A Look at Enlightenment
Chris: So what do you think of people who are considered very enlightened or who have special healing powers that have proved to be valid?
Tony: I think they have simply grown a bit more than we have. We have very definitely grown from seeds — the sperm and ovum — and from what I have seen, general human life is expressing only a tiny fraction of what our potential is. We can see this as we witness the growth from conception, where we see the process of evolution in a speeded up form. So some people have managed to extend their growth much further than the rest of us, expressing more of what is latent in their seed. I do believe though, that the word enlightenment is deeply misunderstood.
I very much go along with the description given by Richard Maurice Bucke in his book Cosmic Consciousness. He says that at one period of time early in the development of the human being there was no self-awareness. The early human beings, or the prototypes of human beings, did not have self-awareness. This view is not one simply stated by Bucke, it is fairly general among people who tried to define the history of consciousness, or the evolution of self awareness. So Bucke says that early human beings had what he called animal consciousness. In other words they lacked self-awareness and the critical faculties that come from language and being able to use language to reason.
So they existed purely out of their instincts and thereby had a spontaneous relationship with their environment. They could not ask such questions as, “Who am I? What am I? What is the meaning of life?” This means that they could not look back on themselves, or analyse their own behaviour, as we have the possibility of doing. Bucke goes on to speculate about what it must have been like for the very first of the human beings who achieved self-awareness. Of course he is not alone in such speculations. Carl Jung has written about this also. What Bucke says is that the first human beings to achieved self-awareness probably did so in their prime, not in their childhood as we do. Also, to wake up to itself in that way must have been an extraordinary experience. It may even have been felt as a sort of possession by some spiritual being. Perhaps it was like a taking over of what had existed, what they had experienced, by this new impulse and awareness.
It is interesting that the word identity has in it the word entity, because prior to self awareness there would have been an absence of a clear sense of identity. We have some ability to grasp what this must have been like from the life of Helen Keller who did not attain self-awareness until she was 11. This because she lived in the untutored world of the deaf and blind. So when she attained self-awareness through learning language, she says that she was born on that day; that previously she did not exist as a person. But the point I am moving toward is that Bucke says we now achieve self-awareness fairly early in our life. It is commonplace, and we can see the condition has huge variety. Because we are self-aware it does not make us Saints. It does not make us particularly wise, despite the attainment of this extraordinary type of awareness, there is still an immense variety in human nature.
Bucke goes on to say he believes that when we achieve cosmic consciousness, or as we more frequently call it now, enlightenment, there will be just as much variety as there is in the attainment of self-awareness. So the attainment of self-awareness was probably just as extraordinary an experience, a religious experience perhaps, as enlightenment is for someone today. What Bucke points out, and is one of the major themes of his book, is that just as self-awareness arose out of an evolutionary process, and was at first rare, and has gradually become commonplace, so enlightenment was at one time very rare, and is gradually becoming more common in our times.
Nevertheless, it is, dare we say, simply a process of further growth, of another level of human maturity. It is to be doubted that it is the final step in human evolution, the final attainment of all that a human is capable of. It is also fairly obvious that the people we acknowledge as having attained enlightenment, are, as Bucke suggests, incredibly varied in the ways they express or live it.
The attainment of self-awareness brought extraordinary new powers and new abilities. In its wake arose all the arts and sciences, the self-examination, the philosophers, the religious beliefs, and the variety of human societies. With it came the ability to question, to explore, to imagine in a way that may have been impossible previously. Because of it the wonderful arts arose. Music came from the stress and awareness of individual existence, along with architecture and the written word. Those are extraordinary abilities that we perhaps take for granted today, but were certainly not open to our very early forebears.
So, enlightenment will also bring extraordinary changes in the way we see and relate to the world. It will bring abilities and powers and new forms of creativity and exploration. It must be remembered however that no one person has achieved any fullness of the human potential. In fact some enlightened beings such as Aurobindo, and also Edgar Cayce in his writings, suggest that we remain under development until we can completely transform the human body and the world around us. Christ’s Ascension, according to this view, is a map of the way forward. When we can transform the body into cosmic existence, then we can begin to feel we have achieved some level of mastery in the physical world.
