The Baby In Your Dream
Your dream baby is very special to you. It doesn’t matter that perhaps the baby in your dream is the child of another woman, it is still the baby of your dream. Like any baby, it is something new and vulnerable that has come to life – come to your life. The important question is, what is it that is new and growing in your love, in your work, or in yourself? Or perhaps it is about vulnerability. Therefore the answers you give to the following questions are important in helping you discover the truth about your dream baby.
Example: I have had 2 dreams now where I am pregnant and there are 3 possibilities for the dad! 3. And usually its a pair of brothers (different each time) and another person (cant remember exactly who, once it was my ex bf I think). Weird right? Why would I have this dream? I am married and had a baby over a year ago.
Your dream baby is very special to you. Like any baby, it is something new and vulnerable that has come to life – come to your life. The important question is, what is it that is new and growing in your love, in your work, or in yourself? Such a baby is a new part of yourself that you have formed out of your life experiences and so is enlarging you. Take care of it and see what it adds to your life.
However, if you are pregnant or hoping for a baby at the time of the dream, your dream baby may be reflecting your hopes, fears or intuitions about pregnancy. Many pregnant women have very anxious or strange dreams about their baby. So do not feel that such dreams are predictions. They are often ways of releasing anxiety or of expressing hopes regarding your unborn child.
If you have given birth to a baby in a dream, it can represent a new phase of life; a new idea; new activity – as when we say someone has a new baby, meaning a new project or business. This ‘baby’ might be part of you that did not have a chance to be ‘born’ or express before. Or it may be things learned in a rich life that you could not put into practice because of circumstances. The baby in this aspect is the ‘you’ that could have been if you had been free from problems and past hurts.
How would you describe the condition or situation of the baby?
The baby in your dream might be hungry or ill. It might be wonderfully advanced and already able to speak. Whatever the condition, this is a description of what is happening with the newly emerging or vulnerable part of you. Therefore try to put into words what you see or feel the condition of the baby is.
As an example of this, here is a fragment from a man’s dream: ‘I am responsible for bringing up a baby boy. I feel very happy about it and feel committed to it.’ So in this case the condition of the baby is that of being loved and cared for.
What does it mean when I give birth to a dream baby without a father?
If you have given birth without any man involved, it suggests it is a virgin birth – i.e. no male partner was involved at the time.
So the dream baby born to you in this way a wonderful creative act between you and Life. It is a new part of you that if you let it gradually grow into your waking life as a new force, a new way of feeling about life and acting. Being pregnant like that is very important. Obviously you are not going to give birth to a physical baby, but dream babies are important too.
Many women dream of giving birth without any man involved. Virgin birth is normal part of dreaming. It means that the woman or young girl has conceived as a process of Life. Being a virgin represents the human soul or psyche and its possibility of dropping pre-conceptions, thus attaining an inner virginity and through that being receptive to the unseen or unconscious side of self. Joseph Campbell in his book “Myths To Live By” says – “There are myths and legends of the Virgin Birth, of Incarnations, Deaths and Resurrections; Second Comings, Judgements and the rest, in all the great traditions. And since such images stem from the psyche (from you and your dreams), they refer to the psyche. They tell us of its structure, its order, and its forces, in symbolic terms.”
For instance, the story and events surrounding the virgin birth, when looked as if a dream are not about a biological miracle, but about how as ordinary people, we can drop our preconceptions, our fixed ideas and beliefs and allow an entirely new and creative impulse into our life. This truth has been so venerated that we find virgin figures all over the world such as Maya the mother of Buddha born 500 BC; the virgin mother of Osiris, and of course the story told of Mary.
Being a virgin in this case is about having a mind free from previous ‘conceptions’ and so being open to Life itself fertilising you for a new and precious thing being born. If you are not a virgin because you have had children, that is not what virgin birth is about. It is about conceiving without any mental preconceptions, having an open and receptive mind or soul. it is about a wonderful human possibility.
Only a ‘virgin birth’ can bring forth the birth of an intuition, a new response to oneself and ones environment, that transforms ones life. This is a living relationship with the mystery which underlies our life. If we generate a child in this way, we are not held prisoner by habits of thought, stereotypes of behaviour, then we can begin to allow into our waking life what was previously impossible to know. This open state of mind and feelings, acts as a link between the identity or personality, and the deep unconscious life processes. This link allows a birth of realisations and inner change that brings healing and a possibility of experiencing the aspect of oneself that is our core self. Here is an example of a man giving birth to the wonderful child.
