Body & Mind

Movement to Wholeness

  Liberating the Body Chapter Three MOVEMENT TO WHOLENESS Discovering Your Power of Growth Although another approach to inner-directed movement will be described below, this is not a suggestion to avoid using the previous approaches. […]...More

Approaches to Liberation

Liberating the Body Chapter Four APPROACHES TO LIBERATION When you have used inner-directed movement to the point where you begin to feel your body and mind are mobile and fluid in it, many possibilities open […]...More

Achieving Spontaneity

The Seitai practitioners I met were more unpretentious about their method than individuals in other approaches I had been with. I was allowed to walk in or out of their practice as easily as one would visit a public swimming baths, and they had the same easy enjoyment of it. With tighter belief syst...More

Your Internal Magic

Liberating the Body Chapter Six YOUR INTERNAL MAGIC THE PEAKS OF EXPERIENCE When you allow your body to ‘play’ with possible movements and feelings; when you allow your emotions to flow and stretch themselves through […]...More

Mind and Movement 1- Introduction

It is new years eve of 1986 as I write this introduction. The book beyond these pages has already been written. Over the past few weeks I have received cards and letters from people who […]...More

Mind and Movement 2 – Mind and Movement

Carl Jung said that within each of us are resources of information and wisdom which are usually overlooked. He called this aspect of human experience The Transcendent Function. People who were able to work with […]...More

Mind and Movement 3 – Honouring Yourself

When attempting to use coex we must remember that we are dealing with natural processes, and they have the possibility of entering into our conscious life when, and as they need. However, because of the […]...More

Mind and Movement 4 – Opening the Doors of Mind and Body

There is a big difference between knowing about coex intellectually, and being ready and able to experience it. This is partly because coex is very real. Coex is connected with the dream process, and inherent […]...More

Mind and Movement 5 – Creative and Healing Facets of Coex

Apart from using coex for general purposes we can approach it with a specific situation. Maria, a woman in her sixties wanted to learn coex because she was experiencing arthritic type pains in her arms […]...More

Mind and Movement 6 – The Dream and Coex

In general, and even from medical and psychological viewpoints, there is a blind spot in regard to the dream process and the action I have outlined under the name of coex. Because of the blind […]...More

Mind and Movement 7 – Teaching Coex

Coex can be as easily taught as relaxation, yoga or aerobics are at present. The concept of mental and physical health being achieved through an inner process being allowed expression is certainly not a widespread […]...More

Mind and Movement 8 – Individual and Social Implications

In this present century there has been an explosion in the number of people who have in some way explored their inner world. This was partly due to the discovery and public use of L.S.D. […]...More

Copyright © 1999-2010 Tony Crisp | All rights reserved