The Inner Path To Christ
This is not another book about dogmatic Christianity, it is about the discipline given to us through the hidden message of the New Testament. It is a path that has been hidden because it was lived and not spoken. The early Christians discovered something extraordinary. It completely changed lives, healed sickness, made people want to go out and tell others, and in some cases was worth dying for. And that has been true for me too as I took this path of discipleship.Those early Christians expressed what they found in language, and in imagery, that was understandable to them. What they found was something that worked. Just as, in a more recent age, the use of electricity was discovered and applied; and this discovery of electricity was the application of previously unknown natural processes. So. the Christian discovery was one of natural processes of the mind and emotions too. Unfortunately, as time has passed, the language in which those findings were expressed has come to mean less and less to many people. In fact, we may view their statements as perhaps referring to the realm of ‘beliefs’ or dogma rather than of practical principles.
Discipleship in the West
Discipleship is an ancient path
Is this all there is?
Who are you really?
Meeting the I AM
Meeting Your Eternal Self
The Meeting that Transforms
First Steps on the Way
You are the divine – expressed or repressed
How do we enter on the Way?
The second step of Discipleship is the way of Mary
The prayer of the virgin soul
What is born this day?
The Healings
The next step of the path is baptism
The ancient mystery of baptism
Who will you be?
The choice to make
The Third Step
The Wilderness Years
Bathing in the ocean of Life
The Mystical Marriage
Some of the force used was by the Christian church. “The early Christians used every means possible to conceal the pagan origin of their symbols, doctrines, and rituals,” Manly Hall says. “They either destroyed the sacred books of other peoples among whom they settled or made them inaccessible to students of comparative philosophy, apparently believing that in this way they could stamp out all record of the pre-Christian origin of their doctrines.”
“This is called the second library of Alexandria, the former having been destroyed under Julius Caesar. The nucleus of this one was the gift of Antony to Cleopatra, who added to it and improved it immensely, till it contained all the existing literature of the world; and–why, they are deliberately concocting Christianity out of the books there! and, so far as I can see, the Gospels are little better than Ovid’s Metamorphoses (historically, I mean),–so deliberately are they making up the new religion by replanting the old on the Jewish system.
If they could be recovered we should have absolute proof of its concoction from Hindû, Persian, and other originals;–the interpolations, extracts, and alterations proving this. They show, too, that the name first adopted for the typical man was more like Krishna, and that Jesus was a later choice, 3 adopted at Jewish suggestion, in order to suit a Jewish hero. 2 Every detail of the Gospel history is invented, the number of the apostles, and all the rest. Nothing is historical in the sense supposed. I see the Serapeum destroyed; –not only the library but the temple, so fearful were they of leaving any trace of the concoction. It was destroyed by Christians at the instigation especially of Theodosius, Ambrosius, and Theophilus. 3 Their motive was a mixed one, each of the leaders having a different aim. The object of the concoctors themselves was to sustain and continue the ancient faith by transplanting it to a new soil, and engrafting it on Judaism. And they accordingly fixed and accumulated upon Jesus all that had been told of previous Christs,–Mithras, Osiris, Krishna, Buddha, and others,–the original draft containing the doctrine of the transmigration of souls most explicitly and distinctly. 4 The concoction was undertaken in order to save religion itself from extinction through the prevalence of materialism — for the times corresponded in this respect exactly to the present.”
Quoted from Kingsford, Anna. Clothed With The Sun
Anna Kingsford was a remarkable woman and doctor, who was also a great Seer.
Dorin H – Five Stars – August 25, 2014 – Verified Purchase. “Wonderful, wonderful Spirit-Filled and inspired book. Much to learn about our Spirituality here.”
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