Dimensions of Human Experience
Are You Multi-Dimensional
Tony Crisp
The Three-Dimensional Experience
A Vision Time and Space Created by the Big Bang
Opening Our Core Cells for Courage
What is The Purpose of Life? How Did We Come About?
We all exist in a multi-dimensional world. You have a physical body which you can hold onto with your hands; but you also experience emotions and thoughts that you cannot hold with your hands. Also, your consciousness is an extraordinary dimension of personal experience that science still does not understand. You are used to experiencing these different dimensions of human experience but only a few of us can learn to enter them.
But we are much more than most of us can understand. With growing understanding of quantum, we see we are also quantum beings which is fantastic. We have been told that light is the fastest we can travel, and that would take lifetimes to reach the stars and their planets. Yet quantum is known to exist everywhere at once, and so is outside of space and time – another dimension of our being, like consciousness.
Below is an example of a child expressing the ability of working beyond the commonly known dimensions.
Lyle Watson, a scientist and biologist, in researching human potential for his book Supernature, was asked by a boy’s father in Italy to observe his four-year old son. In Watson’s presence, the father rolled his son an ordinary tennis ball. A little while later the boy rolled it back. The ball was turned inside out without any cuts or damage to its surface. Watson then signed his name on another tennis ball and the boy repeated the change. Later Watson cut open the ball in front of witnesses, revealing his signature on the inside of the ball.
That defies any of today’s theories of physical science. When the boy went to school he lost that ability – so much for our system of education! I want to try to explain what I understand about some of the common levels or dimensions we can experience. I will start by giving a rather silly example to demonstrate the huge differences of our experience of these dimensions.
Two Dimensional
Start by imagining that you are a two-dimensional person, drawn on a piece of paper. As such your only dimension are width and height. So, you have no depth and as such have no way of escaping if a circle is drawn around you with a pencil, you would be trapped within an impassable wall.
Let’s call the two-dimensional world on paper “Flatland.” The two-dimensional person cannot escape the circle. But a three- dimensional person (such as human who also has height) can escape the prison and disappear from the person in the circle in the second dimension. We can call this person a Flatlander, and from the Flatlander’s view, the person would appear to vanish as they enter the third dimension. To the two-dimensional person, it would seem like a miracle. The fellow had vanished from the inner circle but appeared on the outer realm of the circle in three dimensions. Applying the same principle, what seems nonsensical and incomprehensible phenomena of the three-dimensional world would be understood if we add and can perceive other dimensions.
The idea of different dimensions would explain the ‘miracle’ the boy did with the tennis balls. It would also make feasible the many things we call supernatural or unexplainable.
Three Dimensional
We are in fact limiting ourselves by our or three-dimensional thinking. But by adding other types/dimensions of thinking and dealing with life, we too can simply step over the puny ‘impassable wall’ that others cannot escape from – their fears and terrors – their sense of not being capable or bright enough – their worry about how they appear to others – and their lack of knowing who they are and what is in them to do and be.
If you were a two dimensional being but managed to gain a three-dimensional body, you are now free to move and play within the limitations of this dimension. But you as a three-dimensional human being have evolved from animal forebears. Whether you like it or not you are only a step or two beyond the animals. In some measure, it has been a very difficult step for many humans. Like animals, millions of us still struggle to survive; we still feel the enormous urge – positively or negatively – to have sex; as a species, we still grab the most and fight any body to the death who defies us; the strongest are all getting as much money as they can, and holding on to it – also wanting the best of the female or males – often more than one, just like any other animal. We still see the best way is to become famous or struggle to get to the top of the pile, get very rich or as near as we can manage.
Also, we have traits that make us even weaker than the animals. We suffer enormously with depression, anxiety, and mental illnesses. Fear is also a curse. Animals feel it but in their own surroundings they soon forget it. But fear is like a predator, if we run from it we stimulate it to chase us and devour us.
The strange thing is that animals are in many ways far superior to us because they do not have fears about how they look, about sexual differences or whether to be male or female, about fears about giving birth and its pains, about what we are and what should we do with our life? For animals have that all dealt with and know what they are and how to live it without the enormous fear and anxiety humans suffer from. So, thousands of them do not need the enormous amounts of medical antidepressants, alcohol, nicotine, and street drugs to survive.
I was stunned into a new respect for animals when my female kitten aged to be about the same human age of a very young teenager, straight away she started spreading her amazing scent by sprawling and gyrating on the ground scenting the place. She must have attracted a mate because she stopped scenting and got on with being pregnant. There was no fear or calling out for her mum to support her – she was confident and knowing. As time passed when I held her I found it a wonderful thing to feel her body filled with living being as five small creatures were all moving and ‘kicking’ away inside her. I know human mother who are amazed and want to show off their unborn baby’s kicking, but to feel five such active little forms of life all full of activity and movement was something special for me.
Then the moment came and she didn’t cry out for medical attention, instead she crawled into the foot of my bed under the covers and gave birth one at a time (it was a great washing day for me to clean up the blood and fluid from my sheets and bed). But before that I watched her, silently, watch each infant emerge, break the bag each one was in, chew through the cord connecting them and eat it and the afterbirth. Then the loving touch of mother’s tongue licking and cleaning them. Meanwhile she was multi tasking giving birth, washing them and at the same time laying back exposing her several breasts that she had caste the hair from around them so the tiny creatures could crawl to them to continue their feeding that had been previously been given via the umbilical cord.
That in itself was a real lesson in motherhood, but that was just the beginning. For I moved her and her kits into a box and a soft blanket I put in my bedroom. As I was busy washing and also multi tasking I was still thinking about her and her kits, but when I went into my bedroom again the box was empty. I felt a bit anxious about what she had done with her babies, but then I saw movement at the foot of my bed under the covers. Yes, she had moved them back. So, I moved them back not understanding that she was wiser than I. For the next morning one of her babies was stiff with cold and dead. I learnt the lesson with a heavy heart and covered the box with a blanket and she was satisfied. The photo shows the beautiful dead kitten.
Her motherhood skills did not stop there for she never moved from them to eat or to relieve herself for at least three day. I had read that native African mothers keep their babies against their own bodies close to their breasts where they can feed at any time. I realised that of course the unborn infant was always kept warm inside the mother and could feed at any or all the time. It now seems shocking that today’s mother separate their babies from their body even in separate rooms and feed them at set times??? I had also felt certain that I was in for a lot of cleaning from several little poopers. But I literally couldn’t believe that there no messes or wet anywhere – mother took care of it all! Yes, I felt WOW what a mother. To see this video of Mum cat just after the Kitts were born https://www.facebook.com/578558282225032/videos/727952693952256/?t=3
Another problem is our own immense greed for food, sex, comfort and of course, money. So, we are victims of our own desires, fears and emotions that act like tremendous traps. Obviously, I am generalising about the general human condition, because our body is a fantastic thing, even with its faults.
The Fourth (4th) Dimension
Most people are usually not really aware of two great forces acting on them in life and sleep. But we have two powerful actions working in us. The first is our waking experience based on having a body, its limitations, abilities, vulnerabilities and a particular gender. Our second is the power that gave us life and continues to express as dreams, as our breathing, and heartbeat – our life. This I have given the description as the Life Will or your Inner World.
While we sleep our conscious self is largely or totally unconscious, and while we dream our voluntary muscles are paralysed – therefore another will or motivating force moves our body, keeps us breathing and tries to heal any things that may have put our system out of harmony. So we have a Conscious Will, and what I will call a Life Will. The first one we have experience of as we can move our arm or speak in everyday activities; but the second Will takes over when we sleep. See Sleep Paralysis
This Life will can move us to speak, to move our body, and in fact do things that we cannot do with our Conscious Will and in fact runs all our important life processes like heartbeat, digestion and also dreams. It was allowing the conscious action of this Life Will to be used for twelve years that produced huge changes in my life. Even so I am still an infant in what is possible, for we have evolved so far, and are capable of enormous further change.
Something that is possible for many is to be able to switch between the Conscious Will and the Life Will. For simplicity I have called this experience, of what is possible the ‘Waking Lucid Dreaming’,
To get an understanding of what is possible when open to the Life Will read Edgar Cayce and the Cosmic Mind or his biography There Is A River.
