Dream Encyclopedia

The Archetype of Rebirth or Resurrection

There is however, no final death or rebirth. The cycle is a fundamental process in nature, and therefore active too in the physical and psychological nature of humans. It is not only old age or approaching death causing the experience to arise. It can also happen during profound personal growth, whe...More

Archetype of the Queen

The negative aspect of the queen archetype is shown in Lewis Carol's depiction of the queen in Alice in wonderland. She is dominating, ruthless, given to emotional hysteria and moods, needing everyone to placate her and obey. If not, off with their head! Other fiction such as Snow White also depict ...More

Archetype of the Prostitute

The positive side of this archetype is that as you become aware of it you develop a sure sense of what is going down in the transactions you have with people. Your red light comes on when you get near to compromising yourself. See: the female choice under archetypes....More

Archetype of the Paradigm

To step out of the paradigm of the western mind, or any other paradigm, the path of self enquiry and direct experience of the reality you are is the only way. In the past this has often been called ‘illumination’ or ‘enlightenment’ – but think of it simply as direct experience of yourself....More

Archetype of the Outsider Outcast

The other side of the archetype is whether you can abandon or transform the life you have lived, a life that doesn't satisfy you, and is one in which major parts of you are left buried or imprisoned. The paradox is that we may have cast out - denied parts of ourselves, and so feel outcasts....More

The Night Journey – the Search for Self

But you also meet the wonder of an enormously enlarged awareness, the sparkling immediacy of questions answered, the splendour of bodiless life linking in love and mind with an infinity of others. Here you experience the vision of the spirit’s journeys into time and space, and its life in eternity...More

Archetype of the Nun and Monk

To sum up in simple words, the monk archetype can either be a tendency toward seeing such things as fame, money and ambition as things that can pass as quickly as they come, and the seeking of something more permanent and fundamental; or it can be an avoidance due to anxiety or lack of ability to me...More

Archetype of the Mentor

The archetype of the mentor holds in it a form of channelling or acting as a conduit. The conduit of ones being connects at one end to the emptiness, the void that although formless holds all in it as potential. From this is drawn into form that which is sought in the relationship. ...More

The Archetype of the Messiah

Part of the messiah archetype is to do with demonstrating the courage to face death lightly, or to be sacrificed. In its very primitive form, the messiah or saviour would have been killed by his own tribe or people, and torn apart and eaten....More

Archetype of the Lover

In the end the lover is a shape shifter who is male and female, animal and the fecundity of nature, the baby in our arms and the unseen presence we feel as our love expands beyond the boundaries of our senses. ...More

The Archetype of the King/Queen/Ruler

I believe that a form of super-augmented hero figures are being developed by the large corporations - figures who will have enormous power to sway peoples interest and allegiance and take the place of monarchs. Not only are these figures being presented as having a god-like life, living standard and...More

The Archetype of the Hero-ine

Lastly, the death of the hero/ine is often an important part of the theme the unconscious portrays in this symbol. One of the main features of the hero/ine is the way they lead us into greater self expression, fuller maturity. But once the maturity is reached, once the new is attained, then one need...More

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