Alligator Crocodile
Feelings or fears of being attacked or overwhelmed, possibly from within oneself, or by a powerful mother – i.e. ones internal dependence upon mother. There is so much about ourselves we do not know, and when a new aspect of us, or a much larger power within us emerges – like and great creature from our depths – we react to it with fear. See Autonomous complex
The alligator and crocodile often represent a hidden form of treachery, apparently harmless until it opens its mouth to eat us, such as that of a person spreading malicious rumours or trying to undermine us in some way. Another attack from deep within can be from repressed emotions.
But the alligator or crocodile as a dream creature is not the same as an external alligator. It is an enormous creature from your own depths, your inner self or core self – the part of you that you are not aware of and are frightened of. See core
The alligator or crocodile is similar to the serpent and depicts the power of the emotions, influences and experiences emerging from the unconscious. If you do not relate to your unconscious urges constructively, conflict can occur. Then you may feel fear of these forces within you – fear of being swallowed, or dragged into dark feelings. That is, of being carried away, or possessed, by fears, urges, ideas, arising from within, or fear of the irrational.
The Egyptians worshipped a crocodile as a guide to the dead in the underworld. It represents not only a threat, but also a wealth of wisdom about unconscious things. It possibly represented the forces of the unconscious because of the observation of the crocodile emerging from hidden depths to lay its eggs on the river bank. In this sense the crocodile or alligator in some dreams represents a personal confrontation with eternity. Depending upon the dream, the crocodile may well depict your fears about your inner hugeness. When we meet this it shows a personal awareness of merging with the many lives held in the collective unconscious. It is illustrated by the Christian idea of being cells in the body of Christ. We retain individual life, but know ourselves as part of an eternal life. This is possibly a natural stage in ageing, as our physical prowess and motivations fall away, this immense inner life begins to open to us. See The Life Will
As some people keep pet alligators, there might be a very personal meaning if one has actually kept an alligator.
Example: Now I looked at the large pool where the river surfaced. A woman swam in it, and was going to enter the tunnels. As I watched I saw some huge crocodiles swim toward her. With great speed and confidence she swam away, obviously being able to match the threat. A group of people in the pond, through their group strength, also dealt with the crocodiles.
Example: I can remember that in the dream another person and I, a male but very indistinct and shadowy, were facing mythical creatures in some sort of odyssey. A strange sort of crocodile or alligator type creature was supposedly attacking me. I had mixed feelings about this. Partly I felt there was nothing to fear about the creature, but another feeling was that it might be able to do some damage. In fact it was biting me across my chest, but all I felt was a very strong tickling feeling that made me laugh.
Example: Now a huge unknown creature began to enter into my awareness. I felt the presence of an enormous creature rising to the surface of something like a swamp or a body of water. At first I thought it might be a whale, but as I paid attention to what was happening it defined into a huge crocodile.
This huge creature looked at me and said, “Mathew, join me.”
I laughed at this because it was so huge, and with so many associations of swallowing things, that I said something like, “What do you mean join you? Don’t you mean that you want to eat me?”
The creature replied to me, “No. No, it’s not like that, I’m just like a submarine. I have all these lives in me. I have many, many lives in me. I am life. I contain the many. You can swim this ocean alone Mathew, if you wish. Or you can join me, you can join the many. You can always, if you choose to live your independent life again and leave us.”
I laughed here because I had the image of me being independent, stripping off, diving over the side of the boat into the ocean and swimming off. It is something I have often done in the sea, swimming long distances alone, or off to an island out to sea, by myself.
I began to give myself to that great creature which I now understood as the collective unconscious, the unity of lives. It felt as if it was absolving me, much as I had experienced earlier on. (One of those strange and beautiful, and also moving coincidences just happened. I am reading this in using voice recognition, and it is proving to be very accurate. But in the sentence where I said that I felt it was – and the word was supposed to be absorbing me – the software used the word absolving. And here I am again, back in the ocean, weeping as I know there is no judgment on the life I have led so alone and cut off.)
Useful questions and hints:
What does the alligator represent to me?
What do I know about them?
Am I feeling threatened or carried away by any fears?
In what way is my intuition or awareness reaching beyond myself ?
Do I feel myself part of a larger whole?
See See Summming Up – Reaction to the unconscious – Secrets of Power Dreaming
I dream a crocodile try to attack me. Its intention were to take my bag which is full of my company documents. It grab my bag n move away from me.At last I was able to get the bag from the crocodile and chased it away.