What is The Fourth Dimension
Here are human experiences of the 4th: It can be a complete change in the way you experience living. For a start. whenever we enter the 4th, nothing can hurt you, but is like an image like on a cinema screen, so that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear. So falling from a great height. being ill, being shot, strangled, attacked by a knife plunged into you, an animal or monster. even the Devil attacking you, cannot do any damage in this dimension. But for those who are new to the 4th there is a ‘bleed through’ from the our daily body experience. We have this problem of bleed through because we have a tendency to see all things as they appear in our everyday body experience, in which falling, being attacked, or shot are all life threatening. So the phenomena we experience in the 4t dimension are often totally misinterpreted, and people ae often terrified and wake with great fear. The person experiencing the 4th often feel it is the dream process, though in fact it is another dimension.
Here are some examples that people tend to believe are dreams: “A man meeting what for most would have been horrific. He said, ‘I was walking up the several flights of stairs to get to an attic room. I was holding a small dog in my arms – one of those rather flat nosed toy dogs. When I arrived at the attic I put the dog down. But now the attic was empty and dark. I could feel my hair stand on end and my skin ‘crawling’. Actually I feel it all again as I write this. The feeling arose because there was an unformed dark shape creeping around at the far end of the room. The dog was really afraid and came into my arms.
Then the dark creature leapt at me, transforming into a massive mouth with huge fangs like a sabre toothed tiger and with an awful demonic face. Immediately I leapt at it in the same way and smashed against its face with my own huge fangs. This utterly disarmed it because it had felt, in its primitive way, to terrify me. It surprised me too that I could so immediately transform into a monster when necessary. Later I realised that I had often become something of a monster in real life, and that was how I knew how to become a monster in order to deal with my own inner monster.”
Obviously this is very dreamlike and often such ‘dreams’ are partly lucid in character, and dreams are in fact a 4th level experience, but they become truly 4th level when we are completely lucid. See Lucid Dreaming. Most people never even believe they are anything else except their body and what it experiences. So, dreams are their only experience of another dimension of experience but as they discount this because dreams are not seen as an extension of consciousness into another dimension.
Here is an experience of a fourth dimensional experienced by myself, so it isn’t a second hand experience.
“I was writing a report in my Joual while sitting in a hotel room. I was suddenly shot into a dream like state as I sat awake, yet I was still awake in this state and I had a very distinct image, along with a realisation it was dark and I couldn’t see anything, but I was aware of a feeling, of a small bird fluttering close my head. What was incredibly clear and real was the way its wings were fluttering. I could really feel that they were not simply waving up-and-down but vibrating at great speed. The bird kept fluttering near me, and I realised it was trying to attract my attention so I would follow it. So in fact I did, and it led me through a condition of great darkness. I could see or hear nothing except the fluttering wings. But the bird led on, and I trusted it and we travelled through what was recognisably a dark cave from which were slowly emerging hundreds, perhaps thousands of people. I understood as I saw this that an enormous number of people throughout the world were now emerging from a dark place. I realised that this was my work, leading people from the darkness to the light.”
But if you take the journey and succeed you will be able to meet your dead loved ones, to explore the hugeness you are as described in The Dimensions of Human Awareness and be able to realise and experience what is said in Exploring Inner Space. In fact you will find a whole new LIFE.
What is the Life of Death About
I believe, because we have evolved by facing difficulties, we are capable of developing further. I call this next step the fourth dimension – it is just a name and I believe it is the next step in our evolution. We can experience much greater freedom in this dimension, although like any advance, it is still just another step. As I said, we exist in these different dimensions, although many people are so locked into their body senses they may miss many glimpses of the new possibilities. But because this is a border of another country of experience there is a bleed through from three to fourth – as there is in borders of countries where people ‘bleed through’ without even understanding the language of the new country.
The ‘bleed through’ is experienced as things that are often seen as not possible by the science of the day, or explained as an illness – because they have not learned the language. They are visions, hearing voices, having intuitions of things that cannot be accounted for by our physical senses and are proved right; apparently travelling to distant places and witnessing events there yet the person has not physically been there; also, psychic phenomena often called spiritualism; also, the sense that one is possessed by or contacting or threatened by discarnate beings, strange dreams, and nightmares.
Sometimes, as the person approaches the fourth, they vibrate. It is often a sign of what is often called spiritual growth but is better named the emergence of a person’s innate immense potential. At that point they start going through a cleansing process, where all the trauma and inner junk starts unloading. See Vibrate Vibrating
Because this ‘bleed through’ is experienced by a three-dimensional mind, the phenomena are often totally misinterpreted. It tends to express as the dream process, though in fact it is another dimension, because most people never even believe they are anything else except their body and what it experiences. So, dreams are their only experience of another dimension of experience but as they discount this because dreams are not seen as an extension of consciousness into another dimension.
This will become understandable when we can understand the real qualities of the fourth without the bleed through. We have this problem of bleed through because we have a tendency to see all things as they appear in the three-dimensional. Here is an experience of a fourth dimensional experienced by myself, so it isn’t a second hand experience.
“I had an extraordinary out of body experience. I had gone to bed early and longed to visit my mother in London, I being in Germany. I fell asleep quickly and then I suddenly felt as if I were shooting upwards and experienced a feeling of coming out of pressure and was now free – like a cork out of a bottle.
I was then awake and looking down at my sleeping body and suddenly felt terrified (I realised afterwards it was terror that I was dying). Then I remembered reading about experiences such as this and was laughing uncontrollably because it was such a release from terror.
I was then flying across the German countryside, where I was living, curled up with my knees to my chest. I noticed as I passed over the rural countryside what looked like radiations emerging from several places; they were a bit like ripples on the surface of water when a stone has been thrown into it. But these ripples were three dimensional, and I wondered if they were emerging from people, perhaps praying.
After that I was flying over the Dutch coast and could clearly see the many ships there. But suddenly I found myself standing in our sitting room at home in London. It was such an astonishing experience I stood in shock looking down at my body, feeling it and trying to understand. My body felt solid and real and I was dressed in outdoor clothes not my pyjamas. Then with great enthusiasm I looked up and saw my mother sitting alone knitting, our Alsatian dog, Vince was lying asleep in front of the gas fire.
I felt sure my mother would see me because I felt physically present and absolutely and vitally awake in a way I had never experienced before. So, I called out to her, “Mum, look what has happened.” She stopped knitting for a moment but obviously didn’t see me or hear me. So, I felt if I shouted this would reach her. “Mum” I shouted, “look it’s me Tony”. There was no obvious sign that she had heard me, but two things did happen.
One was that I saw or realised that she had an upstairs side of her and a downstairs side. Her upstairs (conscious) side had no awareness of me, but her downstairs side (unconscious) gave me a wonderful welcome and I had the awareness of us knowing each other in a formless love. Then at the same time my dog Vince must have heard me shout, because he woke, and came rushing to me where I stood behind our settee. He was so full of love for me he rushed around barking and showing his joy. I later heard from my mother that she had had been alone that night as my father was out, and she had seen the dog get up and bark and jump around behind the settee for no apparent reason.
I learned enormous and important lessons from that. I realised that having no physical body the living cannot usually see or hear us. They need physical sound to know we are present, yet another part of my mother knew and responded. So, I saw that if she had thought of me and spoken to me I would know, even though she might not be able to hear my reply – unless she was a medium or learned to be aware of thoughts. The reason being that is because in the body most people cannot communicate via thoughts. I also learnt that I had an inner life as real to me as the ordinary waking life. This inner life was a fusion of the bodiless awareness and the life of form we experience in the body. This was obvious because my sleeping body was dressed in pyjamas, and my body I knew in the experience was dressed in outdoor clothes. Also, it was not limited to space and time as the physical body is – shown by my sudden shift across miles to my home in London. Somehow it stood between two very different worlds of experience. I say that because although I was invisible to my mother, I was visible to my dog who had much finer awareness.
Other great lessons I learned that day was that according to popular teachings about out of the body experiences (OBE), I should have been connected by a ‘silver cord’ to my physical body. Also, it was said that the extended body was a copy of the physical. My projected body was in fact different, with different clothes, and in fact was an extension of how I thought of myself. In other words, I was in a world of thoughts, and could in fact have been any shape. So, the experience of having a silver cord link is probably also a mental creation through anxiety of not being connected to their body, which most people identify as themselves.
