What Language Does Your Child Understand?
I am not talking about the language of the land your children live in, because many children may never learn or want to learn the schooling given to introduce them to teaching aimed at readying them to join the mechanised and consumer ruled society they face as young adults.
For we have been almost hypnotised into believing that the only way to learn how our children can survive in today’s world is to learn the ABC, to read and write, how to add and subtract figures and generally learn like parrots what we are handed by authority figures/teachers in order that they will fit in the world of commerce.
I am not trying to subtract from the enormous and skilled work of teachers, but to point out that many children cannot or do not learn in that way – they have other languages/skills that are natural to them, and trying to almost force them to learn to read and write is often useless.
Take Jake Barnett, his mother Kristine Barnett explains how she was told that Jacob would probably never read or tie his shoes when he started regressing at the age of two. However, at the age of eight he found the language he could think and create with – maths. Then ABC News reports that he taught himself all of the high school math in just two weeks,. He was just 10 years old when Indiana University accepted him as a student. He has an IQ score of 170 in math which is the highest possible score.
His talk on You Tube is worth seeing because it is titled – Forget Everything You Know. It is true because most of what we know is information we took in from other sources, so most of it we do not actually KNOW but have taken in from others. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4DaetCZ5v8
Also Jacob KNOWS most of his learning first-hand and didn’t have to read about it or learn it in any class.
Another example is what most people know as the Rain Man, whose name is actually Kim Peek. Peek was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, with macrocephaly, damage to the cerebellum, and agenesis of the corpus callosum, a condition in which the bundle of nerves that connects the two hemispheres of the brain is missing. Peek did not walk until he was four years old, and even then in a sidelong manner. He could not button up his shirt and had difficulty with other ordinary motor skills, presumably due to his damaged cerebellum, which normally coordinates motor activities. But Kim’s skill/language was memory, from the age of 16 to 20 months he could memorise everything. He loved to read books and memorized them, and then placed them upside down on the shelf to show that he had finished reading them, a practice he maintained all his life. According to an article in The Times newspaper, he could accurately recall all the contents of at least 12,000 books.
I want to point out that for many people, like Peek, they do not have to be taught their skill in a class, but it is natural to them. So also, are many other skills/languages. So, animals ‘speak’ to each other with their bodies
Dance Movement
This was demonstrated to me by a woman I had fallen in love with. An event had happened that led Vicky to completely shut down any contact and communication between us and it lasted for about five days. Then while I was getting our SUV ready I saw Vicky open the back door of the SUV, she saw me look around and in in one sinuous, supple and graceful movement she communicated to me without any words, “I’m back. Are you ready to play with me again?”
Maybe my translation is not quite right but the communication was awesome and complete. I know some women try to look sexy and men and women use the back and forward hip movement, but the movement that Vicky did had nothing to do with that. Most are trying too hard and lack the natural talent. I feel women such as Marilyn Monroe oozed it.
a mate, it was not planned or choreographs and practised for many of us have never been in contact with their animal self, we even kill it out to are frightened of it. I know many people feel to be an animal is to be a brutish creature, but animals are never like that; even alpha wolves never fight or attack for they have a backup wolf to do that. Also many people have never understood that we have the animal in us.
But such skills may not be so marked as the those mentioned above and may only be known by humans later in life. Also, they are such many that teaching in a school class will never uncover unless an observant parent of teacher recognises them. Often, they do not emerge from our intellect but from our own nature or core self. Unless we can switch away from our thinking self and listen to our body and feelings, we may miss the enormity of what we and our children are capable of. See Core Self
Many children find art through drawing or painting is a natural and untaught way of expressing themselves. “Given paper and a few crayons, the young child finds satisfaction and joy in the creative process, expressing themselves with an ease envied by the adult who does not considers themself an artist. For the adult, their work is directed to the end product and is often limited by self-imposed ideas about quality and perfection. The child, on the other hand, is focused only on the process, free from judgment.” From Shawnigan Lake
Children are creative artists and need freedom in order to express their creative impulses in their own way. An enormously talented Chinese painter “Yani” is especially fortunate in her father, also an artist, who firmly believed (despite tradition) that Yani’s art should be allowed to develop naturally, with minimal instruction and no classical exercises such as copying others’ work. From her first promising scribbles at two, he provided the materials she needed; by the time she was three, she was recognized as a prodigy. At six, her work was exhibited in Europe; she had a one-person show in 1989 at the Smithsonian.
The next young artist obviously works without planning yet produces extraordinary art. His name is Akami Sula. He doesn’t copy others, or need figures as sitters, he seems to carry art within him. If you want to witness him at work click on – https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=197806878116085
Is your child’s language and talent art – if so give them their freedom to express without criticism.
