God Is
God is a sunrise, and a sunset.
God is goodness, and evil.
God is the bloom on lips
God is the snarling mouth
And spit of someone
Who hates you.
God is the newborn baby,
And God is death and its ease.
God is the lamb and the shark,
The puppy and the tiger.
God is the Violet
Growing so quietly.
God is the boil
Erupting its pus.
God is the grass
Growing in spring,
And the earthquake
Rending the earth
And the bodies on it.
God is the brightness of the eye,
And the blood bursting
From a woman’s body
When she menstruates.
God is the dying plant
And the ripening seed.
God is two elephants fucking,
And the pollen covered bee
On the flower.
In God is a child screaming
After a clenched
Blow to its head.
God is the woman’s tentative hand
On the arm
Of the man sobbing
Before the incommunicable.
God is you and me,
And everything we are not.
God is the apple we eat
And the teeth eating it.
God is everything we touch,
Hold and know,
And all that is silent,
Formless and beyond.
God is…… God IS.