We Lived in Heaven – Sarah Hinze on Pre-Birth Experiences
For those who read my previous post on Roy Mills’ book about his memories of the premortal life, this post will be an exciting follow-up, with further information on individuals who have had distinct experiences with the premortal existence. After my father, whose name is also David Larsen, read the Mills post, he referred me to an individual he knows from IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies) who specializes in “pre-birth experiences.” Her name is Sarah Hinze and she has done extensive research and writing on this phenomenon, focusing on collecting experiences from individuals who claim to have received communication from a child before he/she was born, or even before the child was even conceived. Such experiences indicate that the child already exists in spirit long before his/her birth into the world, and that the “self” not only continues after this life, but also precedes it. In this post, I would like to give a brief overview of Sarah Hinze’s work.
Sarah’s research in this area began nearly twenty years ago, after she had a “pre-birth experience” (PBE) in the form of a communication from a child that she miscarried. Since then she has interviewed individuals and chronicled many of these types of communication from children before they are born. Her work has provided solid evidence that unborn children can warn, protect and enlighten us from the spirit realm. Most often these children appear to announce it is their time to be born. This communication can occur between the child and a parent, sibling, aunt, uncle, or grandparent, etc., as they come to warn, protect and enlighten through the veil.
According to Sarah’s website, www.sarahhinze.com or www.royalchild.com, there are several diverse ways in which such a communication can be received.
During a Near Death Experience (NDE): there are many accounts of NDEs which describe a visit to the premortal realm where future children are contacted.
Very vivid dreams: in which the individual sees and/or converses with a being that the individual knows has not yet been born but will be born in the future. Some cultures call this type of experience “announcing dreams”. These dreams are often extremely vivid and memorable.
Visions: PBEr sees distinctly male or female form, various “ages”, variously attired, while awake; sometimes form is accompanied by glow or light, sometimes not; sometimes appears and/or disappears suddenly.
Auditory: Experiencer hears a voiced message from or about the preborn. Often the voice is a child, gives its preferred name, announces that it needs to come to earth now, and/or refers to the parent as “father” or “mother”.
Telepathy: Preborn beings witnessed by communication directly to the experiencer’s mind; telepathic or spiritual communication, as often described in NDEs.
Sensory: An individual vividly senses an unseen presence hovering around them. Along with the presence can be a distinct feeling of urgency.
Other pre-birth accounts include: an individual being able to remember an escort who brought him/her to earth, individuals having flashbacks or being able to remember themselves or siblings in a prebirth/premortal state, children who will be adopted appearing to either the adoptive or biological parents to announce the situation that will take place, and other types of experiences.
The website also describes ten general aspects of the “typical” prebirth experience:
- Radiation of love: The preborn radiates a powerful love to the prebirth experiencer, similar to the love felt from the light in the NDE.
- Celestial light: The preborn may radiate, or appear in, a brilliant light that does not hurt the eyes and conveys extraordinary peace, similar to the light in the NDE.
- Thankful and eager to come to earth: The preborn is excited about earth life, views it as a growth opportunity, and is thankful that the parents are providing this opportunity. Yet there may be some fear of the unknown in facing the transition to earth life.
- Leaving a heavenly home: The preborn is eager to enter earth life, but expresses a degree of loss or apprehension at leaving the sanctuary of his heavenly home.
- A time to come to earth: The preborn often indicates that the time in which one comes to earth is assigned, as part of a divine timetable, so personalized growth experiences can be achieved.
- A unique mission: The preborn message conveys that each individual has special purposes or missions to accomplish during his specified time on earth.
- Protection/Warning: Some preborn appearances provide protection or warning to the recipient. (In the case studies reviewed, aid to the PBErs was provided by the preborn to prevent or recover from suicide attempts, abuse, rape, birth control, and abortion that would block the preborn’s conception and birth on earth.)
- Messages: Some preborn appearances provide messages about something the future parent(s) or others must do as part of their earth mission or to help the preborn.
- Escort to earth: Some preborns are brought to earth by escorts (just as some NDErs are escorted to the life after life).
- Deja vu: Some PBEs consist of memories or flashbacks of one’s pre-earth life.