The children I will introduce start very young, and although some of them have lessons later many music students have lessons for years and do not progress at their lightening speed, I believe it is because of their inner language they are born with.
The next child who was 11 months old pulled himself up to the piano and played the tune, ’Twinkle, twinkle little star’. He is also blind, so his language and skill are certainly music/keyboard skills. – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOrqLME1CFY
4 Year Old Boy Plays Piano Better Than Any Master
Health or Life
Some children are natural nurses or carers. I know of a man who trained in nursing who I will name Tom. While working in hospital he nursed an elderly man suffering from a stroke. The man later took the hospital to court for not really nursing him. A newspaper reported the incident and it said that Tom **** was the only person who cared for him.
Tom told me that caring was not taught in nursing school, but it was natural to him, it was his language.
I was only four,
It was all so new to me
On that seashore.
To see what’s there
I turned the rock,
Like opening a magic door,
Uncovering creatures
With eyes or claw.
I looked at me
Through their own eyes,
Without the words
That speak such lies.
I loved them,
For I loved myself.
What will I find
What new, what wealth?
What will I see
What will I feel,
What will I know,
As there I kneel?
No plastic toy
With this compares.
No bow or gun
This mystery shares.
Just one more rock,
One more stone turned,
To see those eyes,
That with mine burned.
With life they shone,
And lit my own.
Without the words,
That tell the lies,
I knew what life was
In those eyes.
Children often know the language of living creatures and move to become vets, animal lovers, or custodians of the natural world.
Umi Garrett Plays For Ellen
The Animal We Are Can Sometimes Shift into Fuller Seeing
Many people do not realise that we have four levels of brain function. As our present brain evolved it developed four separate ‘brains’ or levels, each with its own memory, motor, and other functions (David J Mahoney, 1991). Each new level, as it developed, elaborated on and extended the function of the preceding levels. So, from the spinal cord the hindbrain and midbrain developed. The first level of brain that developed beyond the spinal cord has been called the Reptilian Brain. This is because what we carry within our human brain is still found in reptiles. This ‘brain’ often encompasses several parts of the physical brain.
The neurologist Paul MacLean gave a definition of these physiological and psychological facts of our brain in 1990. He said that these levels of the brain work like “three interconnected biological computers, each with its own special intelligence, its own subjectivity, its own sense of time and space and its own memory”.
Prior to MacLean’s findings it was assumed that the highest level of the brain, the neocortex, the human brain, dominated the other, lower levels. MacLean, and since him others (Earl K. Miller), have found this is not so. In fact Miller was recently able to demonstrate that the older brain learns fast, and it gradually ‘trains’ the prefrontal cortex.
Taking the Reptilian Brain first, this is sometimes called the ‘R-complex and includes the brain stem and the cerebellum. It carries our genetically transmitted ‘instinctive’ behaviour such as suckling at the breast as a baby, aggressive response as with and including territorial defensiveness, the courtship and mating behaviours in reproduction. One of the best known expressions of this brain is the ‘flight, fight, freeze or faint’ response in survival situations and of course panic attacks.
This brain deals with behaviour that is either innate, as described above, is learned, and has become habitual, or is a conditioned response. If it is habitual we can repeat it without having to learn it or be very aware of how we do it – as with riding a bicycle or driving a car once we have mastered the skill. See Conditioned & Unconditioned Reflexes
The functions of the second, Mammalian brain that exist within the Human ‘brain’, MacLean likened to the skills shown in mammals such as wild dogs and apes. Whereas the lizards do not demonstrate mutual activity in hunting or caring for young, mammals show enormous awareness of bonding, caring for young, group activity, hierarchy and recognition of family and pack. They also have a much bigger pool of behavioural responses and can learn even more. This part of your human ‘brain’ integrates and refines the functions of the reptilian brain. It provides emotional range and intensity and gives a greater complexity to what motivates or deters us. It is this greater awareness of how we relate to others, and the social structure in which we exist, along with a sense of what place in it we occupy, that enables us to modify and coordinate the impulses arising from the reptilian brain.
It is this level of our brain, if not hindered by our personality with it likes and dislikes, that can understand and produce our communicating insight or ‘dance’. See Opening to Life
These two levels of our brain many people are often not aware of, but when you are functioning at this level they allow us to see as many animals do. That is not what we think they do but what they demonstrate to us what they do. An example is how dogs can sense when their carer is about to experience a serious attack of an illness. Seizure alert dogs are trained to provide a 100% reliable warning up to 50 minutes prior to an oncoming epileptic seizure. But dogs who sense their owners are pregnant before they even know they are. A dog might, for example, start following a newly pregnant owner around, or he may be suddenly overprotective. Remember scientists say dogs can smell up to 100,000 times better than we humans can.
