Abort Aborting Abortion
In general this is about losing or getting rid of a part of you, or a project/idea, that was just developing and is therefore fragile. It can refer to a relationship that has not worked, or you feel will not work. It suggests one has aborted, or might abort or lose, an idea, a direction, or an area of one’s feelings such as might surround a love affair; an attempted relationship, direction or project is not supported by your own enthusiasm, love, energy or confidence.
The loss of something developing within you that you must decide whether you wanted it gone or whether you did not want to lose it. Or the feeling you will lose a creative idea, a direction, a project or an area of your feelings such as might surround a love affair; an attempted relationship, that is no longer supported by your own enthusiasm, love, energy or confidence
If you are a woman and pregnant, it may be revealing a fear of losing the child; or you may be exploring feelings to do with abortion; or even feeling something from the past.
The dream is seldom a prediction.
If the abortion is natural: Something your being is rejecting as unhealthy or unwholesome, or something you have been developing that has not worked out.
If dream connects with actual abortion: The emotions surrounding the actual experience of abortion; sense of guilt; the fears of damage to future possibility of childbearing; the feelings about loss of the baby. All these need to be healed in some measure.
Also: The body was in the midst of a process if the abortion was induced. The body has powerful feeling reactions which need acknowledgement, and are frequently presented in dreams. See: baby.
Example: I dreamt that my mum had a miscarriage. When I woke up I knew she had split with her current boyfriend. She rang up and I said, ‘Mum, don’t tell me, I know why you’ve rung, you’ve broken with your boyfriend’. She was amazed and asked how I knew. Antoinette T.
Antoinette’s dream shows how the dream uses abortion to depict the loss of a relationship.
Here is another example:
I woke up sweating this morning, I had a dream that my husband and I were in a car accident and something went wrong and my body was trying to reject the pregnancy ( I have never had a child, but 2 years ago I lost a baby due to miscarriage) and the doctors gave me an emergency C-section. The baby was a girl and extremely tiny, I felt very attached to this little girl, and she ended up dying of complications.
My reply to this woman was – Now the Big you has tremendous feelings and is involved in you as only it can understand. So in your dream your car accident represents what it felt like when your baby miscarried. Something had gone wrong that was why the miscarriage happened.
But you as a woman are a wonderful thing, and the Big you and the personal you are so intertwined, but you/we are usually unaware how much the Big you feels when a baby is lost. It has worked miracles to form this amazing thing – a baby. And to see it lost it felt badly. So you and the Big you were very attached, and the Big you more so as it had formed every cell of the baby.
So what you felt in the dream was a little of the crying for that loss for both of you. When a woman is open to her inner process of Life – the Big you – then she will try to heal her heart and her body of the loss. Mostly it is just swept under the carpet. But your dream is a way of healing. Meeting the feelings of the Big you can be scary because we are not taught that we have anything in us except blood and guts and so have no experience of knowing who we are.
Example: I had an abortion when I was 16 years old I was forced into it. My child would have been 6 years old by now. I been having dreams of this little girl and she keeps calling me mommy it simply breaks my heart. And all I do is cry. But what does it mean to have dreams like this?
Reply – There is so much people never learn from school, television and public opinion. Your child is not dead and of course she is communicated with you in your dreams. Your love for her keeps her alive, and please do not keep ‘breaking you heart’ because it puts a real burden on your growing inner child.
It would take me too long to answer your questions fully here, but if you click on the links you will get a lot of what you need to know. So see – Fertility – Summing Up – The Inner World – Talking with the dead
A friend wrote to me recently and was supporting abortion. My reply was, “I partly agree, but after abortion many women have difficulty having a baby, or the first baby is born with malformations. Examples are my wife’s’ sister whose baby was born with terrible problems. Also my father’s sisters – Roman Catholics were very keen on abortions and not having babies and all died of cancer of the womb.
You cannot really screw with the nature of women and get away totally free for we are all living creatures, and we are all born with a tremendous urge to have sex – in one way or another.
But here is something I experienced while working as a therapist. Linda had been sent by her doctor because she suffered depression. “The fourth and final session began with Linda lying on a blanket.