The things learnt from the experience:
- Fear or terror effectively blocks the development of what is happening. Therefore, it is necessary to pass beyond fear to be able to explore the possibilities of this dimension.
- The fear was overcome by having information/understanding about the experience. It is therefore useful to read or learn about the amazing range of possibilities on this level.
- He flew/travelled across the countryside, and then suddenly was in his home in London, hundreds of miles away. This illustrates the tendency to see all things as they appear in the three-dimensional. In the 3D world you have to travel, and so he/I saw himself travelling to get home. This accounts for a huge amount of misinterpretation of the ‘bleed through’ experiences. In the 4D world everywhere is present, so in fact there is no ‘out of body’ experiences, because one doesn’t need to go anywhere. See No Space
- He was not a double of his body in bed but was dressed differently. Also a very important point is that he flew because he believed he had to. In fact, the rules of dreaming apply to the fourth dimensional experience. I said at the beginning that you can hold a body part in your hand, but you cannot hold a thought or emotion, because they are occurring in a different dimension. Also, in this dimension, as described, his thoughts and belief CREATED the world or experience he was in. This means that whatever we think or believe is a reality at this level – the mind. So, if you believe in demons or vampires, heavens or hells, then you create them at this level which includes the dream world and the world of the dead. So, thoughts or beliefs that you are a failure – or success – become a reality in your mind and emotions. Anything you believe you cannot do is like brick wall in your way. This is so VERY important, because you are CREATING yourself.
- All the images, people, animals, places we see in our dreams and 4D experiences, are simply your own feelings, fears, hopes, senses and wonder projected onto the screen of your mind as images. So, it makes sense to take the image of your dream person, thing, or animal back into you and own it. In that way, you are actually meeting and dealing with the things about yourself you are not owning or conscious of. You can do this by using Being the Person or Thing
- At this level, we tend to see everything as if it is a finer and more extensive 3D world. This means we see our own body as separate and distinct from everything and everybody else. As with dreams we often create our own inner qualities and abilities as separate people or animals.
- He was suddenly at home in London. Again, the illusion that we need to travel is shattered. For me it was a climactic breakthrough experience. Once it had happened I was through into this new dimension of experience, but I kept looking back to the cusp experience which was still mostly experienced in terms of form and time and space. Once through the cusp however, form and space were not necessary. One could touch this dimension in its own formless quality. But I never realised that. I had inherited one of the most wonderful of survival stances and because it takes an age to really understand it.
- “I had the awareness of us knowing each other in a formless love”.”
Here the 4D experience was left behind and he entered the fifth dimension, having lost awareness of his body.
People’s near death experiences are also excellent examples of fourth dimensional life.
“I worked with Tony for quite some time and learned lucid waking dreaming through practicing LifeStream. As I entered it I felt like I was experiencing going through the gates of death. Then I was aware of my dead father and mother, something I had never done before. They told me things about their condition that was very new to me. It gave me great certainty about their after-death life. See The Waking Lucid Dream“
A little boy tells his story. With his brothers and friends, he went to bathe in a mill pool. He was only four or five at the time, and could not swim. In the recklessness of their-play, one of the children pushed him into deeper water. At that moment, the mill gates opened and water rushed through carrying him along. He was drowned – but some adults who were hastily called to the scene managed to pull him out and revive him.
The boy’s father was called, and as his father carried his revived body home in his arms, the little boy talked about his mother, who had died some years earlier and at first his father smiled at his story. The boy said that as he went under the water he felt himself sinking down and down into darkness. Then there was a change and he felt himself rising up slowly until at last he rose to the surface. He was in a huge sea.
Around him, other people were also surfacing, and all were being gradually washed towards the nearby shore. There on the beach, people waited, and greeted those who were brought to them by the sea. And as he himself drew near there on a small promontory were his grandparents waiting to welcome him – and in front – his mother, and she bent to draw him into her arms. She took hold of his hands and as she did so, a cross around her neck swung before his face. Sparkling in it were seven stone’s. But at that moment, something seemed to pull him away, and he sank into the sea and at last awoke on the riverbank.
The other half of the Story
At the conclusion of the story, his father’s condescending smile vanished. They were now at home and his father left the room, obviously deeply moved. Only years later did he tell his son the other half of the story. The boy’s mother had died when her son was tiny and she had died on her birthday. For many weeks before, her husband had saved for a special present which he had kept secret. On her death, heart-broken, he had crept down to the coffin in the middle of the night, unscrewed the lid and given the present to his dead wife. It was a cross with seven stone’s, and the secret of it had been buried with her.
A beautiful story and one with links with the real world and the world of death – the fourth dimension. The boy died for a while, but was revived before any brain deterioration occurred. At first, he experienced darkness, the bodilessness of the fifth dimension, but because it was an unknown for him and for most of us, because our whole experience is by seeing people, animals, and things as separate and outside us, he switched to the fourth dimension where he could understand and relate to what he was experiencing. The sea was an image that in this dimension – which includes dreams – represented the fifth dimension, in which everything is merged as one. See Edgar Cayce for a wonderful tour of the 4th.
In this fourth dimension our awareness as experienced in the third is much enlarged, but it mostly expressed in the ability to see or have insights and visions that are experienced as dreams, people, scenes all shown as people and objects, but with ability to see and interact with the so called dead, to have views of future events, to know directly the real nature of people, your family and yourself as internal knowing, having access to a massive knowledge without any study.
Fifth Dimension
Many modern physicists, working with the information arising in experiments with quantum theory, tell us that our view of the world is based upon our blindness, and is very limited, and through its limitation, unreal. The implications of the theorem are enormous. Something can be in two places at once, in fact everywhere at the same moment. Apparently distant objects, or people, are intricately linked in an immediate way. There is no separate existence as we previously thought. Our view of the world is not one supported by the facts of physics. Time and space are transcended. People’s experiences of this dimension:
- I had no sense of having a body. Thoughts had ceased, except for a murmur apparently a thousand miles away. Yet in blackness, in immensity, in absence of thought I existed vitally as bodiless awareness. We think that we are our body because we have no other experience of our existence. So, we identify with our body and so are terrified of dying – which in a sense is what we do every time we go to sleep and leave our sense of a body behind.
- When we dream, our muscles are paralysed and we also lose all sensations arising from our body senses – our eyes, ears, taste, touch, and smell. In that condition, we are bodiless, but to maintain our confidence, as people get terrified when they get near to realising that they are fundamentally bodiless consciousness, we create a dream image of ourselves with a body. Out of that arises all the fear of death – for even if we lose all our limbs we are still us.
- Suddenly I was in a huge underground cavern. It was hundreds of feet high and as wide. It had two great statues in it, both to do with death. The whole place overpowered me with a sense of decay and skeletal death, darkness, underground, earth, the end. I cried out in the dismal cave, ‘Death, where is your sting! Grave, where is your victory!’ I immediately had the sense of being a bodiless awareness. I knew this was what occurred at death. Fear and the sense of decay left me. Andrew.
- I had a spontaneous OBE as a teenager, and after recovering from the shock of finding myself floating over my body and staring down at myself asleep in bed, I had an indescribably exhilarating time flying through walls and soaring over the treetops. During the course of my bodiless journey I even stumbled across a library book a neighbour had lost and was able to tell her where the book was located the next day. I describe this experience in detail in Beyond the Quantum
- I dissolved into the Nothing which is Everything. Transcendence. In the transcendence, revelation: There was no climactic moment of release. There was no shattering or explosion. There was only further expansion and further fulfillment. It was as if I had become the expanding universe, spreading further and further in every direction, and through the universe of Me there flowed a mighty force, the Life Force, which was like an inexhaustible fountain of fire or air or water, a fountain of eternal replenishment. Quoted from Myself and I by Constance Newland.
I was lying down and internally I regressed, going backwards through my life not that I intimately remember all the experiences but that a bit like Alice banging against the tunnel, banging against difficulties in teenage, having tonsils out, and ended at the bottom – the womb. I had a sense of myself but not of my body but bodiless; and as I observed my experience it wasn’t that I was in my mother’s womb but it felt like it was the deepest part of my awareness in which I just existed and there were equally no thoughts as everything seemed to be so quiet and still as if all the usual activities of being physical and mental and emotional had stopped, just existence. But there still seemed to be a current, as it were pushing me back, and I felt if I went any further into this regression I would disappear, I as a separate being would cease to exist.