Therefore, if we see enlightenment as the extension of self-awareness through a further maturing of our individual self, just as adolescence arises through maturing of the child self, we will look to those around us who have achieved some degree of enlightenment as our older brothers and sisters. We will move toward our own enlightenment by working with our own processes of growth and maturing. I suppose I love what Aurobindo says – Enlightenment as an experience is just a step on the way.
The real work is transformation – not just of personality and mind, but of our whole body. I identify with it because that is what I am finding. In the end there is no separation between the highest and lowest. The body is the Mystery. Dig into the body deeply and you come to the formless spirit. Dig deeply enough into the formless and you arrive at the body/the world. There is a wonderful description in Ronnie Laing’s book Politics of Experience of Jesse Watkins experience of enlightenment. In the chapter ‘A Ten Day Voyage,’ Dr Laing quotes Jesse Watkins’s own description of his inner experiences. The barriers between Jesse’s known self, and wider self had been broken down by overwork, fatigue, a dog bite, and a visit to hospital. Below is quoted some of his description of what he saw of himself.
“But I had a feeling at times of an enormous journey in front, quite, er, a fantastic journey, and it seemed that I had got an understanding of things which I’d been trying to understand for a long time, problems of good and evil and so on, and that I had solved it inasmuch that I had come to the conclusion, with all the feelings that I had at the time, that I was more—more than I had always imagined myself, not just existing now, but I had existed since the very beginning, from the lowest form of life to the present time, and that that was the sum of my real experiences, and that what I was doing was experiencing them again. And that then, occasionally I had this sort of vista ahead of me … ahead of me was lying the most horrific journey, the only way I can describe it is a journey to the final sort of business of being aware of all—everything. It was such a horrifying experience to suddenly feel, that I immediately shut myself off from it because I couldn’t contemplate it, because it sort of shivered me up—I was unable to take it…” He goes on to say, “I had feelings of gods, not only God but gods as it were, of beings which are far above us capable of, er, dealing with the situation that I was incapable of dealing with, that were in charge and running things and, urn, at the end of it, everybody had to take on the job at the top. And it was this business that made it such a devastating thing to contemplate, that at some period in the existence of oneself, one had to take on this job, even for only a momentary period, because you had arrived then at an awareness of everything. What was beyond that I don’t know. At the time I felt that God himself was a madman… because he’s got this enormous load of having to be aware and governing and running things—and that all of us had to come up and finally get to the point where we had to experience that ourselves.., the journey is there and every single one of us has got to go through it, and everything— you can’t dodge it… the purpose of everything and the whole of existence is, er, to equip you to take another step, and another step, and another step, and so on.
As Jesse says at the end, “I was suddenly confronted with something so much greater than oneself, with so many more experiences, with so much awareness, so much that you couldn’t take it.” As I pointed out in another part of this series, those who think they have reached enlightenment in one experience need to think again. As for how it is achieved it is not by meditation or tremendous ‘spiritual’ exercises but by surrendering ones conscious control. All the rest is an exercise of the conscious will. So that you do not think that is just my opinion I quote two other people’s experience of it. Here is a letter from a woman who, when practising a form of Bhakti-Yoga in which she offers her whole life to God, describes the experience that followed:
‘This occurs at any time and any place and the beginning of it makes me feel sleepy. It seems, it begins either at the base of the spine, or at the rectum, then travels on to the sex organs accompanied by a burning feeling, and pins and needles on the surface area. From there, it ascends to the point of the navel, then upwards to the solar plexus. One can liken its ascent to a burning hand. At the solar plexus the heat becomes more intense, it makes my middle feel sick. Still climbing it reaches my chest, around the heart. It seems here to be groping for the very inner-most centre as if the very soul resided there. This brings forth groans. I feel like pouring forth all the love in my being. It travels on and burns my throat, then upward to the space between my eyebrows and the bridge of my nose seems prickly. For some unknown reason I burst into tears, but as it moves upwards from there and fills a circle on the crown of my head, (and rests there indefinitely) all is peace and light. She also says, ‘I do not appear to be guiding the power with my mind, as it seems to be strongest if I try to fix my mind on something else. Eileen Garratt echoes the same opinion. She writes: ‘I have heard it said that in “supernatural” sensing, concentration and meditation are necessary. But this seems contrary to anything which I have learned from my own experience in clairvoyance telepathy and projection. I would say that an ease, a nonchalance about the process, are prerequisites to the production of such states.’ She says later that complete relaxation and surrender of the conscious self, allows the superconscious self to become dynamic and active at a conscious level. This exactly matches what the other woman does in ‘surrendering to God’.