At this point neither of us understood what her movements meant, or what her inner of the LifeStream process was beginning to express. Because the movements were strong enough, and Linda could allow the spontaneous action easily now, I suggested she lay down instead of standing. We were using – LifeStream
The fourth and final session began with Linda lying on a blanket. Her arms quickly began the spontaneous movements to her abdomen without needing any priming by finding the tensions. The movements were much stronger this time and her whole body became involved. Her knees drew up and her abdominal area domed. She made very little sound – some people are extremely vocal – but she was intensely absorbed in the movements for nearly an hour before they stopped and she lay peacefully.She then sat up and told me excitably she had experienced something extraordinary.
She said that four years earlier she had been divorced and went to live in Spain with her children. While there she had an affair with a Spaniard and became pregnant. Because she already had children and was not wanting to stay with the man, she had an abortion.
During her body movements it had seemed to her as if the Life in her had said the abortion had hurt it. It then led her through the spontaneous movements to complete the process of birth of that baby, and in that way she now felt whole.
The process of birth which had been cut off had been able to complete itself. Abortion hurts the process that keeps us alive – and women who have abortions do not usually allow LifeStream to heal them by completing the birth process.
And what is so wrong in taking care and taking the pill – so why have an abortion instead of taking care? You must realise that the most powerful urge in us is to have sex, and it will override any objections, fears or restraints you have unless you are very string willed. But even strong restraint is harmful, for that energy has to go somewhere – often into neurotic behaviour or even worse. See Energy Sex and Dreams
Useful questions and hints are:
What have I lost that has been newly developing or emerging in my life?
Is this something I should try to regain?
Does healing need to take place around the feelings in the dream?
See Techniques for Exploring your Dreams – Secrets of Power Dreaming – Life’s Little Secrets
I had a dream wherein I was taking a shower & while cleaning myself i pulled out a small baby… something like a self abortion. until that time in the dream I didn’t know I was pregnant……nor am I in real life. I woke up scared and confused, ad still can’t make any sense of it.
Cheryl – It would have helped in understanding your dream if you had given some background – like your age, have you had any children, have you had an abortion etc.
But you must remember that dreams are not to be understood by thinking of them as if they are similar to waking life – they are not. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
You were having a shower an act of cleaning yourself – but such cleaning in a dream is not just your body but your inner self – your mind, emotions, your imagination and sexual feelings. Also you aborted something, something that was not healthy enough to carry through to full term.
We are always pregnant with something inside us – not the body. Remember that you are not just a body, for without consciousness your body would be senseless. You are a body, a mind/soul and a spirit. So you can be pregnant with an idea, a plan, beliefs or a relationship that you carry within you and give life to. So try being the poor thing you aborted and find out what it is – try http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
I had a dream that I had an abortion or whatever the case was but, as I was leaving out the hospital with my mom, I told turned around and said I want to see my baby. So when I got back to where they had him placed (inside the clear see through thing they have babies in when they first born and minor problem wrong with them) the baby had a cast on his midarmwrist & the whole time I’m looking at the baby, he’s moving. The baby was big and I looked between his legs and I was like “And it was a boy”.?!?! So as I’m trying to take a pic of my baby this girl kept putting his hand in front of my baby a I just started fighting her and than I woke up
I had a dream I was in the bathroom & birthed a premature baby but he looked healthy and I was happy and confused because I didn’t want anymore children. From nowhere a hanger pierced the back of his head and his brains came out and he died.
Toni – Do not confuse your dream baby with a real baby. You obviously did because you felt that the dream baby would mean would have to care for another external child.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing too help in understanding your dreams.
Giving birth in a dream can indicate giving birth to a new phase in your life. But in your dream there is a conflict between the natural and instinctive urge to have a baby and your conscious decision – because I didn’t want anymore children. From nowhere a hanger pierced the back of his head and his brains came out and he died.