I felt I recognised that I had been in this condition before, and there must be a wall or some sort of barrier. So, I decided to do it again, and when I got to the barrier and my heart was beating fast, I chose to use the self-hypnosis as a means to go through this barrier, which I did. It was just like going through a wall and I was egoless… and this lasted for 3 weeks, as such there was no pain. I was in heaven, yet was still functioning doing normal things, but there were not any personal reactions to things. It is out of the personal reactions that pain could occur. At times, it was like a sense of touching what people call god, or what is called heaven. After 3 weeks, I was at college sitting and some friends came up and said what has happened you, you seem so totally different.
Usually when I looked at people I had certain reactions, but during this experience I didn’t have all the usual associations about things, instead I saw things as energy and colours and movements. Also, I didn’t have any sense of separation, as I was the observer and the observed, and while watching people, I always had the sense of not being involved; but this time when they came up to me I had the sense this is such a wonderful thing I wanted to share it, and as soon as I said that I came back; I’m back, the I, the ego was back, and that was the end of it.
- My breathing became very slow, it seems even at times as if it has stopped, and everything becomes very still. It feels like being dead. My body becomes so still it disappears and all that is left is naked awareness submerged in enormous emptiness or space. Space and great quietness.
I suppose one way of describing it is to say that all movement has ceased. No breathing, no heartbeat, no movement of the body. In fact, the body feels like it has given up life, becoming incredibly still and empty. There is a paradox in this experience because it feels as if I, my sense of self, has melted away, and yet there is still a very definite experience of existing. I suppose what has stopped is what I have called movement. The movement of thinking, of feeling, of longing or hoping for things. The constant rising and falling of the chest, the sense of movement and activity of the body, usually immerses our consciousness in a world that we take to be all there is. This experience of death where the body is no longer moving allows consciousness to spread out or to know itself as spread out beyond the edge of the body and the enormous sense of location that breathing and movement and physical sensation gives us.
When you lose your body, you can begin to move around in another dimension of experience. Without the body, you exist in the world of the dead. But I am just a learner in this world and I need to take time and allow myself to experience it. I need to be in this experience for a while to learn.
My body was shaking and I felt life was claiming it. I felt it was like being in love. It seemed to me that Life was absorbing my body. It felt like I was going home again to my beginnings. As this vibration and this sense of being absorbed was happening and the waves of sparkling radiance were flowing through me or in me, I sensed it as waves rolling around the earth, generating from the earth’s power or magnetism. These waves roll around and therefore through all of us, and I felt sure I was experiencing this. I felt I was riding these beautiful waves.
Yet somehow, although I did not have a focused self to carry on thinking, my question was still apparently working, for there was a level beyond that which I now awoke in. ‘I’ along with the world of change existed, but at the same time as the world of change, ‘I’ was involved, merged, inextricable at one with the changeless. In this state I realised that in everyday life my mind slaughtered this wonder and presented the world to me as if everything were divided, and there was only change and death. Or that my normal self was a long way off from this changeless, bodiless self, giving the feeling that one had to do something extraordinary to get to it. The fact I now saw was that in the midst of the changing and dying, the changeless and deathless abides. The rational mind finds it hard to accept such a contradiction. But I think this is because we usually see only our surface self, which lives and dies. Francis P.
- I looked over at a plain wall in the room. It was light green. To my amazement, a huge living and wondrous circle appeared on the wall. It was full of movement, everything dancing in time to music. At the very centre of the circle was emptiness, blackness nothing, a void. Yet out of this nothingness all things emerged. There were plants, animals, people, hills, rivers, and mountains all coming to birth. They danced out in their own individual movement, yet each unknowingly was part of the whole wonderful and intricate dance which made a great pattern and movement in the body of the circle. All danced to the periphery and there turned and moved, still in their ballet, back to the centre. At that centre they plunged into its oblivion again. But at that very moment new life sprang from it to dance once more.
William Lilley, was a great healer. He lived an extraordinary life, uniting in his practice the use of ordinary medicine, herbs, massage, manipulation, sound therapy, vibration therapy, along with a clairvoyant ability enabling him to look into the body and diagnose sickness. He was able to consciously ‘leave his body’ and visit the ‘Inner World’. His description of this is untypical of many other people’s experiences – but he can describe it best:
When I am going into trance, I breathe in the Yoga method shown me by Dr. Letari. Immediately I get a sensation as though I am falling, or being pulled backwards. As this sensation comes to a climax, I seem to be travelling through space at terrific speed.
I have opened my eyes many times at this point, but the only vision I have is of passing through a dense fog. Then, quite suddenly, the fog clears and I am at a stile. I climb over this stile and immediately there is a voice speaking to me over my shoulder. This voice is always with me, explaining everything I see and everyone I meet. The stile seems to be on the edge of a large field, which rises gradually to the form of a hill. I walk up the hill, and beyond it I visit many places. It is always the same stile, the same hill, the same voice, and it just seems like a large country with so many different towns to visit. The most interesting and remarkable experience I ever had during these visits happened before I went into trance. Several people had been speaking of consciousness. They had asked me to describe the world I experienced. Was it solid? Did I appear solid? I promised them that if I could, I would find out.
I arrived at my stile, the voice came to me, and it evidently knew my desire, because it said “Feel the earth!” I did. It was solid. “Feel the grass beneath your feet!” I did. That was solid too, and even had dew on it. “Smell these flowers!” They were perfectly natural and had the usual perfume. In fact, everything around was natural. Then I was told, “Feel your body”. I did so. It was as solid as I am materially.
‘The voice then said, “Close your eyes; make your consciousness passive”, or as you would do when preparing for a trance state. “Now feel the earth beneath your feet!” There was nothing. “Open your eyes”. It wasn’t dark, it wasn’t light. “Feel at your body”. It wasn’t there. “Such is Spirit” said the voice. “Just a consciousness holding within it all experiences of your lifetime, all the joys and sorrows, your desires, achievements and failures, whence comes spiritual evolution. In your world of the material, you are able to examine matter; everything is matter. When you think of the spiritual, naturally you build in your consciousness another material world.”
The new, the creative is changing the world, and people. Change is going at a pace never before seen. We are on the brink of a revolution of change. And of you are watching you can see it hatching and blooming – the enormous developments in medicine – the emergence of 3D printers than can produce body parts – the galloping progress of artificial intelligence – the massive reaching out into space and development of space colonies – the great march of robotics – and the Internet is still in its infancy and will enter our lives with a vengeance.
Being creative means to go beyond what you already know, what you already have achieved or experienced. Staying where you are is not creative. Being creative takes courage. Go beyond your boundaries and be creative.
The great paradox is, how is it possible to live in a condition beyond time and space, without the heavy joy and pain of bodies; to experience the freedom of dreams and death, and also live separate lives, the tangle of days and nights running to years spent working and living in a body and time? See There is a Huge Change Happening
What is reality? What is true?
Well, the answer is that they are all true. But they are different truths because seen through the eyes of a body they are very different than the eyeless view of bodiless existence.
The tragedy is that we may be stuck in just one level of experience, whether high or low makes no difference. But if we are stuck in the pains of our emotions, from the eyes of another level they are the experience of joyful and varied life, and a taste of heaven.
The wonder is that we have so much of ourselves that we can explore and express. And there are levels beyond those described – we have so much!
How do we remain stuck when Life itself is so varied and yet united?
The simple answer I have arrived at is that we insist in standing in the way of glorious Life. We need to stop trying to control everything and let Life flow through us like a great river. Maybe we need to control much of the time, but occasionally we should sit and simply listen and wait for life to come to us. After all, it wasn’t us who led us through millions of years of evolution, it was the amazing processes of life. See
As Elliot so rightly said –
I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love
For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith
But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting.
Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So, the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.
The Sixth Dimension
I see the sixth dimension as the awareness of the huge forces that are part of the universe’s massive but often invisible activities; tremendous things that impact upon human life and in the past, have been called the gods.
We can see something of this in this middle ages picture, which depicts a pilgrim breaking through the three-dimensional view of the world into a view of immense forces active and moving. The illustration uses imagery to give an impression of what we met in this dimension. In fact, it is difficult for humans to give an impression of such meetings without using images to give an idea of the experience. For example, here is a description of a person born in our own times still struggling with the meeting.