I just had a dream about being given a tour of a swamp in a small boat…we were traveling down the water until we came upon a large alligator tail. Our boat went over it but sunk as soon as it hit it. I went under and swam as fast as I could to a gate….I couldn’t tell where the creature was. …
Michelle – The swamp is a classic indication of a part of you that you know little about – the forces of life in your body that continue to cause you to exist. Becoming conscious if them can seem threatening – the alligators tail – because we usually only think of the world outside us. When we begin to become aware of the deeps inside us we begin to know a very different world. You went into that strange world but obviously tried to get out of it as quik as you could – even though the alligator was not chasing you. The gate is something that you could explore entering. It is a way into a different experience of you.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
hi there, im asking on behalf of my mum –
she dreamt of a huge amount of crocs flooding in to this village. the villagers were all trying to escape up to the mountains while some stayed to defend and fight the invading crocs
my mum successfully climbed up the mountain and managed to talk to another villager who escaped. My mum asked why arent the others running for their lives and stayed behind? The villager replied that some of the villagers who refused to flee did not bear to leave their homes and their possesions so they stayed to fight it out
Then news of rescue came but the only solution was to destroy the whole village, all the crocs and all the people who didnt manage to escape
Would greatly appreciate if u cld help to decipher this dream.. my mumwas quite spooked by it… hopefully theres a positive message to it… thank u!
I dreamt of an alligator on a frozen lake. I was skating on the ice and suddenly right in front of me at a little distance, ice starts to break and from underneath rises an alligator, who is just gazing at me very intently,while as soon as I saw it, I ran away from it, fearing danger for my life. All this while it did not move, did not even flinch a little. But I ran away to my home with a sense of urgency to save my life. I’m not sure if it signifies to look out for danger or just to stay away from negative people who might take me down with their negativity. However, I do feel it might have to do something with my sense of my independence, because I hold it very dearly and get defensive even when someone(friend imcluded) tries to take the space in my life which I don’t want to give. That’s what I can make out of it so far.
Parul – The ice you are skating on is too thin to support you. In other words your attitudes and principles you are living by are not based upon what will support you.
Your dream is telling you that your principles of defensiveness, or trying to be so positive are not working for your own good. And also you are running away from fear – a thing you cannot get away from by running. Please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing
It will show you a new understanding of dreams. Also the alligator as a dream creature is not the same as an external alligator. It is an enormous creature from your own depths – the part of you that you are not aware of and are frightened of, your core self. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/core/
Thank you so much for your insights Sir. Your observation has just helped me uncover another layer about myself. Thanks again.
I had a dream that I was diving into a large pond, it was night and very dark. I was aware that there were huge alligators in the pond and they felt very hungry. The man I was with corrected me and told me they were crocodiles (which are not native to North Carolina). My brother was there somewhere, my mission was to dive and retrieve something from an underwater casket, possibly valuable, and it was near the largest crocodile in the pond. I went for it, diving between pilings under a pier of some sort. The crocodile spotted me, and came after me. I abandoned my mission, and headed back to the boat. When I got to the far side of the pier, I froze in fear as a crocodile (smaller) passed me. He didn’t seem to see me and I was very still next to the piling, still like the dead. When I got back to the boat my brother was missing, I searched for him frantically and found him in the water near the boat. He looked gray/green in the dark. I pulled him into the boat, so afraid he was dead or injured. He had a glazed look in his eyes, but he was alive. I seemed to ride aimlessly in the boat, stepping onto shore once and getting back into the boat without letting my feet touch the water. It felt as of the crocodiles were always near, circling, waiting for me to fall in and drag me to the bottom.
I have a dream that i am in a big gymnasium type building and it is half full of water , there are alligators swimming and crawling around. I am walking on a thin ledge trying to avoid them . I also have other dreams about alligators swimming around in a home that is flooded and my son is floating around on a couch with alligators all around. Please be me to understand. The first dream I talked about with the gymnasium is the one I have been having most recent.
Christine – It is difficult for most people to understand that dreams are simply images thrown on the screen of your mind while you sleep. Usually the images are carefully chosen to have you realise something.
Alligators are associated with swallowing people. But like images on a cinema screen, even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear. So what happens if you let a dream alligator swallow you? You are, in your imagination inside an alligator – and all that happens is what you imagine. Do you imagine fear, destruction, or explore what the images are showing you?