If you can recognise that you are a woman and it is your nature and your potential to have a baby and give birth. You developed in this way because you are a creature of evolution. If you deny that part of you – the urge to procreate – you deny yourself. In fact that basic, primeval drive is your source of power. It is a great river of energy. Out of that your power arises. You do not have to become childbearing to have that creativity. You do not even need to have a functioning womb, because at your core you are the power of creation and instead of denying it you could create in a thousand other ways. So imagine going back in your dream and caring for that vulnerable part of you and help it to survive and grow. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
I had a dream last night that i was running from a creature (he had no legs and crawled around on the ground with his arms and torso and head. for a mouth he had a gapeing hole with fangs protruding out) He was trying to grab me and i asked him who he was and he said “i am a dark part of your mother she tries to hide from you. She planned to abort you in hell and i’m here to finish the job.” i then tried to bargain with the creature by telling him i could trade my soul for the most evil soul in the world. He grabbed me and said “what makes you think you are immune?” I woke up sweating and i immedietly went to check on my mother who was fine. It’s not uncommon for me to have strange dreams, but this one has really lingered in my mind and scares me. What could this mean?
I had a dream that I’m in a very quite and empty hospital having abortion. A lot of blood is dropping and there is one lady doctor and one male helper. as soon as the baby is taken out and I’m bleeding heavily, that guy started to rape me and I kept screaming but he raped me brutally and then I tried to escape and run so that he can’t kill me. So I’m ran naked outside of that cabin but at last he caught me and then the dream was over.
It’s really horrifying because I’m not pregnant nor I’m planing to. It was very scary and disturbing. Please tell me what can it mean?
I had a dream last night that I found out I was pregnant, my husband told me of we could abort it and we went to a clinic, I refused it and left, then when I got home I started bleeding..it felt so surreal…
I recently had a dream that I had gone to have an abortion without my partner even knowing I was pregnant I was with my mum and nan but when I went into the consultants room I ran for the doors and couldn’t go through with the procedure.. The reason for going for the abortion was because my 2nd child was only 4months old. The dream felt so real and my actual children and there ages were all real the only thing is I am not pregnant so why would I be visiting an abortion clinic?
Laura – The reason could be that you live in two very different worlds, although most people think they only live in one world – the waking physical world. They forget that we have many different dimension we live in – our mind being one of them. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
The inner dream world is just as real as the outside physical world, except that they have very different rules and possibilities. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
In the inner world of your dreams you can have a baby and see it grown in subsequent dreams. The dream baby is your own new phase of life; a new idea; new activity – as when we say someone has a new baby, meaning a new project or business. This ‘baby’ might be part of you that did not have a chance to be ‘born’ or express before. Or it may be things learned in a rich life that you could not put into practice because of circumstances.
It is innate in women to dream of being creative and giving birth in their dreams. So I believe that such a baby is a very real part of you – though an inner and not always an outer part. In other words a dream baby is a new birth of part of you that is emerging and needs to be cared for. So obviously you do not want to abort the new you – although you mix up the rules that apply to the outer life with the inner life it led to confusion.
I am 8 weeks pregnant and I have made the choice to have an abortion due to personal reason but I have been undecided. Last night I had a dream I had my abortion and the doctor made me hold my baby it was unbelievably tiny just a tad bigger than a kidney bean. Then it looked up at me and blinked this made me unbelievably emotional causing me to beg the doctor to put my baby bag in my womb, after they had replaced it they told me I was having a girl. What does this mean please???
Im a female and I had a dream that my ex girlfriend who left me for her current boyfriend had an abortion and I saw it being done . And in the dream I was texting her and talking about the guy she was with but the guy In the dream isnt her current boyfriend. What does this mean
I had an abortaion when i was 16 years old i was forced into it ..my child would of been 6 years old by now .. I been having dreams of this little girl and she keeps calling me mommy it simply breaks my heart .. And all i do is cry .. But what dies it mean to have dreams like this?
Lexi – There is so much people never learn from school, television and public opinion. Your child is not dead and of course she is communicated with you in your dreams. Your love for her keeps her alive, and please do not keep ‘breaking you heart’ because it puts a real burden on your growing inner child.