“I felt myself to be a primitive tribal male. Suddenly I encountered a force – or what I saw as an immense being. This being I felt was a god or God, but looking back it wasn’t an all-encompassing being, so was more like a god, or an aspect of God. My visual impression of it though, was of something so huge yet visible, that I was at first terrified, and so were my ‘people’. If one can imagine an immense skyscraper rising into the clouds and beyond, yet not a building but a living being, this was my view of it. This being I knew as the ‘All Shaper’. It was the power which gave form or shape to everything. As such it could influence the shape one had become through the errors of history or the deeds of one’s family or oneself. The pristine shape or matrix which guides the cells to form organs could be restored.
There was a problem however. This being was terrifying and beyond the gods of my people. To stand before it or acknowledge it was akin to transgressing all the lore of the tribe, all its customs. So not only was the All Shaper something more than we had known before and so threatening to our – and my – world view, but also to take it as one’s god was to break with all the tribal traditions and to stand apart and different to one’s whole tribe.” Christopher. See The Waking Lucid Dream
It helps to understand that such experiences that Christopher described, which was a waking visionary experience, can be seen as the minds ability to create – dream – images for experience it cannot directly understand. That we have a word such as unconscious in our vocabulary means we acknowledge there are things we cannot ‘see’ about our own existence, about our own body, and about our own mind, intentions and feelings.
In trying to understand this we may come to see that most of our own existence and mind is outside the boundary of our everyday knowing. This has always been realised in most ancient cultures, and many strange and refined techniques were developed to take awareness beyond the boundary of its normal knowing into the land of the ‘unknown’. In this century, many people have attempted the same thing using mind expanding drugs or techniques of meditation or trying to induce altered states of consciousness. See Altered States
So, to understand how such dream images come about, and realise what such formless experiences are telling you, it can help if you realise that just as your eyes do not directly allow you to see, but nerve impulses are sent to the brain where they are translated into living pictures. Nothing we sense in the world is directly known, but it is all impressions that are translated into a sense of smell, sight, hearing, etc. So, the formless or the obscure is translated into apparently known imagery, as with dreams.
Christopher’s experience therefore needs to be translated to understand. First, it needs to be understood that he is a man born and raised in the Western twentieth and twenty first century culture. He is suddenly confronted by an enormous being beyond his previous comprehension. The effect on him is to feel like he is a ’primitive tribal male’; for the confrontation robs him of his sense of being in control and understanding the world he has lived in. He “felt it was a god or God, but looking back it wasn’t an all-encompassing being, so was more like a god”.
His intuition that is was a god was probably correct, and fits the description in Genesis, where it describes the power to shape human beings “in our image”. To quote, “001:026 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”
I quoted an explanation from The Unknown God by F J Mayers, a great student of the Hebrew language, “In the first place he tells us that Adam was to be made “in our image, after our likeness,” “Our,” as verse 27 explicitly states, refers to “Elohim.” We stated in Chapter II that “Elohim” is a plural name, and yet it is always treated as a “singular” one, and always used with a singular verb. In this verse, Elohim, in using the phrase “in our image,” etc., treats Himself as a plurality, but immediately afterwards we read that “Elohim created the Adam in “His” own image, in the image of Elohim created He him.”
“The name “Elohim” is one of the many different names, each with a clearly defined meaning, which are applied in the Bible to “God” considered under various aspects. We are accustomed to use the name “God” in a very “general” way, but the Bible used the various Divine names with significant discrimination. This name “Elohim” is a very interesting name, which will well repay study. In the first place, it is a plural name. There is a singular form of the name: “Eloha,” i.e., a “god” (small “g”). “Elohim,” therefore, literally means “gods” – a word which we associate with almost any nation rather than the Hebrews. We read of the “gods many and lords many” of surrounding nations. What, really, were the “gods”? They appear to have been personifications of Divine Attributes, or the Forces at work in Nature. Around these “gods” the old mythologies were built.”
The “Forces at work in Nature” and the idea that the gods are what we can understand as the great cosmic forces is exactly what we find when we begin to gain awareness of the sixth dimension. For the god that Christopher met was rightly called the ‘All Shaper’ – perhaps the very same shaper(s) called Elohim. See The Gods
The archetype, the architectural plan, for our real self, our full maturity in is beginning to be found in this level of awareness. When we come to this region we see how well or badly we have realised the eternal attributes of our eternal selfhood in our physical life. We may start to gain a view of the many past lives, and how we have repeatedly sought to become this being that we potentially are. A summary of the past, and a plan for the future, comes into being when we measure the fruits of our life against our Whole Self. These fruits are also seen in the light of the eternal wisdom, love, and power, shining through the Self. Due to the fact the Self has died to its divine awareness, and is nailed to matter – the body – suffering the loss of awareness of existence in the divine, life after life, that our soul may achieve eternal life, it has a Christ like love, patience and gentleness. Here too we may start to meet those great beings of all nations, religions and times who have trod the path before us. If we remain conscious at this stage, the wisdom and experience of these saints and masters, comes to us as fully as we can receive it.
Natures Forces – The Gods – At Work
Unfortunately, when we ask God or the gods for healing we are usually thinking with our three-dimensional view of who we are – our physical body. What we are maybe asking for, is a formless and huge entity, to fix whatever our physical ailment is – maybe we should ask it, from its understanding, to re shape us.
Even when we open to God and ask for help, we have opened ourselves to something so far beyond the three-dimensional understanding we can only hope for an associated idea response – a symbolical presentation. We often picture God as a male which is ridiculous. Can you create, with your three-dimensional thinking, something that lives in an awareness beyond time and space? Literally does not exist in time or space, and so is everywhere and everything at the same moment.
I had an experience of meeting two gods, which I will try to explain.
I was exploring a dream I had, in which I looked up to the night sky, and saw beings, made of thousands of stars, dancing across the sky from one horizon to the other. As soon as I opened myself to this image I recognised and felt them to be what ancient cultures have called the gods. They showed me what they are. But they were in no way like the strange portrayals of the ancient gods we see in films and drama; powerful caricatures of human beings with amazing powers. These beings did not have human form with crazy quirks, angers, and desire for power that humans have. I experienced them as the spectrum of fundamental forces and energies that work together to create the universe and us.
However, these forces that usually we take as somehow inanimate or without awareness, like the force of gravity or the energy pouring out of the sun, I experienced as having awareness and intelligence. I knew them as existing in the water we drink and the air we breathe. I knew them as our real parents, of whose body we take into us to exist. I knew them as the beings we are constantly hurting through our destructive relationship with nature.
As I became aware of them I knew also that they were asking something of us, something that we were not giving. If we listen, they are telling us that there are shifts going on that will require something of us, something more than we are presently giving as a race. The message I receive from these ancient beings, what I called the Star Beings, is that the time of the Bull and the Lion is approaching. This is simply a cycle just as summer and winter are cycles. They communicated to me that there are major changes coming. Changes so vast we need to become like good sailors, able to meet the massive tides and shifts of the future. Do not get fixed in old beliefs and ways, but remain flexible and capable of meeting the new, for much of the old will be swept away.
I asked the Star Beings what is required of us. The response was that we must be custodians. That is all that is asked of us, that we be custodians of the life around us. That is all that was ever required of us. Instead of looking around and recognising our place in the scheme of things, we make of ourselves little castles, little guarded citadels cut off from life. We create small defended territories from which we grab everything we can. What do we give back?
I am not an amazing seer. Look around, thousands of people are shouting it, painting it, singing and writing it, in different ways, all with a similar message.
The Lion and the Bull are obviously Zodiac signs. This is what present day astrology has not told us. It is out of these beings, their vitality, their essence, that we have our life and our existence. They are the gods. Modern astrology is a real sham. It doesn’t help us to connect with this underlying harmony and find our place in the cosmic scheme of things. It has become a parade, an entertainment, and a dating fortune teller. So often it is advertised as about your “love stars” – a sort of erotic titillation. Its true nature is far beyond that. It is a story in symbols of our emergence from these great beings, and a statement of the part they play in the changes and processes of life on earth and social events.