“Was in a basement where my wife and a woman I loved was giving birth to a baby, but I was somehow the one who gave birth to it without a doctor being there. It was a lovely boy. Its lower face was covered by a tight caul, but I pulled this off and it began to breathe. It opened its eyes and looked about, fully conscious; then said something about Jesus, and, “It is gone!” I asked what had gone, and it replied, “The other ego; where has it gone?” I explained that the spirit self it knew before birth was now gone so it could live in the body. The baby was then taken upstairs, and I felt it was a holy and wonderful baby. I was going to rest from the rigours of the birth, but on looking around saw how dusty and dirty the basement was. I began to clean it, and felt I would go upstairs and rest afterwards.”
This was a dream marking a real change in the man’s life. The man did work at cleaning his basement/unconscious and then began to go upstairs to his wider awareness.
Example: “I had a baby girl, but I had no idea who the father was. I’m dating someone now, so I figured it was his, but she didn’t look like him at all. I remember I started going through this list of men I’d been with recently”.
A way to understand this dream is that you have given birth to a new part of yourself and your inner male is the father. This is said because of your uncertainty about who the father was, and that your baby girl did not look like the present partner. /so this makes it more certain that your baby was a creation with you and the processes of life in you, your inner male – or animus – which is a synthesis of all your male contacts.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/
What are your feelings or thoughts about the baby as it appears in the dream?
What you feel and think about the baby gives an indication of how you are relating to the new or vulnerable part of yourself, or what worries you are discharging. Clarify them to recognise what may be helping or hindering this new experience in your life.
An example of this: I had a dream that I had a child and had to cancel a test because I had to take care of the baby. I was breast feeding the baby, because it is healthier to breast feed than to give formula from a bottle. The person that I had been seeing wanted to know what I thought I was doing. The question was in an accusatory manner, like I had no business breast feeding my own baby. Then I left the baby with my friends and left. When I came back, they were feeding the baby Tabasco sauce because they ran out of milk. This shocked me because I thought my friends were more responsible than that.
So there are two issues here. The first is the struggle and strength to oppose what is felt to be right in the face of other people’s opinions. The second is that other people can injure your vulnerable and growing self if you let them take over your decisions. In either case it is clear that you have the intuitive knowledge to see what is the best way to nurture your baby.
Is the dream baby my own child?
If we are parents we often dream about our own children. Occasionally such dreams express concerns we have about our own child. We have noticed something ‘out of the corner of our eye’, and the dream puts this into focus. But often such dreams use the child to illustrate a developing part of you. This is because your actual child has characteristics unique to itself. They may be adventurous, playful, thoughtful or highly verbal. To understand your dream you need to define how you see and feel about your child.
For instance a woman dreamt she was sitting on a window sill and was frightened of falling. So much so she couldn’t move. Then she reached out and took her small son’s hand and climbed into the building away from danger. In describing how she felt about her son, she said he was courageous and confident. So her dream was showing how, by reaching out for her own confidence and courage, however immature, she could overcome her anxiety about falling/failing. Her child calls out her inner strength to meet the situation and overcome the danger.
Can I help the baby in any way?
This is an important question to answer because your dreams often present you with opportunities to change or to grow. If the dream is dealing with an emerging part of your nature, or a new love or project, protecting and helping this new dimension of your life is important. So, for instance, if your baby needs feeding or affection, sit quietly and imagine yourself feeding the baby, or giving it affection. Do whatever you feel is needed to help it. See Secrets of Power Dreaming
Is this an intuition about a baby’s or my baby’s situation?
Quite often we dream about awful events in connection with our baby or child. Because these can be incredibly disturbing it is important to understand their meaning. As a first step there are at least two types of dreams that deal with disturbing events. The first type of dream is called ‘representative’. And the following is an example of it.
I am on a country walk with my wife and small son. I look back to see my son fall down a deep hole. I rush back to see him drowning, and wonder whether I should jump down to help him. Then suddenly he is okay and with me again.
The father was incredibly worried that it showed a bad situation for his son. But as we explored it we realised that the son represented his marriage. He had a terrible row with his wife the day before, and he was frightened that it was the end of their life together. The son in this dream was the result of their marriage, what they had created together. So if the son had died it would have shown the father feeling their marriage had no hope of a future. But the dream showed the son fully recovered, showing that even when he was feeling bad, his dream showed him a different outcome. So it represented the father’s intense feelings and the possible outcome.