In another section of the website, “PBE Accounts“, Sarah provides a few of the many prebirth stories that she has recorded. There are even a couple of accounts from celebrities. Here, for example, is an excerpt from John Denver’s experience when he and his wife were trying to adopt a child:
”Once we started processing the adoption papers, whenever I found a quiet moment in the day, including just before I got out of bed in the morning, I offered a prayer to this little spirit out there: ‘Whoever you are, wherever you are, I don’t know what you have to go through to get here and be with us, but we love you very much and can’t wait to be with you.’
“With all of those anticipations streaming through me, we came to New York. I had four sold out nights at Madison Square Garden and we were staying at the Sherry-Netherland. It was May 12, 1974, and that night I dreamed that three people in white robes came and gave me a little boy. We hadn’t specified either sex in our communication with the adoption agency, all we wanted was that the baby be healthy enough to live with us in the mountains. We were active people, we liked to be outside, and we wanted that for our baby as well. But in my dream, when the baby was put into my arms, I noticed that it was a boy-a dark-faced boy with round eyes and a bit of an overbite-and as I was holding him, he looked up, grabbed my thumb, and smiled.
“In the morning, I recounted the dream to Annie. Eleven days later, Zak was born. We didn’t see him then, but we were notified about his birth, and when he was about two months old we went up to Minnesota to the adoption agency to pick him up…
Anyway, we arrived at the agency. Zak was being flown up from the South. There were papers to be signed. There was also a little formal procedure to go through, designed to help adoptive parents deal with the anxiety of meeting their child.
“…This was where you were supposed to get your first glimpse of your baby. We had just been told that the young woman who was bringing Zak had been delayed and we were trying to keep from feeling disappointed, when the door at the far end of the hall opened and the woman appeared after all, with our child. Without a word, she came running down the hall and handed the baby to me. He had round eyes and this little bit of an overbite, and when I held him he smiled and grabbed my thumb. Zak was the child in my dream-exactly the same child! I recognized his face and I think he recognized mine. At least he looked at me in the most knowing way. Right there, dream and reality came together for me.”
Quoted From Take Me Home: An Autobiography by John Denver & Arthur Tobier, Harmony Books: New York, p.116
Another such experience was that of Richard Dreyfuss. In an interview with Barbara Walters on 20/20 after the Academy Awards in 1996, Dreyfuss revealed that a PBE was key to helping him overcome years of addiction to drugs and alcohol.
The interview revealed that Dreyfuss’ first marriage had fallen casualty to his troubled years, as had some great film roles. Over twenty years of addiction recycling had come and gone. The turning point occurred miraculously in a dark hour. Dreyfuss was hospitalized in an effort to detox him yet again from the grasp of drugs and alcohol. Hours passed. As he sobered all alone in the hospital room, there entered a three-year-old girl in a pink dress and shiny black patent leather shoes. She told him, “Daddy, I can’t come to you until you come to me. Please straighten out your life so I can come.” And she was gone.
But the pleading message of her haunting eyes was seared into Dreyfuss’ memory, a constant inspiration to reorder his life so that his daughter might come. With this sacred incentive he maintained sobriety, remarried, and prayed. Within three years a daughter was born to Dreyfuss and his wife — the same girl who had come to his hospital room.
I share these two stories because of the amazing fact that they are from two famous people who have shared these amazing prebirth experiences publicly. Sarah Hinze provides many more stories on her site. Besides her website, Sarah has also written a number of books: Life before Life, Songs of the Morning Stars, The Castaways, We Lived in Heaven: Spiritual Accounts of Souls Coming to Earth, and Coming from the Light. More information about these inspiring volumes, including how you can order them, can be found here, here, and here. I will look at these books in greater detail after I have been able to obtain and review them.
While I simply can’t do Sarah Hinze and her extensive research justice in this one post, I would like to conclude with some of the great historical information regarding belief in the premortal existence that she includes on her site, under “PBEs in History“:
Over 800 references to the pre-earth existence of mankind have been identified in Jewish and Christian sources from the time of Christ until the sixth century, A.D. Early Hellenistic (Greek) writings also referred to belief in a pre-earth life. However, after the sixth century A.D., mention of a life before mortality virtually disappears from orthodox Jewish, Christian, and Greek writings (Hamerton-Kelley, R.G., Pre-Existence, Wisdom and the Son of Man in the New Testament, Cambridge University Press, 1973).