Using that incredible sense of smell, dogs have been shown to sniff out health conditions in people with incredible accuracy. Recent research has shown that dogs can sense cancer, including prostate, colorectal, ovarian and melanoma cancers, in humans — sometimes by merely sniffing their breath — with nearly 100 percent accuracy. They have even been known to detect low blood sugar levels in people and alert owners by whining or licking their hands. The following video shows another wonderful side of animal behaviour – caring for others https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pieJ-GSdyx8&t=7s
But scientists are way behind in knowing what animals are capable of. A woman even claimed her cat prevented a potentially fatal accident, saying: “I was just leaving to go to work when my cat started behaving really oddly – yowling and jumping up at me so I couldn’t get out the door. I thought she might be feeling poorly so picked her up and took her into the front room – at which point a car lost control and ended up in my front garden.”
Now a young woman describes her experience of enlarged sensing.
“One day I went down the pub, where I could meet friends, and something happened, it was as if there was lights shining through my eyes highlighting what I was looking at which was the people in the pub, I was seeing their emotional pain held in their bodies, it shocked me as I had never seen anything like it before. A man Harry Brunt sat down beside me and said” You only see what you are meant to see”
How does he know what I was seeing? Coincident? At that something inside me knew that I had to leave the town where I had grown up.”
Here is another one: “Then I looked down on my sleeping body. Suddenly I was terrified. I didn’t at the time understand this terror, but the thought came to me in a flash that this what was I had read about – i.e. people leaving their body while asleep. The fear immediately vanished to be replaced by uncontrollable laughter. Looking back I think the terror arose because I was certain I was dying. The laughter came at the realisation this was not so and was a release of tension brought about by the terror.
Then I was flying across the German countryside where I was living, being a serviceman in the RAF, curled up with my knees to my chest. I could clearly see the countryside below me, and I noticed what were like radiations coming from certain points below. I wondered at the time whether they were from people praying or sending thoughts. Then I was over the sea and could observe shipping, but suddenly I found myself standing in our sitting room at home in London. It was such an astonishing experience I stood in shock looking down at my body, feeling it and trying to understand.
My body felt solid and real and I was dressed in outdoor clothes not my pajamas. Then with great enthusiasm I looked up and saw my mother sitting alone knitting, our Alsatian dog lying asleep in front of the gas fire. I felt sure my mother would see me because I felt physically present and absolutely and vitally awake in a way I had never experienced before. So I called out to her, “Mum, look what has happened.” She stopped knitting for a moment but obviously didn’t see me or hear me. So, I felt if I shouted this would reach her. “Mum” I shouted, “look it’s me Tony”.
There was no sign that she had heard me, obviously because I had no body so could not make physical sounds, but two things did happen. One was that I saw or realised that my mother had an upstairs side of her and a downstairs side. Her upstairs (conscious) side had no awareness of me, but her downstairs side (unconscious) gave me a wonderful welcome and I had the awareness of us knowing each other in a formless love. Then at the same time my dog must have heard me shout because he had been asleep in front of our gas fire but he woke and came rushing to me and was so full of love for me he rushed around where I stood barking and showing his joy. I later heard from my mother saying she had had been alone that night as my father was out, and she had seen the dog get up and bark and jump around for no apparent reason.”
To me this was a sure sign that animals can sense bodiless beings – including the so called dead and the living who have transcended their body.
If you can accept that animals can sense in what has been called a psychic way perhaps you can also accept what I am about to describe – seeing as animals do.
“When we enter the ‘animal’ brain with awareness or manage to work with our unconscious we experience a greatly increased perception of what is happening in relationships, is social situations, and in children. Here is a description of what this is like.
While working in the kitchen of a hotel on the dishwasher, I was standing cleaning a worktop. About five or so metres in front of me the elderly boss of the hotel was talking to one of the waitresses. It seemed to be just light stuff about how many customers were about this season. Then I happened to look up at them and suddenly the whole way I saw them changed. Every tiny movement they made was like a massive flow of understanding pouring into me. Everything was changed. I could ‘see’ in a massively enlarged way that they were ‘talking’ to each other through tiny shifts in their body and face. But they were probably not aware of this, as the signals were to a part of them that understood but was perhaps not conscious, only felt. And as I watched I could ‘see’ a column of energy connecting them at the solar plexus, which I understood showed they had a sexual time together. Seeing this I realised that when we have sex with someone we form this energy connection with them, and we flow into each other in some way. Later I asked the waitress. if she had at some time had sex with the boss. She admitted she had.”