The other type of dream can be called direct insight or prophetic. Such dreams are usually not in any way symbolic and are highly uncommon. They do not include such things as are in the above dream which quickly switches from danger to ease. The following dream is an example.
One morning my wife woke and told me she had dreamt about the baby of two of our friends. The friends, a man and wife, were living about 200 miles from us. We knew the wife was pregnant, and about a week or so before the dream we had received a short letter saying their baby, a boy, had been born. We were not on the telephone at the time, so the letter was our only means of communication.
In the dream my wife saw the baby and a voice from behind her told her the child was ill. Its illness, she was given to understand, was serious, and would need to be treated with a drug taken every day of the child’s life. The reason for this illness and the drug use, she was told, was because in a past life the person now born as the baby had committed suicide using a drug.
In this dream very definite information was given that could be checked. I didn’t take the dream seriously, thinking it was some sort of personally symbolic dream. The dream was sent to the couple, and about a week later a letter from them said that the letter and dream had crystallised their already existing anxiety about the baby. It had not been feeding well and was fretful. On taking it to the doctor nothing definite could be found but special tests were made in hospital. From these it was discovered the baby was dying. It lacked an enzyme which was needed to digest calcium. To compensate it was given a drug, which it has had to take every day of its life to make up for the lacking enzyme.
The dream did not represent a situation, it described it clearly. Also it could easily be checked. So if you are uncertain, always go for the representative dream, as prophetic dreams are extremely rare.
So the questions to ask are: Is this dream making a direct statement? If so can I check it for accuracy? If it is a representative dream, ask yourself what it represents symbolically, and go through the questions above.
Summing Up
From the answers you have given to the questions see if you can recognise what new thing has come into, or is emerging, in your life. What do you feel vulnerable about? Is it to do with someone you love? Is it a new attitude you have to the way you express yourself? Or perhaps it is a new project you have undertaken.
When you can connect the dream with your everyday experience, consider what the dream is depicting in its drama. Is it saying the baby is healthy and strong? Does your baby need support? Is it nourished? Whatever you have discovered from looking at your dream baby, try to use the insights in your everyday life. Build them into the way you feel and think, and watch your baby grow.
See Being the Person or Thing; Inner Baby and Child; also baby babies.
I had a very vivid dream years ago which I still remember clear as day today. I dreamt I had a beautiful baby girl with sallow skin, big brown eyes, blonde curly hair but her fingers hadn’t develoed properly. leaving the hospital I could see everyone staring at her and talking, this upset me and I started screaming at them asking what they were staring at. can anyone shed any light on this? I have to boys but no girls so cant find a connection
I had a detailed dream about being pregnant, which I currently am not. There were problems towards the end of my pregnancy and the baby was delivered early and had some health issues. It was a beautiful baby girl with thick brown hair and blue eyes she was just beautiful. She was really sick and I was able to hold her and love on her and she eventually pulled through. This dream was so vivid and had so much detail, I even know her name. I am just wondering what this could mean? Any helo would be greatly appreciated. I cant get this one out of my head.
I had a dream that i was in the hospital and gave birth to a baby boy. He was healthy and quiet. I am single but i handed him to his ‘father’ in the dream who was handsome with short dark hair. We took forever naming him but decided on Gabriel from the archangel so he was named Gabriel Justin Jones. Then i took him to breastfeed. I am separated and in a custody battle for my son because his father hasnt been in his life for two years. An odd dream to have at this time in life.
For a while now I have had dreams about pregnancy tests. In the past they were all negative, but as of Monday it came back positive (in the dream.)
Last night I now had a dream that I had a happy cooing baby boy, I had to change his diaper and my boyfriend was laying beside me as I did, just watching all cute like, teasing me about how the baby was going to pee on me. (No the baby didn’t do that, tho it could happen.)
Then I woke up. There was no actual labor scene or anything, my dreams tend to have most of the details, but these details were lacking.
I am currently 24, almost done with college and my boyfriend is also employed and in college.
I’m not sure what this dream means, but I thought I’d share it. Any ideas?