A premortal existence was discussed by such well known ancient philosophers as Plato, and Christian writers Origen of Alexandria and Justin Martyr. The writings of the ancient Jewish historian Josephus and the Jewish theologian Philo (who claimed that everything he wrote agreed with the Pentateuch) show that belief in a premortal life was evident in Judaism until the 5th century, A.D., which in certain quarters held that the soul longs to return to that premortal existence after earth life (Judische Theologie, 212-228).
Until the sixth century A.D., early Christianity taught that we had a pre-earth life. Then the doctrine of a pre-existence was condemned by the council of Constantinople in A.D. 553. However, Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics reports the doctrine of a pre-existence was favored by Origen (the greatest of early church theologians), Justin Martyr, Augustine, Cyril of Jerusalem, Peirius, John of Jerusalem, Rufinius, Nemesius, and the Western Church generally until the time of Gregory the Great (article on pre-existence, p. 239).
Another such experience was that of Richard Dreyfuss. In an interview with Barbara Walters on 20/20 after the Academy Awards in 1996, Dreyfuss revealed that a PBE was key to helping him overcome years of addiction to drugs and alcohol.
The interview revealed that Dreyfuss’ first marriage had fallen casualty to his troubled years, as had some great film roles. Over twenty years of addiction recycling had come and gone. The turning point occurred miraculously in a dark hour. Dreyfuss was hospitalized in an effort to detox him yet again from the grasp of drugs and alcohol. Hours passed. As he sobered all alone in the hospital room, there entered a three-year-old girl in a pink dress and shiny black patent leather shoes. She told him, “Daddy, I can’t come to you until you come to me. Please straighten out your life so I can come.” And she was gone.
But the pleading message of her haunting eyes was seared into Dreyfuss’ memory, a constant inspiration to reorder his life so that his daughter might come. With this sacred incentive he maintained sobriety, remarried, and prayed. Within three years a daughter was born to Dreyfuss and his wife — the same girl who had come to his hospital room.
I share these two stories because of the amazing fact that they are from two famous people who have shared these amazing prebirth experiences publicly. Sarah Hinze provides many more stories on her site. Besides her website, Sarah has also written a number of books: Life before Life, Songs of the Morning Stars, The Castaways, We Lived in Heaven: Spiritual Accounts of Souls Coming to Earth, and Coming from the Light. More information about these inspiring volumes, including how you can order them, can be found, here, and here. I will look at these books in greater detail after I have been able to obtain and review them.
Hello! I am amazed to have found this page.
I very vividly remember leaving heaven and entering my mom’s womb.
I can remember that I begged to stay where I was. I was highly upset and devastated that I had to come to earth.
I had no choice of my life that I would be living in. All I knew was that it would be very sad all throughout my life here…which has been true.
I am 49 now.
I was told that I’d “get it right this time” and I questioned “HOW” would that be possible if I wouldn’t remember anything. So I was given a very vivid memory of my prebirth experience and my time in the womb and entering the womb.
I’d sure LOVE to hear from others who remember.
Penny Vlahon email is sugarsweet2003@gmail.com
Penny – Wonderful to hear from you; I too had a hard time wanting to be born and even being born. But my experience was very different from your – I guess we are all unique. What I recall from that early period after birth — recall and put into words by my adult self — is of being afraid I could not survive because I was born prematurely and in this new environment. At the time of my birth there were no intensive care units to plug my tiny body into a drip feed or oxygen tent, or an incubator to keep me warm. Neither were there antibiotics to help fight the deadly diseases so many infants and children of the time were laid low by. At that time – 1937 – premature babies were very likely to die.
So I couldn’t breathe easily. I couldn’t digest easily, because my body hadn’t developed the necessary functions, and I was deeply anxious about the strange sounds around me. A tremendous feeling response took place in my tiny self. As an adult we would call this a decision. But in my infant self it had nothing to do with thinking or analysing. It was a total feeling and fear response. It was a rejection of life. A turning away from scrambling, struggling, for survival. I didn’t want to be in the world. I wanted to remain in the egg! See https://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/lumpkin-the-baby-who-became-tony/
There are more features in https://dreamhawk.com/pregnancy-childbirth/
I hope you will get others responding to you. I will put your letter in the Forum section for many, many more people will see it so there is more change of people responding.
