1. You have no existence outside of the universe.
2. We cannot define, scientifically or otherwise, the original state of the universe, other than saying it is the central reality from which all else emerged. Even time and space did not exist in the primal state.
3. Although this central reality is indefinable, it is observably the ground from which all existence has emerged.
4. This central reality is absolute in that, being the ground from which all else has emerged, it does not depend upon anything else for its existence.
5. Being self-existent, and beyond definition, it is not a thing, person, or changing aspect of time or space.
6. Although this central reality is unknowable, we nevertheless have a relationship with it.
7. If you were asked to define life, you could not define it in a way to satisfy everybody. Nevertheless you know life through your own existence.
8. Defining and experiencing are two different things. Even though you know life by experiencing it, you cannot define it except in a limited manner.
9. This mystery of the central reality permeates all that we do or are, all that exists. Out of it time, space, substance and personal existence have emerged. And although the mystery is therefore revealed/immanent, at the same time it remains unknowable/transcendent.
10. Because the ground of your existence lies beyond these polar opposites, it is a paradox to the thinking mind.
11. Nevertheless, you know the paradox by experiencing life, not by thinking or by emotion. It is neither light or darkness, but out of it both can come. In its expression it is known and definable, though remaining transcendent.
12. Because you know life by experiencing it, in a similar way you know the central reality because you experience it as your life. (Remember that you have no existence outside of the Universe, so you exist as an expression of that prime cause. Remember also that you cannot define your own existence.)
13. To find your experience of your central reality, look beyond what is definable and concrete. Experience your being outside of what is changeable, dependent upon something else, or subject to space and time – then you will know your fundamental self.
14. Everything that has arisen in your life, your growth, your experiences, have emerged in some way from the central reality or core of your being.
15. If you identify with the things in your life such as your concept of your body, your looks, your achievement, your failure, or even your form of love, it is a link with some form of ignorance, limitation or source of pain. Your basic identity is the central reality – the core – forever formless and yet taking on form.
16. To identify with the products of time and change is to become a prisoner in what is formed. Identifying with your core frees you from the walls of entrapment. From the core comes the power to transcend.
17. Perhaps one of the sayings that best sums this up is not, “Be still and know that I am God” – but, “Be still and know that you are God.”
18. Realising that you will know that your Core self came about the same time and way of the creation of the universe, in that way you will see you are a part of it – undivided.
See: archetype of the paradigm.