It would take me too long to answer your questions fully here, but if you click on the links you will get a lot of what you need to know. So see – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing – http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/ – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#TalkingDead
But here is something I experienced while working as a therapist – “The fourth and final session began with Linda lying on a blanket. Her arms quickly began the spontaneous movements to her abdomen without needing any priming by finding the tensions. The movements were much stronger this time and her whole body became involved. Her knees drew up and her abdominal area domed. She made very little sound – some people are extremely vocal – but she was intensely absorbed in the movements for nearly an hour before they stopped and she lay peacefully. She then sat up and told me she had experienced something extraordinary. She said that four years earlier she had been divorced and went to live in Spain with her children. While there she had an affair with a Spaniard and became pregnant. Because she already had children and did not want to stay with the man, she had an abortion. During her body movements it had seemed to her as if the life in her had said the abortion had hurt the process of life in her. It then led her through the spontaneous movements to complete the process of birth of that baby, and in that way she now felt whole. The process of birth which had been cut off had been able to complete itself.” See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/
I had a terrible nightmare that I was pregnant (I am a college student and do not plan on having children any time soon). Apparently it was just about time for me to deliver the baby because my friend and I joked that it could come any time now and about my water never breaking. Shortly thereafter I’m in a dark hospital room where a manic doctor is struggling to manually break my water bag with a long tube to initiate labor. All the while my mom assures me she’ll be waiting outside and we will surrender the baby for adoption together. The doctor gives me some kind of drug that causes me to pass out. I wake up and everyone in the hospital seems to be happy about the birth. I ask to see the baby, slightly saddened that I won’t be able to keep it. The doctor, slightly confused, reminds me that my baby is dead; I had not gone in to deliver the baby but to have it aborted. I am confused and hurt and feel that I’ve been set up or tricked into getting an abortion. I fall to my knees on the hospital floor and cry uncontrollably.
Abby – What an awful lot of rubbish you must have been fed in the films and media to cause such a nightmare. Nightmares are usually to show us where we have mistaken ideas, or else to point out a trauma that needs to be dealt with.
Maybe you have been thinking about or worrying about getting pregnant, and so this mixture of horror pours out of you. Please talk to your college therapist or adviser about fears of getting pregnant. Your mother surely wouldn’t let you give the baby away – would she? So talk about you worries with someone – please.
I dreamt that I was in the living room (a different living room not our own) with family and my mom suddenly dragged me out to speak to me. In a room she told me that I was 1 month pregnant. I freaked out & asked half crying “How could I be pregnant?! I haven’t even done any…of that stuff!” She explained that the doctor said it didn’t matter, that sometimes pregnancy just happens to some people without the need for intercourse. I was devastated bc I’m in sports and this meant I wouldn’t be able to run track/xc, march in the band, and I was also ashamed bc I didn’t want to be the pregnant 15year old in the family. I was the smart one of the family, and there I was- pregnant. All I thought was “I need to talk to my mom about abortion. I have to be able to do all these things!” And yeah…. Idk I don’t like the idea abortion but in this dream I was willing to do it?
Nicole – You are mixing up your dream life with your waking life, in which you have ambitions. But it is causing you an inner conflict that is unnecessary. Of course you can have a baby without having sex – in your inner life – that is actually what the virgin Mary is about – a conception from an invisible and wonderful source.
So read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#WomCreative and http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
So if you can accept that you have an inner world/life distinct from you outer life you will not need to kill out the new you that you are growing within you, nor give up your ambitions. But do not make the mistake of ignoring or killing your female creativity. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
I had a dream last night that really shook me up. At first I got the impression that I was in a hotel, but then it became apparent that I was on some sort of cruise ship. At the beginning the only two people besides me were 2 teenage boys aged around 15. One of them attempted to engage in sexual behaviour with me and I rejected him and left the room. The next thing I remember is panicking extremely, and then suffering from some sort of miscarriage. I remember pain between my legs and blood dripping to the floor from there. I also remember my Mother suddenly being present, looking a mess (which is strange as she usually takes good care of her appearance) and although I do not remember exactly what she said I think she was jeering and laughing at me. I then remember going back inside, highly upset and still panicked to tell the 2 boys who seemed not to care. All of a sudden the boat was filling with tourists and I had nowhere to go, still bleeding.