Our forebears, and especially mammals, probably saw or see in this way all the time. Without language they ‘read’ each other’s body language and inner disposition. They needed to in order to survive. They also understand the world, as the above person suggests, through what is ‘felt’.
One form of behaviour that is unique to mammals is play. This joyfulness and abandonment is seen in all manner of mammals. When extended self-awareness really wakes up and feels secure, it becomes joyfulness, and is transformed into the energy of wider awareness.
It is often the insistent urge to communicate to someone or others that pushes a person to start writing. But for some it becomes a lifetimes passion.
I witnessed this in the life of my youngest son Quentin. Quentin actually means fifth and as he was our fifth child we chose the name Quentin, he was born in 1972. This should never be confused with the other Quentin Crisp who was never a fifth child and it was not even his proper name; so the son I am writing about is called Quentin S. Crisp.
It started at an incredibly young age before he went to school and could write, so Quentin promoted me into his secretary having write down the stories that were crowding his mind. The photo is of Quentin striding out of the local library and at the age he made me his secretary.
He was a prolific story writer, so when I couldn’t take any more secretary duties I told him he must try writing. But as he was still too young to manage that he his expression turned to comic type illustrated stories. Then of course he aged to the point of writing, and here he is at a later date still writing with his green tea pot and sitting cross legged.
Like any other person born with language/skills one can seldom ever leave it alone. Many write for most of their life and never have anything published, are met by no encouragement, hardship and depressed circumstances, yet carry on and unlike musical talent that can by expressed and even rewarded at street corners, writing may sometimes be a lonely obsessive attempt to communicate.
Your Amazing Body and Mind
We all have a multifaceted way of sensing things. If you consider an early human being, prior to the emergence of complex speech and the ability to think in the abstract symbols we call words, all their thought would most likely have been in images like a waking dream. A human couple in the dawn of our history, standing in wild terrain and seeing dust on the horizon, would need to know very quickly whether the dust was a sign of food to eat or an enemy to run from. Without the tool of thought using words, they would have relied upon their emotional response, and their unconscious scanning of experience and instincts, to aid them. The result would have been experienced as urges to movement and emotion, and as mental imagery. I believe it is because of this long period in our past history, when our ancestors relied on what we might now call intuition – this rapid scanning of information beneath conscious awareness – that we have this latent ability of insight without reasoning.
Imagine you are going to communicate with a part of yourself that has an unlimited amount of information and influence to share with you. What this dimension of yourself gives you will be in direct response to what you ask. So the question you ask will be the factor shaping the response. Therefore it is occasionally worth asking, ‘what is the right question to get effective help’. Remember that all you receive has to pass through your own body, your emotions, your imagination and your mind. YOU are the instrument that transforms the communication into understandable experience. If your body is full of tensions, alcohol and drugs there will obviously be interference. If your emotions are taut with anxiety, flooded with disbelief, there will be blockages. If your mind is rigid in its opinions, locked into habits of thought, you will need to practice listening and receiving. Even if you can be ready to drop these for a few moments the channel can clear.
Body Dowsing
We can call it body dowsing. Dowsing is not always connected with a stick or rod though. Navaho Indians in the United States practise what they call ‘trembling hands.’ After a simple ritual they allow their hands to move spontaneously. From these movements they understand questions asked of them. The American anthropologist Dr. Clyde Kluckhohn and his wife investigated a practitioner on a Navaho reservation. Mrs. Kluckhohn had lost her handbag three days previously so asked the practitioner, Gregorio, if he could find it. Standing in the open air on a hill, and after rubbing corn pollen on his hands, Gregorio was able to tell them the location of the handbag. This was later confirmed.
Because the basic level of your intuitive sense tends to express itself as body movements, mime, spontaneous speech and symbols, it brings a quicker response if you use these from the start, and gradually drop them as your ability refines.
First get into the responsive ‘piano key’ feeling. This is to let your body and emotions become like piano keys, ready to response to delicate touches, by dropping tensions and rigid ideas and feelings. Maybe practice it.
Now mentally ask the question how your body will give you a ‘no’ signal. Each person has a different way of signalling ‘no’. So your signal may be head shaking, a particular movement of a hand or some other part of your body. Remember, to get the ‘No’ signal you must be like piano keys, it must not be done by thinking but by allowing spontaneous movement. If you don’t know what that is, watch your breathing, and try yawning a few times till it happens by itself.
