God, the al-one,
I share your aloneness.
My soul reaches out
Its fingers to yours.
Out of no urge but love
I link my life with yours.
My life was but a loneliness
With which I saw your own.
Nothing but yourself
In all that lives.
There was al-oneness then.
But high, even high,
Who dared to become myself,
And in becoming
Also stood alone,
Look within you,
And share you.
You have waited for me
To know the loneliness of being,
And only now,
Out of my ability to remain apart,
Can look back,
And out of my quiet choice,
Love you.
I come to you as many things:
A single traveller meeting
You on the empty road.
A woman, yearning for you,
Deep in my belly and my heart.
A man holding you,
A baby crying and suckling you.
Now we are al-one together.
Take me into your aloneness,
Copyright © Tony 1974