Refrigerate Refrigerator
To cool down our emotions or sexuality; to be cold emotionally or sexually; a romance that is cooling off; something we have put in ‘cold storage’. To keep things such as feelings fresh or preserve them. See Frozen
It is noticeable that many characters in American films and dreams have bottles of beer they carry around. They usually get them from the fridge. We can see from such films that they get a bottle of beer out of refrigeration and walk around with it in their mouth (like a babies bottle without a teat on). As alcohol is a downer, it may reflect a national characteristic to repress their sensitivity, like switching from one level of awareness to another one.
Example: He kissed me once, then twice, each time more lingering. He said passionately, “Here, put the beer in the fridge and come here!” My brother Dwight, who had come in behind him, said, “Whoa! I guess I’ll go sit in the car.” I had been putting the beer into the fridge. I noticed that “Harry”, had written letters and messages to me on the beer cartons. I read one about the president getting him enlisted into the navy. I picked up a little Budweiser and gave it to Dwight.
In this dream there are themes of sexual passion, bear drinking and not wanting to see what was really happening, which is a form of refrigeration of one’s feelings.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Do I feel difficulty when I experience emotions?
What do I keep repressing/refrigerating?
Have you ever noticed how much you edit/cut-out what you think and feel?
See Self Observation – Individuation – The people we carry inside us – Techniques for Exploring your Dreams
My daughters friend dreamed she opened her refrigerator and it was full of asparagus and we wondered what would be the dream intrepretation.
Ann – This sounds like it is a dietary thing. Probably the girl knows deep down that she needs to eat asparagus because of its health properties. Wikipedia gives this advice.
The second century physician Galen described asparagus as “cleansing and healing”.
Nutrition studies have shown asparagus is a low-calorie source of folate and potassium. Its stalks are high in antioxidants. “Asparagus provides essential nutrients: six spears contain some 135 micrograms (μg) of folate, almost half the adult RDI (recommended daily intake), 20 milligrams of potassium,” notes an article in Reader’s Digest. Research suggests folate is key in taming homocysteine, a substance implicated in heart disease. Folate is also critical for pregnant women, since it protects against neural tube defects in babies. Studies have shown that people who have died from Alzheimer’s Disease have extremely low to no levels of folate. Several studies indicate getting plenty of potassium may reduce the loss of calcium from the body.
Particularly green asparagus is a good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps the body produce and maintain collagen, the major structural protein component of the body’s connective tissues.
“Asparagus has long been recognized for its medicinal properties,” wrote D. Onstad, author of Whole Foods Companion: A Guide for Adventurous Cooks, Curious Shoppers and Lovers of Natural Foods. “Asparagus contains substances that act as a diuretic, neutralize ammonia that makes us tired, and protect small blood vessels from rupturing. Its fiber content makes it a laxative, too.”