You son represents a younger and less scared aspect of you – and he is okay with the alligators. Please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing – http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
.I had a dream about big ass alligators and crocodiles I was at a gathering on a open patio everybody was dancing on the deck or swimming, then all of a sudden I seen 1 big ass alligator swimming fast towards the ppl that was by the water. At that time I was the only 1 seen it and screamed…alligator!!!!get out the water…bout time I finished saying that the alligator open his mouth wide and ate someone…then more alligators n crocs came and took out half of the ppl that was on deck and n the water…..The crazy thing was after the disaster ppl was still swimming in the water full of blood dancing and shit…I swear I woke outta my dream crying, I wonder what this shit means
Char – It is difficult for most people to understand that dreams are simply images thrown on the screen of your mind while you sleep. Usually the images are carefully chosen to have you realise something.
Alligators are associated with swallowing people. But like images on a cinema screen, even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear. So what happens if you let a dream alligator swallow you? You are, in your imagination inside an alligator – and all that happens is what you imagine. Do you imagine fear, destruction, or explore what the images are showing you?
So what are you frightened of; is it because you are believing dreams are the same as real life – which they are not. Please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing – http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/
I had a dream that me and my dad were laying on the ground and small crocodiles surrounded us and a as many as it fit they sat on our faces so trying not to move at all we ask for help but we waited so long help never came, lost my fear of getting bitten and stood up to step away I was grabbing one crocodile on each hand by its teeth it seem like they were dead and the others disappear, conclusion? Thanks for your time!
Had a second dream about a baby alligator. This time I woke up in my dream and it was in my bed and bit the back of hair and was hanging on to my ponytail. I went running and screaming to have anyone to pull it off me. After it was pulled from my hair I went back to my room to see that the alligator had wet my bed with an enormous amount of urine. The alligator scurried away after it was pulled from and hid again in the house somewhere. We never had it removed. ???? It sounds completely absurd!!! Please help decode!
In my dream there were 3 Alligators (not very big) and they were in the car with me as if they were m pets. Didn’t harm me in any way they were just there. Curious to know what that may mean.
I had a dream last night again about a croc. I’m in the house I grew up. A croc and brown beer is patrolling around the house.all of a sudden the croc is inside attacking my legs, it’s painful and I’m panicking trying to kill the croc. I run around trying to climb on furnitures to keep him away and he keeps jumping at me and biting.im afraid and in pain. Dreams about crocs and snakes are common to me, and they r always chasing me. Why?
I drempt a croc was in my appartment with me and my kids and i leeward it into the staircase. adventually 4 or so floors up to the top floor i traped it in a hall bathroom with myself. I managed to get out of the bathroom and open my apartment door(with my kids still in there) a crack(now across the hall from the bathroom). as i was opening the last door at the top of the staircase (empty room) to trap it in for good the croc emerged from the bathroom and noticed my door open and was walking slowly toward it. I new i could get its attention but that would cause me to become more or less traped. This is when i woke up. I have probably dreamt of animals 5 times in my life. Also i am pregnant right now which ive heard causes crazy dreams..
I had a dream about crocodile it is tied on its body. It is trying to escaped but he can’t. Then one guy killed iI. I’ve been dreaming this for 2 consecutive nights.
Paul – A crocodile represents your basic life energy, your natural survival drive. That it has been killed is an awful thing to do, for it is an energy, a life force in you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming
I had a dream tonight, along with other dreams these usually keep me awake. But this one I walking down my regular street, at the end it was extreme flooding with a net above, on the way I saw and alligator and a crocodile, I move the alligator out of my way with no fear, but I can’t seem to remember what happen to the crocodile.
I had a dream that my street was littered with crocodiles. They were peppered across lawns and driveways, all lying on their backs and having difficulty breathing. I called animal control for help, and the operator told me that there was only one control man and he was all over town dealing with the same problem. I tried to express the magnitude of the situation, that there were just SO many and I’d only seen half the street, even. She told me to keep them hydrated, so I went into my kitchen and got a cup of ice cubes. I was affraid of getting too close, and I kept shooing my cats away, as I started sliding ice cubes across the floor toward different crocodiles. Some began to turn over and receed back into corners and between things until they dissapeared.
Nichole – I take it you live near Wheldon Spring, and I don’t think crocodiles are natives of that area. So your dream paints a picture of a very unusual event, and you were not frightened of it, just concerned about what could be done. When no outside help was found you decided to do things yourself by ‘cooling things down’.
So I think that at some recent point you experienced a massive uprising of what were previously unusual events or experiences. Obviously I could be wrong, but it sounds very likely that something unusual happened.
today i have seen dream many crocodile more than 100 running and lying in sea i was standing outside and see all crocodile i was afraid because they are jumping but suddenly sound o f azzan came and all crocodile praying and going to do sajjda
Sahar – All creatures are holy in the inner world of our dreams. So your practice of sajjda gave you the insight. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing and http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/