2 dreams , (I am not pregnant ) first dream i”ia have a baby and it dies) months later second dream “I am in the hospital I have a baby , I ask where is the baby is it ok she points to some curtains i pull back mthe curtains and they are eating my baby and the heart is still beating ” wt__ is going on ?
My dream is short and I don’t remember all of it, but what stands out is, I was talking to someone, I think it was a man, and he got a picture message on his phone. He was excited and happy and wanted me to see the picture too. He handed the phone to me and it was a picture of a newborn baby girl. The baby wasn’t crying or doing anything unusual, she was awake and calm looking, she was very cute. I don’t remember anything else, but that part is vivid to me.
I am in my teens. I had an odd dream that I was in this beautiful, golden, shiny place. There were a few guards I had just talked to and a set of stairs. As I finished talking, a sharp pain went through my right arm. I laid onto the floor and writhed in pain. I then started saying how this was good for me. I released a BABY through my right arm. I didn’t really look at it, but I do know it was a different race than I. I was happy and smiling at the people there. I started saying how I was thankful and that I loved it. I then walked up the stairs with it and then my dream changed. The second part consisted of a psychic manipulating the genitals and breast of my right side. She asked me if I knew what it meant; I thought it pertained to the child. I said yes. Why did these dreams involve my right side? I even held the baby’s head toward my right. Also, why would this dream happen to a teen who doesn’t want a child yet?
i dreamt of rubbing a womans back comforting her during giving birth and i witnessed the baby being born.I initially felt to let the mother make contact first, but the baby reaced out to me and i held her finger.
Lee – I find this a very beautiful dream.
The baby you helped the woman to give birth to was in fact a new part of you. You gave birth to a new you that reached out for you. Babies reach to us when they recognise a link that has love and the promise of help to grow. Every image and person in your dreams is an expression of your own life process. As such it is alive and intelligent and is something sent to help you. A dream is like a projection from a movie projector, except that you are the projector.
Everything you see as outside you is coming from you, your emotions, your fears, your beliefs, your joys and explorations are all you, clothed in the dream images and drama. So when you dream of someone you should not feel you are dreaming about that actual person. As with most dreams, the person in the dream is not the person themselves, but is a collection of associations and feeling about him or her.
So the baby reaching out to you means that within that baby is an infant consciousness, a living, feeling, learning and wonderful being. This ‘consciousness body’ also needs feeding to survive and grow. Such connection means a sharing of caring love, of ideas and thoughts, and a way of helping the infant consciousness to find ways to learn, to explore, to be curious and adventurous.
So you need to give the baby love by imagining holding and helping it learn to walk and talk. Feed it with the highest ideas and thoughts you can.
Ok my dream was a bit short as it went from subject to subject but this is the only one I vegly remember. But PLEASE help me. Back in Sept my boyfriend had a baby with another gurl he’d been with one time, he takes care of the baby and brings him to my home (the babies real mother is in jail) lastnight I has a dream he had TWO babies he brought with him. I have NO IDEA who the second baby belongs to, as he is a boy aswell. I didn’t ask any questions wasn’t upset abt this baby or heart broken like the first.. We just played with both of them, my boyfriend and i have been trying for our own baby since abt November 2011 with no luck. What does this dream mean? I told Steven (my bf) abt it and he asked if the baby was mine, and continued sayin it HAD to be mine, bc hed never do that again, but I don’t have the slightest idea whose he was. What does this mean someone please help. -please don’t be rude as I came asking for dream baby help, I have my relationship under control (now) just really looking for answers.
Britany – Do not get confused about whose baby it is – it is your, created by your dream. People get very mixed because they feel their dreams are like real life, and dreams are TOTALLY different.
So you dream arose probably because you are trying for a baby, and so there we are, you have a dream baby. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions/#WomanCreative
I drempt my wife gave birth to a preme, I took pictures in my Marine dress blues with the child, I was at work when I was told the seemingly healthy preme had died. Someone in my dream said something and I beat the holy yell out of them. I say said person in the ICU. Then I woke.
Zach – I feel that you had never lost something so precious and vulnerable before, and it hit you hard. But the anger you felt may have turned inwards causing you some level of depression.
I don’t think this is a warning about losing a baby. But it might be.
2 days ago I had a dream I was pregnant, but I really didn’t know about it until the baby started moving and I could feel the lump in my uterus and I was extremely happy about it. I took a nap earlier today and had another baby dream. This time, I was at the hospital, he was already delivered and taken away to do a few things. I was so excited and happy the baby was a boy, but I was worried he wasn’t breathing. I took him home and in the middle of the night I went in to check on him and my daughter and the room was a mess, but he was sitting by himself while I held my daughter. What does THAT mean!?