When are aware of this level or dimension we enter a different relationship with the world, people, and all nature around us. In this sixth level, we see how our life has accorded not only with our own core being, but with the ‘true being of the world’. We see ourselves as we exist, in or out of harmony with that world consciousness, that essence or synthesise of all beings, sometimes known in different cultures or languages, it is called for a Minoan World as Zagreus, for a Sumeric World as Tammuz, for a Hittite World as Attis, for a Scandinavian World as Balder, for a Syriac World as Adonis (“Our Lord”), for an Egyptian World as Osiris, for a Shi’i World as Husayn, for a Christian World as Christ, for an Indian world Krishna. Here is the judging, the self-judging, of the ‘quick and the dead.’
The picture shows a seeker breaking through to a new dimension where the great forces of nature/Life are experienced
If we are conscious at his level, we know ourselves as the whole cosmos of sun, moon, planets, and stars, as all beings, creatures, and kingdoms. We know ourselves as our own wholeness.
We have reached God Consciousness, experiencing life outside of time and space, and oneness with everything.
As Jesse Watkins said of his inner journey, “I had feelings of gods, not only God but gods as it were, of beings which are far above us capable of, er, dealing with the situation that I was incapable of dealing with, that were in charge and running things and, um, at the end of it, everybody had to take on the job at the top. And it was this business that made it such a devastating thing to contemplate, that at some period in the existence of oneself, one had to take on this job, even for only a momentary period, because you had arrived then at an awareness of everything. What was beyond that I don’t know. At the time I felt that God himself was a madman… because he’s got this enormous load of having to be aware and governing and running things-and that all of us had to come up and finally get to the point where we had to experience that ourselves.., the journey is there and every single one of us has got to go through it, and everything- you can’t dodge it… the purpose of everything and the whole of existence is, er, to equip you to take another step, and another step, and another step, and so on.”
The All in One
I seem to have been born with the ability to occasionally become conscious in a world others cannot see or even believe in – the unconscious. Perhaps this was because I was born prematurely in 1937 before antibiotics and child care, so I was weak and dying. The doctor who was overseeing my birth, took my lifeless body, didn’t get me breathing and tossed it aside, telling my mother that I would be a weak child and she could have more children. However, my grandmother witnessed this and carried my body off and bathed me in hot and cold water and got me breathing. I owe her my life, she was my resurrection. And because my systems were not developed to breathe or digest properly, I existed between life and death. So, I knew death and was reaching for life. See The Unconscious; Biographical-Information
What I missed out of the story was that the gap between my thrown aside body and my grandmothers resurrection was that I had a near death experience. That because my lifeline, my umbilical cord, was cut early and I was not breathing, so the delay led to my dying. I know many people cannot believe that a baby can remember such things. Well true they cannot remember as we do with words and images, but all life forms have enormous emotional responses and are known to experience a conditioned reflex. Whatever it was caused my baby self to remember, the experience left me with the desire to share the experience, to communicate to others about the wonder that we all are, about health of our body and amazing world death reveals to us. See The Baby Who Became Tony
Today most research is undertaken from strict scientific principles, most of which discounts subjective experience. But such attitude arises because personal impressions were seen as fantasies or discounted as hallucinations. But such views arise because few people have learnt the discipline to break through these personal mental wanderings to see the wonder of what is unconscious within each of us. Many other cultures view this world as one of great importance, and those who demonstrated it were seen as great.
A Vision
So, I now want to share a visionary/waking dream experience I had many years ago, and is still the basis for just about everything I have discovered. See Waking Lucid Dream
It was an incredible experience during which I felt as if I had gone back to the beginning of things. I had been wondering about difficulties in my life. I could see that they were causal. They had arisen from relationships with, for instance, my mother. But those events in themselves had been caused by things previous to them. So, I was asking myself what was behind those events. During the experience, I felt I was at the very beginning of the universe. I knew and experienced that beginning of things as a huge awareness. There was no separation in it at all. I had the impression that prior to it a whole universe had existed that had gradually sunk back, melted, or synthesised into this single great ocean of substance and awareness. Although to be more precise I guess I should describe it condensed universe that was also consciousness.
So, from a huge universe in which had existed all manner of life forms, what I met had gradually synthesised into an immense and unimaginable single awareness. I felt that this was what our present science has seen as existing prior to the Big Bang. But the description is mine not that of science. It must be remembered that present scientific theory sees that the condition prior to the Big Bang was beyond time and space. I saw that, but realised that this immense consciousness had an existence that is beyond our human understanding, because our understanding has developed out of experience of time and space.
So, it is pointless to think of this being/consciousness. In fact, it came to me as a realisation that, ‘You must understand, this is your perception of it, so it is limited as your human consciousness is.’ So, this was what existed prior to what we call the Big Bang – an existence beyond time and space. Time and space were created by the Big Bang.
I saw, I experienced, I felt with great emotion, that this consciousness was alone. In human terms that is the only way I can describe it. It was one immense consciousness without division, without separation anywhere in it. Nothing could exist outside of it. Even if it imagined something other than itself, that would still be an undivided part of itself. But because of what I am calling aloneness, the being, the consciousness wanted to create otherness. It wanted other beings to share its existence, its wonder. So, the only thing it could do to enable the existence of others was to die, to destroy itself.
Therefore, as far as I can put this into words, with the enormous skill, with great art, with science an geometry and with ability to plan and foresee the results beyond what we can understand, it set about its own death. It did this with enormous love. And that death and that love is what our present culture calls the Big Bang. My experience was that the Big Bang was an act of enormously creative self-giving. It did this so others might exist. It was the only way in which the possibility of other beings having an existence outside of itself could come about. It was almost like seeding itself.
If you look at the diagram above you will see at the far left it says, Time Begins. Which is a clear indication of something existing before our universe of time and space. It should have said Time and Space Begins.
The Big Bang is only the beginning of time and space; before that there was no time and no space. It is a difficult concept for us limited as we are to living in time and space and having form as our body, with senses that are not even capable of seeing most of what is taking place around us. That is what I felt. Maybe it is our definition of what we think of as love. Also, I understood that I was looking at, or experiencing what arose, out of my own limited human awareness. The experience was interpreted into my own human terms. All I have is my vocabulary and my range of experience. This was as near as my human understanding could grasp.
What I saw was that the Big Bang utterly shattered its existence of what had been before. Then I understood something that tore my heart to pieces, as it still does today when I dwell on the memory of the experience. This being purposefully went about destroying itself so that our present universe – we – might have existence. It was such a wondrous action for it was done in such a way, with such skill, with such love and self-sacrifice, such art and science, that its very death was a magnificent creative act. In other words, its death struck into action forces and effects that created the universe in all its variety. This death is what we know as the ‘big bang’.
The very special circumstances of the ‘death’ set in motion the forces that brought about a very particular universe. Without the particular influences set in motion there could easily have been a universe without any ‘space’ for individual awareness. It could have been a universe where everything was purely automated. It could have been many things. As I experienced this, I realised that everything that exists is a part of that wondrous being.
There is nothing that is not of its love. It is obviously not a love arising from human emotions or sexual desire, but from having an experience of all life; and from such an amazing awareness a caring and supportive love arises, a gentle compassion for the struggles all living creatures meet. So, that whatever arises in the universe arises out of, and as, THAT. See Love
The human sense of God is a realisation of the very substance of our own being and existence. The awe we might feel is from an intuition of what has been given us as our own being. And as that great unity of energy and consciousness died, it’s very last impulse was for those new beings that might arise from its death. The impulse that flashed out we call love. It flashed through the universe permeating its every particle, in a way that we cannot yet perceive, but which is like a touch upon the pulsating chaotic movements of particles and lives. We are therefore the seeds of that love. We are in essence God. And in our small portion of the universe, we face a particular lesson through the shortness of our bodily lives. We face death. Yet that is the greatest of things. For that is the heart of everything, the very act of love out of which our lives have been formed. If we discover or face the secret of death, we discover our creator and eternal nature.
“It is love alone that gives worth to all things.” – St. Teresa of Avila
The death of that being also meant that every particle of the universe and what has arisen out of its death is the very substance of that great creative being and its act of self-giving. There is nothing in the universe that is not the body, the broken and fragmented body, of that being. Every tiny fragment of our earth, of our bodies, of our universe, is the essence of that being. Every tiny speck of the universe is a seed that has the potential of that being within it. There is nothing that is not that being and a seed of that being. So we are seeds of That which have grown or evolved to self awareness and are obviously still only small in our growth.
