I ache deep down from so much waiting.
Waiting for time to pass.
Waiting for your lover to call you.
Waiting for the bus, the train, the plane.
Waiting for the doctor to see you.
Waiting to be picked.
Waiting to see if what you did is traced to you.
Waiting for recognition.
Waiting for the pain to go away.
Waiting for the letter to come.
Waiting to see if you have been discovered.
Waiting for the baby to be born.
Waiting for your efforts to be successful.
Waiting for the big win.
Waiting for someone to love you.
Waiting for the sun to rise.
Waiting for them to show how much they care.
Waiting for it to end.
Waiting for your mum to come home.
Waiting to grow up.
Waiting for your seeds to grow.
Waiting for tomorrow.
Waiting for your turn.
Waiting for that person you fancy to finish work.
Waiting for the sun to shine.
Waiting for the right moment.
Waiting to get paid.
Waiting for help to come.
Waiting for the phone to ring.
Waiting for the rain to come.
Waiting for someone to stop talking.
Waiting for it to start.
Waiting to see if they will come back.
Waiting for the verdict.
Waiting for the lights to come on.
Waiting to get out.
Waiting for the results.
Waiting for it to happen.
Waiting for the heartache to subside.
Waiting for the lift to come.
Waiting for inspiration.
Waiting for the shop to open.
Waiting for someone to fill your loneliness.
Waiting for the flood to subside.
Waiting for your date to come.
Waiting for the deal to go through.
Waiting for the paint to dry.
Waiting for another chance.
Waiting to go to sleep.
Waiting to be served.
Waiting for the next punch.
Waiting without hope.
Waiting to get through the traffic jam.
Waiting for the holidays.
Waiting to see if the treatment works.
Waiting for the tide to turn.
Waiting for the rain to stop.
Waiting for the bell to ring.
Just waiting!
Copyright ©2002 Tony Crisp