Bare-feet Barefoot
To be in contact with reality, your real life situation. Might also suggest rough going if walking is hard. Of course, in some cultures it could mean poverty.
Going through a rough patch in life if walking is difficult, or feeling unprepared to meet your present life situation. Letting go of the everyday duties and responsibilities, or feeling in contact with nature and your life situation if enjoying it. Feeling embarrassed about not being ‘properly’ dressed, or that you are not conforming.
Example: “You got to hope for somefing. If you don’t hope you might as well walk right out this minute and lay in the nearest ditch and stay there. There’s plenty a rough places to walk barefoot while your hoping – I know that. So just hitch your skirts up and keep on going over the stony bits.”
You might also have taken shoes off to walk quietly so as not to be noticed. If this is so it suggests you are trying to fade into the background in some way. See shoes.
If you are not bothered about being barefooted it can mean you feel confident and are not worried by social conventions. So can mean feeling playful easy and confident about your footing, even joyous and natural.
If you feel embarrassed by being barefooted and unsure, it suggests that you feel it is socially inappropriate appearance in many public places. But if you feel easy then it shows you are comfortable about not conforming to conventions.
Useful Questions and Hints:
Am I bothered or easy about being barefooted?
Is it hard to walk or am I finding it easy?
Do I often walk without shoes?
My father dreamt i was in a gang wanting to kill someone..afterwards he saw me dirty and barefooted..along with my grandfather who was just barefooted
I dreamed that I’m in a mall and starting to leave the mall to go home but forgot were I put my shoes when I was strolling in the mall so I was kinda running since I think I should go home as soon as I can so I would not have to walk barefoot in public. And before the leave the mall I saw a friend who I think doesn’t really know I’m not wearing shoes and asks me to come with her. So I went with her and my dream end without even reaching home. While I’m walking inside the mall before I exit the mall, I kind of feeling embrassed since I think people would say bad things about me. When I exited the mall, the streets have broken or shattered glass and it’s also somewhat dirty.
Dear Nell – What does “home” mean to you?
What makes you think that people would say bad things about you?
You wrote; “And before the leave the mall I saw a friend who I think doesn’t really know I’m not wearing shoes and asks me to come with her.”
I feel it is not that your friend doesn’t really know that you are not wearing shoes; I believe she wants to show you something – “When I exited the mall, the streets have broken or shattered glass and it’s also somewhat dirty” – with the intention to help you become aware, for that is what friends are for; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/friend/
I believe that you can reach “home” when you find this place inside yourself where you do not worry over other people’s criticism (either real or imagined); http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/love-of-self/
The glass on the road suggests that your worries and so your thoughts can make walking difficult, because you might step into the glass.
Because you have a helpful friend inside you, why not ask her how to deal with “cleaning out the dirt” so that you can walk barefoot without running the risk of hurting yourself with your worries?
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dialogue-with-a-dream-character-or-object/
Anna 🙂
I don’t remember my dreams often, but this morning i remember the one happen last night.
I was in a rave party aparently at the beach, with my boyfriend and a couple of friends who currently split up.
I was on bare feet but on a strange floor, not sand.
I walk around the perimeter of the place were the party was going on, but my feet hurt.
The nails of my feet toes caused me pain been specificly.
I searh for my boyfriend and ask him if he could help me checkin out my toes.
We sat on the floor and he take out nowhere a nailcutter, and cut the nails on my toes.
He cut the left one with no difficulty, instant relief of the pai in that toe and myself thinking he cut it out perfectly, then he pass to my right toe, and cut my nail and then apppeared a root plant caming out of my finger flesh, under my nail.
It was a large sprout with leafs and seeds hanging and my boyfriend pull it out, i was amazed.
He took them out and i stop feeling pain, like new toes.
After that i woke up.
Dear Lorena – In your dream you become aware of something that is bothering you; so moving (on) becomes painful.
To rave is the act of wild, out of control dancing to loud electric/techno music along with lots of strobe lights and flashers.
Please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/dance-dancing/
You do not seem to join the party and the dancing in your dream though.
You dreamed “I was on bare feet but on a strange floor, not sand.
I walk around the perimeter of the place were the party was going on, but my feet hurt”.
A strange floor can relate to a foundation which is not in harmony with your true self.
But please explore for yourself what the strange feeling was about and why you did not join the party using Power Dreaming http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/
Also explore if you feel like joining the party at the end of the dream, when that what was possible withholding you from joining and dancing is removed.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/peer-dream-group/#carryforward
Your boyfriend – a symbol of your assertiveness and taking charge of situations – is helping you toward inner change; the cutting of the nails.
On your right foot he cut your nails as a means to “open you”; to reveal something; “and then apppeared a root plant caming out of my finger flesh, under my nail.
It was a large sprout with leafs and seeds hanging”.
Feet are a symbol of your basic psychological support system, therefore the attitudes and ideals you use to get around in the world.
Some of this foundation was “uprooted” and this “undoing” released your pain.
The plant in your right foot I would associate with “weed” because the term is also applied to any plant that grows or reproduces aggressively; the seeds hanging.
Weed in a dream is a symbol of a personal trait or attitude that is not contributing to your well-being. Something growing in your life that you may be best without, which you were able to experience in your dream too.
So please explore the plant to get an understanding what the personal traits or attitudes are that you let go off by using “Being the plant” and/or “Talking as the plant”.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson
“Like new toes” may refer to “death of the old and rebirth”; so please also read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-archetype-of-rebirth-or-resurrection/
Anna 🙂