Inner Life

I used to think I was like a ‘brick shit house’, without feelings. Then, out of desperation because of the misery I was leaving in my choldren, I found the key to an amazing door. The door was opened partly through dreams, and largely by learning to be nothing and letting Life show me the way. What I found, what I have called the Inner Life, was like ‘What happened in Mexico. It picked me up and shook me. It threw me on the ground and made love to me. Then it left me alone and I cried like a child.’ It was everything, always new, always unexpected and wonderful.

The Mind Bomb – LSD

For some however, LSD brought entrance into an unexpected world of fear, and an introduction to deeps of previously hidden anxiety and mental terrors. But whether a healing experience, a new revelation of the mind's power, or a trap door to a death pit, the drug played a part in the enormous social,...More

Some Call it Inspiration

There are plenty of theories to explain such events. Psychology, New Thought, psychiatry, religion, and mysticism, all have their own particular level of explanation. Such explanations are interesting, but most important of all is the fact that the principle works. It works not only in the quietness...More

Expanding the Mind

It was also noticed that to really explore these further reaches of consciousness certain qualities were necessary. A certain amount of confidence and fearlessness were needed to meet the further reaches of mind. Some cultures, such as the native American Indians, also realised that if one could not...More

Does the Breakdown of the Brain Mean the Loss of Personality?

In all this examination of whether there is awareness existing independently of the body, it is important to remember some fundamental things already said about our own present scientific philosophy. The first thing is that time and space were non-existent prior to the Big Bang. Secondly, Bell's The...More

The Driving Seat

There are two major conditions in life. One is being in charge of your life in a reasonable degree and making your own decisions. The other is being directed by your fears, lack of confidence or other people’s pressure or manipulation. Being in charge and directing your life is being in the drivi...More

Sorg – The God – Walks Among Us

I saw that everything is alive. Things that we often don’t see as alive are as much a part of nature in its snarl for survival as a wolf protecting its cubs. There are creatures moving about the earth we don’t even notice as such, because they’re too big. It’s a bit like an ant crawling ove...More

Beyond the Limitations of the Body

In one particularly unnerving session a young man suffering from depression found himself in what seemed to be another dimension. It had an eerie luminescence, and although he could not see anyone he sensed that it was crowded with discarnate beings. Suddenly he sensed a presence very close to him, ...More

The Mind Reaches beyond the Body

I didn’t take the dream seriously, thinking it was some sort of personally symbolic dream. But we couldn’t seem to extract any personal meaning for Brenda, so just in case I sent an account of the dream to Jane and Bob. About a week later we had a letter from them saying that the letter and dre...More

Expanding Mind

Looking back at the information that past cultures left us, it seems likely that early human beings at first accidentally stumbled on the possibilities of extending their awareness. For instance we still have thousands of records of near death experiences occurring to people in the past, and still ...More


In a nutshell I have tried to spell out what I have gathered about the meaning of life and the universe we live in. So aphorism number one is : You have no existence outside of the universe....More

Being Born

Being born was one of the great moments of your life. Not only is it an important physical event, but it is also a truly powerful process psychologically. That unborn babies have rememberable experiences, and that birth itself leaves strong memories and influences, although not yet generally accepte...More

Becoming Ourselves

I used to think I was like a ‘brick shit house’, without feelings. Then, out of desperation because of the misery I was leaving in my choldren, I found the key to an amazing door. The door was opened partly through dreams, and largely by learning to be nothing and letting Life show me the way. ...More

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