The potential to know that is within each of us. It is within each of us to be that wonder. We can grow and realise we are the children of that. Everything we are, everything we eat is the body of God/Life. Yes, everything. And in doing so we meet the death of that Wondrous Being because everything we eat, animals, plants, fruit, minerals, and seeds, means we again take part in and should celebrate its death – for everything we eat is part of it and has a measure of consciousness. For plants can see…count and communicate with one another…react to touch and estimate time.”
These claims are supported by the facts that plants turn towards the light, and even prepare themselves for sunrise by facing east in anticipation; trigger hairs on plants react to touch; there is even a social element in plant behaviour in that they fight enemies for territory and compete for mates in order to ensure the survival of the species. Also, the tremendous exchange of gases, fluids, bacteria – along with the social, verbal, sexual and sensual signals and interactions going on around us and influencing our own existence. Even bacteria share information with each other? They share what they have learned even with species of bacteria that are different. They give each other building blocks of what they have learned. If they have learned how to deal with a particular substance that is poisonous to them, then they will pass that information on to other bacteria. They give what they have learned.
That is so fundamental to life even bacteria do it. So, do not think that being a vegetarian you are not killing anything, rather feel that you are taking part in that great death that gave us life, and be ready to share and give your own life in your own giving ourselves in daily being aware of sharing our life and death. That is what I see as the beginning of things, the origin of our universe and ourselves.
But I was also shown that our corner, our small part of the universe, has certain qualities that maybe other parts do not. One of them, especially in regard to ourselves, is the shortness of life. We are tiny, short lived, biological creatures that have emerged out of the amazing processes of this world in its interplay with the cosmos. We can see ourselves in one sense as little bags of shit. We can be thought of as little digestive reproducing bags. But because of that potential in us, there has always been a possibility of more in human life.
As this species we have managed to emerge beyond the level of awareness of other living forms on this earth. We have developed complex language and enormous curiosity and creativity. But the shortness of our life is a big factor in our experience of ourselves. I was shown that this shortness of life is really important for us. This because an essential part of the mystery of the universe is death. Therefore death is an enormous key to understanding the universe and life. Understanding death means that we become capable of letting go of ourselves, of delivering ourselves, of being able to give ourselves away to the Mystery underlying our existence. The importance of this is because, if what has been said above is correct, then death is at the very centre of the mystery of life. It is at the foundation of our physical being. It is behind the urge that leads parents to a sort of death in giving themselves to the new being that emerges, to parents giving of themselves to their offspring.
The sun gives of itself as it is dying. Through its dying life can exist on earth. This is part and parcel of the processes out of which our universe has emerged. That is what I felt. The experience was interpreted into my own human terms. All I have is my vocabulary and my range of experience. But it did feel like a love beyond what I could understand. It felt like an enormous self-giving. Seeing that, I find it amusing the way American films always show heroes with guns, threatening death if people do not comply. Also, amusing in another way is one of the saints who when a man threatened to kill her, said, holding her hands to her chest, “Here, stab here.” She then thanked him for offering her death.
As I experienced this vision I felt as if a resolution between science and religion had taken place in me. For here was something like the condition science suggests preceded the ‘big bang’. But what had been left out, I realised, was this consciousness, this immense being. For all life had here found a unity in one immense being beyond my comprehension. It was, in fact, difficult to grasp because I was overcome by emotion as I witnessed this.
This is entry into realms of experience that comparatively few people know exist. They are realms in which the world, our life and preoccupations, are seen from completely new perspectives. In those realms we move beyond thoughts and conjectures, interpretations and dialogue, into the jungle and mountain peaks of the direct experience of what was previously unknown to us – into passions, torrents of energy, oceans of awareness, castles of ancient defence and aggression, into the river of time. They are realms of experience that are incredibly creative, containing treasures equally as fascinating as any tomb of Tutankhamen.
Having access to these realms enormously enlarges our experience of life and the understanding we bring to work and relationships. The experiences we meet are also great transformers, in that the common cultural views of who we are, and the meaning of our life and death, are melted down to be replaced by more inclusive views. But even that definition is sadly limited. The whole range of consciousness, from focussed critical self-awareness to the loss of self in sleep, is wondrously immense and inclusive. It is as stratified and ancient as the Grand Canyon, as influenced and marked by history and different cultures as language, and as clever and creative as life itself.
But do not think for a moment that such awareness is beyond you. You are the latest version of a Life form. As such you have as your very Core the miracle of life and awareness mentioned above. So, you do not have to do weird things to be able to communicate with the Creative Being that gave your life. Everything in you is an expression of that Creative Urge, and as dreams are an expression of that, and arise from your core, they are a direct communication from your very best. But of course, we all have a history of living in a very materialistic culture. And so are full of those beliefs and the result of living by them. This means we have a lot to clear out of us before we can receive easily. So many dreams sent to me are full of fears, misunderstandings, and misery. When we open ourselves to the influence of the Creative within us, the first things we meet are often traumas we have suffered, and their expulsion is our experience of being cured. See Life’s Little Secrets and also Summing Up which is an attempt to clear up massive misconception.
I also suggest reading Opening to Life
Opening to Our Core Calls for Courage It is because very often we treat our own native genius, our own thrusting, living and magnificent perceptions like dangerous beasts, to be held at bay lest they tear apart our attempts at building a safe concept of the world. But there is a natural bond linking us with these untamed forces that arise from the very process of life. The bond is that the forces active in the unconscious constantly strive for survival, and part of that striving is in the area of feeling, of knowing, of understanding.
The struggle we see in our cells to maintain their equilibrium and identity exists also in the secret places of our mind. This process of growth and self-regulation, of integrating experience and surviving as an individual, is at the heart of our fundamental processes. What lies in the unconscious is in no way at odds with the best interests of our conscious personality. In finding an alliance instead of a state of war or suppression with these processes within us, our life is enhanced, even transformed. Lastly, I believe this polar opposite of mental activity, this non–dominant function of perception, is like an extraordinary aid to our gathering of information. Just as a telescope or microscope extends the ability of our normal senses and perceptions, but do not replace the normal sensory and mental action, so this global view acts as an amazing synthesiser of experience, and throws into relief aspects of what we have learned from our gathered experience that we usually totally miss in our normal mode. It is not however, a replacement for normal perceptions.
How Can We Go There
Most people are usually not really aware of two great forces acting on them in life and sleep. But we have two powerful actions working in us. The first is our waking experience based on having a body, its limitations, abilities, vulnerabilities and a particular gender. Our second is the power that gave us life and continues to express as dreams, also as our breathing and heartbeat – our life. This I have given the description as the Life Will or your Inner World.
While we sleep our conscious self is largely or totally unconscious, and while we dream our voluntary muscles are paralysed – therefore another will or motivating force moves our body, keeps us breathing and tries to heal any things that may have put our system out of harmony. So we have a Conscious Will, and what I will call a Life Will. The first one we have experience of as we can move our arm or speak in everyday activities; but the second Will takes over when we sleep. See Sleep Paralysis
This Life will can move us to speak, to move our body, and in fact do things that we cannot do with our Conscious Will and in fact runs all our important life processes like heartbeat, digestion and also dreams. It was allowing the conscious action of this Life Wiil to be used for twelve years that produced huge changes in my life. Even so I am still an infant in what is possible, for we have evolved so far, and are capable of enormous further change.
Something that is possible for many is to be able to switch between the Conscious Will and the Life Will. For simplicity I have called this experience, of what is possible the ‘Waking Lucid Dreaming’,
To get an understanding of what is possible when open to the Life Will read Edgar Cayce and the Cosmic Mind or his biography There Is A River.
But if you take the journey and succeed you will be able to meet your dead loved ones, to explore the hugeness you are as described in The Dimensions of Human Awareness and be able to realise and experience what is said in Exploring Inner Space. In fact you will find a whole new LIFE.
I had read about this, and expected bliss, strange awareness, entrance into other dimensions, contact with nonphysical intelligences, or a view of life that was goal oriented.
Something like – Aha, so life leads to this wider awareness – or meeting other minds – or fresh worlds – but no. It was all very ordinary in an extraordinary way. There was the energy. It was vibrating in a physically apparent way, just as it does when I sleep, only faster. It had reached a point where it seemed to clear out last remaining obstacles to stream freely. But it didn’t put me in touch with disincarnate entities, other dimensions, bliss, or a hidden life, or divine purpose.