Hi! I’m 23 years old, female and I had an odd dream last night. I’m currently feeling very frustrated with my job and I really want to quit but at the same time I want to make sure I find something else where I feel very comfortable at.
In my dream it was Monday and apparently I had two job offers and was supposed to start working that very same day. However I hadn’t quit my current job. I was in the bus with my brother and told him I didn’t know what to do. I got off the bus and went inside this fancy building where I was supposed to work at and I called my mum and asked her to call my boss and tell him I had some kind of illness and couldn’t work for them anymore so I could start working at this new place.
In between my dream a baby would pop up now and then, like a background character. It wasn’t mine or my mother’s but it was supposed to be from a cousin of mine (not specified in the dream) and we were taking care of it.
What really stood out of this baby was that it was around 8 months and looked like a little doll, it looked very healthy, had chubby cheeks and was absolutely perfect.
At the end of my dream, I was at home, I don’t know what happened with the job part of it, but the baby was lying in the floor. So I picked it up and gave him a kiss and bit affectionately it’s cheek and it started crying.
Out of everything that happened in my dream, the baby really stood out for me when I woke up, because it had no relation to what I was dreaming.
I hope you can help me with this because I really would like to know what it means.
Thank you!
I normally have lucid dreams but I could not ‘control’ the one I had last night. I was wondering if you could help me decipher it as it worried me a bit. : I dreamt I was in a large hotel that I knew I shouldn’t be in for whatever reason and I seen a big swimming pool in front of me. There was a solitary girl near the swimming pool aged around 20yrs. I jumped in the swimming pool when suddenly another 2 men and 2 women appeared out of nowhere. One of the men was carrying a newborn baby. He looked at me and threw it in the pool causing it to head towards the bottom. I swam down straight away to save it, and gave it back to him. He then threw it in again, so again I did the same thing. For a third time he threw the baby in again to which I waited for an extra 10 secs for some reason before saving it. I seen it floating to the bottom and he said words to the effect “aren’t you going to save it?”. I swam down and brought it up and it appeared dead. I then found myself on the side of the pool with the baby face down in my left arm with my left hand supporting his head. I then rubbed it’s back and some water came out and it was alive again. The dream then ended. As it was so strange and out of the ordinary I was wondering if you could help me please?
hello im really disturbed by the recent dream i had me and my husband found out we were preg with a little boy then we went for what i thought to be a 3d scan of the baby but it was more like a x-ray and it showed all his facial bones that looked just like my husband. then the dream cut off and i was suddenly standing someplace . someplace public i heard lots of people and felt lots a people around me i felt my husband beside me and then i see this little boy with his back facing me and he was a little taller than my knee and had broad sholders he then turned around and looked up to me and he looked just like my husband but had my nose and eyes . i gasped for air in my dream and grabed my chest. the dream felt so real and also i felt like i had seen a ghost . then i suddenly woke up i still get goosebumps from it i wish i could draw i would sketch the face of the little boy it was like i was looking at myself through his eyes and seeing my husband . never have i expereienced this .
Hello. I don’t usually care to research what dreams mean because most don’t effect or bother me, or I figure I’ll find out eventually if it has to do with my life. Last night I had a dream that I can’t get out of my head!
I had this dream that I had a baby boy. An amazing little boy. I don’t remember being pregnant or giving birth, it start while I was sitting in what I can only assume is a hospital bed under what felt like a spot light and they(I assumed it was my boyfriend) handed me this little budle with a blue hat. He was so cute, I couldn’t make out his exact features, but he had a cute chubby face and when I removed his hat I noticed he had the same dark hair as my boyfriend but it also had a reddish tint(I’m a redhead). I can still feel what it was like to kiss his fuzzy little head and I distinctly remember starting to cry because I was so happy and he was mine. I remember also being concerned because we had yet to pick out a name and still couldn’t figure out what to name him….that’s all I remember.
A short history–my best friend is prego, due in April 2012, and I already had a dream she was having a girl. Her great grandmother passed away yesterday so this dream can’t mean someone will pass, since that’s already happened. I am not prego and can’t be (I’m menstrating). Any suggestions?