Inner Life

I used to think I was like a ‘brick shit house’, without feelings. Then, out of desperation because of the misery I was leaving in my choldren, I found the key to an amazing door. The door was opened partly through dreams, and largely by learning to be nothing and letting Life show me the way. What I found, what I have called the Inner Life, was like ‘What happened in Mexico. It picked me up and shook me. It threw me on the ground and made love to me. Then it left me alone and I cried like a child.’ It was everything, always new, always unexpected and wonderful.

The Enlightenment Intensive

During the explosion of new or improved self-help techniques that emerged in the 1960’s, Charles Berner started teaching a modification of an age old form of Eastern meditation. The approach was very well known, and Kipling describes it in his book Kim. It was also the method recommended by the s...More


The vision I describe here came about when, after many years of trying to heal an agony of soul connected with my sexuality, I held onto the question of why had this occurred to me. Having seen that the events of early childhood had been the instigators of much of the pain, I felt that if my pain h...More

The Prophecy of The Star Beings

In January of 2003 I had an amazing dream. In it I was walking home at night in the countryside, and I looked up at the night sky, and saw with wonder that huge stylised figures made of thousands of stars danced across the sky from horizon to horizon. ...More

The Secret Power – the Force that heals

The level after level of safety factors built into our system are nothing short of incredible. For adequate functioning our blood pressure needs to be at about 110 to 120 (i.e. it displaces 110 millimeters of mercury). It can drop to 70-80 before a critical situation arises in which tissue may die b...More

Life After Death?

I know that if you went out to people in the street and asked if they believe in life after death, some would smile and say they do not believe that there is any life continuing after physical death. In fact they might have a sort of supercilious view of those who do believe, because as far as they...More

Are There Parallel Universes?

David Deutsch, an Oxford University Professor describes parallel universes as the multiverse. What has been discovered in exploring quantum mechanics is that a universe must exist for every physical possibility. He goes on to say that quantum theory leaves no doubt that other universes exist in exac...More

Using Your Intuition – 1

Our memory stores millions of pieces of information gathered throughout our lifetime. Nothing is forgotten, and it would be strange indeed if from that vast storehouse of information our computer couldn’t come up with some very shrewd observations or calculations about most things important to us....More

Buddhism and the Way of Liberation

Ancient approaches to homeostasis were not always in the form of trance or possession though. Two thousand five hundred years ago Guatama the Buddha gave an impulse to the world which has developed a quite different relationship with self regulatory processes. In terms of homeostasis we can see thes...More

Your Inner Child

One of the tragedies of adult life is that you may have forgotten your childhood. You may still remember events and dates, but the intensity of feelings, the real insight into the world of childhood may be lost. Can you remember how it was to live before time began for instance? The sense of time i...More

Sit Down – You’re Rocking the Boat

Dr. Karagulla, a famous neurologist, described an experiment she made with two doctors. To test heightened sensory perception she blindfolded one of the doctors and gave him a photograph. It was a medical picture of a pregnant woman. He was asked to pass his fingertips over the photograph and report...More

Heaven and Hell

I SUPPOSE we have all at some time awoken, terrified, from a dream where a bull is chasing us. Or maybe our nightmare is one in which an evil old man or woman grabs at us. Or we open a door and see an awful monster in the shape of a deformed animal or human. Most of us now know enough about dreams ...More

The Mystery of Sleep and Death

In experiments where the subjects were deprived of body sensations by suspension in blood heat water, and with sound and vision totally shut out, strange results occurred. Some people quickly lost all awareness of self, despite not being asleep. Others experienced horrific or ecstatic fantasies or d...More

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