What it did do was to increase what I already had. It gave more. This incredible energy I saw and experienced, that it didn’t do anything in particular, but on the other hand it would do anything. If I turned my energy into fear or self-destructive patterns, then I could be a lot more frightened and self-destructive with that amount of energy. Like a man who drinks and one who paints. With more money or energy they could respectively drink alcohol or paint a lot more. If I used my energy toward creativity and life enhancement, then that’s what the energy would do. It could heal or cause illness, give peace or restlessness, wisdom or folly. It would fill whatever one put before it. In my case it was being used to look at life and myself and cleanse body and consciousness of sickness and limiting painful or anxious attitudes, and that was what it was doing.
In fact it cleared so much pain, darkness and anxiety out of my soul, I felt a peaceful joy shining from me and no longer obstructed by the anxieties I have felt of late. It brought clearness, calm confidence, and open warmth. It brought more, in the same sense light brings more in a dark room.
As for goal orientation, I wondered, is this where man is destined to evolve? Is this where personal transformation leads? But really it was not like that. The energy did not lead anywhere. There was nothing to it or beyond it to reach. There was nowhere else to go. That realisation was repeated over and over. There is no divine purpose, higher world, meaning, or future evolution to escape into. There is only me, here, now. I have to be self-responsible and self-creative or be unconscious, driftwood on the sea of life”.
Years ago, during another exploration, I had an insight that I put into these words –
I am a wave on a shoreless sea.
From no beginning I travel to no goal,
Making my movements stillness.
Constantly I am arriving and departing,
Being born and dying. I am always with you
And yet have never been.
This was all experienced while in a state of waking lucid dreaming – Waking Lucid Dreaming
Example: Hi Tony, my name is Rodrigo, from Mexico, and I just read your description of the Big Bang. Two and a half years ago, I basically experienced in a dream what you describe in your “archetype of the big Bang” article. It was really strange, but I was a bodiless entity floating in a completely black vacuum. I was just consciousness; since I don’t remember thinking “I’m still me”. I just was aware that I was aware. I was completely calm and in peace. I was not alone. There was another entity there (if it can be called “there”), though it was also bodiless, and even though it didn’t talk to me, I knew it was there. Then, the explosion out of that being, almost exactly as you describe… and for two seconds I experienced an indescribable bliss and this entity talked to me in a language different to words, just directly to my awareness. Did you ever have an experience where you understood a concept but couldn’t put in words and then the understanding and grasping of the concept you had just vanishes away in seconds? Well, this is what happened to me, but the concept I’m talking about was this: for two seconds, the entity made me understand the purpose of everything in the universe, the purpose of humanity, of all things, it all made so much sense… But I could only grasp the concept for those two seconds… and it was so overwhelming that I awake after that. I haven’t talked much about this since then, since I don’t want to sound pretentious, and the few people I told didn’t quite grasp how I felt. It left an important mark on me, and I have been trying to remember those 2 seconds since then, with no result… Why would anyone be told the purpose of the universe?? My guess is that deep within us, we all have it.
I wrote and asked Rodrigo if he could add anything to what he had written.
Hi Tony, its Rodrigo again… being trying to put it into words ever since… sorry I didn’t get in touch, of course you can use it any way you seem fit.
2. Learning is also very important. Every single day has something to learn from. Lastly. in order to continue learning, we WILL reach the stars.
What is Our Purpose
The purpose of the universe? As Rodrigo said, we all have it within us, but we carry so much – what I have called misinformation – that we are lost in a huge mental emotional maze. So, let’s get back to one of my key statements – we are all seeds of the Creative Impulse.
The entry in my dream dictionary named ‘seed’, says in part, “No plant or tree grows from a dead seed, and each living seed carries within it all the past gathered from all its forebears. So, the seed in your mother’s womb was as old, and even older than human kind, and you carry that wisdom in you.” So, your physical seed was older even than human kind, and you carry that wisdom in you. Millions of people believe that their beginning was in the slime of their parents mating. That slime and the tiny tadpoles it carried was a replay of an ancient past, that took place about three and a half billion years ago. That was the seed/cell that your body grew from, but the seed that the Creative Impulse gave you is even more wonderful. For your core seed came from a being beyond time and space – and holds within it an extraordinary past, in which a whole universe of creatures found unity – it is beyond understanding, only experiencing.
But in this life you developed a new brain, and the memories, education and programming you gathered this time are what you built your personality from, but beneath that is a very ancient self. Finding this very ancient self, hidden as it is by all your personal thinking and opinions, you will find you are free from all the painful emotions, suicidal urges and personal hurts. To explore it see Opening to Life
I want to give the best of what I realised, but it is necessary to say that what I received was filtered by my own limited understanding – which obviously also applies to any statement by any human being. Well, firstly, our universe is much older than our solar system and Earth – it is about 13.82 billion years old. The earth is about 4.6 billion years.
So, life could have developed, even up to and beyond the point we have reached. Which might mean our earth was planted with the seeds of life early on. It is my understanding, gathered by my awareness sometimes burning bright, that because every tiny part of what we experience as the physical world is an expression of and is the Creative Impulse, it was innate in everything to have a level of awareness, only limited in expression by the form it was in.
So, it, the basic forms of matter and life forms, couldn’t help but gradually try to express more of their potential in whatever way was available. Also, I saw, again and again, that we, as a species hold within us all the life that has ever existed on our planet. If we watch the evolution of the fertilised cell in the mother’s womb as it passes through the processes of life as it develops a human type form, it shows how we are brothers and sisters of all life forms.
Unfortunately, we often treat them as mere commodities, even people often treat other people in the same way. We are like creatures that live in a wide corridor that has no beginning and no end. If we walk in that corridor we have infinite freedom; but if we try to walk to the side of it we will be banging our heads against the wall forever – a great bloody headache.
Life, God, whatever name you want to put on it, puts us in another corridor, a natural water slide. Each of us are immersed in a ‘river/waterslide’ of constant change. If you think about it you have been carried, pushed, impelled by this current as you were moved through babyhood, childhood, teenage and adulthood. It is the current if Life. This current then carries us on through old and through gates of death. All the time we are faced by decisions, and each decision directs us on a different path, which leads us to create our future. And this force of growth and change is fought like hell by many as they are afraid of getting old facing death. The feelings that flow through us or we are immersed in as we go through the constant changes that are Life, are the process of life in our body, connecting with emotions, sexuality and changes of mood. We know this river as the flow and events of our life or destiny. We are constantly a river of energy which is expressed in everything we do. Because it is Life that flows through us it is creative in its action.
But we are part of the creation, for we create with what we that torrent of energy that flows through us as we eat and drink the Creative Being. If we put feelings of hatred and destruction in the flow as it passes through us – that is what we are creating – a life of hatred and destruction. And because we are on an infinite journey of life, death, life death, over and over, we reap what we sow. Unfortunately, those feelings, and therefore we who release them, create their own destruction. Whereas acts which connect with others, create bridges, and bring others into our life enriching it. See Answer to Critics; Mountain Path
Considering the immense changes we have gone through in becoming self-aware, it leads me to feel two things. The first is that we are on the way toward even greater change. The second is that many of us seem to be so rooted in simply living a life without questions or striving. Fortunately, we as a species, have a great ability to adapt and explore. Thank God for that! 🙂
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As I finish this small book I have a powerful sense that there is so much more to say to make it all understandable. But it is beyond me to say more, unless of course I could communicate it whole instead of in parts. For as a writer only small things emerge one after the other in order to tell the wonder I felt. But maybe the following give some idea of the whole thing. For we take flight into the sky of possibilities. With joyous abandon we dived, as spirits might, into the boundless heavens. Naked we leapt into the Sea of Wonder. Shape upon shape we took, playing as gods might, beyond the limitations of small hopes, shining and sparkling with glories. And yet at the same time with our hand on our crotch for comfort. 🙂
Although my husband died over ten years ago, I still dream about him almost every night. I see him and call to him and run to him, but he moves away and I cry and plead and beg him not to go, but then he’s gone and I scream and I curse and I want to tear my heart out and then I wake up. That’s my dream.
Paulette, maybe your late husband wants you to simply let go. Your ending in your dreams are sad and frustrating.