Dream Dictionary

Clothing Inappropriate

Clothing inappropriate to dream surroundings: Attitudes or behaviour inappropriate to one’s situation. Useful Questions and Hints: In what way are the clothes wrong for the situation? Am I acting inappropriately in my life in some […]...More

Blow Pipe/Gun

Like any weapon in a dream, it represents the capability of hurting someone or being hurt or even killed (emotionally). But the particular associations are probably to do with things people have said which have […]...More

Bloom Blooming

If we watch a flower bloom we see it pas through various stages. The form of a bud; the opening of the bud, and the full blooming of the flower. But then it fades and […]...More


See: hair under body....More


The experience of bliss in your dream suggests that you have found your way to your core self. That is the very basis of you where bliss is always there and does not need to […]...More


Perhaps a mark on your character that you feel difficult to remove. Also marks left in some way that tell others about you. Example: I am to teach and I am wearing this big khaki […]...More


Perhaps a healing process of cleansing old hurts or feelings; an attempt to ‘clean up’ ones emotions or attitudes, especially if applied to clothes. It could also suggest a painful experience. If it is being […]...More


See: fire....More


blade See knife....More


May be referring to sexual feelings. For instance if it is a full bladder, then it is either the pressure of sexual feelings or need to release tension. The bladder and the control or release […]...More


Many years ago I watched a young boy emotionally blackmail his mother. She wanted him out of the house to be alone, and to do it she was offering him money – presumably pocket money […]...More


See blackbird under birds....More

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