love and wisdom of Light leads to what we see so much of today).