Of course there is every chance you will “get it right this time”. I managed to scramble through the difficulties. So maybe see https://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/ and https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site-2/
Hey, would you mind emailing me so we can talk? I too share some of what was discussed between you and Julie, only….I have some memories that aren’t so good and wanted to see if maybe it means what I think it means? Does that makes any sense? lol. You can delete this comment since my email is attached, I won’t be offended :).
I have remembered, in detail, the creation of what my life would be, who I would be with, who were my family: my parents, children, aunts, cousins, and significant others who would cross my life’s path. I remember the experiences in that heavenly realm, the discussions and choices offered. It was like planning a vacation in great detail. I was excited and brimming with energy, acceptance and love. There was no judgement. There was direction and movement, color and feelings. I remember asking to ascend to my next level of existence and others who wanted the same. I want to write a book on my experience and I ask, who would like to help me, encourage me, direct me?
Susan, you might get in contact with Chad Daybell at Spring Creek Books. He has published a number of books of this nature including Suzanne Freeman’s and Julie Rowe’s and is very open to them. He is good, fair and kind and will be able to direct you well.
Hi Tony I just accepted your friend request there are a lot of old family photos but if you go up to the one which shows a portrait which I also drew and click on it and scan thru some of the photos I think you will find them interesting, some are strange objects I caught flying near where I worked and some were spiritual in nature, the Heart in the sky is one of my favorites I photographed when I snapped the photo you could not see anything with the naked eye however there was something there.
Thanks Tony for your response and to your question yes I feel I have something to accomplish i also have found I am very intuitive and have had dreams that often come true. I also can sense energies of both the living and those whom for what ever reason have had difficulty leaving after death usually because their death was traumatic and they needed to say something to someone.I can not see them but I can sense them and i have had validation as well if you wish to become a facebook friend of mine I have some very interesting photos that validate a spirit is there with me, and I found out the name of one yound spirit her name was susan Owens she was murdered found dead in a cemetary a friend took me to. She did not tell me about this until I told her I felt and uneasy spirit their they were not bad but in a dark place, this I later found out was because her family thought she took her life , but the gun was in her right hand I learned and she was left handed.I have a gift in the field of alternative medicine I have recently learned as well.
Julie – Well I put your name in a Facebook search and I could find several mentions but not one that gave me any clues to your work – did you hail from Illinois, it was the nearest I got. Try DreamhawkCom.
Again, a fascinating communication. I felt you had ‘something to accomplish’ and also was probably taking a different path. I also feel you have a lot more to uncover as to who you are and what you are capable of. I think it applies to everybody who has such sensitivity.
If you have anything more to share I would love to hear/read it.
I too have had a prebirth experience I have spoke about this only to a select few do to ridicule when I tried to talk about it to my family, I remember being in a open area there was a round marble seat that circled a round dome shaped glass, I remember trying to look out it and all I saw were fluffy clouds,I remember a spirit guide talking to me in telepathy and I too did this as well i remember being told I was to come to earth to be born, I did not want to do this however I was told I had no choice,I was given the option of two families and I was told the first one would have alot of money and I would need for nothing the second one was a young couple who i was told would offer love and family, the other would be lacking in love I remember reluctanltly choosing the young couple, the spirit guiide told me he would help with my transition and at some point in my early years I would lose all memories of this, I remember begging him not to take away all of my memories and that is why I believe I am able to remember what i do.
Julie – Thank you for sending such a wonderful dream/memory.
I see the ridicule of the many as a sign of not wanting to stand out when faced by the authoritarian statement we face in daily life. Anybody who is strong enough in their own life direction will face such criticism. Sometimes it also means that you take a different path to others.
The reason we forget all the past is that when we are born we develop new memories with a new physical brain. The new brain then is a new life for us, and usually shuts out any contact with our spirit in which all our memory is stored.
Do you feel you have something to do in this life? Usually this is a theme or interest that while it does not fit with what your outer life demands of you, is something that bubbles up again and again.