For full account see http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/jesse-watkins-experience-of-enlightenment/. If you want to experience enlightenment try Enlightenment Intensives in the USA or UK it really works if you do not try too hard. Link Back to Chapter Headings for the enlightenment series.
Enlightenment Today
Today, enlightenment requires a lot more than it did in the past. In the past people were a part of a tradition. They were sheltered by it, enriched by it, and expressed it in their enlightenment. Often the culture around them supported what they were doing and the direction they were taking. Today’s enlightened person is in a different league. They have, if they have truly reached that point, integrated all the great traditions of the past. They have felt their essence and are a part of the essence. That essence lives in them. They are not particularly Jewish or Christian, but they are, at the same time, deeply Jewish, or Christian, Muslim or Buddhist. They are a Zen monk. They are a native American warrior or squaw. They are all of those things, and that means they are moving beyond what’s there was in the past. Yet it is the same wonderful ancient way, moving beyond forms, traversing the formless, melting back into the origin of things. This is a very strange place to be because there is nowhere to go. There is nowhere that I am not. Yet I am still this skeleton. I am still this old man, this Tony, with his penis and balls. I am still that. I still have arms to hold you with. I am still that. I still have eyes to look at you through. Why should that not be so?
Spirituality, in its best form does not mean unworldliness. It means the insight into the world. It means being more fully a part of it, creativity is a part of it. It means being in possession of who you are, your being, your possibilities, you’re outreach. The spiritual path means not being afraid. It means daring to experience, not simply for the sake of experiencing, not simply having a screw for the sensation of it, but in a way to look at and digest what you experience. It means seeing what the experience means, what it holds in it and what part has in the scheme of things.
Hi Tony,
At the very bottom of this “A Look at Enlightenment” page you mentioned a woman who wrote a letter that she gave her whole life to God and the experiences that she encountered.
I have been feeling something very similar to her at the age of 16, I am now 46 years old. Since 16 -20 years old it stopped until two years ago I felt enlighted for the first time. I went through the enlightenment. I called it the awakening. I was walking on air and felt light weighted. I was unground and was not tired, sleep, or hungry. I felt dehydrated and only want fruits and vegetable. The most strongest feeling during that time was my connection to Christ which I was an Anti-Christ since I can remember as a little girl. The magical spiritual connection with God was so powerful that my heart felt undefined pain that shoot to the tip of my fingers and palms. Then it traveled to the tip of my toes when it gets real bad. My heart goes through a tunnel of desirable pain. The pain in my heart draws uncontrollable tears. It was so painful that I welcomed the pain because it drew me closer to God.
Please help me explain what this heart pain is about. I have been reaching out to people that goes through what I had just described. The lady that wrote you the letter is the closet that I can relate to. In fact, the whole statement in this passage was very close to my awakening experience. I have been using the website to try to understand what I went through for the short period of one year in 2014. During the whole year I asked myself, “What is happening to me? I am anti Christ and what is the meaning of this love for God? And for what purpose?”
Thank you,