Dream Encyclopedia

Characters or People in Dreams

So to summarise, consider each character and discover what qualities, faults, weaknesses or strength they depict for you. Give them a name, as this helps you remember their quality. But look to the context of the dream to find the detailed and changing expression of what the character depicts. ...More

Categories of Dreams

For the lay dreamer it is more useful to put dreams into much broader categories such as: Psychological - ESP - Body - Sexual - Spiritual and Problem Solving. But one of the easiest approaches to gaining insight into your dream is to use the key-word approach....More

Carrying the dream forward

If you can, relate to any feelings of resistance as if they are sources or voices of realisation and information. Do not push them aside, but let them unfold to see if you can understand where they are arising form and what their message is. Only then can you move on, having cleared a blockage with...More

Business and Dreams

What megawareness does is to summarize what it scans, putting together unrelated bits of information in new and creative ways, and our dreams are a major way these insights are expressed. This function can be greatly enhanced by actually pursuing a question and watching for a 'felt' or dreamt respon...More

Use the body to discover dream power

To practice it you can take a dream image and let the hands spontaneously doodle, watching what is gradually mimed or expressed. When you have gained skill doing this, let the whole body take part in it. This can unfold aspects of dreams that the other approaches might no help with. A fuller descrip...More

Black Magic, Evil and Dreams

For example a dream in which a spell or curse is placed on one can portray the influence a painful experience has left on ones emotions. If you had been deeply hurt while in your mother’s arms, your unconscious would equate pain with being held close by a woman. This ‘cross wiring’ of associat...More


The range of areas dreams comment on is extraordinary. But, perhaps because of the confused and injured state dreams portray as being the condition of most people’s psyche, the vast majority of dreams are about the history of hurt and fears we carry from childhood and undealt with trauma in adult ...More

Birth Dreams and ones Natal Experience

When you experiences a dream which may relate to your birth, one of the most helpful tool’s to use in exploring the deeper levels of the dream associations is fantasy or active imagination. Skill in using fantasy can help you create an environment in which the spontaneous processes of the psyche a...More

Biological Dream Theory

I believe that the unexpressed potential for growth is actually physical and psychological, and if it is not fulfilled manifests as an internal sense of dissatisfaction. The body and the mind therefore drive to find a fuller measure of satisfaction as well as they can. Because the area of dreams is...More

Dream Books – Bibliography

Zeller, Max. The Dream, The Vision Of The Night. Sigo, 1990. To See this book click here. Zimbardo, Philip. "Psychology and Life." Published by Scott, Foresman and Company, U.S.A. Harper Collins, 1992. Excellent summary of psychology today. To See this book click here. Zweig, Stefan. Mental...More

Bible – Its Dreams and Symbols

And He said, “Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream” (Num. 12:6)....More

Behavioural Modification Therapy

The ideas of B. F. Skinner who led the behavioural movement in psychology, played a leading role in some approached to modifying human behaviour. Different approaches evolved, and some of these became well known enough to have particular names - systematic desensitisation; aversion therapy; and biof...More

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