Suddenly there seemed to be a passing of time. The previous incident was mostly forgotten, or I was at least attempting to. I was with friends though I do not remember if they were people I am actually friends with or even know in the real world, we were at a pier which also had a sort of waterpark in it. Whilst in a cafe there that was crowded and slightly flooded me and my friends were sexually harrassed, again by some teenage boys. We left and went to the water park where I went through a stimulated whirlpool that was frightening and almost drowned me. All of a sudden I was back into the cruise ship of before. It was a mess, flooding slightly and everything broken up inside, and this sounds bizarre but with the group of people I was with (including an army officer) we came across a suitcase full of bombs that were made to look like feces? They proceeded to spark and explode within the room and I had to rush to get water to put them out.
I apologise for this being so long and explicit, but I am very shaken up by this dream. I have recently started work as an escort so it may be about any fears I have with that, although I do not hold any generally in my day to day life.
Bridie – Something I know for certain is that we have a massive amount of past views and reservations from past generations. An acorn that is planted is not starting from scratch but carries the essence of thousands of past trees. For us it is similar – but with a difference. See http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/animal-children/#Program
So I see your dream showing some of the programs you picked up from your mother and the culture you were raised in. The dream feature of your mother being a mess suggests not that she was or is a mess, but that in the area you are facing in your work it contributes a messy feeling. Please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
Also we all carry some shit in us regarding the undealt with conditioning or traumas we hold within us. Your dream shows these as potentially explosive. What I suggest is that the boat suggests your work will bring you into close contact with many people, and that can be a wonderful experience or a very destructive one. I met a young woman who was a sex worker, and her attitude was what made her special in dealing with people. See http://dreamhawk.com/news/interview-with-a-sex-worker-2/
Also it might be helpful to read http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/ and http://dreamhawk.com/news/avoiding-being-my-own-victim/ also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/#Integrate
I just woke up from a pretty intense pseudo-nightmare.
I was laying on a medical bed in planned parenthood or some kind of abortion clinic. I don’t think I knew why I was there. The first lady asked me basic questions and completed an intake form (in a weird dream way I knew that happened even tho I don’t see her physically write it), a second lady came in and she started talking about and getting ready for the procedure. Both ladies were wearing cut nylon rights over their heads to cover their identity. (How could they breathe?) after the second lady got ready to perform the abortion I started freaking out because I realized why I was there — how could I be pregnant if I had my period 3 weeks ago?! How many months was I?! I was getting my period while I was pregnant? My baby probably has fetal alcohol syndrome!!! I was crying and screaming; I refused the abortion, but I kept asking the nurse how many months and she wouldn’t tell me. I kept repeating “I can’t take care of it, I can’t take care of it” because I’m emotionally/financially not ready but I wanted the baby, even if it would be by a dad I’m 99% sure wouldn’t have anything to do with it, and the baby would be of a different race and I would probably get even more judgement than single young moms already do. I kept crying and screaming. It was terrible.
Abortion in a dream means getting rid of a part of you or an idea/project that’s fragile… But what if you’re in an abortion and then change your mind?
For the last several months I have dreamed about abortion. It was never me getting the abortion, it was people I have never met nor seen before. The babies are almost always the same the babies look like a doll like an older doll. But they are crying. They are often under developed and where they are missing a body part (always the lips along with there lips) are swen shut with black string. I have never had an abortion. What do these dreams mean? The very first one was my mother haveing an abortion.
In my dream, I was about three months pregnant. When I found out, I was confused and kind of dissapointed because in the dream I’d already had two kids. One of them was because I’d had unprotected sex but the other was because I was a surrogate. This baby confused me because I knew I hadn’t been with anyone, but at the same time I wanted the baby. I was dissapointed in myself because I am 17 and having my third child. Later on in the dream, someone I was close to tried to make me lose the baby.
If it’s relevant, I’m currently 17 but I have no intention of having children in my future.
Samantha – This is a dream about conflicts in you. You want the child and yet feel disappointment. You wanted the baby and yet someone – another aspect of you – tried to make you lose the child. Then there is another sign of conflict in that you say you have no intention of having a child in the future – yet your dream self obliviously is having a baby.
I think you need to remember that this is a dream child and has no father. In a way it is like virgin birth, a special part of you wanting to take part in your life. There are no outer needs or responsibility attached to such a birth. But you do need to love what is trying to come into your life.
Remember that Life is in you and causes you to exist. It has rights of its own, and in a real way you are simply a face on an ancient process, a mystery we call Life.