Getting this ‘no’ response is the first step in a growing communication between your conscious self and your unconscious faculties. It is your practice area of having a to and fro ‘conversation’. Try it a few times until you are clear about the signal. If there is any uncertainty ask your unconscious for clarification.
Always remember – every part of you is vitally alive and full of intelligence. Your body and mind will respond and communicate if you can listen.
Now ask for the ‘yes’ response. Your body will move and give another movement to signify a positive response.
Although the yes and no response are very basic, it has enormous uses, and many questions you need clarification on can be explored deeply by investigating in this way. All the amazing processes of computers are founded on series of yes and no responses. Investigating a health question for instance, you could ask if your diet was okay in general. If there was a yes response, you could ask if there was a particular aspect of diet that was at fault. Depending on whether there was a yes or no response, you could frame further questions.
When you have practiced using this yes and no response, you can enlarge the vocabulary used in the communication. Your unconscious will readily accept or even suggest symbols or symbolic movement. This means you could set up a sort of ‘keyboard’ representing aspects of the question you want to pursue.
While investigating the intuitive faculties of Australian Aborigines, Ronald Rose tells of a more refined form of body dowsing. In his book Living Magic (Chatto and Windus, 1957) he says that the tribesmen he lived with used different areas of their body to represent relatives. So, their father might be represented by their right forearm, their mother by their left forearm, their first uncle by their right bicep, and so on. In this way, if an unaccountable pain or sensation developed in a part of the body, they were able to tell which relative was hurt or needed help. Rose witnessed this in action and describes it as extremely accurate and reliable.
Also within the practice of Subud there is a technique which synthesises all these approaches. It is called ‘testing’. In testing it is accepted that clear and helpful information can be gained by allowing spontaneous movement to arise in response to a question. Members of Subud often use this method to clarify the suitability of a new member to the practice, or to find what may help a sick member. It can be used to explore any question though. See Using Your Intuition
An excellent example – I watched a very capable and impressive dowser at work and was struck by the excellent system he had for communicating with his unconscious source of information. He found water by allowing a series of movements with his forked stick, so at that stage the movements and their strength were the symbols he worked with. Once he had found the site however, he tested for depth. He did this by simply calling out a depth and watching the reaction. So he called out “20 feet – 30 feet – 40 feet” until the agreed reaction occurred.
This is rather like the yes/no reaction already dealt with, but it has a difference. The reaction has already been agreed, so he does not have to go through a lot of yes/no questions.
Living in Cornwall Penrose as a child, Evelyn knew that some of the local tin mines were discovered using dowsing. Many times she also saw her father successfully find water for people. Therefor it was natural that as an adult she became a professional dowser. Although Evelyn used the rod or pendulum when dowsing, she experienced powerful body reactions to different minerals. Often she felt things emotionally as well. So her description of being a dowser suggests her skill was another aspect of the ability of the mind to extend awareness beyond the body and the limitations of our five senses.
In Canada Evelyn was asked to work for the government. No rain had fallen for years in British Columbia. The many apple growing orchards in the state were dying. The agricultural department therefore employed Evelyn as their official Water-Diviner. Her first task was to look for water on a wonderful orchard in a place called Okanagan Valley. She says about this, “It was a great shock to see his orchard, covering the side of a large hill, wilting, and dying, and to the owner said quite simply that he was facing disaster. We stopped and looked up the hill and he was telling me something when, suddenly, I was nearly thrown off my feet. I grabbed his arm to steady myself. ‘Water’ I gasped. ‘Water! Lots and lots of water’. I can never stand over underground water without being swung about, and the greater the amount of water the greater the reaction.”
The well that was dug over the site Evelyn marked hit water at six feet. At twelve feet the well was easily producing 108,000 gallons a day. The orchard was saved. The locals called it the Wonder Well. Evelyn went on to discover wells all over the British Columbian countryside.
Later in her life Evelyn found she could dowse a site without going there. Instead of travelling to a location she could get the same results working on a map. Our body has immense sensitivity so you can search for other things than water. – answers to emotional difficulties, releasing buried trauma, finding lost objects.
Other Languages/Life Skills
There are too many to unfold here. But can be – Exploring strange environment of mountains – photography – a parent – the water and under it in the sea – relationships – showing your body – driving – animals such as horses, dogs, cattle, in the wild, or caring for them often as a vet – as an athlete – a mentally creative or curious person like a scientist, biologist and many of the other ‘ists’ like an archaeologist, volcanologists or architect – Creative artists such a sculpture, potter, furniture creator – and many more.